RMS Arabic Passenger List - 11 June 1909
Front Cover, Second Class Passenger List for the RMS Arabic of the White Star Line, Departing Friday, 11 June 1909 from Liverpool to New York via Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain W. Finch. GGA Image ID # 13ba870dac
Passenger List includes a photograph of the RMS Arabic and a Warning Notice about Professional Gamblers. We have seen a number of similar notices, especially in White Star Line and Cunard passenger lists of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Typically, you would find one included with the First Class or Saloon lists. This is the first Second Class passenger list we ran across included a "Professional Gamblers" Warning Notice.
White Star Line Steamship SS Arabic
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: W. Finch (Lt. R.N.R.)
- Surgeon: A. V. Elder
- Purser: J. Rooney
- Chief Steward: G. Roberton
Warning! Professional Gamblers May Be Traveling in Second Class
Insert, Special Notice - Professional Gamblers... Inserted into this passenger list.
Second Class Passengers
- Mr. James Airlie
- Mr. John Alderson
- Mrs. Alderson
- Miss Florrie Alderson
- Miss Clara H. Allen
- Mr. John J. Alnwick
- Mr. John T. Archibald
- Mrs. Archibald
- Mrs. Agnes Atkinson
- Mr. W. K. Bagnall
- Mrs. J. H. Bailey
- Mr. Frederick D. Barnes
- Mrs. Maria Bestwick
- Master H. Bestwick
- Master Harold Bestwick
- Master Frank Bestwick
- Mrs. Maria Bestwick and Infant
- Miss Lena Burman
- Mrs. Bestford
- Mrs. Anne L. Boulton
- Miss Dorothy Boulton
- Miss Anne Boulton
- Miss Beatrice A. Brown
- Miss Mary Bulcock
- Mr. George Bullock
- Mr. John Burnet
- Mr. Alfred Burton
- Mrs. Burton
- Mr. Ernest P. Butler
- Mr. John A. Caldwell
- Mrs. Caldwell
- Mr. Julius Calvert
- Mrs. P. H. Carroll
- Mr. Aaron Cohen
- Miss Mary E. Collings
- Mr. M. Collins
- M r. Elias Compton
- Miss Nellie A. Coniff
- Mr. Hugh Cosgrove
- Mrs. Rhoda Coulton
- Mr. Timothy Curran
- Mr. A. Cadman
- Master Patrick Curran
- Mrs. Ellie Curran
- Mr. Herbert Davies
- Mrs. Davies
- Master H. G. Davies
- Mies Florence Davies
- Miss Vera Davies
- Mr. William F. Ditch
- Mrs. Ditch
- Miss Gladys Ditch
- Miss Eileen Doyle
- Mr. Alfred Drakeford
- Mrs. Drakeford
- Miss Grace Drakeford
- Mr. Patrick Driscoll
- Miss Mary Duggan
- Mr. L. Rae Dunrobin
- Mr. Henry T. Durnford
- Mrs. E. Dyer
- Miss Violet Dyer
- Miss Olive Dyer
- Miss Jenny Dyer
- Mr. Percy Dyer
- Mrs. J. Earnshaw
- Miss Adelaide Earnshaw
- Mr. Lat Ellani
- Mr. John Everington
- Miss J. Everton
- Mr. Cabel Fathers
- Mr. William H. Fortune
- Mr. Thomas Gallahue
- Mrs. M. Galvin
- Master Timothy
- Galvin Mr. Gibson
- Mr. Albert Gittins
- Mr. A. S. Gray
- Mr. Hugh St. V. Grover
- Mr. Clem Hackney
- Mrs. Sallie E. Hackney
- Miss Emma Hackney
- Miss Clementina Hackney
- Master Henry Hackney
- Miss Sallie Hackney
- Master John Hackney
- Mrs. Bridget Hade
- Miss Patricia Hade
- Mr. Williaim Hade
- Mr. E. J. Hall
- Mr. Cornwall Hart
- Mr. Claude Hart
- Miss Isabella. Hart
- Miss Margaret Harten
- Mr. Edgar Hartley
- Miss Margaret Hartley
- Mr. George A. Hill
- Miss Margaret Horgan
- Mr. Abdul Hosein
- Mr. Novel Muck
- Mr. Edward A. Hull
- Mrs. Emma Hunt
- Mr. Henry Isaacs
- Miss Annie Isaacs
- Mr. William Izzard
- Mr. William H. James
- Mrs. James
- Master William H. James
- Mr. James Jardin
- Mrs. May Jardin
- Mrs. H. S. Jones
- Miss Marjorie L. Jones
- Mr. D. A. Kapitzke
- Mr. C. Kermond
- Mrs. Kermond
- Mr. H. Kermond
- Mrs. Margaret King
- Mrs. Jennie Kremer
- Master Lionel Kremer
- Mr. H. Landless
- Mrs. R. A. Lane
- Miss Dorothy Lane
- Miss Ethel A. I. Lane
- Miss Ruth Lattimore
- Mr. Julius Lester
- Mrs. Annie Lewis
- Miss Rose Lewis
- Miss Ethel Lewis
- Mr. Albert Licence
- Mr. Rudolph Lober
- Mr. A. H. Ludwig
- Mrs. Ludwig
- Master E. A. Ludwig
- Mr. E. L. Macabee
- Mrs. Macabee
- Master Fabian Macabee
- Master Cedin Macabee
- Miss Elaine Macabee
- Mr. Robert MacNaughton
- Mr. Thomas Martin
- Mr. James Martin
- Mr. Michael McCann
- Mr. James McCann
- Mr. Charles McGovern
- Mrs. McGovern
- Mr. Chajem Migden
- Mr. E. J. Moulton
- Mrs. Moulton
- Master Fred Moulton
- Master William Moulton
- Mr. William Muirhead
- Miss Wilhehmena Myatti
- Mr. A. Oakley
- Mr. Percy O'Connor
- Mr. Thomas O'Brien
- Mrs. Parr Miss Parr
- Mr. A. Percy
- Mrs. Mary Pond
- Mr. Alfred Potvin
- Mr. Albert E. Pugh
- Mr. D. J. Quinn
- Mrs. Quinn
- Mr. D. G. Radcliffe
- Mr. Eugene Randolph
- Mr. Saul Rosin
- Mrs. Rose Rosin
- Miss Janet Rosin
- Master Jack Rosin
- Miss Bertha Rosin
- Miss Leon Rosin
- Mr. Edward Scanlon
- Mr. Saul Schwartz
