SS President Lincoln Passenger List - 1 November 1912
Front Cover of a First and Second Cabin Passenger List for the SS President Lincoln of the Hamburg America Line, Departing 1 November 1912 from Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Boulogne-sur-Mer, Commanded by Captain Witt. Written in German and English. GGA Image ID # 17820607ef
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain Witt
- First Officer: E. Knorr
- Second Officer: C. Manitius
- Second Officer: H Laudi
- Second Officer: H Mössinger
- Third Officer: H Petersen
- Fourth Officer: E. v. Stenglin
- Chief Engineer: O. Hirsch
- Second Engineer: C. Lehmann
- Third Engineer: Cl Gieschen
- Third Engineer: C. Hartlein
- Fourth Engineer: A. Born
- Fourth Engineer: Kl Tietje
- Electrician: P. Lass
- First Physician: Dr. C. Hofmann
- Second Physician: Dr. L. Rabl
- Purser: A. Hagenow
- Provision Master: O. Zietlow
- Assistant Purser: El Sachs
- Assistant Purser: O. Wurthmann
- First Chief Steward: H. Westermann
- Second Chief Steward: F. Ladendorf
- Third Chief Steward: C. Driever
- Assistant Chief Steward: H. Jalant
- Assistant Chief Steward: C. Rickert
- Chief Cook: E. Richter
- First Cook: H Meeker
- Representative of the Hamburg-America Line, passenger department: G. Bryde
- Baggage Master: H. Scharlau
First Cabin Passengers
- Prof. Oscar Abrahamson
- Miss Jaene Bauer
- Miss Rose Baur
- Mr. Josef Blietzer
- Mr. Stuart O. Blythe
- Mrs. Samuel G. Blythe
- Mr. Wilhelm Bolte
- Mrs. A. Mck. Boyle
- Miss Mary Boyle
- Mrs. A. von Harden-Brand
- Mrs. Anna Braun
- Mr. H. J. Brenner
- Mr. J. J. Buser
- Mr. E. G. Carlström
- Mrs. E. G. Carlström
- Mrs. Josephine D.Churchward
- Miss Louise Condit-Smith
- Rev. Dr. N. W. Coukling
- Mr. C. van Deventer
- Mrs. J. van Deventer
- Mrs. H. Durbrow
- Miss Clara Durbrow
- Mr. George S. Eddy
- Mrs. Julie M. Ehrengart
- Mr. Charles D. Ehrengart jr. and Servants
- Mr. Jul. E. Engel Jr.
- Miss F. Feild
- Mr. Theo L. Fest
- Mrs. Theo L. Fest
- Miss Alwina Fest
- Miss Eleonora Fest
- Mrs. Louisa Fleissner
- Mrs. L. M. Frank
- Miss Fanny Frank
- Mrs. Charles Frank
- Miss Martha Frank
- Miss Fannie Frank
- Mr. Beno Franssen
- Mr. E. La Francesca
- Miss Johanna Goldmann
- Miss S. Gould
- Mr. Ralph Hachmeister
- Miss Erika Hachmeister
- Mrs. A. von Harden-Brand
- Mr. Clemens Haynest
- Mr. Ernst Herzfelder
- Mr. Eberhard Hofmann
- Miss Francisca de la Hoz
- Miss Lorraine Huling
- Mr. C. K. Hyde and Familie
- Mrs. C. M. Hyde
- Mr. Alejandro Jacuboff
- Mr. Dietrich Jenny
- Miss M. Kerwin
- Mr. Hermann Kestenbaum
- Mrs. Stanley A. Kisch
- Miss Noelle Kisch
- Mrs. Ray Lang
- Miss Evelyn Laporte
- Miss Louise Lasch
- Mr. M. A. de Leon and Familie
- Mr. H. C. Leslie
- Mr. Heinrich Diedrich Lindemeyer
- Mrs. Heinrich Diedrich Lindemeyer
- Miss Lottie Lindemeyer
- Hans Lindemeyer
- Mr. R. B. Livingston
- Mrs. R. B. Livingston
- Miss Alice Lyon
- Miss E. Sinclair Lyon
- Miss Emmy Maltzahn
- Mrs. G. Malone
- Mr. Fritz Marx
- Mr. Norman Mattison
- Mrs. Norman Mattison
- Miss McNary
- Mr. Consul Albert Michelsen
- Mr. Willy Moser
- Mr. Hans Möring
- Mr. Robert Mossner
- Dr. Peter Murray
- Mrs. Dr. Peter Murray
- Mr. K. Muller
- Mr. Charles H. Niehaus
- Miss Mary J. Niehaus
- Mr. Chas. Rodeman Paul
- Mrs. J. Peters
- Miss Elise Peters
- Mr. Arthur Peters
- Mr. Fred Peters
- Mrs. Elizabeth M. Pickerill
- Mr. Direktor Edwin Possardt
- Miss J. Waldine Rathnone
- Mrs. Verner Reed
- Mr. Verner Reed Jr.
