RMS Homeric Passenger List - 6 August 1930


First Class and Tourist Third Cabin Passenger Lists for the RMS Homeric of the White Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 6 August 1930 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain J. B. Bulman.



Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the RMS Homeric of the White Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 6 August 1930 from Southampton to New York.

Front Cover of a First Class Passenger List for the RMS Homeric of the White Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 6 August 1930 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain J. B. Bulman. GGA Image ID # 160f1b83c0



  • Commander: Captain J. B. Bulman
  • First Officer: H. S. Solomon
  • Chief Officer: W. B. Starr, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Second Officer: H. P. Grindrod, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Engineer: T. A. L. Bailey
  • Sr. Second Engineer: D. J. Hutchinson
  • Inter Second Engineer: A. L. Eades
  • Sr. Third Engineer: R. S. Evans
  • Surgeon: G. C. Flemyng, M.D., B.Ch.
  • Asst. Surgeon: T. L. P. Harries, M.B., Ch.B.
  • Purser: W. Greenslade
  • Asst. Purser: C. Benson
  • Asst. Purser: G. B. Carter
  • Reception Officer: S. Belosselsky
  • Chief Steward: H. N. Ibbotson
  • Second Steward: F. Cross


First Class Passengers

  1. Allen, Miss K.
  2. Anderson, Mr. C. N.
  3. Anderson, Mrs.
  4. Andrus, Mr. C. L.
  5. Andrus, Mrs.
  6. Andrus, Miss Mary
  7. Arms, Mr. Frank S.
  8. Arms, Mrs.
  9. Arms, Miss Grace
  10. Baker, Mr. Herbert
  11. Beebe, Mrs. Paul
  12. Bingham, Mr. Charles T.
  13. Bonbright, Miss E.
  14. Boocock, Mr. K.
  15. Borkowicz, Rev. Father V.
  16. Brophy, Miss Katerine
  17. Bush, Mr. Rufus L.
  18. Bush, Mrs.
  19. Chapman, Mrs. S. E.
  20. Chapman, Mrs. H. L. and Maid
  21. Clark, Miss Anna T.
  22. Clausen, Mr. G. M.
  23. Clausen, Mrs.
  24. Clausen, Miss Hilda
  25. Clausen, Miss L.
  26. Clausen, Miss D.
  27. Clendening, Dr. Logan
  28. Clendening, Mrs.
  29. Codere, Mr. Charles F.
  30. Codere, Mrs.
  31. Conyngham, Mr. W. H.
  32. Conyngham, Mrs.
  33. Conyngham, Mr. William L.
  34. Conyngham, Mr. George G.
  35. Conyngham, Mr. John N.
  36. Cox, Miss E. A.
  37. Cullom, Miss Christine
  38. Dalton, Miss H. T.
  39. Dalton, Miss Loretta
  40. Delavan, Mrs. D. Bryson and Maid
  41. Doniger, Mr. D. D.
  42. Duncan, Capt. Clarence W.
  43. du Pont, Mr. E.
  44. Edwards, Mr. George H.
  45. Edwards, Mrs.
  46. Edwards, Miss C. Esther
  47. Fairlie, Mr. Francis G. L.
  48. Fick, Mrs. W.
  49. Flood, Mr. Joseph
  50. Ford, Mr. H.
  51. Frost, Mr. W. H.
  52. Frost. Mrs.
  53. Gannas, Rev. Father Maximilian
  54. Gorzewski, Father Josef
  55. Gurley, Mr. George H.
  56. Haguiwara, Mrs.
  57. Hatch, Miss F. W.
  58. Hawley, Mr. John H.
  59. Hawley, Mrs.
  60. Herrick, Hon. W. R.
  61. Herrick, Mr. Walter Russell
  62. Hill, Mrs. D. Barrows
  63. Hill, Miss Dorothy
  64. Hook, Mr. Frederic J.
  65. Howard, Mr. W. B.
  66. Howard, Mrs.
  67. Howard, Mr. Eugene
  68. Howard, Mrs.
  69. Hunt, Mr. Harold
  70. Huntting, Mr. H. T. W.
  71. Huntting, Mrs.
  72. Huntting, Miss H. Louise
  73. Jacobson, Mr. R. L.
  74. John, Mr. W. E.
  75. Johns, Rev. A. R.
  76. Johns, Mrs.
  77. Karp, Mr. William
  78. Karp, Mrs.
  79. King, Miss Gertrude
  80. Kranz, Mr. Charles B.
  81. Kurahashi, Mr. T.
  82. Langford, Junr., Mr. N. P.
  83. Langford, Mrs.
  84. Lehr, Mrs. Henry S. and Maid
  85. Lingertot, Miss Meta
  86. Lukasiewicz, Father Edmund
  87. Luke, Mr. William G.
  88. Luke, Mrs.
  89. Luke, Jr., Master William
  90. Luke, Master Douglas
  91. Luke, Miss Marion
  92. Luke, Mr. Charles W.
  93. Luke, Mr. Richard H.
  94. Maas, Mr. A. L.
  95. MacDonald, Mr. J. B.
  96. MacKay, Mrs. K. B.
  97. MacKay, Mr. David
  98. Madden, Mr. Richard J.
  99. Madden, Mrs.
  100. Mars ton, Mr. Thomas E.
  101. Marston, Miss Mary H.
  102. McDougal, Mr. C. Bouton
  103. McGowan, Mrs. Hugh J.
  104. McMullen, Mrs. C. G.
  105. McMullen, Miss Marguerite
  106. Mesinger, Mr. F. W.
  107. Millard, Mr. J. W.
  108. Miller, Mrs. Frank King
  109. Millett, Mr. Stephen C.
  110. Millett, Mrs. Stephen C.
  111. Millett, Master Richard C.
  112. Milton, Mr. Joseph
  113. Milton, Mrs.
  114. Mitchell, Mr. Clarence
  115. Mitchell, Mrs.
  116. Moore, Mr. William R.
  117. Moore, Mrs.
  118. Morel, Miss Adele and Maid
  119. Murphy, Mr. Francis
  120. Neilson, Mr. Winthrop C.
  121. Neilson, Mrs.
  122. Neilson, Mr. Lewis L.
  123. Neumegen, Mr. Harold Gordon
  124. Neumegen, Mrs.
  125. Niesz, Mr. Homer
  126. Niesz, Mrs.
  127. Nolan, Mr. M. Michael J.
  128. Palmer, Mr. John
  129. Palmer, Mrs.
  130. Perry, Miss Alice E.
  131. Perry, Mr. Gale W.
  132. Plagens, Bishop
  133. Priestley, Mr. Bretton
  134. Raczynski, Father Jan
  135. Ramsdell, Mr. Charles M.
  136. Ramsdell, Mrs.
  137. Raphael, Mr. Charles
  138. Ray, Miss H.
  139. Ray, Miss M.
  140. Redmond, Mrs. W. W.
  141. Reid, Miss Florence
  142. Reynolds, Mr. W. F.
  143. Reynolds, Mrs.
  144. Rice, Mr. George G.
  145. Rice, Mrs.
  146. Richardson, Mr. Arthur B.
  147. Ricks, Mrs. S. H.
  148. Ricks, Miss Jane H.
  149. Robb, Mr. L. F. A.
  150. Robertson, Mrs. E. V.
  151. Robinson, Mr. Arthur
  152. Ross, Miss A.
  153. Ruspoli, Princess Eugeni and Maid
  154. Ruspoli, Miss Marie T. B.
  155. Sachs, Mr. A.
  156. Santander, Capt. A.
  157. Schmidt, Mr. William
  158. Schmidt, Mrs.
  159. Scott, Mr. Charles
  160. Scott, Mrs.
  161. Scott, Mrs. Walter
  162. Semans, Mr. James H.
  163. Sheffield, Miss Emilie
  164. Shimazu, Mr.
  165. Smith, Mr. T. Barrett
  166. Solavi, Mr. Joseph
  167. Solavi, Mrs.
  168. Souriol, Mr. M.
  169. Souriol, Mrs.
  170. Sullivan, Junr., Mr. Mark
  171. Voshell, Mr. B. C.
  172. Sverdlik, Mr. L. A.
  173. Sverdlik, Mrs.
  174. Sverdlik, Miss Glorita
  175. Sverdlik, Miss Barbara and Nurse
  176. Whiteman, Mr. G. L.
  177. Whiteman, Mrs.
  178. Willis, Mr. D. E.
  179. Worth, Mr. Maurice
  180. Tourtelot, Mrs. E. M.
  181. Tourtelot, Jr., Mr. Edward M.
  182. Young, Mrs. W. F.
  183. Young, Miss E.
  184. Young, Mr. W.


