SS Cretic Passenger List 26 August 1908

Front Cover, White Star Line SS Cretic First Class Passenger List - 26 August 1908.

Front Cover, First Class Passenger List for the SS Cretic of the White Star Line, Departing Wednesday, 26 August 1908 from Genoa to New York via Naples and Azores, Commanded by Captain J. B. Kelk. GGA Image ID # 13c1901d9e


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: J. B. Kelk, Commander
  2. Surgeon: Herbert McMaster
  3. Italian Surgeon: G. Cizza
  4. Purser: W. Greenslade
  5. Chief Steward: G. E. Cooper
  6. Royal Italian Commissioner: Ten. Med. R. M. Dr. Ernesto Paparcone


First Class Passengers

  1. Mr. John R. Allen
  2. Mrs. Allen
  3. Rt. Rev. C. P. Anderson
  4. Mrs. Anderson
  5. Miss Gladys Anderson
  6. Miss Ina C. Atwood
  7. Mrs. Josiah C. Atwood
  8. Miss Lucy A. Ball
  9. Mr. J. A. Bancroft
  10. Mr. Chas. Bardorf
  11. Miss May S. Barnard
  12. Miss Margaret E. Barr
  13. Miss Elinor C. Barta
  14. Miss Josephine Battles
  15. Mr. J. Reuben Beachler
  16. Mrs. Beachler
  17. Mr. W. H. Bender
  18. Mr. Harrison Bennet
  19. Mr. Joseph Biscomb
  20. Mrs. Biscomb
  21. Mr. G. T. Bispham
  22. Miss Edith L. Bishop
  23. Mr. E. R. Blair
  24. Miss D. L. Blaisdall
  25. Miss Annie M. Blake
  26. Mr. Summer Blakemore
  27. Miss Katherine Bleecker
  28. Miss Adella M. Boutwell
  29. Mr. G. Brigida
  30. Mr. Everett C. Brown
  31. Mrs. Brown
  32. Miss Marie Brown
  33. Miss Holly Brown
  34. Mr. Julius Brown
  35. Miss Lillian Burlingame
  36. Miss Alice A. Burlingame
  37. Mrs. Calvin T. Bye
  38. Miss Helen M. Bye
  39. Mr. Alva E. Carpenter
  40. Mr. G. W. G. Carpenter
  41. Miss Sophie Carroll
  42. Miss Marie Carter
  43. Mr. E. G. Castello
  44. Mr. Edson E. Chick
  45. Mrs. Chick
  46. Mr. Reeve Chipman
  47. Rev. John M. Chimielinski
  48. Sister Aloysia Clare
  49. Mr. /11. H. Clark
  50. Mrs. Clark
  51. Prof. E. W. Clark
  52. Mr. James Clay Jr.
  53. Miss Marion Coan
  54. Miss A. Coan
  55. Miss C. Coffin
  56. Miss Matrym Courtney
  57. Mr. C. C. Cowan
  58. Mrs. Cowan
  59. Miss Bessie Creighton
  60. Mrs. Friday
  61. Miss Annie M. Frost
  62. Miss Mary E. Frost
  63. Sister Edward Galloway
  64. Mrs. R. L. Ganter
  65. Mr. Maxwell Ganter
  66. Mrs. L. P. Gilchrist
  67. Miss Ida M. Gleason
  68. Miss K. Gleim
  69. Miss J. L. Gray
  70. Miss Eleanor Guinzburg
  71. Miss Floy Davis
  72. Prof. Angelo Del Nero
  73. Mr. W. N. Dazell
  74. Mrs. Hal. Dick
  75. Miss Marguerite Dick
  76. Miss Emily Dick
  77. Mr. Ed. B. Dickinson
  78. Miss Lucy Dougherty
  79. Miss Kate Dunn
  80. Mr. John Dunn
  81. Miss Hannah D. Durbin
  82. Mr. William H. Eddy
  83. Miss Anna Ehlers
  84. Miss E. B. Ewell
  85. Miss G. Ewell
  86. Miss A. Peyton Ewell
  87. Miss Grace Fanning
  88. Miss Lydia Ferguson
  89. Miss Mary A. Fitz-Patrick
  90. Rt. Rev. Jos. M. Francis D.D
  91. Mrs. Francis
  92. Mrs. A. J. Frayer
  93. Mrs. E. Freeman
  94. Dr. Irvin A. Fries
  95. Mrs. Fries
  96. Miss Mollie Fries
  97. Miss Winifred E. Hale
  98. Mr. Henry B. Hall
  99. Miss E. S. Halsey
  100. Miss J. Hampel
  101. Miss Mary L. Hanna
  102. Miss Flora A. Hanna
  103. Miss Margaret Hanna
  104. Miss Gertrude H. Hanna
  105. Mr. Thos. Harland
  106. Mr. F. B. Harris
  107. Mrs. Harris
  108. Mr. Fritz Harris
  109. Mr. Leander A. Hastings
  110. Mrs. Hastings
  111. Miss Bertha Hastings
  112. Miss Gertrude A. Hastings
  113. Mrs. H. P. Harvey
  114. Sister Gertrude Head
  115. Miss Josephine Hemenway
  116. Dr. Miss J. Hemenway
  117. Mr. Win. J. Henderson
  118. Mrs. Henderson
  119. Mr. Clarence A. Hensey
  120. Miss Horwick
  121. Mr. George H. Howard
  122. Mr. J. H. Howell
  123. Mrs. Howell
  124. Miss Sallie T. Humphries
  125. Mr. A. F. Hyde
  126. Mrs. Hyde
  127. Miss Esther Jefferies
  128. Miss Susan Kelly
  129. Miss Annie F. Keyser
  130. Miss Mary II. Knight
  131. Miss J A. Labor
  132. Miss Louise Lambert
  133. Miss Theresa Lane
  134. Miss Nora Lane
  135. Wm; Susan K. Lane