- Mr. Josef Reed Jr.
- Miss Margerey Reed and Servants
- Mr. William M. Reid
- Mrs. William M. Reid
- Miss Dorothy Reid
- Mr. Eduard F. Reynolds
- Baroness von Richthofen
- Mr. Georg Riedel
- Mrs. Georg Riedel
- Mrs. Rhenau Rodgers
- Mrs. Nellie Roeder
- Mr. C. J. Rosebault
- Mrs. C. J. Rosebault
- Mr. Jake H. Rubel
- Mr. Berthold Sachs
- Dr. Arthur Schultze
- Mrs. Dr. Arthur Schultze
- Mr. Gottfried Schumacher
- Mr. Thomas B. Seyster
- Mrs. Emma Green Skinner
- Dr. Irving Sobotky
- Mrs. Dr. Irving Sobotky
- Miss J. H. Sonderman
- Mr. S. Staropolski
- Mr. Fred. Steigerwald
- Mrs. Fred. Steigerwald
- Miss Theodora Steigerwald
- Miss Gertrud Steigerwald
- Miss Frieda Steigerwald
- Mr. Clemens Strassberger
- Mrs. Clemens Strassberger
- Mr. Oscar Voigt
- Mrs. M. A. Waddell
- Miss S. M. Waddell
- Mr. Kurt Walwer
- Mrs. Henriette Warschauer
- Mr. F. G. Webb
- Mrs. F. G. Webb
- Rev. M. Lloyd Woolsey
- Mrs. M. Lloyd Woolsey
- Mr. E. T. Williams
- Mrs. C. E. Willey
- Mr. Charles L. Wolff
- Mrs. Charles L. Wolff
To Boulogne-sur-Mer:
- Mr. Hermann Deutsch
To Southampton:
- Mr. A. Bröcher
- Mr. Hans Barske
- Mrs. Hans Barske
- Mr. J. R. Chandler
- Miss Isabel B. Chandler
- Mr. Georg Fischer
- Mr. G. Fiege
- Mrs. J. Hamilton Lewis
- Mr. WiIh. G. Rudolph
- Mr. Consul H. Schmidt
- Mrs. Gordon Selfrige
- Miss R. Selfrige
- Miss V. Selfrige
- Mr. Ed. Steinle
- Mr. Curt Tiedemann
- Sister Adele Westermann
Second Cabin Passengers
- Mr. H. Albrecht
- Miss Eleonore Altrichter
- Miss Klara Amschl
- Mr. Georg Andras
- Mr. Alois Arazim
- Mr. H. Aronsohn
- Mr. Leopold Arthold
- Mrs. Ludmilla Arthold
- Mr. Marcus Atlas
- Mrs. Taube Atlas
- Miss Leibe Atlas
- Sara Atlas
- Itzig Atlas
- Simon Atlas
- Miss Marya Baber
- Mrs. Anna Barnas
- Stanislava Barnas
- Maria Barnas
- Mr. Wilh. Bauroth
- Mr. Karl Baudissel
- Mrs. Regina Becker
- Miss Ernestine Becker
- Mrs. Martha Becker
- Hedwig Becker
- Robert Becker
- Lisbeth Becker
- Martha Becker
- Gebhard Becker
- Mrs. Hermine Becker
- Florence Becker
- Else Becker
- Miss Luise Berg
- Mr. Hans Berliner
- Miss Matilde Berwald
- Miss Sofie Binder
- Miss Louise Blenk
- Mrs. Emma Blenk
- Hedwig Blenk
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Blohm
- Mrs. Martha Blismer
- Miss J. Blum
- Mrs. Henriette Bluschke
- Mr. Itzig Bogdanow
- Mr. M. Bogdanow
- Mr. Frank Bontin
- Mr. Stefan Bonkowski
- Mrs. Ida Bosshardt
- Mr. William Brandt
- Mrs. Matilde Brandt
- Mrs. Bertha Brandau
- Mr. B. Buchmann
- Mr. Georg Burkhard
- Mr. J. Castberg
- Miss Anna Czelisch
- Mr. Maurice Clausen
- Mr. Martin Dabelstein
- Mr. Franz Dallistat
- Mrs. Berthau Daubenberger
- Ella Daubenberger
- Miss Annie Dingmann
- Mr. W. Dickerson
- Mr. Max Dreyfuss
- Mrs. Julia Duck
- Miss Marg. Dufour
- Mr. Johann Eck
- Mr. William Eckert
- Mr. Josef Edel
- Miss Caroline Eisschill
- Mr. Samuel Engel
- Mr. August Ewert
