RMS Homeric Passenger List 24 June 1931

Front Cover, Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Homeric of the White Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 24 June 1931 from Southampton to New York.

Front Cover, Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Homeric of the White Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 24 June 1931 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain J. B. Bulman. GGA Image ID # 13c5bdbedd


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: J. B. Bulman
  2. Chief Engineer: J. Ferguson
  3. Chief Officer W. B. STARR, R.D., R.N.R
  4. First Officer J. FOYSTER
  5. Second Officer W. DEVLIN, R.D., R.N.R
  6. Senior Second Engineer T. A. L. Bailey
  7. Inter. Second Engineer - A. L. EADES
  8. Senior Third Engineer - S. Nicholas
  9. Surgeon - J. B. MAGUIRE, M.B., B.CH., B.A.O. (Dub.), L.M. (Rot.)
  10. Purser - W. GREENSLADE
  11. Assistant. PURSERS G. W. McHUGH and C. Benson
  12. Reception Officer S. BELOSSELSKY
  13. Chief Steward H. N. IBBOTSON
  14. Chief Tourist Steward - A. G. Sanders


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Adams, Mr. Martin
  2. Adams, Mrs. Kathleen
  3. Beeckman, Miss Florence L
  4. Beeckman, Miss Mary O
  5. Blakeslee, Mr. C. W
  6. Bliss, Mrs. Catherine
  7. Boxill, Miss Leila
  8. Boxill, Mrs. Bessie
  9. Calvin, Mr. Mathew
  10. Carter, Miss Anne C
  11. Christensen, Mr. Soren A
  12. Clarke, Miss L. M
  13. Curtis, Mrs. M. G
  14. Dartt, Mrs. Winifred
  15. Dittmar, Master James
  16. Dittmar, Mrs. Clifford
  17. Dobie, Miss Ellen C
  18. Dunglingson, Mr. B
  19. Field, Mrs. A. H
  20. Fountaine, Mr. Thos. L
  21. Fountaine, Mrs
  22. Freche, Miss Y
  23. Gavey, Mr. H
  24. Gavey, Mrs
  25. Godfrey, Mrs. L
  26. Granath, Mr. Conrad
  27. Granath, Mrs. Myrtle
  28. Greenberg, Mr. Alfred
  29. Hagopian, Mr. Harry
  30. Headland, Mrs. Marian
  31. Hecht, Master D
  32. Hecht, Miss H
  33. Hecht, Mrs. Selma
  34. Hecker, Mr. David
  35. Hershenson, Dr. B
  36. Hershenson, Mrs. S
  37. Hines, Miss Dorothy
  38. Hoiby, Miss Sarah
  39. James, Rev. John E
  40. Jenkins, Miss Margaret
  41. Johnstone, Miss Agnes E
  42. Klein, Mr. Bernhard
  43. Klein, Mr. Herman
  44. Kleppe, Mr. A
  45. Kowal, Miss Rosalie
  46. Lawrence, Miss Pauline
  47. Lecky, Miss A
  48. Lubin, Miss Alma B
  49. Lusenberg, Mr. A. S
  50. Manton, Mr. F. W
  51. Matthews, Miss Ruth E
  52. Migueis, Mr. Fortunato
  53. Miller, Mrs. Ada
  54. Miller, Mrs. J. J
  55. Moody, Miss Miriam E
  56. Murray, Miss Isabel
  57. Norstrum, Mrs. B
  58. Norton, Mr. Spencer H
  59. Olsen, Mr. Alex
  60. Osborn, Mr. E. K
  61. Pichon, Mrs. M. E
  62. Quinn, Mrs. Sidonie
  63. Reed, Dr. L. J
  64. Rees, Master Walter L
  65. Rees, Miss Gwendolyn
  66. Rees, Mr. G. D
  67. Rees, Mrs. Agnes
  68. Rees, Mrs. Alma C
  69. Riccardo, Mr. Richard
  70. Rittenhouse, Mr. Eric
  71. Rittenhouse, Mrs. Helen
  72. Rittenhouse, Mrs. Ina
  73. Roberts, Mr. Ralph
  74. Romich, Mrs. Nettie
  75. Rovetta, Mr. G
  76. Rovetta, Mrs. C
  77. Sawin, Mrs. Edith H
  78. Schinkovich, Mr. John
  79. Stephenson, Miss Marjorie B
  80. Stephenson, Mr. John W
  81. Stephenson, Mrs. Daisy D
  82. Stimmley, Miss Rosa
  83. Sweet, Miss Nora
  84. Thorns, Mrs. M.D.
  85. Tomaskovich, Mrs. Irma
  86. Wahwerit, Mr. Edward
  87. Watkins, Miss Olive
  88. Wells, Miss Helen
  89. Wilson, Miss Dorothea
  90. Wylde, Mr. Joseph R.


Recovery of United States Head Tax

Refund of Head Tax can be obtained provided Passengers have complied with the following conditions :—

(1) Inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival that it is their intention to leave the United States within 60 days, and obtain from the Inspector " Head Tax Refund Certificate " (Form 514).

(2) When leaving the United States to have the departure certified on Form 514 by the Purser of the vessel or by the conductor of the train upon which the departure takes place.

(3) The Immigration Authorities impose a time limit of 120 days from date of entry, after which claims for refund will not be considered. Passengers must, therefore, submit Form 514, duly completed, to the Company in sufficient time to enable the Company to make their application within this limit of time (120 days).

Return Accommodation.

For those Passengers who may be returning from the United States or Canada to Europe, and who have not yet made the necessary reservations, Radios will be sent free of charge to New York, Boston or Montreal Office, for any accommodation required. This will enable Passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will, consequently, save them time and trouble after landing.

The Company's Passenger Representative on Board is Mr. W. E. COUSENS who will be pleased at all times to render every attention and assistance.

How To Know the Ship's Officers By Their Sleeve Stripes

When Officers are in white uniform, similar badges of rank will be shewn on the shoulder straps instead of on the sleeve of the coat.

  • Commander - 4 rows gold lace, straight. Commanders, when Assistant Commanders are carried—In addition, a gold 5-pointed star over the front centre of the upper row of lace
  • Chief Officer 3 rows gold lace, straight
  • Chief Engineer 4 rows gold lace, straight, with purple velvet between
  • Chief Engineers, when Assistant Chief Engineers are carried—In addition, a gold 5-pointed star over the front centre of the upper row of lace
  • Purser - - 3 rows gold lace, straight, with white velvet between
  • Surgeon 3 rows gold lace, straight, with red velvet between
  • Chief Steward - 3 rows gold lace, zig-zag


Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused), RMS Homeric Passenger List, 24 June 1931.

Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused), RMS Homeric Passenger List, 24 June 1931. GGA Image ID # 1f1085f079


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