SS Majestic Passenger List - 5 June 1926
Front Cover, Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List from the SS Majestic of the White Star Line, Departing Saturday, 5 June 1926 from New York to Southampton via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain G. R. Metcalfe, LCDR RNR, Retd. GGA Image ID # 13c8f15e75
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain G. R. Metcalfe, Lt. Cmdr. R.N.R., Retd.
- Assistant Commander: F. A. Frank
- Chief Engineer: J. Wolfe, O.B.E.
- Assistant Chief Engineer: M. L. Evans
- Surgeon: J. C. H. Beaumont, L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.), L.F.P.S. (Glas.)
- Assistant Surgeon: T. Morland Smith, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.)
- Purser: C. B. Lancaster
- Purser: A. J. Byrne
- Assistant Purser: W. H. Haywood
- Chief Steward: R. J. Hoey
- Second Steward: T. Rigby
- Chief Third Cabin Steward: H. Bill
Tourist Third Cabin Passengers
▓▓▓ "A" ▓▓▓
- Abbott, Miss E.
- Adam, Mr. J. W.
- Adam, Mr. Clark
- Altenburg, Dr. Edgar
- Alksne, Miss Emily
- Anderson, Mr. W. H. E.
- Anderson, Miss Gladys
- Anderson, Miss Lillian
- Andrews, Mr. Victor
- Andrews, Mrs.
- Anigian, Mr. S. G.
- Argue, Mr. John F.
- Argue, Mr. Alfred
- Asbury, Mrs. Agnes
▓▓▓ "B" ▓▓▓
- Baily, Mr. Michael
- Bald, Miss N. E.
- Baldwin, Miss Nell
- Barr, Mrs. Stringfellow
- Bartrop, Mr. James
- Bassler, Mrs. G.
- Bassler, Miss Grace
- Bauche, Miss Susane
- Baylis, Mr. Milton
- Baylis, Mrs. L. J.
- Behrns, Mrs. Abbie
- Belcher, Miss Dorothy
- Bell, Mr. Herman
- Benedy, Mr. John
- Bevard, Dr. R. R.
- Blanchard, Mr. Brand
- Blanchard, Mrs.
- Bodone, Mr. Peter
- Bonecutter, Mr. Orlan E. (Newlyweds)
- Bonecutter, Mrs. (Newlyweds)
- Boot, Mrs. Bertha
- Boughton, Miss A. C.
- Bowen, Mr. Ezra
- Bowen, Mrs.
- Bowen, Mrs. Lena B.
- Bowen, Miss Kitty
- Bowersox, Miss Katherine
- Bowman, Miss E.
- Bridgeford, Miss Agnes
- Bridgeford, Miss Margaret
- Britt, Mr. Dave
- Brown, Mr. W.
- Brown, Mrs.
- Brown, Mr. Alan W.
- Brown, Miss Anna G.
- Buchanan, Miss Dorotha
- Buchholz, Mr. J.
- Buchholz, Mrs.
- Buehler, Mr. Paul
- Burnip, Mrs. E. G.
- Burnett, Miss Augie V.
▓▓▓ "C" ▓▓▓
- Campbell, Mrs. Louise H.
- Carey, Mr. F. M.
- Carosio, Mme.
- Carroll, Mrs. Rose
- Carroll, Mr. Patrick
- Catlin, Miss E. L.
- Chambon, Miss J.
- Chapman, Mr. E.
- Chapman, Mr.
- Cheng, Mr.
- Chen, Mr. K. M.
- Christian, Miss Lois
- Clark, Miss Ruth
- Cleveland, Mr.
- Cleveland, Mrs.
- Cobb, Mrs. R. L.
- Coleman, Miss Constance
- Coles, Miss Rella
- Conrad, Mr. L. W.
- Copeland, Mr. Le Roy
- Corliss, Miss Margaret
- Cox, Mrs. Mary
- Cox, Mr. Robert
- Crawford, Miss Henrietta
- Crestani, Mr.
- Crestani, Mrs.
- Crew, Miss M. H.
- Crompton, Mr. William
- Crossing, Mrs.
- Cullen, Mr. George
- Cullen, Mrs.
- Cursiter, Mr. A. J.
