SS Servia Passenger List - 18 June 1887

Front Cover of a Saloon Passenger List for the SS Servia of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 18 June 1887 from New York to Liverpool

Front Cover of a Saloon Passenger List for the SS Servia of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 18 June 1887 from New York to Liverpool, Commanded by Captain Horatio McKay. GGA Image ID # 17504359ec

A number of notable passenger were on this voyage including Dr. Emily Blackwell, Victor G Bloede, Charles E. Carryl, George Fiske, William Kelly, Charles Mair, Mary Peck, Tony Pastor, Lord and Lady Stafford, Hugh D. Scott, Annie Wright.

Saloon Passengers

  1. Mr. Robt. F. Armstrong
  2. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Arundel
  3. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Agar
  4. Mr. J. J Asch
  5. Mr. Henry H. Atkins
  6. Mr. W. Allison
  7. Mr. George Arkley
  8. Mrs. George Arkley
  9. Mr. John R. Arkley
  10. Sister Augustine
  11. Mr. Thos. H. Burchell
  12. Mrs. H. J. Burchell
  13. Miss Emma Burchell
  14. Miss Helen Brown
  15. Miss Flora Brown
  16. Dr. Emily Blackwell,
  17. Miss Alice Blackwell
  18. Miss Anna Blackwell
  19. Mr. Alfred Bullion
  20. Mr. Victor G Bloede,
  21. Mr. John Bancroft
  22. Mr. and Mrs. Bowron
  23. Miss Blake
  24. Mrs. Ten Bosch
  25. Mrs. F. J Byrnes
  26. Miss E. Buxton
  27. Miss M. L. Baird
  28. Mr. R. Bingham
  29. Miss Linda Bergan
  30. Mr. F Bird
  31. Mr. Chas. Brown and Son
  32. Miss Isabel Beard
  33. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bain
  34. Mrs. Herbert Beech
  35. Mr. Considine
  36. Mr. Robert J. Chapman
  37. Mr. James Clarkson
  38. Mr. W. O. Callender
  39. Miss M. P. Callender
  40. Mr. Salvador Chamoro
  41. Miss Eliz. Cushier
  42. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E Carryl
  43. Master Guy W. Carryl
  44. Miss Constance Carryl and Maid
  45. Miss Bessie Carryl
  46. Mr. Charles Champion
  47. Mrs. S. N. Carter
  48. Carrall
  49. Miss Mary L. Dunnell
  50. Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan
  51. Mr. Sam'l Dysart
  52. Mr. Alex. Del Mar
  53. Mr. John C. Dalton
  54. Mr. and Mrs. Ellerton L. Dorr
  55. Miss Dorr
  56. Miss Elsie Dorr
  57. Mr. John Eborall
  58. Miss Elliotte
  59. Mr. Oliver Ellis
  60. Mr. Augustus Eller
  61. Miss Elkins' Maid
  62. Miss J. Einstein
  63. Miss Sallie Elkins
  64. Mr. Robert W. Ferguson
  65. Mrs. George Fiske
  66. Mr. H. C. Field
  67. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Fiske
  68. Miss Fiske
  69. Mr. F. B. Fogg
  70. Mr. B. W. Frazier
  71. Mrs. Frazier
  72. Mr. Kenneth Frazier
  73. Mr. A. H Frazier
  74. Mr. Herbert Frazier
  75. Mies Alice Frazier
  76. Miss Isabel Frazier
  77. Miss Fasnacht
  78. Mr. C. N. Fenner
  79. Prof. and Mrs. A. F. Fleet
  80. Mrs. Fisk's Maid
  81. Mr. Fearin
  82. Mr. Gray
  83. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Greeve
  84. Mr. C. E. Granniss
  85. Miss Gaston
  86. Mrs. Thos. B. Gresham
  87. Mr. Herbert Garside
  88. Sir Alex. Galt,
  89. Lady Galt
  90. Miss Gait
  91. Mr. Thomas B. Gresham
  92. Miss Eugenie L. Gray
  93. Mrs. Carrie Hoyt
  94. Capt. W. F. Hurndall
  95. Miss Helen Hitchcock
  96. Mr. W. C. Hall, .Ir.
  97. Mr. Egbert C Hambley
  98. Mr. Thomas Howe
  99. Mrs. Thos. Howe
  100. Master Samuel Howe
  101. Mrs. A. J. Hardenbergh
  102. Mrs. M. L. Hudnut
  103. Mrs. C. A. Hill
  104. Miss Mabel Hill
  105. Mr. C Hunter
  106. Mr. E. F. Hatfield
  107. E. F. Hatfield
  108. M. Hatfield
  109. Hatfield
  110. Miss Edith N. Hastings
  111. Mr. D. Henning
  112. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hollberg
  113. Mies Margaret Hollberg
  114. Miss Mary Hollberg
  115. Mr. Francis S. Hinkle and Servant