Information for First Class Passengers

  • BREAKFAST from 8 a.m. until 10 am.
  • LUNCH at 1 p.m.
  • DINNER at 7-30 p.m.

DIVINE SERVICE will m held in the Looms on Sunday Mommas at 11 o'clock.

SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers who have not previously nr ranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Second Steward.

When the steamers sail with full lists, children under the age of ten years not paying the adult fare are provided with meals at separate sittings in the Dining Saloon.

UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of name on applying to the steward or stewardess.

P0RTH0LES. As it is dangerous for passengers to handle the Ports, they are requested to ask the Bedroom Steward to open and close the Portholes in the staterooms as required.


The Hours tor Consultation  are as follows: — 10:00 A.M.; 6:00 P.M.; and 8:30 P.M. but the Surgeon is available at all times in case of urgency.

A REGISTERED NURSE for the convenience of lady passengers is in attendance and her services may be secured upon Application in cases of slight illness.

AN ENQUIRY OFFICE has been provided for the convenience of passengers where all enquiries for information of a general character can be made.

Letters, Cables, Telegrams and Marconigrams are received here for dispatch, and Postage Stamps can be purchased, and Deck Chairs and Steamer Rugs hired at this Office, through which also all Mails will be distributed. Postage Stamps can also be obtained from the Lounge Steward.

No member of the ship's staff, other than those on duty in the Enquiry Office, is authorized to accept letters or Telegrams for dispatch.

PASSENGERS' ADDRESSES may be left at the Enquiry Office in order that any letters received after passengers have left the steamer may be forwarded.

PASSENGERS' MAIL. All mail coming on board on the steamer's arrival is at once sent to the Enquiry Office, where passengers should apply for same. It is not possible in the short time available to distribute the mail to the staterooms.

Passengers are invited to leave their addresses ut the Enquiry Office for any later dispatches to be re-directed.

VALUABLES. For the convenience of passengers, the Line has provided in the office of the Purser a safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by passengers. A receipt for any articles so deposited will be Issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section 602 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and of Section 4281 of the revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.

PRECIOUS STONES or other similar articles of merchandise may not be taken as baggage, but all passengers must deliver such goods to the Purser of the vessel. The Pursers are instructed to furnish passengers with a receipt for merchandise so delivered and place the goods in the safes aboard their vessel until a Customs permit is presented to the Inspectors ordering the goods into the U.S. appraiser's stores for examination.

EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English and American money at rates which will be advised on application.

TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the White Star Line. These Cheques are accepted on board White Star steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same except to a very limited amount.

CHARGES COLLECTED ON BOARD. Passengers are requested to ask for a receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams, Cablegrams, or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.

DECK CHAIRS AND STEAMER RUGS can be hired on application at the Enquiry Office, at a charge of 6/6 (or $1.60) each for the voyage.

DECK CHAIR CU8HIONS. A limited supply of Cushions, with loose covers, for Deck Chairs is available for hire at a charge of 6/6 (or $1.60) each for the voyage.

BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Ship's Baggage Master. Trunks, Chairs, etc., which passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company, should be properly labelled and handed to the Baggage Master on the wharf at Now York, and such articles will be stored entirely at owner's risk. It is for passengers themselves to see all their baggage is passed by the Customs Authorities on landing. In order to facilitate Customs Clearance, uncrated automobiles must be included on the U.S. Customs Declaration.

AUTOMOBILE TOURS. Arrangements have been made whereby passengers by the White Star Line can hire automobiles to meet them on arrival of the steamers at Liverpool or Southampton for tours in the British Isles or on the Continent. Orders may be sent from America or Canada through the White Star Offices or direct from the steamer by the aid of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph.

CINEMATOGRAPH PERFORMANCES. Cinematograph performances will be given in the Saloon as notified from time to time.

DOGS AND CATS. Passengers are notified that dogs and cats cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London. Forms of License must be obtained by direct application to the Ministry before the dog or cat is taken on board. Dogs and cats landing at New York should also be included on the U.S. Customs Declaration.

LANDING CARDS. It is necessary that passengers present their Landing Cards, together with Passports, to the United States Immigration Inspector for endorsement before leaving the vessel.

RESERVATION OF PULLMAN SLEEPING & PARLOUR CARS ON AMERICAN AND CANADIAN RAILROADS. Passengers desiring to make reservations should inform the Purser of their intentions; he will be pleased to Marconi at passenger's own expense.

COMPLAINTS. It is our earnest and constant endeavor to satisfy and please our passengers. Should any cause for complaint arise it is requested that such should be at once reported to the Commander, Purser or Chief Steward.

SERVICE. Suggestions for the improvement of the service will be welcomed.


THE R.M.S. "HOMERIC" - 34,351 TONS


The Dining Saloon, situated on Deck B, is a very lofty and impressive apartment and imparts an air of great elegance.

The Reading and Writing Room, and Drawing Room are beautifully decorated apartments, with luxurious settees and comfortable easy chairs, the large windows, richly draped, giving the impression that one is in a spacious sitting-room ashore.

Books may be obtained from the Bookcase in the Reading and Writing Room on application to the Steward in charge.

By special arrangement with Harrod's Library, a supply of recent works is placed on board each voyage, as a supplement to the permanent collection of standard works.

Smoking Room. In the Smoking Room the walls are paneled in finest mahogany and are relieved by the carved wood decorations of the ceiling; whilst the fine upholstering of the armchairs and divans has been achieved with the same eye to artistic effect and luxurious comfort.

The Lounge. This palatial room is intended for the use of both Ladies and Gentlemen, and afternoon tea and after-dinner coffee will be served, while liqueurs, cigars, cigarettes, chocolates, and candies may be purchased there. Postage stamps can also be obtained from the Lounge Steward.

A special floor for Dancing has been fitted in this apartment.

A Gymnasium, * fully supplied with modem appliances, is situated on the Sun Deck, and is open for exercise by Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, as follows :—

  • 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. for Gentlemen only
  • 10 a.m. to 12 noon for Ladies only
  • 12 noon to 1 p.m. for Ladies and Gentlemen
  • 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. for Children
  • 3.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. for Ladies and Gentlemen

No charge is made for the use of the appliances.