▓▓▓ "D" ▓▓▓
- Dampier, Miss Adelaide
- Dansiger, Mr. Joseph
- Davidson, Mr. Robert
- Davidson, Miss Annie
- Davies, Mr. Evans
- Davies, Mrs.
- Davis, Mrs. B.
- Deady, Mrs. A. B.
- Deavitt, Mrs. Louise H.
- Deavitt, Master Charles
- Deckman, Mr. A. J.
- Deekman, Mrs.
- Deckman, Master Frank
- D'Erny, Mr. M. E.
- De Hoog, Mr. George
- De Hoog, Mrs.
- de la Hiras, Mr. Ignacio
- de la Hiras, Mrs.
- Dewar, Miss M. C.
- Dilworth, Miss J. Ida
- Dimon, Rev. J. J.
- Dimon, Mr. Philip
- Dimon, Mrs. J. J.
- Dimon, Miss Anne
- Diskin, Mrs. Theresa
- Dollinger, Mr. H.
- Drake, Prof.
- Drake, Mrs.
- Donnell, Mr. James A.
- Donnell, Miss E. A.
- Dougherty, Miss Mary
- Dowries, Mr. Frank
- Dowling, Miss
- Dufour, Miss Mary
- Dyke, Mr. Fred
- Dyke, Mrs.
▓▓▓ "E" ▓▓▓
- Edward, Mrs. A. J.
- Edward, Master Spencer
- Eeley, Mr. J. E.
- Eves, Mr. C. Kenneth
- Eves, Miss Mildred
▓▓▓ "F" ▓▓▓
- Fanning, Miss Daisy
- Favre, Miss D.
- Federbuck, Mr. T.
- Filkins, Mr. W. E.
- Finley, Mr.
- Finley, Mrs.
- Fiske, Miss
- Fitzgerald, Mrs. Anne A.
- Fitzgerald, Miss Annie
- Fitzgerald, Miss Rebecca
- Fitzgerald, Miss Susan
- Fleming, Mr. Sandford
- Fleming, Mrs.
- Fliedner, Mr. C. W.
- Fliedner, Mr.
- Fouquet, Miss
- Frazer, Miss M.
- Freeland, Mrs. Freda
- Freeman, Mrs. Walter J.
- Freeman, Miss Virginia
- Freeman, Miss Corrinne
- Freeman, Mr. Arthur
- Freeman, Mrs.
- Freeman, Master Gordon
- Freeman, Miss Barbara
- Friedman, Mrs. Rose
▓▓▓ "G" ▓▓▓
- Garnwell, Mr. W. W.
- Gibbs, Miss Polly
- Giobbe, Mr. Luigi
- Giobbe, Mrs. Rosa
- Giobbe, Master Felix
- Glatfelter, Mr. Stuart E.
- Griffiths, Mr. N. A.
- Griffiths, Mrs.
- Griffiths, Miss M.
- Grotefeld, Mr. A. W.
▓▓▓ "H" ▓▓▓
- Halliday, Mr. William G. W.
- Halliday, Mrs.
- Hamblet, Mrs. H.
- Hamblet, Master W., Jr.
- Hamilton, Mr. N. H.
- Hampson, Mr. E. J.
- Hardman, Mr. A.
- Hardman, Mrs.
- Hardy, Mr. Richard
- Hardy, Mrs. Lillian A.
- Harding, Miss Gertrude
- Harmon, Mr. Frank
- Harmon, Mrs.
- Harris, Rev. Jerome
- Hatton, Mr. A.
- Hatton, Mrs.
- Hayes, Mr. G.
- Hayes, Mrs.
- Heap, Mr. W.
- Heard, Dr. Ethel
- Heaton, Miss
- Heckman, Mr. Herbert
- Heckman, Mrs.
- Hendricksen, Mrs. Hannah
- Hendricksen, Master Emil W.
- Hill, Miss Eunice
- Hirdston, Mr. A.
- Hirdston, Mrs.
- Hirdston, Miss Ruth
- Hjorngaord, Mr. Henry
- Hjorngaord, Mrs.
- Hjorngaord, Miss Anna
- Hjorngaord, Mr. Oliver
- Hjorngaord, Miss A.
