SS Britannic Passenger List - 4 October 1935
Front Cover, Tourist Passenger List from the SS Britannic of the White Star Line, Departing Friday, 4 October 1935 from Le Havre and Southampton to New York via Cobh, Commanded by Captain W. A. Hawkes, CBE, RD, RNR. GGA Image ID # 13bd4be7ab
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain W. A. Hawkes, C.B.E., R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: G. R. Montgomery
- Chief Officer: D. S. Robinson, R.D., R.N.R.
- Surgeon: J. B. Maguire
- Purser: R. Edwards
- Tourist Purser: D. H. Jones
- Second Assistant Purser: C. F. Doughty
- Chief Steward: A. Gresty
- Tourist Steward: E. L. Whitfield
Tourist Passengers
- Miss J. L. Alexander
- Miss E. E. H. Allen
- Miss L. Anderson
- Mrs. G. H. Angus
- Mr. M. Armel
- Mr. J. Armel
- Sister M. Assumpta
- Mr. A. J. Barnes
- Miss B. Barron
- Mr. N. Berstein
- Mrs. M. Bischoff
- Miss M. R. Bischoff
- Mrs. F. M. Blanchard
- Mrs. Blair
- Miss F. E. Blunn
- Mr. M. Bronnan
- Mr. W. Brown
- Miss M. Burns
- Mrs. M. Byrne
- Mr. K. Cahill
- Mrs. M. Christensen
- Mr. D. O. Cochrane
- Mrs. Cochrane
- Miss M. Corbett
- Miss M. Dillon
- Miss R. M. Dillon
- Miss E. Dorman
- Miss K. M. Dunnet
- Miss J. B. Dunnet
- Mr. J. Easton
- Mrs. Easton
- Mr. E. Eidinger
- Mrs. J. H. Ellis
- Mrs. K. F. Engelkraut
- Mr. A. Espinach
- Miss A. Feeney
- Mr. G. S. Ferguson
- Miss B. Fitzgerald
- Miss E. F. Foran
- Mr. W. Fosbrook
- Major W. N. Foster
- Rev. A. T. Fowler, D.D.
- Miss H. Franceis
- Mr. M. Freud
- Mr. L. Gabarro
- Mrs. F. Gaze
- Mr. R. Gilder
- Mrs. Gilder
- Miss G. Goetze
- Mr. P. Goldrick
- Mrs. L. A. Grange
- Mrs. C. Haden
- Miss M. Hadley
- Mrs. M. Hammerberg
- Mr. J. H. Hanson
- Miss E. Hanson
- Mrs. C. V. R. Hartman
- Mrs. A. E. Hassal
- Mr. J. Healy
- Miss M. Healy
- Mr. J. Healy
- Mrs. Healy
- Miss A. Henderson
- Mrs. E. Holland
- Miss M. T. Horan
- Miss R. O. Hubley
- Mrs. A. J. Hubley
- Mrs. R. C. James
- Master D. James
- Miss V. E. Jenkins
- Rev. W. M. Jenkins
- Miss D. W. Johnson
- Miss M. Kearney
- Miss Kelly
- Mr. H. Kemper
- Miss E. Keniry
- Mrs. C. Lamude
- Miss L. Lamude
- Miss M. M. Landers
- Mr. H. O. Larson
- Miss M. Lavin
- Mrs. K. Loamy
- Mrs. E. Leary
- Miss M. E. Lee
- Miss D. E. Maloney
- Mrs. A. Marshall
- Miss E. H. May
- Miss L. McAmbier
- Mr. C. McDonald
- Mrs. McDonald
- Miss R. A. McDonald
- Miss A. McGrath
- Miss S. A. Meegan
- Miss C. Melville
- Mr. S. J. Middleton
- Mrs. A. Middleton
- Mrs. M. D. Moran
- Master E. Moran
- Mr. J. P. Moran
- Miss A. T. Moran
- Miss P. Morgan
- Miss C. Morris
- Mr. M. Moynihan
- Mr. T. J. Mulcare
- Mr. J. H. Muntinga
- Mr. P. J. Murphy
- Miss M. Murphy
- Mr. W. Musgrave
- Miss B. Nealin
- Miss K. O'Brien
- Miss K. O'Connor
- Mr. P. O'Gara
- Rev. M. O'Keeffe
- Miss M. O'Rourke
- Miss K. Petersen
- Mrs. M. J. Potter
- Mrs. H. Preston
- Mr. H. M. Radcliffe
- Mrs. Radcliffe
- Master B. J. W. Radcliffe
- Mrs. L. H. Remy
- Mrs. J. Renbold
- Miss M. C. Ridgway
- Mrs. M. J. Robinson
- Miss M. Ronan
- Mr. R. W. Russell
- Mrs. Russell
- Mr. M. J. Ryan
- Mrs. Ryan
- Miss M. M. Sanderson
- Mrs. B. J. Saunders
- Miss S. C. Schaal
- Miss E. C. Schaeffer
- Mr. H. J. Sehapper
- Mrs. P. J. Shannon
- Miss M. Sheehy
- Mr. A. L. Short
- Miss M. L. Slattengren
- Mrs. M. B. Smith
- Mrs. M. T. Smith
- Master J. S. Smith
- Miss K. Smith
- Mr. R. J. Southern
- Mrs. M. Stephen
- Mrs. M. Stoil