- Mr. Leo Fall
- Miss Clara Faltin
- Miss Paula Fastner
- Mr. Josef Feig
- Mr. David Feiger
- Miss Joh. Fimberger
- Mr. Emanuel Fleischmann
- Mr. Kaspar Forthafer
- Mr. Julius Frank
- Mr. Abram Friedmann
- Mr. Walter Fries
- Mr. Leib Frost
- Mr. Jan Gajarszki
- Mrs. Karoline Garner
- Mr. M. Gelczynsky
- Miss Helene Gelb
- Mrs. Johanna Gilbert
- Mr. Ludwig Glenk
- Mrs. M. Gorschalki
- Rene Gorschalki
- Mr. Salomon Granierer
- Mr. S. Gregorek
- Mr. P. Grimm
- Mrs. Martha Gross
- Mr. Josef Grosshaus
- Miss Theresia Gruber
- Mr. Karl Hammer
- Mrs. Minna Hammer
- Arnold Hammer
- Käthe Hammer
- Mr. Albert Hammer
- Mr. Stefan Haunel
- Mr. Bela Haunel
- Mr. Virgile Heinmiiller
- Miss Theodora Herzig
- Mrs. Ch. Hecht
- Buchel Hecht
- Mrs. L. Hecht
- Buchel Hecht
- Abraham Hecht
- Feige Hecht
- Riwe Hecht
- Mr. Paul Heinemann
- Mrs. Auguste Heise
- Mr. Konrad Heitmann
- Mr. Emil Heming
- Mr. Robert Hemphill
- Mr. Alfred Herrlich
- Miss Anna Herrlich
- Dr. Emil Hommer
- Mr. Lazar Horga
- Miss Karoline Horen
- Mrs. Malie Hornstein
- Ida Hornstein
- Ester Hornstein
- Mrs. Maria Huber
- Anna Huber
- Franz Huber
- Miss Gertrud Hubner
- Miss Clara Hubner
- Mr. Carl Husa
- Mr. T. Jong
- Mrs. Annie Jeukowski
- Mr. Josef Jacob
- Mrs. Erzbeth Jacob
- Mrs. Katalin Jeck
- Miss Elisabeth Jeck
- Mr. Miklos Jeck
- Mr. Janos Jeck
- Miss L. Jordan
- Mr. K. Kalcsov
- Mrs. Maria Kalcsov
- Mrs. Anna Karner
- Mr. Peter Kartye
- Mrs. Regina Kartye
- Mr. Adam Kasprzak
- Mr. F. Katz
- Mr. Sal. Kauffmann
- Mrs. El. Kauffmann
- Mr. Isak Keltsch
- Mr. August Kerber
- Mr. Joel Kessler
- Mrs. S. Kessler
- Regina Kessler
- Mrs. Katalin Kis
- Jacob Kis
- lstvan Kis
- Mr. Baruch Kischilewsky
- Mrs. Leie Kischilewsky
- Mr. Nute Kischilewsky
- Pejsach Kischilewsky
- Avrum Kischilewsky
- Hersch Kischilewsky
- Mr. J. Klimck
- Mrs. Marie Knuszt
- Mr. William Klockenbrinch
- Miss Sari Kohn
- Mr. Max Kolberg
- Mrs. Malke Kosser
- Miss Emily Koster
- Mr. Carl Krisch
- Mrs. Marg. Krisch
- Miss Marg. Krisch
- Miss Marie Krisch
- Miss Pauline Krisch
- Miss Elmina Krounus
- Mr. Moritz Krug
- Mrs. Emilia Kohlberger
- Miss Anna Kohlberger
- Mrs. A. Kuczinska
- Helena Kuczinska
- Bronislawa Kuczinska
- Janina Kuczinska
- Mrs. M. Kuczinska
- Eugenius Kuczinska
- Kazmira Kuczinska
- Helene Kuczinska
- Edmund Kuczinska
- Mrs. Rosalie Kugler
- Mrs. L. Kunsyl
- Mrs. M. Kuzmierkiwicz
- Malevy Kuzmierkiwicz
- Anna Kuzmierkiwicz
- Stanislawa Kuzmierkiwicz
- Mrs. J. Levin
- Milton Levin
- Miss Magda Leosen
- Mr. Emil Leis
- Miss L. Lewandowska
- Mr. Fred Lindenau
- Mr. August Lindenau
- Mrs. Wilh. Lindenau
- Mrs. Wilh. Littau
- Mr. Martin Lorenzen
- Miss Bertha Lut
- Miss Emma Marquardsen
- Miss Rose Maier
- Miss Frieda Mayer
- Miss Bertha Mayer
- Mr. Alois Mader
- Mrs. Mary Mader
- Mrs. Scheje Maus
- Leib Maus
- Miss Anna Mart
- Mrs. Luise Mayer
