SS Homeric Passenger List - 4 April 1925
Front Cover of a Second Class Passenger List from the SS Homeric of the White Star Line, Departing 4 April 1925 from New York to Southampton via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain J. Roberts, C.B.E., D.S.O., R.D. (Capt. R.N.R.). GGA Image ID # 20b4ea22ce
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: J. Roberts, C.B.E., D.S.O., R.D. (Capt. R.N.R.)
- Chief Engineer: F. W. Ruddle, O.D.E., (Engineer-Lt. Commander, R.N.R., Retd.)
- Surgeon: Dr. T. R. W. Atkins L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin), L.R.C.P. (Glas.)
- Assistant Surgeon: Dr. C. Sullivan, M.C., L.M.,R.C.P.-F.R.C.S. (Ireland)
- Purser: W. Greenslade
- Assistant Purser: S. H. Cook
- Chief Steward: R. J. Hoey
- Chief Second Class Steward: G. Duffin
Second Class Passengers
- Aeschlemann, Mr. J.
- Anderson, Miss Agnes
- Andrews, Miss E.
- Archer, Mrs. Louis
- Auerbach, Mr. J.
- Austin, Mr. John
- Averbach, Mr. J.
- Baehr, Air. H. G.
- Bain, Mrs.
- Barton, Mrs. A. and child
- Batley, Mrs. N. C.
- Beal, Dr. H. A.
- Bernard, Mr. Henry
- Bernet, Mr. Fred
- Bladergreen, Mrs. Gerda
- Bradley, Miss R.
- Brodie, Mr. J. C.
- Brodie, Mrs.
- Bullen, Mr. H.
- Campbell, Dr. F. J.
- Carter, Mr. J. H. D
- Carter, Miss G. P.
- Carter, Air. D. R.
- Carter, Mrs.
- Carter, Miss A. B.
- Carter, Mr. L. R.
- Carter, Mr. H. M.
- Casey, Mr. R. P.
- Chambers, Mr. W. C.
- Chatillon, Mr. L.
- Chatillon, Mrs.
- Chatillon, Miss
- Church, Miss
- Clark, Col. J.
- Clark, Mrs. S.
- Clark, Miss M.
- Coe, Mr. G. E.
- Colley, Mrs. M.
- Cross, Mr. W.
- Cunningham, Mr. Arthur
- Cunningham, Mrs.
- Cunningham, Miss Mary
- Cunningham, Miss Jane
- Cunningham, Master Joseph
- De Kak, Mr. Gohanues
- De Valois, Mrs. E.
- Di Tonto, Mr. Angelo
- Dobos, Dr.
- Dodds, Mr. J. B.
- Dorrell, Miss V.
- Dowe, Mrs. Edith
- Drake, Mr. L.
- Dutton, Miss D.
- Druce, Mr. Alfred
- Druce, Mrs.
- Druce, Miss Myrtle
- Druce, Master Norman
- Eaton, Mr. J.
- Edmond, Miss S.
- Eitinger, Mr. Joseph
- Elms, Mrs. Elizabeth
- Eshborn, Mr. Herman
- Esser, Mrs. Herman
- Fattor, Mr. Luigi
- Fremcks, Mrs. G. L.
- Fremcks, Master W.
- Fresard, Mr.
- Forrester, Mrs. W.
- Forrester, Miss Dorris
- Foster, Mrs. E. M.
- Foster, Miss Betty
- Friedman, Mrs. A.
- Friedman, Miss I.
- Furnwal, Mr. J.
- Gabel, Mr. P.
- Gabel, Mrs.
- Gascon, Miss
- Gee, Mr. W.
- Green. Dr. S. L.
- Griffith, Mr. James
- Griffiths, Mr. James
- Grodney, Mrs. E.
- Grodney, Miss
- Hartgell. Mr. W. S.
- Heave, Miss W.
- Henderson, Miss M.
- Hitchims, Mrs.
- Holler, Mr. S.
- Hooper, Mrs. W. P.
- Hope, Miss Christine
- How, Mrs. Ettie
- Kahn, Mr. L. B.