- Mrs. R. Streader
- Miss C. Sullivan
- Miss H. Sullivan
- Miss H. L. Sutcliffe
- Prof. I. Swain
- Miss S. E. Sweet
- Mrs. M. Swenson
- Miss K. Swift
- Mr. J. F. Tanlony
- Mrs. W. H. Taylor
- Mr. J. Thomas
- Miss S. Thompson
- Miss K. Troissin
- Miss S. Troy
- Sister M. Una
- Miss M. Van Heupen
- Miss S. Veiling
- Mrs. P. Warner
- Miss L. Welfare
- Mr. K. T. Wollwood
- Miss Williams
- Mrs. F. Wilmer
- Master Wilmer
- Miss J. Wisely
- Miss M. Wistow
- Mr. R. R. Wood
Information for Passengers
MEALS will be served as follows :—
Morning Soup and Afternoon Tea will be served on Deck and in the Public Rooms at 11:00 am and 4:00 pm respectively.
AUTOMOBILES. In order to facilitate Customs Clearance unerated automobiles must be included on the U.S. Declaration Form.
BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Purser or Ship's Baggage Master.
Each package should bear initial label of surname to facilitate correct grouping in Customs Shed, also label with owner's name and address. On arrival baggage will be grouped alphabeticalIy in Customs' Shed. Passengers are requested to attend personally at Customs examination.
It is for passengers themselves to see that all their baggage is passed by the Customs Authorities on landing, and they are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Customs Shed, otherwise considerable delay and extra charges for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers on the railway.
BAGGAGE INSURANCE. Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage as the Company's liability is strictly limited in accordance with the terms of the passage contract. Baggage Insurance carrying world-wide cover can be arranged through the Purser's office.
BAGGAGE IN BOND. Passengers en route to destinations outside the U.S.A. or Canada may have their chocked baggago forwarded " In Bond " to a frontier point under Customs Manifest without examination of the contents by a Customs Officer at port of disembarkation.
The Purser or Baggage Master will be pleased to supply information.
BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. The ship carries a well-equipped Barber's Shop and competent Hairdresser.
CATERING. Passengers are invited to advise the Tourist Steward of their preference in the matter of diet and cooking and they can be assured of every attention being given to their wishes. Cooks of various nationalities are included in the kitchen personnel.
CHEQUES. Passengers are respectfully advised that the Purser cannot accept private cheques.
CHANGES IN ACCOMMODATION. The Purser alone is authorized to make changes in accommodation and may only do so on payment of any difference in fare which may bo required according to Company's tariffs.
Facilities are now availablo whereby passengers may arrange with the Baggage Master for the transfer of their baggage from the Company's Pier in New York to any point in Greater New York, Jersey City and Hoboken, including railroad terminals, hotels, residences, express Companies or Warehouses.
Passongers are thus relieved of this detail after disembarking.
Please apply at the Purser's office for rates and furthor information regarding this service.
CUSTOMS EXAMINATION. All articles liable to Custom Duty must be declared. Any passenger who is in doubt should see the Purser or Baggage Master who will provide the latest information available.