- Mr. Ernst Maier
- Mrs. Christiane Maier
- Miss K. Macjewska
- Mr. Alex. Matulis
- Mrs. Hedwig Matulis
- Marie Matulis
- Hedwig Matulis
- Mr. Paul Malmström
- Mrs. Emma Malmström
- Harald Malmström
- Mr. August Meyborg
- Mr. Alfred Meier
- Mrs. Minna Mikazs
- Samuel Mikazs
- Daniel Mikazs
- Mrs. Paula Michajlowitz
- Johann Michajlowitz
- Miss Bertha Moll
- Miss Ida Moser
- Miss Louise Mosner
- Mrs. Giesela Molnar
- Josefine Molnar
- Miss Ida Moser
- Mr. Paul Muller
- Mr. Hermann Muller
- Miss Katie Munkel
- Mr. Heinrich Nelson
- Mrs. Ottilie Neumann
- Mr. Phil. Neville
- Mr. John Nunson
- Mrs. Regina Nunson
- Miss Johanna Obermeier
- Mr. Michael Olenik
- Mr. E. Oppendinger
- Mr. Josef Papp
- Mrs. Adele Parcto
- Mr. P. Pachmann
- Mr. Sch. Percys
- Mr. Adolf Peters
- Mrs. Julie Pfannenschmidt
- Mrs. P. Pimslerstein
- Miss Sabina Pinkas
- Mr. Josef Pinkas
- Mr. Istvan Pintz
- Mrs. Vilma Pintz
- Mr. Josef Plosa
- Miss Juliana Pohlmüller
- Miss Rebecca Prigge
- Mr. Paul Prister
- Mr. M. Popera
- Mr. Josef Raspider
- Miss Anna Rau
- Miss Chr. Rezetarisch
- Miss Babette Rech
- Miss Franziska Reznicek
- Miss Ersebeth Richter
- Mr. Josef Riesz
- Mrs. Eva Riesz
- Eva Riesz
- Miss Martha Ring
- Mrs. Matilde Rislau
- Gerhard Rislau
- Miss Gudrun Risting
- Mr. Johann Rittinger
- Mr. Rob. Rjoersgaard
- Miss Hildegard Roepke
- Miss Erzebeth Rohrbacher
- Mr. Karl Rösier
- Mrs. Luise Rosenbaum
- Miss Anna Rosenbaum
- Karoline Rosenbaum
- Mr. Georg Rosenthal
- Mr. Josef Roth
- Miss Marg. Roth
- Mrs. S. Rothenburg
- Mrs. Sofia Rottmann
- Sofia Rottmann
- Johann Rottmann
- Miss M. Roubicek
- Mrs. Clara Rubin
- Miss Barbara Rubs
- Mrs. Terez Rücktemvald
- Mr. Leo Sack
- Mrs. Anna Sack
- Mr. M. San
- Mrs. T. Sandhaus
- Mr. Peter Saul
- Mrs. Marta Saul
- Mr. Paul Schlockow
- Miss K. Schild
- Mr. N. Schleier
- Mr. Gustav Schmidt
- Mr. Paul Schmidt
- Mr. Wilh. Schneider
- Mrs. Louise Schneider
- Mr. Siegfried Scholz
- Miss Marie Schubert
- Mr. Josef Schneider
- Miss Jurel Schneider
- Mr. lgnaz Schubkegel
- Mrs. Anna Schubkegel
- Josef Schubkegel
- Mr. Otto Schuster
- Mr. Rudolf Schultz
- Miss Adele Schütt
- Miss Pauline Schweitzer
- Miss Laura Schweitzer
- Mrs. Regina Siebert
- Mr. Isidor Simon
- Mrs. Louisa Simon
- Mr. Alex. Siwik
- Mr. Gerald Smith
- Mr. Harry Smith
- Miss Teresia Smolie
- Mr. S. Sörensen
- Mrs. S. Sörensen
- Mr. Ch. Sörensen
- Mrs. Ch. Sörensen
- Mr. Hermann von Staden
- Miss Bertha von Staden
- Mr. L. Steffens
- Mr. Jan Steiner
- Miss Jetty Star
- Mrs. Maria Stempel
- Miss Minnie Stern
- Mrs. Helen Stober
- Mr. Hermann Tannenbaum
- Mrs. Sosie Taub
- Mr. Claus Thumann
- Mrs. Clara Titz
- Mrs. Lina Trapold
- Mr. Albert Traube
- Miss L. Treibwasser
- Mr. Josef Vancsura
- Mr. Istvan Vanczura
- Mr. Karl Vanczura
- Mr. Eugen Vesper
- Mr. Olaf Vilmon
- Mrs. L. Vogel
- Mr. Victor Vubeni
- Mr. Gustav Wacker
