RMS Ivernia Passenger List - 1 October 1901

Front Cover of a Saloon Passenger List from the RMS Ivernia of the Cunard Line, Departing Tuesday, 1 October 1901 from Liverpool to Boston.

Front Cover of a Saloon Passenger List from the RMS Ivernia of the Cunard Line, Departing Tuesday, 1 October 1901 from Liverpool to Boston, Commanded by Captain J. B. Watt. GGA Image ID # 11c78667cc

Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: J. B. Watt
  2. Surgeon: H. Merrall
  3. Purser: Ambilose Shea
  4. Chief Steward: B. Coyle


Ships List of Saloon Passegers

  1. Mrs. A. N. Allen
  2. Mrs. W. P. Andrews
  3. Miss A. A. Andrews
  4. Mr. Walter R. Ballantyne
  5. Mr. F. A. Bicknell
  6. Mr. C. L. Bouvg
  7. Mr. Thomas N. Bradley
  8. Mrs. Brown
  9. Mr. George J. Burns
  10. Rev. William J. Butler
  11. Miss A. H. Bone
  12. Mr. T. P. Cabot
  13. Mrs. W. H. Carley
  14. Mr. Claude Carlot
  15. Mrs. Carlot
  16. Mrs. Chaffee
  17. Dr. Walter Charming
  18. Mrs. Walter Charming
  19. Mr. Hayden Charming
  20. Miss Rosalie Charming
  21. Miss Barbara Charming
  22. Mr. Arthur B. Claflin
  23. Mrs. Claflin
  24. Mr. G. D. Clapp
  25. Mrs. Clapp
  26. Rev. Father Clark
  27. Mr. S. Clark
  28. Mrs. S. Clark
  29. Mr. A. Clark
  30. Miss Clark
  31. Mrs. W. J. Clark
  32. Miss Clark
  33. Mrs. H. B. Clement
  34. Mr. C. A. Cutter
  35. Mrs. Cutter
  36. Mrs. R. H. Davis
  37. Miss Delf
  38. Mrs. J. M. Doane
  39. Mr. J. E. Dockendorf
  40. Mrs. Dockendorf
  41. Mr. W. E. Edwards
  42. Mrs. Samuel Eliot and Maid
  43. Miss O. B. Emery
  44. Mrs. Jonathan Evans
  45. Miss Anna Evans
  46. Miss Lydia Farnham
  47. Mr. H. Fletcher
  48. Mrs. Fletcher
  49. Mrs. J. K. Flood
  50. Mr. John S. Gittings
  51. Miss Mary E. Haskell
  52. Mr. E. M. Hayden
  53. Mrs. Hayden
  54. Master G. Hayden
  55. Mr. Alexander Henderson
  56. Master Alex. E. Henderson
  57. Miss Jane W. Henderson
  58. Mr. O. Herford
  59. Mr. H. L. Higginson
  60. Mrs. Higginson and Maid
  61. Dr. John Homans
  62. Mrs. C. D. Homans
  63. Mr. Thomas Horsfield
  64. Mr. W. G. Horton
  65. Mrs. Horton
  66. Miss Grey Hughes
  67. Mrs. Henry F. Hurlbert
  68. Mr. Henry F. Hurlbert, Jr.
  69. Mrs. J. Chester Inches
  70. Miss Natica Inches
  71. Mr. William Irwin
  72. Mrs. Jacob
  73. Miss Jacob
  74. Mrs. Otis N. Jones
  75. Miss Jones
  76. Rev. J. Wynne Jones
  77. Mr. Henry H. Kelt
  78. Miss Rosetta Key
  79. Mrs. T. A. Lewis and Maid
  80. Mr. Allen Lewis
  81. Mrs. George Linder
  82. Miss Linder
  83. Miss Ethie B. Linder
  84. Mr. Gustav Lundberg
  85. Mrs. Lundberg
  86. Miss Harriet McCarter
  87. Rev. Father McGlew
  88. Mr. J. E. Merrill Mrs. Merrill
  89. Mr. A. D. Middleton
  90. Mrs. Middleton and Maid
  91. Miss Middleton
  92. Mr. David Montgomery
  93. Mrs. Montgomery
  94. Rev. P. N. Mosher
  95. Mr. F. G. Nind
  96. Miss E. G. Norton
  97. Mr. George C. Phillips
  98. Mrs. Phillips
  99. Dr. G. C. Powell
  100. Mr. M. E. Pierce
  101. Mrs. J. T. Prince
  102. Miss Edith Probyn
  103. Miss Carrie Probyn
  104. Miss Dora Probyn
  105. Miss Mabel Probyn
  106. Miss Rebecca Renwick
  107. Miss Margaret Renwick
  108. Mr. S. Ridenour
  109. Mrs. Ridenour
  110. Mr. John Ridenour
  111. Mrs. Chandler Robbins
  112. Miss E. Robins
  113. Mr. Charles L. Rogers
  114. Mr. G. D. Ruinsey
  115. Mrs. Rumsey
  116. Mr. John E. Sanford
  117. Miss K. I. Sanford
  118. Mrs. Sellew
  119. Miss Josephine H. Short
  120. Mrs. Francis Smith
  121. Miss Marjorie Smith
  122. Miss Esther N. Stokes
  123. Mr. Charles F. Stone
  124. Mrs. Stone
  125. Mr. Percival M. Stone
  126. Mr. Charles B. Stone
  127. Miss Grace H. Story
  128. Mr. John Sweetman
  129. Mrs. Sweetman
  130. Mr. George H. Swift
  131. Mr. George F. Swift, Jr.
  132. Mr. Nat Swift
  133. Mr. H. F. Talbot
  134. Mrs. Talbot
  135. Mr. H. C. Thomson
  136. Mrs. Thomson
  137. Mrs. Charles R. Train
  138. Professor P. Walderstrom
  139. Mrs. Walderstrotn
  140. Mr. W. O. Walker
  141. Mr. J. A. R. Waters
  142. Miss M. J. Watts
  143. Mr. Richard Webb
  144. Mrs. Webb
  145. Mr. A. S. White
  146. Mrs. White and Maid
  147. Master Harry White
  148. Miss Dorothy White
  149. Master Stamford White
  150. Mr. Samuel White
  151. Miss M. D. Whitney
  152. Miss Emily Williston
  153. Miss Adelaide Wood
  154. Mr. A. H. Zeller

Information for Passengers

Meals will be served in the Saloon at the following times :

  • Breakfast from 8:30 to 10:00 am
  • Luncheon at 1:00 pm
  • Dinner (a la Carte) at 7:00 pm
  • Supper, if required, must be ordered before 10 o'clock

The Bar will be closed at 11:00 pm and the Smoking Room at 11:30 pm

The Second Steward has the arrangement of the seats at table.

Divine Service on Sunday at 10:30 am

All enquiries regarding Baggage should be addressed to the Purser.

Steamer Chairs may be hired from the Deck Steward at a cost of 4/- for the voyage.

Valuables and money should be deposited with the Purser, who will give a receipt for same on the Company's form.

Passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company's form for any additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board.

Information as to the methods of Customs Inspection at Boston, dutiable articles and rate of duty thereon, can be obtained from the Purser.

Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

Special trains are run between Riyerside Station, Liverpool, and Euston Station, London, in connection with the arrival and departure of these Steamers. All the other Railway Stations in Liverpool are within a few minutes' drive of the Landing Stage.


Back Cover, Cunard RMS Ivernia Track Chart - 1 October 1901

Back Cover, Cunard RMS Ivernia Track Chart - 1 October 1901. GGA Image ID # 11c789edb8


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