- Hodges, Mr. A.
- Hodges, Mrs.
- Hogan, Mr. J.
- Hogan, Mrs.
- Holzhanna, Mrs. Marie
- Humphreys, Mrs. C.
- Hunt, Mr. Everett
- Hunt, Mrs.
- Hsuch, Mr. Y. L.
- Hyland, Mr. Charles
▓▓▓ "I" ▓▓▓
- Ingalls, Miss Constance
- Ingleby, Dr. Helen
- Irvine, Miss Mary A.
- Isherward, Mme. M.
▓▓▓ "J" ▓▓▓
- Jacob, Mr. Julius
- Jacob, Mrs.
- Jackson, Mr. Frank
- Jackson, Mrs.
- Jackson, Miss Edith
- Jack, Miss Rebecca
- Jaffe, Mr. H.
- Jameson, Miss Mary
- Jarvaine, Mrs.
- Jarvaine, Miss
- Johnson, Mr. J. L.
- Johnson, Mrs.
- Johnson, Miss Miriam A.
- Jones, Prof. Guernsey
- Jones, Mr. L. G.
▓▓▓ "K" ▓▓▓
- Kantsky, Miss Ruth
- Kantsky, Miss Helen
- Kavanaugh, Mrs. Bernice
- Kavanaugh, Miss Dolores
- Keller, Mr. Philip
- Keller, Mrs.
- Keller, Miss Caroline
- Kelley, Mr. J. W.
- Kelley, Mrs.
- Keyfitz, Mr.
- Keyfitz, Mrs.
- Kilner, Mr. W. J. G.
- Klatt, Miss H.
- Klotz, Miss Justine
- Knights, Mr. R. P.
- Krepp, Miss Clara
▓▓▓ "L" ▓▓▓
- Lake, Mr. Harrison
- Lansdale, Miss M.
- Lash, Mr. John
- Lash, Mr. Michael
- Lash, Mr. George
- Latnall, Mr. S. A.
- Latnall, Mrs.
- Latnall, Miss Alice
- Leff, Mrs. S.
- Leffler, Miss Mabel
- Leigh, Mr. Richard
- Lenschow, Miss Anna
- Lester, Mrs. F.
- Levenn, Mr. R. A.
- Levenn, Mrs.
- Libby, Miss Mary
- Li, Mr. H. U.
- Lock, Mr. E. W.
- Lock, Mrs.
- Lome, Mrs. Dora
- Lome, Miss Marian
- Lome, Mrs. Sarah
- Lome, Miss Florence
- Love, Miss M.
- Luce, Mrs. Irene N.
- Luce, Master Walter
- Luciani, Mr. Virgil
- Lukin, Mr. Nat
- Lukin, Mrs.
- Lundgren, Mr. Henry
▓▓▓ "Mc/Mac" ▓▓▓
- McClellan, Mrs.
- McClellan, Miss
- McClellan, Mr. W.
- McGregor, Mr. V.
- McKinney, Mr. Robert
- McLay, Mrs. David
- McLerlie, Mr. W.
- McNabb, Mr. David
- MacFadden, Miss Jean (Scottish Teacher)
▓▓▓ "M" ▓▓▓
- Marshall, Miss H.
- Mattison, Miss Edith
- Meehan, Miss Ellen F.
- Meffan, Mrs. William
- Mel, Mr. Leon Reni
- Mel, Mrs.
- Merk, Mrs. Emma
- Merk, Miss Juainto
- Mero, Mr. Eugene
- Mero, Mrs.
- Michel, Miss F.
- Michels, Mrs. M. Von S.
- Middlemore, Miss A. M.
- Mooney, Miss Emma
- Morch, Miss Marie
- Morgans, Mrs. Jane
- Morrow, Mr. S.
- Moseley, Miss Kathleen
▓▓▓ "N" ▓▓▓
- Nicholas, Capt T. J.
- Nicholas, Mrs.
- Nicholas, Mrs. Miriam
- Nicholls, Mr. H. P.
- Nickerson, Mr. A. J.
- Norman, Miss F. H.
▓▓▓ "O" ▓▓▓
- Olsen, Mr. George
- Olsen, Mrs.