- Mr. Otto Wagner
- Miss Emmy Wagener
- Miss La dislawa Wawrcgyniak
- Mr. B. Water
- Mr. Otto Weickart
- Miss Paula Weilheimer
- Mr. Aron Wein
- Mrs. Jenni Wein
- Lipot Wein
- Saum Wein
- Helen Wein
- Mr. Josef Weiss
- Mr. Moris Weizmann
- Mr. Jan Welt
- Mrs. Emilia Werbowska
- Mr. Waldemar Westphal
- Mrs. Herta Westphal
- Ruth Westphal
- Mr. Ch. Wienzbowitz
- Mrs. Auguste Winkler
- Mr. Christian Woltmann
- Mr. J. Wolvsow
- Mrs. Lotti Zeichner
- Jacob Zeichner
- Josef Zeichner
- Miss Rose Zeiss
- Miss Marg. Zimmermann
- Miss Susanna Znacsko
- Mr. G. v. Zyverden
To Boulogne-sur-Mer:
- Mr. Andreas Both
To Southampton:
- Mr. Bernhard Deecke
Information for Passengers
- First Cabin. Breakfast is served from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, lunch from 12.30 to 2:30 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm
- Second Cabin. Breakfast at 8:00 am, dinner at 12:00 pm, supper at 6:00 pm
A menu is printed for each meal. Seats at table are allotted by the Chief Steward. In the first cabin breakfast and luncheon are not announced by any signal, however, a bugle call will be sounded 30 minutes before dinner commences. This signal will be repeated when dinner is readyl In the second cabin a steward will ring the bell 15 minutes before meal-times and again when the meals are ready to be served.
Steamer-Chairs. Upon application to the Company's office or to the Deck Steward, steamer-chairs belonging to the Seereise-ComfortGesellschaft can be rented for use on the voyage, at a charge of Marks 4.20 a piece.
Rugs. Also rugs, belonging to the Seereise-Comfort-Gesellschaft, can be rented for use on the voyage at the same charge of Marks 4.20 a piece.
Music The ship's band performs on the promenade deck during the forenoon from 10:00 am t0 11:00 am, in the first cabin saloon during dinner and in the second cabin from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Staterooms. All staterooms are lighted by electricity. They are also provided with connections for an electric heater for a hair-curler, as well as for an electric food warmer, by which milk, coffee, etc., can be kept warm during the nightl The apparatus will be supplied by the Stewardess.
Passengers are recommended to lock the doors of their staterooms while the steamer is in port.
Baggage. As only small pieces of baggage can be taken into the cabins, all large pieces will be stored in the hold. Access to the hold may be had upon application to the Room Steward.
Hot or Cold Baths. A number of comfortable bathrooms are provided aboard. The Bathroom Steward or Stewardess will attend to the bath upon the passenger's request. No charge is made for baths. The water used is sea-water.
Smoking is allowed only on deck and in the Smoking Room; it is positively prohibited in the cabins and below deck.
The Bar closes at midnight.