U.S. CUSTOMS. All passengers are required to make a declaration of personal baggage for the U.S. Customs Authorities at the port of landing. Blank declaration forms are obtainable from the Purser.
Returning Residents must declare all articles acquired abroad but wearing apparel and personal effects taken overseas from the U.S. in the first case are entitled to be passed free of duty upon return.
An exemption of $100.00 worth of purchases is allowed each returning resident, subject to certain conditions which will bo detailed by the Customs Officer. Visitors may take in free of duty wearing apparel and porsonal effects not intended for sale, but must declare all articles not included in this category.
Severe penalties are imposed upon persons who mako false declarations as to value, ownorship or use of articles or who attempt to bribe or recompense a Customs Officer.
DECK CHAIRS, CUSHIONS AND RUGS are available for hire and can be obtained through the Deck Steward at a price of five shillings each article.
(Each rug is contained in a sealed envelope and bears a serial number worked into the material, thus enabling passengers to identify their own rugs.)
Divine Service Is Held Each Sunday at 11:00 Am in One of the Public Rooms.
There are frequent celebrations of Mass, according to the Roman Catholic Rite, fully equipped altars being availublo and facilities being placed at the disposal of Priests traveling in the ship.
DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs should be handed over to the care of the live-stock attendant and that they are not allowed in Public Rooms or on the Passenger Decks.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS. Passengers are earnestly requested to exorcise care in disposing of cigar and cigarette ends and matches, and to make use of the receptacles provided for the purpose in the different parts of the ship. Serious consequences can arise from carelessness in this rospect. Throwing lighted cigarettes, etc., overboard should also he avoided.
FIRE AND LIFEBOAT STATIONS. Passengers are earnestly requested to acquaint themselves with the notice in the staterooms regarding lifeboat and fire stations.
IMPORTATION OF LIQUOR. A considerable quantity of liquor imported in the baggage of passongers is purchased " in bond" at a price below the regular market value of the country of purchase, and for that reason attention is called to the fact by the Collector, U.S. Customs Service, that the above market value must be ascertained and declared by the passenger instead of the price actually paid.
LANDING CARDS. It is necessary that passengors present their Landing Cards, together with Passports to the Immigration Inspector for endorsement before leaving the ship.
LIBRARY. The ship has a fully equipped library and passengers are invited to borrow the volumes—no charge will be made.
MAIL. Passengers are requested to enquire for mail at the Purser's office. Letters for despatch should be handed to the Librarian who holds supplies of stamps.
EXCHANGE OF MONEY. For the convenience of passengers the Purser is able to exchange a limited amount of English, American and Canadian money at rates which will be advised on application.
PAYMENTS. Passengers should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's form for any payments made on board for additional Passage Money, Rugs, Chairs, Excess Baggage Freight, etc.
PORTHOLES. As it is dangerous for passengers to handle the ports they are requested to ask the Bedroom Steward to open and close the ports in the staterooms as may be desired.
PROFESSIONAL GAMBLERS are reported as frequently traveling on Atlantic steamers and passengers are warned to take precautions accordingly.
RETURN ACCOMMODATION. For the convenience of those passengors who may be returning from Canada or the United States to Europe and who have not yet made the necessary arrangements the Purser will be pleased to radio for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the ship and will consequently save them time and trouble in America.
Passengers holding return tickets who are undecided about their United States and Canadian addresses should advise same to our nearest office in United States or Canada as soon as possible. If this is done by letter, please mention return sailing and accommodation reserved.
All passengers holding return tickets are requested to communicate with our nearest office at least a week in advance of their sailing from United States or Canada, so that necessary formalities may be arranged in connection with their return passage.
If for any reason the holder of a return ticket is unable to travel by the sailing shown thereon immediate advice- should be given to the nearest Company's Office, so that any accommodation held can be released and other reservation made.
ROTARIANS traveling by this ship are invited to inspect the Rotary Register at the Purser's office and subscribe their names. The Purser will be glad, providing circumstances permit, to arrange an informal Rotary Luncheon during the voyage.
THE SURGEON is authorized to make customary charges for his services, subject to the approval of the Captain.
A REGISTERED NURSE is on board, whose services are available as necessary under the direction of the ship's Surgeon.
TRAVEL INFORMATION. The Purser's office is at the disposal of passengers for furnishing detailed information concerning steamer, rail or air connections and arrangements can be made for tickets and reservations to be obtained.
UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.
VALETING SERVICE. A Clothes pressing room, in charge of an export attendant, is provided and work of this kind will be carried out for passengers at the following charges :—
Lounge mid Dress Suits 2 6
Lounge mid Dress Coats 1 3
Trousers and Breeches 1 3
Overcoats—heavy 2 3
Overcoats light 1 9
LADIES s. d.
Suits, Costumes, Coat Frocks or Dresses 2 6
Dress Coats and Plain Cloaks 2 6*
Skirts 1 3
Special charges for:—Garments—Velvet, Silk or pleated Fancy Dress, Blouses and Scarves.
VALUABLES. In their own interests passengers are advised not to leave articles of jewellery and other valuables lying about.
Articles not required for frequent wear may be deposited with the Purser and will bo placed in an envelope sealed in the presence of the passenger for custody in the ship's safe. A receipt will be given but no liability as to contents can be accepted.
Passengers are advised to protect themselves by insurance, which can be arranged on board on application to the Purser.
WIRELESS TELEGRAM RATES. This vessel is fitted with Marconi system of Wireless Telegraphy and also with Submarine Signalling Apparatus.
LONG RANGE WIRELESS SERVICE. This vessel is fitted with special long range wireless apparatus which will enable passengors to communicate with their friends or business connections on shore at any time during the voyage across the North Atlantic.
For particulars regarding Wireless communications established or expected please consult the Wireless notice board, where full information is posted daily throughout the voyage.
SWIMMING POOL, * with ample accommodation for bathers and spectators, is situated on Deck " E," and will be available as follows:—
- 9 30 am to 11 0 am
- 2 0 pm to 4 0 pm
No charge is made for the use of the Pool, and mixed bathing is permitted at all sessions.
GYMNASIUM, * on the Promenade Deck, fully equipped with modern appliances, and is open for exercise, free of charge, for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, at the same hours as for the Swimming Pool.
PASSENGER ELEVATORS. An Elevator is provided for the use of passengers, running between the "Promenade," "A," " B" "C" and "D" Decks.
* The Company accept no responsibility whatsoever for any accident from whatever cause arising to any passenger using the Swimming Pool or Gymnasium, or any athletic facilities.
Recovery of U.S. Head Tax
Passongers who desire to claim refund of Head Tax are required to comply with the following :—
1. Temporary visitors to the United States should state in Question 24 on the U.S. Declaration Form, which should be completed at the time of booking, that they intend to leave the United States within a period of 60 days from the date of entry.
Note—If a passenger states on the Declaration Form that the intended stay is to be in excess of 60 days, and later through unforeseen circumstances leaves within the prescribed period. United States Law stipulates that Head Tax is not recoverable.
2. Application should be made to the Purser of the Westbound steamer for receipt covering the United States Head Tax paid. This is necessary to facilitate refund of the Head Tax after passengers have left the United States.
3. Passengers should apply to the United States Immigrant Inspector at the port of arrival for Head Tax Transit Certificate (United States Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considorod by the United States Immigration Authorities, even though passengers should leave the United States within 60 days and would otherwise be entitled to refund of the Head Tax under existing United States law.
4. Refund of Head Tax will only be made by the United States Authorities when completed Forms 514 are filed with them within a period of 120 days from the date of entry into the United States as shown on the top right-hand corner of the United States Form 514. No application for refund of Head Tax will bo considered by the United States Authorities after the expiry of such period.
Although the period of time between arrival at a Canadian port and departure from the United States may exceed 60 days, this does not necessarily mean that persons in this category are prohibited from securing refund of Head Tax, so long as the actual period spent in the U.S. does not exceed 60 days. The application for refund, however, must be filed with the U.S. Immigration Authorities within 120 days of the actual date of crossing the border from Canada Into the United States.
Passongers returning to Europe in vessels of the Company may—on presentation of the necessary documents—viz.:—Transit Certificate Form 514 completed, and the Company's receipt for Head Tax paid—obtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, providing the passengers have left the U.S. within the prescribed period of 60 days, and the completed Form 514 can be filed with the U.S. Authorities within 120 days of entry into the United States.
Refund of Head Tax is subject to strict compliance with the above procedure.