  116. Mr. H. Harrison
  117. Mr. W. I. Irwin
  118. Mr. S. Isaacs
  119. Miss Amy Johnson
  120. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jackson and Three Children
  121. Miss Mary W. Johnson
  122. Mr. H. L. Janeway
  123. Mr. H. H. Janeway
  124. Miss Emily Janeway
  125. Mr. Chas. E. Johnson
  126. Mr. Jensen
  127. Miss Jennie
  128. Miss Jones
  129. Mr. E. Jennings
  130. Mrs. Jerrems
  131. Miss May Jerrems
  132. Miss Annie Jerrems, Infant and Maid
  133. Mr. Sam'l E. Jones
  134. Mr. S. Nicholson Kane
  135. Mr. Chas. S Knox
  136. Mr. Jas. C. Knox
  137. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly,
  138. Mr. Paul A. Kunkel
  139. Miss Kelly
  140. Miss Kate Kelly
  141. Mrs. E. 1W Kemp
  142. Miss Kerrison
  143. Mr. Roland Kursheedt
  144. Rev. Win. Kieran
  145. Mrs. Albert Keep
  146. Miss Keep
  147. Mrs. C. B. King
  148. Miss Harriet R. King
  149. Miss Alice G. King
  150. Mr. George A. Laubach
  151. Mr. A. W. Lilienthal
  152. Mr. D. Liddle
  153. Mrs. D. Liddle
  154. Master James Liddle
  155. Mr. Louis Loeske
  156. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lancaster
  157. Mr. W. M. Leeper
  158. Master D. C. Leeper
  159. Mrs. J. N. Leeper
  160. Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Lewis
  161. Mr. Hamilton Lewis
  162. Mr. F. 'I'. Luqueer, Jr.
  163. Miss Carrie N. Libbey
  164. Mrs. Sarah C. Longstreth
  165. Miss Helen 'I'. Longstreth
  166. Miss Susan Lovering
  167. Miss Caro Lloyd
  168. Miss Mary B. Little
  169. Rev. Arthur Little, D. D
  170. Mr. F. A. Leland
  171. Rev. R. W. Miller
  172. E. C. Moore
  173. Mr. and Mrs. H. Morley
  174. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFadden
  175. Mr. B. R. Merwin
  176. Mr. Reginald H. Harden
  177. M. Hubert Mitchell
  178. Miss Annie McArdle
  179. Mr. C. P. MacCarthy
  180. Prof. Eugene MacChesney
  181. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McKeehan
  182. Master Chas McKeehan
  183. Miss Florence McKeehan
  184. Mr. John McGuire
  185. Mr. Chas. Maguire
  186. Mr. John MacCarthy
  187. Mr. Walter S Maxwell
  188. Mr. George Herbert Mitchell
  189. Mr. G. E. Miles
  190. Mrs. Munro
  191. Mr. Alexander McEwen
  192. Miss K. Mann
  193. Miss Mary Marsh
  194. Miss Lida Morris
  195. Mr. and Mrs. Chas A. Mair
  196. Miss Meeker
  197. Mr. T. McDougall
  198. Miss Mutter
  199. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller and Infant
  200. Sister Nicholas
  201. Miss Louise Neil
  202. Miss Adele Norcom
  203. Mr. Alex Nicoll
  204. Miss G. Ogilvie
  205. Mr. R. C. Oldfleld
  206. Miss Oldfield
  207. Mr. C. E. Orr
  208. Mr. D. A. Orr
  209. Mr. Thos. Orr
  210. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ock ers
  211. Mr. P. B. O'Brien
  212. Mr. George O'Hea
  213. Miss Lydia L. O'Hea
  214. Mr. F. O'Hea
  215. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Phillips
  216. Mr. D. Parrish
  217. Mr. Jos. Packard
  218. Mr. C. C. Peck
  219. Miss Mary Peck
  220. Miss Fannie Peck
  221. Mr. C. H. Pix
  222. Mr. L. Puddicomb
  223. Mr. J. Perriman
  224. Mrs. Adeline L. Poillon
  225. Mr. John Parkinson
  226. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pastor
  227. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Prentiss
  228. Mr. James H. Parsons
  229. Miss Alice M. Parsons
  230. Miss Margaret Parsons
  231. Mr. Harry A. Playle
  232. Mr. Nathan Powell
  233. Mr. Pirie
  234. Mrs. Henry A. Playle and Infant
  235. Mr. and Mrs. Joint Playle
  236. Miss Ethel Parton
  237. Mrs. F. P. Parry
  238. Miss K. Parry
  239. Mrs. Pattulo
  240. Miss M. H. Reid
  241. Mrs. M. E. Robinson
  242. Miss Julia Ryle
  243. Miss Georgie A. Read
  244. Mrs. Wm. Ryle
  245. Mr. Earnest Ryle