Lights are extinguished in the Saloons at 11:00 pm and in the Smoking Room at midnight.
Surgeon and Apothecaryl An experienced Physician is attached to every steamer. For medical attendance in cases of sickness contracted on board, no charge is made; medicines also are provided free of charge. But the ship's physician is allowed to ask the usual fees from travelers who submit themselves to treatment for maladies not contracted during the voyage.
The Barber is entitled to charge for his services according to the tariff fixed by the Company.
Library. The books in the library, which may be obtained upon application to the library Steward, are at the disposal of Passengers, free of charge. A catalogue of the English, French and German books in the ship's library can be had from the Library Steward.
Letters, Telegrams and Correspondence. Only the purser is authorized to receive letters and telegrams for delivery at the next port of call. Several telegraph-codes will be found in his office. Wireless messages are to be given in at the special wireless telegraph off ice on board ship. Letters and postcards must be deposited in the letterbox. The closing of mails for the various ports of call will be duly announced. The Universal Postal Union Regulations apply to the mail posted on board:
- on steamers sailing 20 Pf. German stamp for letters
- from and to America 10 Pf. German stamp for postal cards
Postal stamps are obtainable either from the purser or from the stewards in the smoking room and in the saloon.
Writing Paper, Envelopes and Telegraph Forms will be supplied by the Saloon Steward.
Valuables or Money. — The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the stateroomsl All objects of value should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company's form. As no charge is made for carriage, the Company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but Passengers can protect themselves by insurance.
Foreign Money. The Purser is prepared to exchange foreign money.
Amusements. A number of pastime games, such as shuffleboard, quoits, chess, dominoes, etc., are provided on board.
Attendance. The Stewards have strict instructions to attend to the wants of Passengers in a prompt and courteous manner. Passengers are requested to bring any inattention to the notice of the Chief Steward, and if the complaint made is not promptly investigated, to report it to the Captain.
The Electric Bath. Among the novelties introduced for the first time on board of this steamer will be found an electric bath, for the use of which no charge is made. Passengers will please apply to the chief-steward, whenever they desire to use it.
Gymnasium. For first class Passengers there is a gymnasium on the boat deck, fitted up with the apparatus of the Swedish Zander-system. It is open daily at the following hours: for Gentlemen: from 8:00 am to 10:30 am and from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm; for Ladies: from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm The gymnasium is in charge of an experienced attendant. Children cannot be admitted.
The Wireless Telegraph Service.
The Wireless Station on board is almost daily in communication with all parts of the world either directly through the shore-stations, or indirectly by means of passing ships. The names of the shore-stations and of the ships with which communication is expected during the day, are posted every morning in different parts of the ship.
The address of a telegram from shore to a ship at sea must be drawn up as follows:
- Name of receiver with any necessary addition
- Name of the ship and her nationality
- Name of the shore-station by the intermediary of which the telegram is to be forwarded
At the conclusion of the address of wireless telegrams the service word "Radio" must be added, for example:
Paul Muller, Cleveland, German, Norddeich , Radio. Telegrams from one ship to another only require the exact names of the passenger and the steamer.
All desired information regarding possibility of transmission, duration of transit and tariffs can be obtained on application to the Wireless Station on board, which is situated on the Sun-Deck of this steamer or from the Deutsche Betriebsgesellschaft fur drahtlose Telegraphie m. b. Hl, 9, Tempelhofer Ufer, Berlin SW., Telephone: Nollendorf, 910-916, Telegraphic Address "Debeg". In addition, the offices of the following Companies accept telegrams for transmission and furnish information, if desired:
Paris, 35, Boulevard des Capucines, Compagnie Française Maritime et Coloniale de Telegraphic sans Fil,
London W. Cl, Watergate House, Adelphi, Marconi International Marine Communication Co. Ltd.,
Rome, 74 Piazza S. Silvestro, Compagnia Internazionale Marconi per le communicazione marittime,
Brussels, 13 Rue Bréderode, Compagnie de Telegraphic sans Fil. New York, Ninety West Street, Deutsche Betriebsgesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphic m. bl Hl
In addition, all the telegraph offices in the German Empire and abroad accept wireless telegrams for all the steamers enumerated in the International List of Wireless Telegraph Stations.
For the despatch of wireless telegrams from or to shore the following are the shore-stations in Europe:
Cuxhaven, Norddeich, Scheveningen, North Foreland (Dover), Dunkirk, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Niton (Isle of Wight), Bolt Head, Cherbourg, Lizard, Crookhaven, Ile d'Ouessant.