Electric Baths. * Two fully equipped electric baths are situated on Deck A.

* The Company Accept No Responsibility Whatsoever for Any Accident From Whatever Cause Arising to Any Passenoer Using the Gymnasium or Electric Baths.

The Card Room. This beautifully decorated and attractively furnished room, fitted with large windows, connects with the Lounge by two long and beautifully decorated Galleries, also fitted with large windows.

BARBER, LADY HAIRDRESSER AND LADY MANICURIST are provided. The Barber's hours are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The following charges are authorized: —


  • Shaving :1s 0d or 25 cts
  • Hairdressing: 1s 6d or 44 cts
  • Shampooing ★: 1s 0d or 25 cts
  • Singeing: 1s 0d or 25 cts
  • Face Massage ★: 2s 0d or 50 cts
  • Scalp Massage ★: 1s 6d or 40 cts
  • Tonic Dressing: 0s 6d or 12 cts
  • Manicure: 4s 0d or $1.00


  • Marcel Waving: 4s 0d or $1.00
  • Waving and Curling: 5s 0d or $1.25
  • Tinting: 30s 0d or $7.50
  • Cutting and Singeing: 3s 6d or $0.90
  • Shampoo, Ordinary ★: 4s 6d or $1.15
  • Shampoo Special, Henna, Camomille Tar ★ from 7s 6d or $1.90
  • Facial Massage, Hand ★: 4s 0d or $1.00
  • Facial Massage Vibro ★: 5s 0d or $1.25
  • Facial Massage High Frequency ★: 7s 6d or $1.90
  • Scalp Massage, Hand Vibro, High Frequency ★: 7s 6d or $1.90
  • Manicure: 4s 0d or $1.00


The Barber is allowed the privilege of selling various souvenirs and small articles on his own account.

A Clothes Pressing Room is in charge of an expert Attendant, and work of this kind will be carried out for Ladies and Gentlemen, at the following charges: —

  • Gentlemen's Suits: 4s 6d ($1.15)
  • Overcoats (Heavy): 4s 6d ($1.15)
  • Ladies' Costumes: 4s 6d ($1.15)
  • Coat and Vest: 2s 3d ($0.55)
  • Trousers: 2s 3d ($0.55)
  • Overcoats (Light): 2s 3d ($0.55)
  • Waists and Jackets: 2s 3d ($0.55)

Passenger Elevators. There are two elevators provided for the use of passengers, running between the Boat, Promenade, A, B and C Decks.

Verandah, situated on the Boat Deck, where light refreshments are served.

Photographic Dark Room. A dark room fitted with all the necessary equipment has been installed for the use of passengers wishing to develop photographs during the voyage.

Stenographer. An experienced Stenographer is carried, and his services are at the disposal of passengers at the following charges: —

  • 2 ½ d. or 5 cents per folio (72 words).
  • 1d. or 2 cents, per folio for Carbon copies.
  • 1s. 6d. or 40 cents (minimum) for a letter.

Particulars can be obtained at the Enquiry Office.

Hot and Cold Water. All Staterooms on the Promenade, A, B and C Decks are fitted with hot and cold water supply.

PUBLIC TELEPHONES With Booths and Operators on our New York Piers

RECEPTION OFFICER For the convenience of passengers not fully conversant with the English language, the Company has appointed to this steamer a RECEPTION OFFICER able to converse in the majority of European languages, and whose services are at the disposal of passengers, if required.

Enquiry for the Reception Officer should be made at the Purser's Office, and it is hoped that passengers will not hesitate to avail of his services.


Recovery of U.S. Head Tax

Refund of Head Tax can be obtained provided passengers have complied with the following conditions:

1. Inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival that it is their intention to leave the United States within sixty days and obtain from the Inspector "Head Tax Refund Certificate" (Form 514).

2. When leaving the United States to have the departure certified on Form 514 by the Purser of the vessel or by the conductor of the train upon which the departure takes place.

3. The Immigration Authorities impose a time limit of 120 days from date of entry, after which claims for refund will not be considered. Passengers must, therefore, submit Form 514, duly completed, to the Company in sufficient time to enable the Company to make their application within this limit of time (120 days).


Landing Arrangements at New York

Should the steamer arrive at the New York Wharf after 8 p.m., all passengers who have been passed by the U.S. Immigration Authorities may land or remain on board overnight, at their own option. Those passengers who have been passed by the Immigration Authorities and desire to remain on board may have all their baggage passed by the U.S. Customs that night or the following morning, at their own option. No baggage will be passed before 8 a.m. the day following arrival. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board overnight.

In the Event of the Steamer Arriving at Quarantine After the Hours Mentioned Hereunder Passengers, Other Than United States Citizens, May Be Required by the U.S. Immigration Authorities to Remain on Board Overnight, and to Have Their Passports Examined the Following Morning

  • OCT. to DEC., inclusive, 5:30 P.M.
  • JAN. to MAR., inclusive, 6:00 P.M.
  • APR. to JUNE, inclusive, 7:30 P.M.
  • JULY to SEPT., inclusive, 7:15 P.M.

Breakfast Will Be Served in the Usual Course.

Upon landing at New York and upon application to the uniformed representatives of the railroads, who meet all steamers, railroad tickets may be purchased and baggage checked from the Steamship Pier to any point along the Lines of the Pennsylvania, New York Central, New York, New Haven, and Hartford, Erie, Lehigh Valley, Baltimore and Ohio, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and Central Railroad of New Jersey, and connecting railroads.

Taxicabs can be hired at the New York Piers. It is suggested to passengers for their own protection that taxicabs of the Yellow Taxi Corporation, which come within the pier gates, afford comfort and protection as regards baggage, etc., at legal rates. Passengers destined to New York City or nearby points will find on the Pier representatives who will arrange for the expeditious transfer of baggage to hotels, railroad terminals or residences.

Passengers are advised to enquire at the Desks on the Piers for letters and telegrams.


Guide to the RMS Homeric of the White Star Line, 1930.

Guide to the RMS Homeric of the White Star Line, 1930. RMS Homeric First Class Passenger List, 6 August 1930. GGA Image ID # 20cb841689


Sleeve Stripes of the Ship's Officers.

Sleeve Stripes of the Ship's Officers. RMS Homeric First Class Passenger List, 6 August 1930. GGA Image ID # 20cb8b6307


Advertisement: White Star Line Winter Sunshine Cruises, 1930-1931.

Advertisement: White Star Line Winter Sunshine Cruises, 1930-1931. Ships Included the Adriatic, Britannic, Calgaric, and Laurentic. RMS Homeric First Class Passenger List, 6 August 1930. GGA Image ID # 20cbb646fc


Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused), SS Homeric First Class Passenger List, 6 August 1930.

Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused), RMS Homeric First Class Passenger List, 6 August 1930. GGA Image ID # 160f3efa38



Front Cover, White Star Line RMS Homeric Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List - 6 August 1930.