- Olsen, Master Clinton
- Oppenheimer, Miss Johanna
- Osborne, Mr.
- Otvos, Mrs. A.
- Otvos, Master John
▓▓▓ "P" ▓▓▓
- Passarelia, Mrs. Ellen
- Pearson, Mr. James
- Pearson, Mrs.
- Pearson, Mr. George
- Pearson, Mrs.
- Pennington, Mr. Peter
- Pennington, Mrs.
- Pennington, Miss Pearl
- Pennington, Master Peter, Jr.
- Peretmer, Miss Alice
- Piggott, Miss Maud
- Pillsbury, Prof,
- Pillsbury, Miss Elizabeth
- Pleshette, Mr. Norman
- Pope, Mr. Fred
- Pope, Mrs. and daughter
- Popper, Mr. Alfred
- Popper, Mr. Eria
- Price, Mr. R.
- Pullman, Mr. E. H.
- Pullman, Mr. W. T.
▓▓▓ "R" ▓▓▓
- Radcliffe, Mr.
- Ragsdale, Mrs. A. I,
- Reid, Rev. A. B.
- Reid, Mrs.
- Reid, Rev. Wilson
- Reid, Miss
- Reid, Miss Muriel
- Remesh, Mr. Frank
- Richards, Rev. C. M.
- Richards, Mrs.
- Richards, Mr.
- Richards, Mrs.
- Richards, Miss
- Rion, Miss M.
- Roberts, Miss Gladys
- Robinson, Mr. John P.
- Robinson, Mrs.
- Rosenberg, Mrs. H. and child
- Roney, Miss Rena
- Roney, Miss Charlotte
- Rooby, Mrs. Sophie
- Ruhsenberger, Miss Henrietta
- Ryba, Mr. J. F.
▓▓▓ "S" ▓▓▓
- Sandground, Dr. Jack
- Saunders, Miss Hilda
- Schmidt, Mrs. M.
- Scoponi, Mrs, Helen
- Scerma, Mrs. Anna
- Shayler, Mr. William
- Shayler, Mrs.
- Shayler, Miss Sylvia
- Sheldrick, Mr. J. T.
- Sheldrick, Mrs.
- Shepard, Mrs. Violetta
- Shillito, Mr. Harold
- Shillito, Mrs.
- Shillito, Master Walter
- Simons, Mrs. W.
- Simons, Mr. H.
- Simpson, Mr. J. R.
- Sing, Mrs. B.
- Smith, Rev. H. R.
- Smith, Mrs.
- Smith, Mr. James
- Smith, Miss Edna V.
- Smith, Mrs. Barry
- Soderstrom, Mr. E.
- Somlo, Mr. L.
- Somlo, Mrs. M.
- Southwick, Mr. Harold
- Southwick, Mrs.
- Sparrow, Mr. C. M.
- Sparrow, Mrs.
- Spencer, Miss Dorothy
- Stallard, Mr. Richard W.
- Steelman, Miss Alice
- Stephens, Miss Winifred A.
- Stern, Mr, A.
- Stern, Mrs.
- Steuer, Dr. H. F.
- Stewart, Mr. H.
- Stewart, Miss Alice
- Stone, Mr. Claude
- Stone, Mrs.
- Stoughton, Prof.
- Stoughton, Mrs. and two children
- Sun, Mr. C. V.
- Synnestiedt, Mr. H.
▓▓▓ "T" ▓▓▓
- Taylor, Mr. H. Austin
- Textor, Miss Lucy E.
- Tompkins, Mr. F. J.
- Tompkins, Mrs.
- Tredes, Mr. G. E.
- Troiano, Mrs. L.
- True, Miss Katherine
- True, Miss Eunice
- Turani, Mrs. Teresa
- Turani, Miss Margaret
- Turani, Miss Lorretta
- Turk, Mr. Sidney
▓▓▓ "V" ▓▓▓
- Van Dyke, Miss Eleanor
- Van Sant, Mrs.
- Vanga, Mr. Charles
- Varden, Miss Mildred
- Varden, Miss Victoria
- Veth, Miss C.
- Visser, Mr.
▓▓▓ "W" ▓▓▓
- Wade, Miss Susan
- Wakefield, Mr. George
- Walch, Mr. John
- Walch, Mrs.
