RMS Adriatic Passenger List - 1 June 1929

Front Cover, White Star Line RMS Adriatic Cabin Passenger List - 1 June 1929.

Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Adriatic of the White Star Line, Departing Saturday, 1 June 1929 from Liverpool to New York via Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain V. W. Hickson (LCDR, RNR, Retd.). GGA Image ID # 12fab2375d


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: V. W. HICKSON (LT.-COMMR. R.N.R., RETD.)
  • Chief Engineer: J. A. MUNGALL
  • Chief Officer: F. F. STEELE
  • First Officer: R. P. STEVENS
  • Second Officer: O. V. LUCAS
  • Senr. Second Engineer: C. KEENLISIDE
  • Inter. Second Engineer: J. C. CLACHRIE
  • Senr. Third Engineer: J. FERGUSON
  • Surgeon: W. FITZPATRICK L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.)
  • Asst. Surgeon: B. E. JERWOOD, M.A., B.CH., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
  • Purser: W. J. O’HAGAN
  • Assistant Purser: R. R. ELLIS
  • Chief Steward: E. MASTERS
  • Second Steward:  A. GRESTY


Cabin Passengers

  1. Banks, Mrs. E.
  2. Bark by, Mrs. H.
  3. Barkby, Master F. C.
  4. Barnett, Miss A.
  5. Bigelow, Mrs. Charles
  6. Bohr, Dr. F. J.
  7. Bohr, Mrs.
  8. Carr, Mr. F. C.
  9. Chamberlain, Mr. A. W. D.
  10. Clarke, Mr. Robert
  11. Clarke, Mrs.
  12. Cohen, Miss Jane
  13. Colvin, Mr. Henry
  14. Colvin, Mrs.
  15. Conklin, Mrs. H. S.
  16. Crawford, Mrs. H.
  17. Crump, Mrs. E.
  18. Crump, Miss S.
  19. Cummings, Mr. M. K.
  20. Denman, Mr. H. R.
  21. Denman, Mrs.
  22. Diggle, Mr. Harold
  23. Eastman, Mr. Walter
  24. Eastman, Mrs.
  25. Eckhoff, Miss J. E.
  26. Farran, Rev. Joseph
  27. Fell, Miss H. M.
  28. Flynn, Mr. Bernard
  29. Flynn, Mr. Michael
  30. Fogg, Mr. F. S.
  31. Fogg, Mrs.
  32. Frederick. Mr. W. D.
  33. Girot, Miss F.
  34. Golden, Miss Jane
  35. Gompertz, Mr. H. C. T.
  36. Gowland, Miss C. C.
  37. Greggs, Mr. G. W.
  38. Griffin, Mr. John W.
  39. Griffin, Mrs.
  40. Gurney, Mrs. M. C.
  41. Harris, Mrs. F. G.
  42. Harris, Mr. William
  43. Haskell, Mr. E. L.
  44. Haskell, Mrs.
  45. Haskell, Master Robert L.
  46. Haskell, Mr. Edward R.
  47. Haskell, Mr. John G.
  48. Hassett, Miss Madge
  49. Heath, Mr. W. G.
  50. Heath, Mrs.
  51. Higgins, Mr. D.
  52. Hughes, Mr. R. S.
  53. Hughes. Mrs.
  54. Jacobs. Mr. M. D.
  55. Jacobs, .Mrs.
  56. James, Miss M. M.
  57. Janssen, Mr. F. L
  58. Lee, Miss May
  59. Lewis, Mr. Richard
  60. Lucy, Mrs. Emma
  61. Lyon, Mrs. B. F.
  62. Madigan, Rev. Leo
  63. McCort, D.D., Rt. Rev. J. J.
  64. Miller, Mrs. E. W.
  65. Miller, Miss L. J.
  66. Mumford. Mr. H. W.
  67. Murphy, Mrs. Delia
  68. Murphy, Miss Ethel
  69. Naismith. Mr. A. J.
  70. Nichols, Mr. Howard
  71. Nichols, Mrs.
  72. O’Connor, Mr. M.
  73. O’Neil, V.F., Very Rev. Hugh
  74. Pfeiffer, Mrs. J.
  75. Powell, Mr. C. F. N.
  76. Reid, Mr. W. C.
  77. Robinson, Mr. J. C. S.
  78. Samet, Mr. Henry
  79. Scott, Mrs. R. A.
  80. Shepherd, Mr. G. M. Shepherd, Mrs.
  81. Shepherd, Jr., Mr. G. M.
  82. Shepherd, Miss Lydia D.
  83. Smith, Mrs. E. B.
  84. Stevenson, Mrs. W. L.
  85. Stocker, Miss R.
  86. Studholme, Mr. W. S. V.
  87. Svensson, Mr. T. E.
  88. Turner, Mrs. G. W.
  89. Turpie, Miss M. E.
  90. Valentine, Mr. W. M.
  91. Van Santvoord, Mr. A.S.
  92. Van Santvoord, Mrs.
  93. Van Wart, Mr. W. Irving
  94. Van Wart, Mr. Edwin C.
  95. Van Wart, Miss Helen I.
  96. Vaughan, Mr. F. E.
  97. Vaughan, Mrs.
  98. Wagner, Mrs. E.
  99. Walsh, Judge W. L.
  100. Waters, Mr. J. H.
  101. Wehrspaun, Mr. C. W.
  102. Wheeler, Mr. J. R.
  103. Wheeler, Mrs.
  104. White, Mr. William
  105. White, Mrs.
  106. Whiting, Mr. W. H.
  107. Whittington, Mr. J. R.
  108. Williams, Mr. F. R.
  109. Wiseman, Sir William
  110. Worthington, Mr. M. L.
  111. Yerkes, Mrs. S. C.


Information for Passengers


  • BREAKFAST from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.
  • LUNCH at 1:00 p.m.
  • DINNER at 7:00 p.m.

The Bar opens at 8:00 a.m., and closes at 11:30 p.m.

Lights are extinguished at the undermentioned times:

  • Saloon: 11:00 p.m.
  • Lounge and Drawing Room: 11:30 p.m.
  • Smoking Room: Midnight.

Divine Service in the Saloon on Sunday at 11 a.m.

SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Second Steward.

UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the steward or stewardess.

MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. The surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the commander, for treating pa8sengers at their request for any illness not originating on the voyage. In the case of sickness developed on the voyage no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances

The Hours for Consultation are as follows: 10:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m., 8:30 p.m. - but the Surgeon is available at all times in case of urgency.

AN ENQUIRY OFFICE has been provided for the convenience of passengers where all enquiries for information of a general character can be made.

Letters, Cables, Telegrams and Marconigrams are received here for dispatch, and Postage Stamps can be purchased, and Deck Chairs and Steamer Rugs hired at this Office, through which also all Mails will be distributed. Postage Stamps can also be obtained from the Lounge Steward.

None of the ship's staff, other than those on duty in the Enquiry Office, are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for despatch.

CHARGES COLLECTED ON BOARD. Passengers are requested to ask for a receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams, Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.

PASSENGERS’ ADDRESSES may be left at the Enquiry Office in order that any letters received after passengers have left the steamer may be forwarded.


Back Cover, White Star Line RMS Adriatic Cabin Passenger List - 1 June 1929.

Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused). RMS Adriatic Cabin Passenger List - 1 June 1929. GGA Image ID # 12fae64bea


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