- Mr. Albert S. Scott
- Miss Lucy Slater
- Mr. Ernest Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Mr. Joseph Smythe
- Rev. Joseph E. Spencer
- Mr. Roland E. Stephenson
- Mr. George Stewart
- Mr. W. H. Stone
- Mr. Charles Sweigle
- Mrs. Sweigle
- Mr. J. W. Thompson
- Mrs. Lillian D. Thorne
- Mr. Frank Thorne
- Master Kenneth Thorne
- Miss Florence Trevelion
- Mr. David Uzell
- Mrs. Uzell
- Mr. Arthur Wade
- Miss Elizabeth H. Wade
- Mr. Albert Wade
- Mrs. Wade
- Miss Minnie Wade
- Master Norman Wade
- Mr. James Wardrope
- Mrs. Edith Whitehead
- Miss Rebecca Whitehead
- Master Leonard Whitehead
- Mr. Joseph Whittaker
- Miss Whittaker
- Mrs. E. Whorldall
- Miss M. H. Whorldall
- Mr. William Willetts
- Mrs. Florence Williams
- Miss Irene Williams
- Mrs. E. A. Winstone
- Mrs. Eunice Worsley
- Mrs. Eliza Wright
Photograph of the SS Arabic of the White Star Line. Back Cover of the SS Arabic Passenger List, 11 June 1909. GGA Image ID # 1e4a823458
Information for Passengers
Meal Hours.—Breakfast, 8 am. Dinner, 12:30 p.m. Tea, 5:30 p.m.
Bar opens at 8 am and closes at 10:30 pm.
Lights.—The lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11 pm and in the Smoke Room at midnight.
Smoking is strictly prohibited in any State Rooms, Library, or Dining Saloon
Library.—Books can be obtained by applying to the Library Steward.
Postage Stamps can be obtained from the Saloon Steward in the Dining Saloon, who will take charge of Cable Dispatches and Telegrams for transmission from Queenstown.
Meals are not permitted to be served in the Library.
Second-class Passengers are not allowed on the First or Third Class Decks.
Valuables.—The White Star Line has provided a safe in the office of the Purser in which Passengers may deposit money, jewels, or ornaments for safekeeping. "The Company will not be liable to Passengers for the loss of money, jewels, or ornaments by theft or otherwise, not so deposited.
The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board, no charge will be made, and medicine will be free in all circumstances.
The Purser is prepared for the convenience of Passengers to exchange a limited amount of English and American money. He will allow $4.80 to £1 when giving American money for English currency or £1 to $4.95 when giving English for American money.
All Southampton-Cherbourg-Queenstown-New York, Liverpool-Queenstown-New York, and Liverpool-Queenstown-Boston Mail and Passenger Steamers of the White Star Line are fitted with the Marconi Wireless system of Telegraphy, and messages for dispatch should be handed to the Pursers.
Travelers' Cheques, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the White Star Line. These Cheques are accepted on board White Star steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.
Books, libraries, usual and reasonable furniture, and similar household effects of persons or families from foreign countries, all the preceding, if used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale, are free.
Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States are free. Still, this exemption shall only include such articles as accompany and are in the use of, and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons, for the immediate purposes of the journey and present comfort and convenience, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles intended for other persons or for sale: Provided. That in case of residents of the United States returning from abroad, all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their identity being established, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary, of the Treasury.
Still, up to one hundred dollars in value of articles purchased abroad by such residents of the United States shall be admitted free of duty upon their return.
All dutiable goods should be declared to the Staff Officer on board and entered on the blanks provided for that purpose, as they are subject, if not so declared, to seizure and confiscation, and the passenger knowingly offending is liable to fine and imprisonment.
Whenever any article subject to duty is found in the baggage of any person arriving within the United States which was not declared, such article shall be forfeited. The person whose baggage it is found shall be liable to a penalty of treble the value of such article.
Penalty for smuggling or aiding in the smuggling of any dutiable articles, or bribery of Customs Officials, a fine not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars ($5000), imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both.