  246. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ryan
  247. Mr. Rockwell
  248. Mrs. R. H. Rush
  249. Mr. Arnold Ran
  250. Master Arnold Rau
  251. Master Horatio Rau
  252. Master Nicander Rau
  253. Miss Rau
  254. Miss Anna Ropes
  255. Miss Ropes
  256. Mr. F. W. Ramsay
  257. Miss Mary Richey
  258. Miss Caroline A. Russell
  259. Mrs. R. G. Rieman
  260. Miss Fannie A. Root
  261. Miss Helen W. Root
  262. Hon. W. R. Sanford
  263. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strange
  264. Miss Blanche Strange
  265. Master A. B. Strange
  266. Miss Mary E. Sumner
  267. Mr. Chas. H. Spang
  268. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schneider, three children and Nurse
  269. Mrs. E. Schmidt
  270. Mr. C. H. Shinkle
  271. Lord and Lady Stafford. Maid and Manservant
  272. Miss Alice Starbuck
  273. Mr. Wm Stubbs,
  274. Mr. W. H. Staynes
  275. Mr. F. W. Spurgin
  276. Miss Sue Sadtler
  277. Mr. Wilson L. Smith
  278. Mrs. Horace J. Smith
  279. Mr. H R. Symonds
  280. Mr. Chas. H. Symonds
  281. Miss Mary Saxton
  282. Miss Caroline Stallbohm
  283. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Scott
  284. Master Hugh D. Scott, Maid, and Man Servant
  285. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Southworth
  286. Miss I. M. Southworth
  287. Miss Emily Seymour
  288. Mr. Jacob Silloway
  289. Mr. C L. True
  290. Mr. John K. Tibbits
  291. Mr. A. Loftus Tottenham, M.P
  292. Mrs. A. S. Thomson
  293. Mr. C. H. Tindal
  294. Mrs. Thayer, Two Children, Two Infants, and Nurse
  295. Rev. Chas. M. Tyler
  296. Mr. S B. Turner
  297. Mr. Benj. Thornton
  298. Miss Minnie Thomason
  299. Miss Anna Thomason
  300. Mr. Frank L. Unger
  301. Mr. T. H. Urwick
  302. Mr. S. Voelkel
  303. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Voight
  304. Miss Florence Voight
  305. Master Lewis Voight
  306. Mlle. Bertha Vincens
  307. Mlle. Marie Vincens
  308. Mr. A. J. Valentine
  309. Mr. Thos. C. Watkins
  310. Mrs. Newman Williams
  311. Master Norman Williams
  312. Miss Cornelia Williams
  313. Miss Annie Wright,
  314. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Wells and Child
  315. Mr. Parker L. Walter
  316. Mr. Arthur Whitelaw
  317. Mr. F. A. Wilber
  318. Mrs. F. A. Wilber
  319. Mr. and Mrs. George Wiley
  320. Mr. W. D. Williams
  321. Mrs. Delia Williams
  322. Mr. Lee H. Williams
  323. Mr. C A. L. Walter
  324. Mr. Horace Whitney
  325. Miss Walzer
  326. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward
  327. Miss Wilcox
  328. Mr. Wheeler
  329. Mr. Wittekind
  330. Mr. II C. Wilson
  331. Miss Margaret Wingate
  332. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wharton
  333. Mr. J. S. L. Wharton
  334. Miss M. N. Withington
  335. Miss Annie Withington
  336. Miss Eloise Wood
  337. Mr. H. Wilber
  338. Mr. John M. Welsh
  339. Mrs. John M. Welsh
  340. Col. and Mrs. , Wm. A. Williams
  341. Mr. Freman A. Walker
  342. col. Henry Walker
  343. Mr. Charlton Yarnell


Cabin Intermediate


Passengers marked * land at Queenstown.

List of Saloon Passengers on board the RMS Servia, 18 June 1887.

List of Saloon Passengers on board the RMS Servia, 18 June 1887. Note the Missing Section that had been Torn Away. Let us know if you have this passenger list and can provide the missing names. Thank you. GGA Image ID # 17505e30e2

Back Cover of a Saloon Passenger List for the SS Servia of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 18 June 1887 from New York to Liverpool.

Back Cover of a Saloon Passenger List for the SS Servia of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 18 June 1887 from New York to Liverpool. GGA Image ID # 1750eec8fd

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