RMS Caronia Passenger List - 14 January 1919
Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Caronia of the Cunard Line, Departing 14 January 1919 from Liverpool to New York, Commanded by Captain C. A. Smith, RNR. GGA Image ID # 120f204a03
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: C. A. Smith, R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: J. Heggie
- Chief Officer: O. Bateman and J. Close
- Surgeon: F. Howard Sinclair
- Chief Steward: H. Sauze
- Purser: F. E. Owen
- Assistant Purser: T. Kissack
Cabin Passengers
- Mr. Raoul Aenlle
- Mr. B. H. Aird
- Mr. H. K. Arrault
- Mr. S. L. Ayres
- Mr. Joseph C. Baldwin
- Mr. Frank H. Barber
- Mr. R. W. Begley
- Mr. W. J. Blenheim
- Mr. John Braa
- Mr. T. E. Brown
- Mrs. Bryan Buck
- Mr. F. L. Byard
- Mr. A. Cotton
- Mr. David Crompton
- Mr. W. J. Davison
- Mr. H. Emmanuel
- Mr. A. Engevik
- Mr. Arthur Farmer
- Mr. Francesco De Fini
- Mr. J. D. Frier
- Dr. Charles Griffin
- Mr. A. F. Hall
- Miss A. Harper
- Miss K. Harper
- Mr. Edward P. Heywood
- Miss Ada Hill
- Mr. C. de Guise Hite
- Mr. A. A. Holm
- Mr. Isidor Jacobs
- Mr. F. Johnson
- Mr. E. Peter Jones
- Mr. H. Beresford Jones
- Mr. David Jones
- Capt. F. E. King
- Mr. E. Kipling
- Mr. F. B. Kirkbride
- Mrs. Kirkbride
- Mr. F. J. Lloyd
- Mr. Wm. A. Lyon
- Miss A. A. Mentasti
- Lieut. D. Mac Vicar
- Mrs. Bruce Miller
- Miss Morris
- Lieut. C. A. Munn
- Lieut. G. Munn
- Mr. A. A. Munro
- Mr. J. Nickels
- Mr. G. H. Noyes
- Mr. Wm. H. Orme-Johnson
- Mr. Edmund A. Orme-Johnson
- Mr. S. E. Osmar
- Mr. W. J. Otis
- Miss M. A. Otis
- Miss Annie Owen
- Capt. F. Parsons
- Lieut.-Col. J. H. Perkins
- Miss J. Peterkin
- Mr. J. Howard Pew
- Major D. E. Pomeroy
- Lieut. Robert G. Reid
- Mr. E. Rollinson
- Mr. W. A. Ross
- Mrs. Ross
- Master W. A. Ross and Nurse
- Mrs. Rough ton
- Mrs. Marjorie Scholer
- Capt. A. Sedgwick
- Miss Alice Seixas
- Mr. B. P. Sexton
- Mr. G. L. Sheaffe
- Miss L. Shepherd
- Miss Shrimpton
- Mrs. Smellie
- Mr. Herbert Leyland Smith
- Mr. E. J. Smith
- Mr. L. B. Stoddart
- Mr. C. A. Sylvester
- Mrs. Sylvester
- Miss Marion Taylor
- Lieut. J. H. Thigpen
- Mr. Edward Vedoe
- Mr. Herbert Ward
- Mr. A. L. Warthen, Jnr.
- Major W. C. Watt
- Mr. W. F. C. Watts
- Mr. Stanley C. Wilson
- Mr. Jas. H. Young
- Mr. Melvin Brugger
- Mr. R. M. Ellis
- Mr. M. W. Gordon
- Capt. F. A. Lobb
- Mr. P. H. L. Phillips
- Mr. Cyrus Robinson
- Lt. H. J. Trainor
- Lieut. C. A. Munn
- Lieut. G. Munn
- Mrs. Smellie
Information for Passengers
Chairs and Rugs may be hired at a Cost of 4/- (or $1) each on application to the Deck Steward.
Each Rug is contained in a sealed cardboard box, and bears a serial number worked into the material so that passengers will have no difficulty in identifying their rugs. At the end of each voyage, the rugs which have been in use, are sent to the store and thoroughly cleaned, before being re-issued.
Meals will be served in the Saloon at the following times:
- Breakfast from 8:00 am until 10:00 am
- Luncheon. 1:00 pm.
- Dinner from 6.30 p.m.
The Bars will be closed at 11.30 p.m.
Seats at Table.—Applications may be made at any of the Chief Offices in advance, or to the Second Steward on board the steamer on day of sailing.
Divine Service on Sunday at 10:30 am
Baggage. —Passengers are recommended to insure their Baggage, as the Company's liability is strictly limited in accordance with Contract Ticket. All enquiries regarding Baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Baggage Master.
Valuables.—The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the Staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company's form. As no charge is made for carriage the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but passengers can protect themselves by insurance.
Passengers should obtain a receipt on the Company s form for any additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board.
Notice.—Passengers are informed that Professional Gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic Steamers and are warned to take precautions accordingly.
Exchange of Money.—Owing to fluctuations it is not possible to make a fixed Rate of Exchange.
The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free.
Arrivals at New York.—Passengers are landed at the Company's Piers, 53 to 56. North River. Foot of West 14th Street, v/here railway tickets can be purchased, and baggage checked to any part of the United States and Canada. After landing, passengers should enquire at the desk on the wharf for letters and telegrams.
When any of the Company s steamers arrive at the Pier after 3:00 pm, passengers have the option of remaining on board overnight and landing after Breakfast the following morning.
Public Telephones.—Telephone service with booths and operator in attendance will be found near the Customs Lines on the New York wharf.
Taxicabs and Carriages can be hired at the New York Piers. Instructions should be given to the Purser in advance.
Arrivals at Liverpool.—Time of Landing Passengers.—
Under normal conditions when any of the Company's steamers arrive alongside the Liverpool Landing Stage after 8:00 pm it is optional for the passengers to go on shore that night. In the event, however, of their remaining on board, they will be landed after breakfast the following morning, either at the stage or in dock as circumstances may make desirable.
In the same way when the vessel reaches the river but does not come alongside the Stage, to prevent inconvenience and to meet emergencies, any passengers desirous of disembarking will, on arrival of the steamer, be landed, with hand baggage only, by tender.
Dogs.—Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.
European Hostilities.—During present Hostilities passengers of foreign nationality are, under the Aliens Act, only permittee to land at certain approved ports, of which Liverpool is one, but Queenstown and Fishguard are excluded, and passengers may be subjected to slight delay on arrival at Liverpool.