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Homeric of the White Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 6 August 1930 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain J. B. Bulman. GGA Image ID # 13c5b969f3


Senior Officers and Staff - Tourist Third Cabin

  • Captain: J. B. BULMAN
  • Chief Engineer: T. A. L. BAILEY
  • Chief Officer: W. B. STARR, R.D., R.N.R.
  • First Officer: H. S. SOLOMON, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Second Officer: H. P. GRINDROD, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Senior Second Engineer: D. J. HUTCHINSON
  • Inter. Second Engineer: A. L. EADES
  • Senior Third Engineer: R. S. EVANS
  • Surgeon: G. C. FLEMYNG, M.D., B.CH.
  • Asst. Surgeon: T. L. P. HARRIES, M.B., CH.B.
  • Purser: W. GREENSLADE
  • Asst. Purser: C. BENSON
  • Asst. Purser: G. B. CARTER
  • Reception Officer: S. BELOSSELSKY
  • Chief Steward: H. N. IBBOTSON
  • Chief Tourist Steward: H. ECCLESTON


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers


▓▓▓ "A" ▓▓▓

  1. Abplanalp, Miss Florence
  2. Abplanalp, Miss L. M.
  3. Abplanalp, Mrs. Louise
  4. Ahlstrom, Mrs. E. L.
  5. Airhart, Mrs. P. F.
  6. Albrie, Miss Mary
  7. Alexander, Dr. John
  8. Allen, Mr. Frank
  9. Allen, Mrs. Anita
  10. Allen, Miss Leanna
  11. Allen, Master Warren F.
  12. Allmayer, Miss Berta
  13. Alter, Mrs. Claire
  14. Alter, Miss Barbara
  1. Anderson, Mr. Robert G.
  2. Anderson, Mrs.
  3. Applegate, Miss M.
  4. Archer, Mr. Maurice
  5. Archer, Mrs. Rosalie P.
  6. Armour, Mrs. Agnes
  7. Armour, Miss G.
  8. Arnold, Mr. L. V.
  9. Arnold, Mrs.
  10. Arnold, Miss Mary
  11. Asher, Mr. John A.
  12. Audrea, Miss Eunice
  13. Auer, Mr. M. L.
  14. Auer, Mrs.


▓▓▓ "B" ▓▓▓

  1. Bachman, Mr. Henry
  2. Bachman, Dr. G. A.
  3. Bachman, Mrs.
  4. Backus, Miss Gertrude
  5. Baker, Miss D.
  6. Baldesberger, Mrs. M.
  7. Baldesberger, Miss Carrie
  8. Ball, Mr. William
  9. Bambach, Miss Ida
  10. Barchwitz, Mr. Oscar
  11. Barkley, Miss Margaret
  12. Barnard, Miss Mildred
  13. Barnes, Mrs. Hypatia V.
  14. Barr, Mr. William
  15. Barr, Mr. Austin D.
  16. Barry, Miss Mary
  17. Barwick, Mrs. Alice
  18. Bauer, Miss Louise
  19. Baum, Mrs. Esther
  20. Baum, Miss Margaret
  21. Baum, Master Daniel
  22. Bayes, Rev. R. E.
  23. Bayes, Mrs.
  24. Bayes, Miss
  25. Beattie, Mrs. J. M.
  26. Beetlestone, Miss Elsie C.
  27. Behan, Miss L.
  28. Bender, Miss Mary M.
  29. Bender, Miss Mary L.
  30. Bennett, Miss Lois
  31. Bethea, Mr. S. L.
  32. Biles, Miss Marian
  33. Birch, Mr. William E.
  34. Birne, Miss Matilda
  35. Blam, Mr. Miksa
  36. Blam, Mrs.
  37. Bond, Miss Edith
  38. Borker, Junr., Mr. John
  39. Bourke, Mr. Herbert C.
  40. Bowes, Miss M.
  1. Bowin, Mr. William J.
  2. Boyer, Miss R.
  3. Boyte, Miss Marguerite
  4. Bradley, Miss Hanna V.
  5. Bradshaw, Miss Charlotte
  6. Braley, Mr. Norman
  7. Braley, Mrs. Margaret
  8. Brandt, Miss Lillian E.
  9. Brasol, Miss T.
  10. Bray, Miss Helen A.
  11. Brenkus, Miss Sarah
  12. Brennen, Mrs. J. L.
  13. Brennen, Miss B.
  14. Brett, Miss Katherine
  15. Brewer, Mr. Sydney A.
  16. Brewer, Dr. G. S.
  17. Brewer, Mrs.
  18. Brickman, Mr. Simon
  19. Brickman, Miss Lebah
  20. Briehl, Mrs. Marie H.
  21. Briehl, Master Robin
  22. Briggs, Mr. John
  23. Briggs, Jr., Mr. John
  24. Briggs, Miss Henrietta
  25. Brown, Mr. John A.
  26. Brunner, Mr. Kopel
  27. Brunner, Mrs. Dora
  28. Buckner, Mr. C.
  29. Bullen, Mrs. Cecelia
  30. Burges, Miss Nell
  31. Burgstresser, Miss Marion
  32. Burnes, Mrs. Pauline
  33. Burnes, Miss Betty
  34. Burnett, Rev. Charles P.
  35. Burr, Mr. H. G.
  36. Busche, Miss Louise
  37. Buys, Mr. J. H.
  38. Buys, Mrs.
  39. Byrne, Miss M.
  40. Byrne, Miss T.


▓▓▓ "C" ▓▓▓

  1. Caine, Mrs. Oiga
  2. Cameron, Miss Mary L.
  3. Cameron, Miss
  4. Capon, Mr. Eric
  5. Card, Mr. William C.
  6. Carlson, Mr. Edward
  7. Carmichael, Mrs. H.
  8. Carn, Miss Katherine
  9. Carter, Mrs. Kate
  10. Casey, Mr. T. J.
  11. Casey, Mr. J. P.
  12. Caton, Miss Lulu
  13. Centick, Mrs. Mathilda
  14. Chapman, Mr. B. O.
  15. Cheek, Miss Lucille
  16. Cherington, Mrs. Mary
  17. Cherington, Master Paul
  18. Chisholm, Mr. Edward
  19. Choryan, Mr. Boleshaw
  20. Choryan, Miss
  21. Christensen, Mr. Peter
  22. Christensen, Mrs. Astrid
  23. Chulok, Miss Helen
  24. Claque, Mr. Philip
  25. Claque, Mrs, Mary E.
  26. Clarke, Miss Ella M.
  27. Cochrane, Mr. Redmond
  28. Cochrane, Mrs. Margaret
  1. Cogswell, Miss H. M.
  2. Cogswell, Miss Mary
  3. Cole, Miss June
  4. Cole, Miss Elizabeth
  5. Coleman, Mr. Wade
  6. Coleman, Mrs.
  7. Colyer, Mr. E. L.
  8. Comstock, Mrs. Jane M.
  9. Cornstock, Miss Helen L.
  10. Conrad, Mr. Joseph
  11. Cook, Mr. Harold L.
  12. Corbett, Mr. John
  13. Corl, Miss Bertha
  14. Corl, Miss Sallie
  15. Cox, Mrs. J.
  16. Cox, Father James R.
  17. Cozens, Mr. William J.
  18. Cramer, Mr. L. A.
  19. Cramer, Mrs. L.
  20. Crane, Mrs. E.
  21. Criscuold, Mrs. Mabel
  22. Crowley, Miss Fieda
  23. Cumming, Miss Ethel
  24. Curnmiskey, Mr. Joseph T.
  25. Current, Miss Jeanette
  26. Curtiss, Mrs. C. B.
  27. Cushing, Miss P.