  136. Miss Amy S. Lane
  137. Mr. John R. Lanigan
  138. Miss Adele Laughton
  139. Miss Elizabeth Laughton
  140. Mr. Bernhard T. Lennon
  141. Mr. V. N. Leonard
  142. Miss Marie Lockman
  143. Miss Inez Long
  144. Miss E. Long
  145. Mr. Samuel H. Longley
  146. Mr. Samuel E. Longley
  147. Rev. W. J. Macdonald
  148. Mrs. Macdonald
  149. Miss Gertrude Malloch
  150. Miss Louise Malloch
  151. Mr. O. J. Marston
  152. Miss Helen Martin
  153. Miss Caroline Matson
  154. Dr. G. E. May
  155. Miss Shirley May
  156. Miss Catherine McCam
  157. Mr. Thos. P. McCutcheon
  158. Mr. J. R. McMullen
  159. Mrs. McMullen
  160. Miss Jessie Meacham
  161. Miss H. Meagher
  162. Miss R. Emma Meeker
  163. Miss May C. Melzard
  164. Miss Sadie R. Melzard
  165. Mr. Antonio Merlin
  166. Miss Marion Miller
  167. Mr. Robt. Moody
  168. Miss Eva Moody
  169. Miss Ermin a Moore
  170. Mr. Lewis F. Mott
  171. Mrs. Mott
  172. Mrs. L. S. Mount
  173. Mr. John K. Murdock
  174. Mrs. Murdock
  175. Miss Janie Murray
  176. Mrs. J. F. Newman
  177. Miss Minette Newman
  178. Mr. W. B. Newsome
  179. Mrs. Newsome
  180. Mr. F. W. Newsome
  181. Miss Abbie H. Newton
  182. Miss Elsie H. Newton
  183. Mrs. Emma H. Noyes
  184. Miss Katherine F. Noyes
  185. Miss Sallie O. Mara
  186. Miss Mary O'Rourke
  187. Miss Laura E. Orr
  188. Mrs. N. M. Osborne
  189. Mr. Walter Pach
  190. Miss Martha J. Parker
  191. Mr. Chas. Parker
  192. Miss Florabel Patterson
  193. Miss Emma Patterson
  194. Mr. H. R. Pattengill
  195. Mrs. Pattengill
  196. Miss Lucinda Peacock
  197. Mr. Walter T. Pierce
  198. Miss Mary Percival
  199. Miss Helen Percival
  200. Miss Anna Pevey
  201. Miss Inez Q. Phillips
  202. Miss Ethel Phipps
  203. Miss A. V. Pixley
  204. Mr. C. H. Poe
  205. Miss Mary Pontius
  206. Miss K. Poole
  207. Dr. H. H. Powers
  208. Mrs. Powers
  209. Miss Lilla F. Pray
  210. Mr. D. Prince
  211. Mrs. Prince
  212. Mr. John F. Ragland
  213. Mrs. Ragland
  214. Master Shelton Ragland
  215. Miss India Rankin
  216. Mr. Donald Redfern
  217. Mrs. B. W, Redfern
  218. Miss Bessie C. Reed
  219. Prof. F. G. Reynolds
  220. Miss Marion A. Ricker
  221. Miss Erma W. Ricker
  222. Mr. Edward A. Rice
  223. Mrs. Rice
  224. Miss Mary H. Richards
  225. Miss E. L. Richards
  226. Miss Helen D. Ripley
  227. Miss Annette Roberts
  228. Miss Mabel Roberts
  229. Mr. Allen Roberts
  230. Miss E. Romaine
  231. Mr. W. H. Rose
  232. Bishop P. T. Rowe
  233. Miss Alice Rower
  234. Prof. Emory P. Russell
  235. Miss Olive E. Russell
  236. Miss Helen F. Sage
  237. Judge M. F. Sando
  238. Miss Matilda Schloss
  239. Mr. C. A. Schwab
  240. Mrs. Schwab
  241. Miss Minnie S. Seaver
  242. Miss Caroline Shaw
  243. Prof. John T. Shaw
  244. Mr. Chits. E. Shelton
  245. Mrs. Shelton
  246. Miss Carrie A. Siebold
  247. Miss L. A. Siebold
  248. Miss Jennie. E. Skinner
  249. Mr. Walter H. Small
  250. Mr. Robert. S. Smith
  251. Mrs. Smith
  252. Miss Edna. M. Sprague
  253. Rt. Rev. F. S. Spalding
  254. Mr. W. Steele
  255. Miss Sadie Stackhouse
  256. Mr. William. S. .Steere
  257. Mrs. S. Stephenson
  258. Miss Jennie Stewart
  259. Miss Grace C. Straight
  260. Miss A. Stdckle
  261. Miss Sallie Stuart
  262. Mr. T. Harry Sylvester
  263. Mrs. Sylvester
  264. Miss Louisa M. Taylor
  265. Mr. Harvey W. Thayer
  266. Miss Annie M. Thayer
  267. Mrs. E. K. Thurmond
  268. Miss Elizabeth TituloW
  269. Miss Alma Timmons
  270. Miss Annie Timmons
  271. Mr. Ralph E. Towle and Valet
  272. Miss Alta M. Tozer
  273. Mr. Wm. F. Tucker
  274. Mrs. Tucker
  275. Dr. H. H. Tyson
  276. Rev. G. R. Van De Water D.D
  277. Mrs. Van De Water
  278. Mr. Frederick Yenning
  279. Mrs. Yenning
  280. Miss Beatrice A. Voorhees
  281. Mrs. Nora B. Ward
  282. Miss Martha Washburn
  283. Miss Charlotte Waterbury
  284. Mr. Karl E. Weston
  285. Miss Harriet A. White
  286. Mrs. Belle Williamson
  287. Mrs. Blanche Williamson
  288. Miss Sallie E. Wilson
  289. Miss Young