For the same purpose the following are the American shore-stations:
Cape Race (Newfoundland), Sable Island (Nova Scotia), Siasconset (Massachusetts), Sagaponack (New York, (and Sea Gate (New York).
The wireless service on board all the steamers of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie is attended to by the Deutsche Betriebs-Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphic m. b. H., Berlin. Inquiries, claims, etc. should be addressed to this Company only, and not to the Hamburg-Amerika Linie, which undertakes no responsibility whatsoever for the wireless telegraph service.
Besides these customary "wireless messages", a more economical system has just been entroduced for the special benefit of the Passengers. A message containing 30 words can now be transmitted at a cost of M. 5.—and each additional word will be charged for at the rate of 10 Pf. For the despatching of these "Oceanletters" an additional c harge of 50 P1. is made. For all further information please apply to the "Wireless Operator".
It is advisable that Passengers post their mail very early and to write name and address of the sender on the envelope or wrapper.
The Office of the Passenger-Department is charged with the distribution of incoming telegrams and mail. Passengers are recommended in their own interest, before leaving the steamer to make inquiries whether any correspondence has arrived for them or to leave their address for later despatches.
Letters and telegrams may be directed in care of any of the Company's agents.
The Company gladly undertakes the transmission or delivery of telegrams, letters, etc. intended for Passengers; but owing to the immense number of such despatches forwarded to its care, must decline all responsibility, should such be inadvertently delayed or lost.
Office of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie Passenger-Department
On the B.-Deck (Upper Promenade Deck) of the S. S. "President Lincoln" an Office of the Passenger-Department has been established. This Office furnishes information to Passengers concerning the sailings of our steamers, the railway services from port of arrival into the interior, the Pleasure and Health Cruises arranged by the Hamburg-Amerika Linie and the various personally Conducted Tours managed by the Company's Tourist Office (Reisebureau der Hamburg-Amerika Linie)l It also provides information with regard to customhouse arrangements and other questions which are of importance to travelers.
At the Office, tickets are issued for the return-passage either from or to America, for the other regular services of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie and for Pleasure and Health Cruises, as well as for Conducted Tours on shore. The Office is the place where the letters and telegrams arriving on board for Passengers, are kept and delivered. The Office has also full control of all matters relating to change of staterooms, as well as charge of all unoccupied cabins.
Travellers' Checks Payable everywhere issued by the Hamburg-Amerika Linie.
The Most Desirable Means of Carrying Funds Abroad. Combining both Safety and Convenience.
We issue Travellers' Checks in denominations of .,14, 50, A 100 and A 200 in Germany and of $ 20, $ 50 and $ 100 in U. S. of America.
These Checks will not be accepted on board the steamers of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie for any purpose other than in payment of passage, or of bills incurred on board, Nor must the denomination of the check greatly exceed the amount of the billl The checks cannot, however, be cashed on board, as the Pursers and Chief Stewards on the steamers usually have only a small amount of ready money at their disposal.
In order, however, to offer Passengers facilities for cashing such checks immediately upon arrival or departure of the steamers, we have established a portable bank on our piers at Hoboken.
This bank will be placed near the gangway upon arrival and departure of steamers. Hamburg-Amerika Linie Travellers' Checks as well as those of all other institutions for any amount, will be cashed without deduction.
Arrangements have also been made for a Foreign Money Exchange in this bank. All foreign moneys will be bought and sold at current rates of exchange.
Porter Service. Uniformed attendants to carry baggage to and from our docks and arrange small details of travel for a nominal fee.
For the convenience of ocean travelers by our line, and in order to eliminate the extortion that has been practised by some of the public porters, we have inaugurated a service of attendants to carry hand-baggage and perform similar services for our patrons. On days when our steamers arrive and sail, a staff of porters, wearing gray uniforms, upon the collars of which the word "Attendant" appears, and red caps bearing "Hamburg America Line" bands, will be stationed at our docks, the ferries and railroad terminals in Hoboken, to assist Passengers.
The attendants will accompany Passengers to any part of New York to carry baggage, call carriages, and perform similar servicesl If a passenger will write or telegraph us, or telephone our office (1900 Rector) or our piers at Hoboken (770 Hoboken), one of the attendants will be sent to his home or hotell As the porters are conversant with all formalities on the piers, the usual confusion upon arrival and departure practically will be eliminated, thus relieving the passenger of all annoyance and worry and avoiding loss of time.