▓▓▓ "D" ▓▓▓

  1. Dailey, Miss Nettie
  2. Danehy, Miss Hannah
  3. Davey, Miss Doris H.
  4. Davey, Miss Lula R.
  5. Davies, Miss Bertha J. A.
  6. Davis, Mrs. Ina H.
  7. Davis, Miss Alice
  8. Dawson, Mr. H. P.
  9. Dean, Mr. John R.
  10. Dean, Miss Dorothy
  11. Deasy, Miss Mary
  12. Des Fosses, Miss Lillian
  13. Dolley, Dr. Frank S.
  14. Donald, Miss Elizabeth
  15. Donald, Miss Ruth
  1. Donald, Miss Margaret
  2. Douglas, Mr. James E.
  3. Douglas, Mrs. H. F.
  4. Doyle, Lieut. Justin
  5. Dresher, Mr. Isaac
  6. Du Bois, Miss Betty
  7. Duckham, Mr. Alex
  8. Due, Miss Minna
  9. Dulaff, Mr. F. G.
  10. Dullard, Mr. James T.
  11. Duren, Dr. William L.
  12. Duren, Mrs. Ethel B.
  13. Duren, Miss Mary E.
  14. Durrant, Mrs. Nora M.
  15. Duvall, Miss Eleonor


▓▓▓ "E" ▓▓▓

  1. Earhart, Miss F.
  2. Earhart, Miss Naomi
  3. Earle, Mr. O. P.
  4. Earle, Mrs.
  5. Earle, Jr., Mr. Percy
  6. Earle, Mr. Sam
  7. Earle, Prof. S. B.
  8. Earle, Mrs.
  1. Earle, Miss Louise Y.
  2. Edmunds, Miss E. Verna
  3. Eller, Miss Virginia
  4. Elliot, Mrs. Berta
  5. Elliott, Miss Leila A.
  6. Elmer, Mr. S. L.
  7. Eppey, Mr. Harold


▓▓▓ "F" ▓▓▓

  1. Faust, Mr. Allen K.
  2. Faust, Mrs. Mary
  3. Faust, Mr. Richard
  4. Fennell, Mrs. Mary A.
  5. Ferris, Mr. Robert D.
  6. Finley, Mr. A. L.
  7. Fish, Mr. Stephen B.
  8. Fish, Mrs. Grace W.
  9. Fishburn, Mrs. M.
  10. Fishburn, Mr. A.
  11. Fishburn, Miss J.
  12. Fishburn, Miss N.
  13. Fisher, Mr. Frederick
  14. Fisher, Mr. R.
  15. Fitch, Miss Lillian
  16. Flaherty, Miss C.
  17. Flamingo, Father Eustace
  18. Flannigan, Mrs. A.
  1. Fleming, Mrs. Sadie
  2. Flennikin, Mrs. Jennie B.
  3. Flint, Mrs. B. S.
  4. Floyd, Mrs. Minnie
  5. Ford, Mrs. Katherine G.
  6. Fournier, Miss T.
  7. Francis, Mr. Martin
  8. Francis, Mrs. Cleonora
  9. Franck, Miss Viola
  10. Fraser, Mr. Kenneth
  11. Frechtling, Mr. David
  12. Frenay, Rev. Adolph D.
  13. Frutiger, Miss Emily
  14. Fry, Miss J.
  15. Fulton, Miss Dorothy
  16. Fundakowsk, Mr. P.
  17. Furlong, Mr. Ernest
  18. Fussey, Miss Margaret


▓▓▓ "G" ▓▓▓

  1. Gable, Miss Eve C.
  2. Gallery, Miss I.
  3. Garrett, Miss E.
  4. Gary, Mr. Franklin
  5. Gaw, Miss Frances I.
  6. Gerhardt, Mrs. K. M.
  7. Gibbons, Mr. P. L.
  8. Gibbons, Mrs.
  9. Giegson, Miss Helen
  10. Gimby, Miss Marian
  11. Glenn, Miss Sarah
  12. Gold, Mrs. Sybil
  13. Goldberg, Mr. A. I.
  14. Goldberg, Mrs.
  15. Goldstein, Mr. Abram
  1. Goldstein, Mrs. Fanny
  2. Goldstein, Miss Florence
  3. Goldwater, Miss Rosa
  4. Gollomb, Mrs. Rose
  5. Gompers, Mr. W. J.
  6. Gompers, Mrs.
  7. Goode, Miss Elaine
  8. Greene, Miss M.
  9. Greenwood, Miss Grace
  10. Grier, Miss Evelyn
  11. Grose, Rev. T. Wallis
  12. Grose, Mrs. Hattie
  13. Gurovitch, Miss Nettie


▓▓▓ "H" ▓▓▓

  1. Hackett, Miss S. C.
  2. Hackett, Miss W. C.
  3. Hagen, Mrs. Mary E.
  4. Hagood, Miss Elizabeth
  5. Halbstein, Dr. L. N.
  6. Halbstein, Mrs.
  7. Hansen, Mr. Carl V.
  8. Hansen, Mr. Poul P.
  9. Hapgood, Miss Irene
  10. Hardin, Miss C. P.
  11. Hargest, Mr. Albert
  12. Hargest, Mr. Ralph H.
  13. Harper, Mr. Samuel
  14. Harries, Miss Margaret
  15. Harris, Rev. R. E.
  16. Harris, Mrs.
  17. Harvey, Mrs. Annie J.
  18. Hawkins, Mr. William
  19. Hawkins, Mrs. Elizabeth
  20. Hawkins, Miss Belle
  21. Hawthorne, Mrs. Odette
  22. Hawthorne, Master Ross
  23. Heckendon, Mrs. Elizabeth
  24. Heckendon, Mr. Frank
  25. Heinrich, Mrs. Louisa
  26. Heinrich, Miss
  27. Helleur, Mr. James D.
  28. Helleur, Mrs. Daisy L.
  1. Helwig, Mr. Harry A.
  2. Helwig, Mrs. R. D.
  3. Hennent, Miss Dora
  4. Hess, Mrs. Esta D.
  5. Hewitson, Miss Carolyn
  6. Hewitson, Mrs. Rachael
  7. Hewitt, Mr. Charles L.
  8. Hilge, Miss Lisette
  9. Hilge, Mrs. Dorothy
  10. Hill, Miss Julia
  11. Hilley, Miss Marie
  12. Hindry, Miss Mildred
  13. Hobbins, Mrs. Mary E.
  14. Hodsdon, Miss Esther
  15. Hoffman, Mr. F. W.
  16. Holmes, Miss Elizabeth
  17. Hopf, Mr. Floyd E.
  18. Houghrey, Miss E.
  19. Howland, Mrs. Pauline
  20. Hoyt, Mr. Albert M.
  21. Hoyt, Mrs. Marguerite
  22. Huckabee, Mr. Weyman
  23. Huckabee, Mrs. Susan
  24. Huffman, Miss Mary
  25. Hughes. Miss B. M.
  26. Huit, Mr. George
  27. Huit, Mrs.
  28. Hunt, Miss C. Louise
  29. Hunt, Mr. J.
  30. Hunt, Mrs.
  31. Hurt, Miss Margaret E.