Information for Passengers

Meals will be served in the Saloon, as under :

  First Sitting Second Sitting
Breakfast 8:00 am to 9:00 am 9 to 10:00 am
Luncheon 12-30 to 1-15:00 pm 1 30 to 2:15 pm
Dinner 6 to 7:00 pm 7:15 to 8:15:00 pm

The Bar opens at 8 A.M and closes at 11,30 pm and Smoking Room at Midnight.

Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11:00 pm

Divine Service in the Saloon on Sunday at 10.30 A. M.

Please apply to the Second Steward for Seating accommodation at Table. Children are not entitled to seats in the Saloon unless full fare is paid.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free in all circusmtances.

Cablegrams and Telegrams should be handed to the Saloon Steward at least an hour before arrival at any port of call.

The Saloon and Library Stewards will supply Stamps, Telegraph Forms, Books of Reference and Railway Time Tables of the principal Companies.

Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Second Steward who is the Ship' s Baggage Master. Trunks, or Chairs which Passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company, should be appropriately labeled and handed to the Baggage Master at the different ports and such articles will be stored entirely at owner's risk. It is necessary for Passengers themselves to see all their Baggage is passed by the U. S. Customs Authorities on landing.

Deck Chairs can be hired at a charge of One Dollar each for the voyage.

Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company' s Form, for any additional Passage Money, Chair Hire, or Freight paid on board.

For the convenience of Passengers the Purser is prepared to exchange a limited amount of Italian, French and American Money and he will allow at the rate of 5 Dollars to Lit. 26.25 or Francs 26.25 when giving American for Italian or French money and Lit. 25.25 or Francs 25.25 to 5 dollars when giving Italian or French for American money.

Passengers' Addresses may be left with the Saloon Steward, in order that any letters sent to the care of the Company may be forwarded.

Valuables. — The White Star Line has provided a safe in the office of the Purser in wich Passengers may deposit money jewels, or ornaments, for safe keeping. The Company will not be liable to Passengers for the loss of money, jewels, or ornaments by theft or otherwise, not so deposited :

Travellers' Cheques, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the White Star Line. These Cheques are accepted on board White Star Line steamers in -payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.

Landing Arrangements at New York. Should the steamer arrive at the New-York Wharf after 8:00 pm, Passengers have the option of remaining on board overnight and landing after breakfast on the following morning.

White Star Line
ALL Twin-Screw Steamers.
The Services and CONNECTIONS of the White Star Line encircle the GLOBE.
The Passenger Services of the White Star Line are maintained entirely by Twin Screw Steamers, including:
" Oceanic," " Majestic, " and " Teutonic, " which are Among The Fastest Steamers in the World, "Adriatic," 25,000 tons, "Baltic," 23,876 tons, "Cedric," 21,035 tons, "Celtic," 20,904 tons, and "Arabic" 15,801 tons, WHICH ARE Among The Largest Steamers AFLOAT.

" Repbulic " 15,378 tons is the Largest, Fastest, and Finest Steamer sailing to Boston.

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