This service is especially valuable to large parties and ladies traveling alone, who can now make the journey to ours piers, without anxiety. Besides English, many of the attendants also speak German.
Own System of Combinable Tickets for Railways and Steamers (Hapag-Tickets) is in a position to supply to Passengers taking part in Pleasure and Health Cruises, in personally-conducted tours, or traveling independently, tickets available between all the principal places of Europe over all routes, including tickets for beds in sleeping-cars, &cl, &c.
In addition, the Office of the Reisebureau in Berlin is the officially appointed place of the Kgl. Preuss. Staats- Bahn (Royal Prussian State-Railway) for the supply of railway and sleeping-car tickets and advance reservations of berths in all the throughtrains starting from Berlin.
The Bureau also undertakes on behalf of the Railway the despatch of baggage and delivers a baggage receipt at the traveller's place of residence.
For journeys in Egypt, the Reisebureau der HamburgAmerika Linie, as General Agency of the Hamburg and Anglo American Nile Company, offers the greatest conceivable facilities and advantages. The Reisebureau der Hamburg-Amerika Link acts also as agent for all the important railway and steamship companies.
Travellers, therefore, will be serving their own interests and ensure greater comfort in carrying out their journey, if they claim the services of the Reisebureau for the supply of tickets, &c.
On the strength of many years' experience, and an abundant provision of time-tables, tariffs, &c. information concerning travel on the Continent and in all parts of the world, is furnished gratis.
On application to the Reisebureau, prospectuses are supplied to intending travelers free of charge.
The New Steamer of the Hamburg- Amerika Linie "Imperator" of 50,000 ton, the Largest Ship in the World.
The "Imperator", now building at the Vulcan Shipyards at Hamburg, was launched on the 23rd of May 1912 and will enter the Hamburg-New York passenger service in the spring of 1913. This vessel will surpass all standards for size, having nine decks above the water line.
The Frahm Anti-Rolling Tanks will be installed, which, in co-operation with the great bulk of the ship, will counteract the motion of the most violent sea, assuring even very susceptible Passengers of a pleasant crossing.
The Hamburg-Amerika Linie was founded in 1847.
It owns a fleet of 179 large ocean - steamers, 229 steamlaunches, tugs and
lighters, aggregating together, with the shpis in course of construction, 408 vessels, registering over 1,210,000 tons.
Its services embrace the entire globe.
The new giant steamers of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie
SS. Amerika and Kaiserin Auguste Victoria
Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktien-Gesellschaft
Passenger-Trips by the Zeppelin Airship "Viktoria Luise" from the Airship-Shed at Frankfort o. M.
The fare of the regular trips extending over 100 kms and lasting about 2 hours, will be Ml 200.—.
Passenger Trips by the new Zeppelin Airship "Hansa" in the environs of Gotha lasting about 2 hours.
Price M. 200.—. General Information can be had at the Hamburg-Amerika Linie
Airship-Department Gotha Frankfort o. M.
Gartenstr. 28 Kaiserstr. 14
Telephone: 758, Telegrams:
Böhms Weinschänke. Ham'. Fraskfertmais
Telephone: 1. 3370.
Some of the advantages offered by these steamers:
- Complete Safety Appliances
- They are unsinkable, because of their numerous water-tight compartments
- Automatic Fire-extinguishing Apparatus
- Submarine Bell Signalling System for detecting the proximity of danger in fog
- Extreme steadiness, owing to large carrying capacity and bilge keels
- Perfectly balanced Engines, entirely eliminating vibration
- Excellent Ventilating System
- Central Filtering System
- Gypsy Band in Ritz's Carlton Restaurant
- Promenade Concerts and Concerts during Dinner
- Three Spacious Promenade Decks
- NumerousShelteredCorners onDeck
- Luxurious and Home-like Furnishings throughout the Steamer
- Luxurious Ladies' Parlors, Smoking and Writing Rooms
- Chambers de Luxe, consisting of Parlor, Dining-room, Bedroom. Dressing-room. Bath and Toilet. Dining-room à la carte
- Ritz's Carlton à la carte
- Fresh Flowers always on sale
- Gymnasium with Electro-Zander Apparatus
- Electric-light Baths
- Trained Nurses connected with the Physician's staff
- Telephone connections
- Office of the Passenger Department
- Ladies' Hairdresser.