▓▓▓ "J" ▓▓▓

  1. Jackson, Miss Jeannie
  2. Jackson, Miss Mano
  3. Jackson, Miss Ivy
  4. James, Mrs. Mary
  5. Jeffery, Mr. Albert J.
  6. Jeffery, Mrs. Annie
  7. Johanninsmeier, Miss Laura
  8. Johnson, Mr. Aurther
  1. Johnson, Mrs.
  2. Johnson, Miss Sarah
  3. Johnston, Miss Jane
  4. Jones, Mrs. Nancy W.
  5. Jones, Master Robert C.
  6. Jones, Miss Laura
  7. Judy, Miss Marion
  8. Juggins, Mr. Richard


▓▓▓ "K" ▓▓▓

  1. Kanzer, Mr. Mark
  2. Karn, Mrs. Mollie
  3. Karp, Miss Lena
  4. Kaufman, Mrs. Emma
  5. Kaufman, Miss Caroline
  6. Keenan. Miss Isabella
  7. Keenan, Miss Margaret
  8. Keener, Mrs. Clara C.
  9. Kell, Mrs. Sue
  10. Kell, Miss Patricia
  11. Kell, Miss Barbara J.
  12. Kelley, Mr. Walter
  13. Kelley, Mrs. Kathryn
  14. Kelly, Mrs. Margaret B.
  15. Kelly, Mr. Patrick
  16. Kelly, Miss Mary K.
  17. Kelly, Mrs. Mary
  18. Kent, Mr. Olney
  19. Kent, Mrs. Grace
  20. Kent, Master Olney
  21. Kepley, Rev. Charles
  22. Kienast, Miss Marjorie
  1. Killey, Mrs. Lucile H.
  2. Killion, Miss Mary E.
  3. Kimmerling, Miss Alice
  4. Kitchen, Miss H.
  5. Klein, Mrs. J.
  6. Klein, Master Harold
  7. Klein, Mrs. Mary
  8. Knisely, Miss Gladys
  9. Knisely, Mr. Von
  10. Kochen, Mr. George P.
  11. Kochen, Mrs. Marion W.
  12. Koelz, Mr. Fred
  13. Koelz, Miss Margaret
  14. Krespeth, Miss Helen
  15. Kreuder, Miss Anna
  16. Kriegbaum, Miss Bertha
  17. Kruprick, Bro. A. J.
  18. Kummer, Mr. F.
  19. Kummer, Mrs.
  20. Kunz, Mrs. W. G.
  21. Kunz, Mrs. H. A.


▓▓▓ "L" ▓▓▓

  1. Lame, Mr. Frederick
  2. Lanbach, Miss R.
  3. Laribee, Prof. H. H.
  4. Lauder, Mr. H. A.
  5. Lauder, Mrs.
  6. Lauder, Miss Alma
  7. Lazarz, Mrs. Ludwika
  8. Lazarz, Miss Genevieve
  9. Le Compte, Miss Anna
  10. Leinwander, Mr. Herbert
  11. Leinwander, Mrs.
  12. Levick, Miss Eleanor
  13. Levy, Mr. Murray
  1. Lewandowska, Miss Sophie
  2. Leybonen, Miss Hessie
  3. Liechty, Mr. Howard M.
  4. Liesner, Miss C.
  5. Lilien, Mrs. Lena
  6. Lindenfeld, Mr. Joseph
  7. Littlejohn, Miss Mary
  8. Longsworth, Rev. W. H.
  9. Longsworth, Mrs.
  10. Lowell, Mr. Howard
  11. Lowell, Miss Anne
  12. Lowell, Miss Ellen
  13. Luce, Miss Zora
  14. Lukens, Miss Norma


▓▓▓ "M" ▓▓▓

  1. MacDonald, Mrs. Emma H.
  2. Malcolm, Miss J.
  3. Mancine, Miss E.
  4. Mapes, Mrs. C. C.
  5. Marion, Miss Annie
  6. Martin, Miss Helen
  7. Martin, Mrs. Lee E.
  8. Martin, Miss Bridgid
  9. Mayer, Miss F.
  10. Mayer, Miss H.
  11. Mayor, Mr. R. F.
  12. Mayor, Mrs.
  13. Mayor, Miss Doris
  14. McAfee, Mr. John
  15. McAfee, Mrs. Margaret
  16. McCann, Mr. A. P.
  17. McCarthy, Rev. John J.
  18. McClair, Mrs. Jennie
  19. McClanahan, Miss Lillian
  20. McComb, Miss Millie
  21. McCormick, Mrs. Margaret
  22. McCoy, Mr. Frank
  23. McCoy, Mrs. Virginia
  24. McCoy, Mr. Frank
  25. McCoy, Mr. Robin
  26. McDonnell, Mrs. Eleanor W.
  27. McElfish, Miss Mary
  28. McGygan, Dr. Frank
  29. McGygan, Mrs.
  30. McGygan, Master Joseph
  31. McGygan, Master Frank
  32. McKinley, Miss Mary
  33. McKinley, Miss Sabina
  34. McLaughlin, Mrs. Zita
  35. McMahon, Miss Marion
  1. McMahon, Miss Marion
  2. McMahon, Miss Mary J.
  3. McMullin, Miss Katherine
  4. McNally, Miss Catherine
  5. Mends, Mr. Aubrey
  6. Menkes, Mrs. Bessie
  7. Meredew, Miss Winnefred
  8. Messerschmidt, Miss Katherine
  9. Meyer, Miss Pauline
  10. Meyers, Mrs. M. C.
  11. Miller, Miss L.
  12. Miller, Miss Lydia
  13. Milligan, Mr. L.
  14. Minehart, Mrs. Rose K.
  15. Minehart, Master William
  16. Mitchell, Mrs. Cecilia
  17. Mohr, Mr. Frew
  18. Mohr, Mrs.
  19. Moller, Miss Marjorie
  20. Monkiewicz, Mr.
  21. Moody, Miss Florence
  22. Moore, Mr. Lewis M.
  23. Moore, Miss C. B.
  24. Morey, Miss Helen
  25. Morizet, Mrs. Alice
  26. Moser, Miss Catherine
  27. Murdock, Miss Catherine
  28. Murdock, Miss Gertrude
  29. Murdock, Miss Susan
  30. Murdock, Miss Ellen M.
  31. Murphy, Miss Norah
  32. Musselman, Miss Lois
  33. Musselwhite, Miss Hilda


▓▓▓ "N" ▓▓▓

  1. Nash, Mr. Francis
  2. Nash, Mrs. Emily
  3. Nash, Miss Marjorie
  4. Nash, Miss Margaret
  1. Nesmith, Miss M. E.
  2. Neuwald, Mr. Alfred A.
  3. Nuzim, Miss Ethel


▓▓▓ "O" ▓▓▓

  1. O'Brien, Miss Katherine
  2. O'Keefe, Mr. William
  3. O'Leary, Miss Mildred
  4. Oleson, Mrs. Violet
  5. Oppenheimer, Mr. Benton
  6. Oppenheimer, Miss Ruth
  1. O'Shea, Miss Catherine
  2. Ossola, Mrs. A.
  3. O'Sullivan, Miss Margaret
  4. Otis, Mrs. Esther
  5. Otis, Master Howard
  6. Owens, Miss Marie


▓▓▓ "P" ▓▓▓

  1. Pajewsky, Mr.
  2. Panizza, Miss H.
  3. Parr, Rev. Leonard A.
  4. Parr, Mrs. Millicent
  5. Paschal, Miss Rosa
  6. Patterson, Mrs. Edith
  7. Pattison, Mr. Earl
  8. Payne, Mrs. H.
  9. Pearce, Rev. Eugene
  10. Pelissier, Miss Paulette
  11. Pereles, Miss Marguerite
  12. Peterson, Mr. Rudolph
  13. Peterson, Mrs. Patricia
  14. Petrossi, Miss Hilda
  15. Petrossi, Miss Leonilda
  16. Phillips, Mrs. S. M.
  1. Phillips, Miss Edna
  2. Phillips, Mrs. A. V.
  3. Ponder, Mrs. Alice
  4. Ponder, Miss Fleur
  5. Popalo, Miss Adele
  6. Popperwell, Mr. Fred T.
  7. Popperwell, Mrs. Mary A.
  8. Popperwell, Mr. John W.
  9. Popperwell, Mrs. Emma
  10. Porter, Miss Mary C.
  11. Prewett, Mr. Frank J.
  12. Proctor, Miss Elizabeth
  13. Pugmire, Mr. D. Ross
  14. Purcell, Mrs. Lyelia P.