- Karfiol, Mr.
- Katz, Mr. M.
- Kavanagh, Mr.
- Kavanagh, Mrs.
- Kenney, Mr. W. E.
- King, Mrs. F.
- King, Miss L.
- Kirk, Mr. Joseph
- Kuniyoslei, Mr. Y.
- Kuniyoslei, Mrs.
- La Bail, Rev. Father
- Lacey, Mr. Phillip
- Lacey, Mrs. Fred
- Lambert, Miss M.
- Larson, Mrs. J.
- Levine, Mr. S.
- Levy, Mrs. S. M.
- Lowadjek, Mr. John
- Lowadjek, Mrs. and child
- McCandless, Dr. W.
- Matthey, Miss
- Mitchell, Mrs.
- Moore, Mr. A.
- Moore, Mrs.
- Moore, Master
- Moore, Mrs. C.
- Moore, Miss
- Mowbray, Mrs. Rose
- Mowbray, Miss Gertrude
- Nistor, Mr. Vasli
- Nistor, Mrs.
- Orahovatz, Mr. Sava
- Oswald, Mr. Walter
- Owens, Capt. W. E.
- Page, Mr. Ivor
- Parr, Miss A.
- Patsdorfer, Mr. J. R.
- Peers, Mr. Frank
- Pickering, Miss J.
- Pinkus, Dr. Edward
- Platt, Miss E.
- Platt, Miss D.
- Price, Capt. C. S.
- Price, Capt. S.
- Quattrocchi, Mr. Nino
- Rindlisbacher, Mr. J.
- Rosit, Mr. Harry
- Rushbrooke, Rev. J. A.
- Russell, Mrs. L. M.
- Rutherford, Mr.
- Ryder, Mrs. G.
- Ryder, Miss Clare
- Satsky, Mr. Louis
- Seeker, Mr. J. J.
- Setton, Mr. Saul
- Shaw, Mrs. George
- Sifton, Mr. Paul
- Sifton, Mrs.
- Sprigg, Mr. E. R.
- Stringer, Mrs. C. H.
- Suydam, Miss M. T.
- Swirk, Mrs. C. E.
- Swirk, Miss Esther
- Taylor, Miss E. A.
- Traeris, Mr. Charles
- Traeris, Mrs.
- Travis, Mr. Albert
- Turle, Mrs. Kathleen
- Urqhart, Mr.
- Urqhart, Mrs. and three children
- Vasileff, Mr. Louis
- Vuilleunier, Mrs. R.
- Walker, Mr. G. R.
- Weiss, Mr. Jacques
- Wenman, Miss H.
- Wenman, Miss S.
- Whitsit, Mr. J. E.
- Wright, Miss Edith
- White, Mrs. Caroline
- White, Miss Eva
- Young, Mr. B. H.
Information For Second Class Passengers
- BREAKFAST: 8 a.m.
- LUNCHEON: 1 p.m.
- DINNER: 7 p.m.
The Bar opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 11 p.m.
The lights are extinguished in the library at 11.30 p.m. and the Smoking Room at 11.30 p.m.
Divine Service will be held in the Saloon on Sunday at 11 a.m.
BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Second Steward, who is the Ship's Baggage Master. Trunks, Chairs, etc., which passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company should be properly labeled and handed to the Ship's Baggage Master and such articles will be stored entirely at owner's risk. All charges must be paid to the Purser.
SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Saloon Steward.
PASSENGERS are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair Hire, or Freight paid on board.
SMOKING is strictly prohibited in any of the Staterooms, Library, or Dining Saloon.
LIBRARY. Books can be obtained on applying to the Library Steward.
MEALS not permitted to be served in the Library.
DECK CHAIRS can be hired at a charge of $1.50 each for the voyage.
STEAMER RUGS can be hired at a charge of $1.50 each for the voyage.
SECOND CLASS PASSENGERS are not permitted in the First or Third Class quarters.
EXCHANGE OF MONEY. For the convenience of passengers, the Purser is prepared to exchange a limited amount of English and American money at rates which will be advised on application.