- Walsted, Mr. H. O.
- Walsted, Mrs.
- Want, Mr. W. H.
- Ware, Miss
- Wassel, Mr. Joe
- Watson, Mr. David
- Weichberder, Mr. Leopold
- Werlemann, Mr. George ("Good Looking")
- West, Mr. Frederick
- West, Mr. Frederick, Jr.
- Wetzel, Dr. W. E.
- Wetzel, Mrs.
- Wheeler, Miss Mary P.
- White, Mr. T.
- White, Miss Florence D.
- Willard, Mr. W. and son
- Willard, Miss Margaret
- Wilson, Miss Elsy
- Wilson, Mrs. Mary
- Wood, Miss Helen
- Woodley, Mrs. Florence and son
▓▓▓ "Z" ▓▓▓
- Zimmerman, Rev. Frederick
- Zimmerman, Mrs.
- Zimmerman, Miss Dorothy
- Zimmerman, Miss Elizabeth
Information for Passengers
BREAKFAST at 8:00 am
LUNCHEON at 12 noon
DINNER at 6:00 pm
The Bar opens at 8:00 am and closes at 10:00 pm
Divine Service will be held on Sundays at 11:30 am
SMOKING. Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in either the Dining Saloon or in the Reading and Writing Room.
It is also desired that ladies should refrain from using the smoking room.
SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply to the Chief Third Cabin Steward.
UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.
MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness NOT ORIGINATING ON THE VOYAGE. In the case of sickness originating on the voyage no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
THE PURSER'S OFFICE is situated on Deck E, where Letters, Cables, Telegrams and Marconigrams are received or delivered, and Postage Stamps can be purchased.
None of the ship's staff other than those on duty in the Purser's Office are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for despatch.
CHARGES COLLECTED ON BOARD. Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams, Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.
PASSENGERS' ADDRESSES should be left at the Purser's Office, in order that any letters received after passengers have left the steamer may be forwarded.
DECK CHAIRS AND STEAMER RUGS can be hired on application to the Deck Steward, at a charge of 6/6 (or $1.50) each for the voyage.
VALUABLES. For the convenience of Passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser's Office, a Safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by Passengers. A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.
EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English and American money, at rates which will be advised on application.
BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Chief Third Cabin Steward.
WARDROBE TRUNKS. Passengers are advised that it is not always possible to arrange for the placing of Wardrobe Trunks in the passenger accommodation in a position where they are easily accessible, also that there is frequently difficulty with regard to the landing of such packages owing to their exceptional size. They are therefore recommended to use steamer trunks in preference.
BAGGAGE ROOM. For passengers' special convenience all heavy baggage not placed in state rooms is stored in the baggage room, where it is available to the owner twice daily at hours as stated on the ship's notice board.
DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs must be handed over to the care of the live-stock attendant, and cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.
TRAVELERS CHECKS, payable in all parts of Europe can be purchased at all the principal offices of the Company. These Checks are accepted on board steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers have not sufficient funds to enable them to cash these Checks.
DECK GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard. Bull Board and other games are provided on deck under the charge of the Deck Steward.
Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, etc., can be obtained on application to the Lounge Steward.
SPECIAL NOTICE for Round Trip Tourist Passengers
Passengers holding return tickets who are undecided about their European addresses should advise same to our nearest office in Europe by mail or in person as soon as possible after arrival abroad. If this is done by letter, please mention sailing on which you will return and accommodation reserved for you.
All passengers holding return tickets are requested to communicate with our nearest office at least a week in advance of their sailing from Europe so that necessary formalities may be arranged in connection with their return passage.
CHERBOURG—Passengers are landed by tender up to 12 o'clock midnight, but if the Ship arrives later, they will disembark at 7:00 in the morning. A special train will be run as soon as possible after landing.
SOUTHAMPTON—A Special Train will be despatched for London on the arrival of the steamer, when justified by the number of passengers, if able to leave Southampton docks not later than 9:30 pm
Should the steamer arrive at her berth at Southampton after 7:30 pm those passengers desiring to do so may remain on board until the following morning, when they will be landed after breakfast.