▓▓▓ "R" ▓▓▓

  1. Ramsey, Miss Wray
  2. Randall, Miss Dorothy L.
  3. Raysmith. Mr. T. H.
  4. Rees, Mrs. Leonore R.
  5. Reid, Miss Helen
  6. Rew, Miss Jeannie
  7. Reynolds, Mr. Paul
  8. Reynolds, Mrs. Helen
  9. Rice, Mr. Charles
  10. Rice, Mrs.
  11. Richardson, Miss Ruth
  12. Richardson, Mrs. A.
  13. Riggs, Mrs. Alice
  14. Riley, Miss Louise J.
  15. Ring, Miss Ruth
  16. Ripero, Father Sabastian
  17. Robinson, Mrs. Rosina
  1. Robinson, Master Donald
  2. Robinson, Mrs. Julia
  3. Robinson, Miss Doris
  4. Robitzek, Mrs. Louisa
  5. Rogers, Mr. Reic M.
  6. Rogers, Mrs. Janey
  7. Rokach, Rabbi Schulem
  8. Roof, Dr. Clyde S.
  9. Rose, Miss Minnie
  10. Rowe, Mrs. Mary
  11. Rubin, Miss Grace
  12. Rubinstein, Mr. S.
  13. Rudy, Miss Alice
  14. Rumsey, Miss Madora
  15. Rumsey, Miss Claudia
  16. Rustgaard, Mr. John
  17. Rustgaard, Mrs.


▓▓▓ "S" ▓▓▓

  1. Sand, Miss M.
  2. Sands, Dr. John
  3. Sands, Mrs. Rose
  4. Saperstein, Mr. Reuben
  5. Sarchet, Mrs. J. H.
  6. Sauls, Mrs. G. L.
  7. Sauls, Miss Gladys
  8. Saunders, Miss Margaret
  9. Say, Mr. Teodor
  10. Schamins, Mrs. Matilda
  11. Schichtanz, Mrs. Elizabeth
  12. Schmitchen, Mrs. Catherine
  13. Schweitzer, Miss Catherine
  14. Scott, Mr. M. F.
  15. Searing, Mr. Laurence S.
  16. Searing, Mrs.
  17. Shafer, Mr. Harry
  18. Shafer, Mrs. Elizabeth
  19. Shaw, Mrs. H. W.
  20. Sheer, Mr. J. T.
  21. Sheer, Mrs. A. M.
  22. Sherman, Mrs. M.
  23. Sheward, Mrs. K.
  24. Shields, Mrs. Elizabeth
  25. Shoffner, Miss Virginia
  26. Siceloff, Miss B.
  27. Simerka, Mr. Charles
  28. Slater, Mr. Jonathan
  29. Slater, Mr. William
  30. Slater, Mrs. Mathilda
  31. Sloan, Miss Jean
  32. Slusser, Mrs. Catherine
  33. Smiley, Mrs. Constance
  34. Smith, Miss M.
  1. Smith, Rev. Edward H.
  2. Smith, Mrs. Florence
  3. Smith, Mr. Bernard H.
  4. Smith, Mrs. Lilla
  5. Smith, Miss Alice R.
  6. Smith, Miss Beulah
  7. Snively, Rev. Alfred
  8. Snively, Mrs. Mary
  9. Snively, Miss Gertrude
  10. Sojda, Mr. John
  11. Sonnefelot, Mr. George
  12. Sonnefelot, Mrs.
  13. Sosniecki, Mr. John
  14. Sosneicki, Mrs.
  15. Sosneicki, Mr. John J.
  16. Sowden, Mr. Richard J.
  17. Sowden, Mrs. Jane
  18. Sowden, Mrs. Grace
  19. Spangler, Mr. Purd
  20. Spangler, Mrs. Fanny
  21. Spear, Miss Irene
  22. Spencer, Mrs. C. A.
  23. St. Blair, Mr. Wallace
  24. Steer, Miss Mabel A. E.
  25. Stewart, Mr. Moray V.
  26. Stewart, Mrs. Hattie
  27. Stewart, Miss Rae
  28. Stewart, Miss Dorothy
  29. Stewart, Mr. James J.
  30. Stewart, Mrs.
  31. Margaret M.
  32. Stone, Miss Vivian
  33. Storey, Miss Sarah
  34. Strong, Miss Pansy
  35. Struthers, Miss Hester
  36. Sutton, Mr. John
  37. Swanberg, Mr. Bernat
  38. Szymanska, Mrs. Stanislawa


▓▓▓ "T" ▓▓▓

  1. Talley, Miss Margaret
  2. Taylor, Miss Dorothy
  3. Taylor, Mrs. Mary J.
  4. Taylor, Miss Verna M.
  5. Teagarden, Miss Irene
  6. Terry, Miss Geneva
  7. Thai, Miss Fannie
  8. Thomas, Dr. Roy Z.
  9. Thomas, Miss Anna E.
  10. Thomas, Mr. Lenjohn W.
  11. Thomas, Mrs. Bertha D.
  12. Thomas, Miss Minnie
  13. Thomas, Miss Alberta
  14. Thomas, Miss Helen
  15. Thomas, Mr. Charles M.
  1. Thompson, Miss Edith B.
  2. Thompson, Miss Maud B.
  3. Thompson, Miss Lois
  4. Thornton, Miss Colletta
  5. Tookey, Mrs. Mary
  6. Townsend, Miss Edith
  7. Travelsted, Miss Louise
  8. Tregenza, Mr. Arthur
  9. Trejtnar, Mr. Joseph
  10. Trejtnar, Mrs. Hermina
  11. Tupper, Mr. W.
  12. Tupper, Mrs.
  13. Tuvim, Mrs. Helen G.
  14. Tuvim, Miss Judith G.


▓▓▓ "U" ▓▓▓

  1. Ubinger, Miss Mary
  1. Urrutea, Mr. Douglas


▓▓▓ "A" ▓▓▓

  1. Vail, Miss E.
  2. Vallery, Mr. Charles
  3. Valve, Miss Katri
  4. Van Pelt, Mr. Henry
  5. Van Pelt, Mrs.
  1. Van Pelt, Rev. J. R.
  2. Varsor, Miss Lilly
  3. Von Bramer, Miss Hazel
  4. Vorce, Mr. Charles P.
  5. Vossler, Miss Nellie C.