VALUABLES. For the convenience of passengers, the line has provided a safe in the Purser's office where passengers may deposit money, jewels, ornaments, documents, or other valuables. The Purser will issue a receipt for any articles so deposited, but the line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 and Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.
THE SURGEON is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on the voyage. In the case of sickness developed on the voyage, no charge will be made, and medicine will be free in all circumstances.
The Surgeon will attend the surgery for consultations at the following hours: 10 a.m., 6 p.m., and 8:30 p.m. The Surgeon will be available at all times in cases of urgency.
POSTAGE STAMPS can be obtained from the Saloon Steward in the Dining Saloon, who will take charge of Cable Dispatches and Telegrams for Transmission.
PASSENGERS' ADDRESSES may be left with the Saloon Steward second in order that any letters sent to the care of the Company may be forwarded.
DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.
TRAVELERS' CHEQUES, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the White Star Line. These Cheques are accepted on board White Star steamers in payment of accounts but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.
BARBER. The Barber is authorized to make the following charges:
- Shaving: 0s. 9d.
- Hairdressing: 1s. 0d.
- Shampooing: 0s. 9d.
- Singeing: 0s. 9d.
- Face Massage: 1s. 6d.
- Scalp Massage: 1s. 0d.
- Tonic Dressing: 0s. 3d.
The Barber is allowed to sell various souvenirs and small articles on his account.
DECK GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard, Bull Board, and other games are provided on the deck under the charge of a Quartermaster.
PICTURE POSTCARDS. Picture Postcards of the steamer can be obtained gratis on an application on Board.
UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying Upper Berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.
CHERBOURG—Passengers are landed by tender up to 12 o'clock midnight, but if the Ship arrives later, they will disembark at 7:00 in the morning. A special train will be run as soon as possible after landing.
SOUTHAMPTON—A Special Train will be dispatched for London on the arrival of the steamer, when justified by the number of passengers, if able to leave Southampton docks not later than 9:30 p.m.
Should the steamer arrive at her berth at Southampton after 7:30 p.m. those passengers desiring to do so may remain on board until the following morning, when they will be landed after breakfast.
Services, RMS Olympic (Featured), RMS Majestic, and RMS Homeric, 1925. New York-Cherbourg-Southampton Express Mail Service. SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b500afd4
Title Page, SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b5117f42
Approximate Distances, SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b5444870
Time on Shipboard, SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b5bf5cd8
Landing Arrangements at Cherbourg and Southampton, SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b61dd929
Senior Officers and Staff, SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b648d5df
ATL Sailing Schedule, London-Cherbourg-New York and New York-Cherbourg-London, from 11 April 1925 to 16 January 1926. Ships Included the Minnekahda, Minnetonka, and Minnewaska. SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b69d4c61
WSL Sailing Schedule, Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and New York-Cherbourg-Southampton, from 4 April 1925 to 28 November 1925. Ships Included the Homeric, Majestic, and Olympic. Back Cover, SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b6f106f5
WSL Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh) New York and New York-Queenstown (Cobh)-Liverpool, from 1 April 1925 to 12 September 1925. Ships Included the Adriatic, Baltic, Canopic, Cedric, Celtic, Doric, and Megantic. SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b6fe0f58
WSL Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Quebec-Montreal and Montreal-Quebec-Liverpool, from 17 April 1925 to 27 November 1925. Ships Include Canada, Doric, Megantic, and Regina. These Ships Carry Only Cabin and Third Class Passengers. SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b737f7bc
WSDL Sailing Schedule Liverpool-Halifax-Portland, ME, from 3 April to 18 April 1925. Ships Included the SS Canada and SS Doric. LL Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Boston, from 25 April 1925 to 14 November 1925. Ships Included the Devonian and Winifredian. SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b74a4756
White Star Line Australian (Cabin Passengers Only) and New Zealand (First, Second, and Third Class) Services for 1925. SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b7b15cc7
Advertisement: Travel by One of the Splendid Steamers of the International Mercantile Marine (IMM) Lines. Back Cover, SS Homeric Second Class Passenger List, 4 April 1925. GGA Image ID # 20b7e685c5