▓▓▓ "W" ▓▓▓

  1. Wade, Mr. William
  2. Waldstein, Mr. Daniel
  3. Waldstein, Mrs. Dora
  4. Waldstein, Master Paul
  5. Wallis, Mr. Frank A.
  6. Walsh, Miss Marguerite
  7. Walter, Miss Arabel
  8. Walton, Mr. John
  9. Walton, Mr. C. Russell
  10. Warren, Mr. Robert
  11. Water, Mrs. Ada
  12. Waters, Mr. John M.
  13. Waters, Mrs. Laura
  14. Waters, Mr. John M.
  15. Watkins, Miss Marie S.
  16. Watson, Mr. D.
  17. Wawrzynkiewicz, Mrs. M.
  18. Weber, Miss M. E.
  19. Weber, Miss Bertha
  20. Weber, Miss Emma
  21. Weed, Mrs. Irene A.
  22. Weinrib, Mr. Morris
  23. Weinrib, Mrs. Rebecca
  24. Weinsheidt, Mr. P.
  25. Weinstein, Miss Mary
  1. Wells, Miss H. R.
  2. Welsh, Mrs. Mary A.
  3. Westhafer, Mrs. J. B.
  4. Wicker, Mrs. Suzane
  5. Wickes, Miss M.
  6. Wiescke, Miss Hazel
  7. Wilde, Mrs. Minnie
  8. Williams, Rev. William L.
  9. Williams, Miss Eleanor M.
  10. Williams, Mrs. Maude
  11. Willingham, Miss Eleanor
  12. Wilson, Miss Mildred
  13. Wingfield, Rev. Marshall
  14. Wingfield, Mrs.
  15. Witchi, Mr. Ernest
  16. Wortman, Mr. Joseph
  17. Wortman, Mrs. Marguerite
  18. Wray, Miss Mary
  19. Wroe, Mr. Hilton
  20. Wroe, Mrs. Helen


▓▓▓ "Y" ▓▓▓

  1. Yager, Mrs. Arabelle
  2. Yates, Miss Mabel
  3. Young, Miss Martha
  4. Young, Miss Mary
  1. Young, Miss Lizzie
  2. Young, Miss Anne
  3. Younng, Miss Mary


▓▓▓ "Z" ▓▓▓

  1. Zacoum, Mr. H.
  1. Zacoum, Mrs. Clara


Information for Tourist Third Cabin Passengers


When One Sitting
When Two Sittings
8:00 am
7-45 am and 9:00 am
1:00 pm
12 Noon and 1-15:00 pm
7:00 pm
6-0 pm and 7-15:00 pm

Divine Service will be held on Sundays at 11:00 am

SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers should apply to the Chief Tourist Steward for reservation of seats.

UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.

THE PURSER'S OFFICE. Letters. Cables, Telegrams and Marconigrams are received or delivered, and Postage Stamps can be purchased.

None of the ship's staff other than those on duty in the Purser's Office are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for despatch.

CHARGES COLLECTED ON BOARD. Passengers are requested to ask for a receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Kug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams, Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.

PASSENGERS MAIL. On the steamers arrival passengers should enquire personally whether there is any mail for them, and before disembarking they are invited to leave their addresses at the Purser's office in order that later despatches may be redirected.

LIBRARY. Books can be obtained on applying to the Library Steward.

CINEMATOGRAPH PERFORMANCES. Cinematograph performances will be given in a location which will be advised from time to time.

DECK CHAIRS and STEAMER RUGS can be hired on application to the Deck Steward, at a charge of 4/- (or $1) each for the voyage.

MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on the voyage. In the case of sickness originating on the voyage no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

BARBER. The Barber's hours are from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, and he is authorized to make the following charges:—

* Shampooing
* Face Massage
* Scalp
Marcel Waving
Waving and Curling
* Shamoo (Wet)
* Face Massage
* Scalp
Tonic Dressing

* Shampoos & Massage of a special character as per prices displayed in Hairdressing room.

The Barber is allowed the privilege of selling various souvenirs and small articles on his own account.

RAILWAY TIME TABLES of the various Companies can be obtained on applying to the Lihrary Steward.

VALUABLES. For the convenience of passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser's Oftice a safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by passengers.

A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Suction 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles.

Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.

EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of Knglish, American and Canadian money, at rates which will be advised on application.

TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES, payable in all parts of Europe, U.S.A., and Canada, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the Company. These Cheques are accepted on board steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.

BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Baggage Master on board. Uncrated Automobiles carried as baggage must be included on the U.S. Customs Declaration, which will facilitate Customs clearance.

BAGGAGE should bear initial label of surname to facilitate correct grouping in Customs shed, also label with owner's name and address. On arrival, baggage will be grouped alphabetically in Customs shed. Passengers are required to attend personally to Customs examination.

RESERVATION OF PULLMAN SLEEPING AND PARLOUR CARS ON AMERICAN RAILROADS. Passengers desiring to make reservations should inform the Purser of their intentions; he will be pleased to Marconi at passengers' own expense.

DOGS and CATS. Passengers are notified that dogs and cats must be handed over to the care of the butcher, and when carried as baggage to be landed at New York, must be included in the U.S. Customs declaration.

PORTHOLES. As it is dangerous for passengers to handle the Ports, they are requested to ask the Bedroom Steward to open and close the Portholes in the staterooms as required.

LECTURES. For the purpose of private lectures the White Star Line will be pleased to loan sets of slides as well as a printed lecture in cases where desired by Tourist passengers who may wish to lecture in Great Britain and Ireland upon their experiences and visits to the United States and Canada.

COMPLAINTS. It is our earnest and constant endeavour to satisfy and please our passengers. Should any cause for complaint arise it is requested that such should be at once reported to the Commander, Purser or Chief Steward.

SERVICE. Suggestions for the improvement of the service will be welcomed.

NOTICE: LANDING CARDS. It is necessary that passengers present their Landing Cards, together with Passports, to the United States Immigration Inspector for endorsement before leaving the vessel.

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR Round Trip Tourist Passengers

Passengers holding return tickets who are undecided about their Untied States and Canadian addresses should advise same to our nearest office in United States or Canada by mail or in person as soon as possible after arrival abroad. If this is done by letter, please mention sailing on which you will return and accommodation reserved for you.

All passengers holding return tickets are requested to communicate with our nearest office at least a week in advance of their sailing from United States or Canada, so that necessary formalities may be arranged In connection with their return passage.

For addresses of our Principal Offices see last page.


For those passengers who may be returning from the United States or Canada to Europe, and who have NOT yet made the necessary reservations, the Purser will be pleased to radio New York, Boston, or Montreal Office for any accommodation required.

This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will, consequently, save them time and trouble after landing.


Dance music will be provided daily on the SS "Homeric" by skilled musicians who will play at the following hours :-

  • 11:00 am to 12 noon
  • 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
  • 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm


For the convenience of passengers not fully conversant with the English language, the Company has appointed to this steamer a RECEPTION OFFICER able to converse in the majority of European languages, and whose services are at the disposal of passengers, if required. Enquiry for the Reception Officer should be made at the Purser's Office, and it is hoped that passengers will not hesitate to avail of his services.


Refund of Head Tax can be obtained provided passengers have complied with the following conditions :—

  1. Inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival that it is their intention to leave the United States within 60 days, and obtain from the Inspector" Head Tax Refund Certificate " (Form 514).
  2. When leaving the United States to have the departure certified on Form 514 by the Purser of the vessel or by the conductor of the train upon which the departure takes place.
  3. The Immigration Authorities impose a time limit of 120 days from date of entry after which claims for refund will not be considered. Passengers must, therefore, submit Form 514, duly completed, to the Company in sufficient time to enable the Company to make their application within this limit of time (120 days).


Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused), RMS Homeric Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 6 August 1930.

Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused), RMS Homeric Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 6 August 1930. GGA Image ID # 1f1050d511


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