SS Deutschland Passenger List - 12 October 1928
Front Cover of a Third Class Passenger List from the SS Deutschland of the Hamburg America Line, Departing Friday, 12 October 1928 from Hamburg to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton, Commanded by Captain Langer. GGA Image ID # 1773774c12
Note: Passenger List did not explicitly state what class of passengers it pertained to. Photographs of the third-class rooms included in this booklet and a reference in the Information for Passengers section suggest that this list is for Third Class passengers. The Steamship Staff broke up the list with an identical title of "NACH NEW YORK" or To New York. Since the ship was scheduled to stop in Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton, one would have expected three separate lists. We left the list configuration as is for the viewer to decide.
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain Langer
- First Officer: E. von Frankenberg u. Ludwigsdorf
- Second Officer: W. Lindemann
- Second Officer: P. Köhpcke
- Second Officer: W. Greffrath
- Third Officer: F. Koch
- Fourth Officer: A. Keibel
- Fourth Officer: H. Dettmann
- First Radio Officer: P. Steinwerder
- Second Radio Officer: E. Toppke
- Third Radio Officer: K. Hänschke
- Chief Engineer: W. Husstedt
- Second Engineer: P. Wendt
- Third Engineer: W. Jarck
- Third Engineer: C. Buck
- Third Engineer: H. Ehlbeck
- Fourth Engineer: K. Biebau
- Fourth Engineer: P. Ahlswede
- Fourth Engineer: W. Eberlei
- Fourth Engineer: A. Konopacki
- First Electrician: W. Riesdorf
- Second Electrician: H. Bollhorst
- Projectionist: H. Schmüser
- First Physician: Dr. H. Kickton
- Second Physician Privy Councilor: Dr. Reuter
- Trained Nurse: Gertrude Hoffmann
- Purser: O. Ritter
- Second Purser: W. Reinhard
- Second Purser: F. Zirkenbach
- Assistant Purser: R. Capelle
- Assistant Purser: R. Pickenpack
- Assistant Purser: W. Lau
- Baggage Master: P. Lewald
- Chief Steward, First Class: M. Heins
- Assistant Chief Steward, First Class: H. Biesterfeld
- Grill Room Chef: A. Blanck
- Assistant Chief Steward, First Class: M. Henneberg
- Chief Steward, Second Class: F. Ladendorf
- Assistant Chief Steward, Second Class: A. Riebe
- Chief Steward, Third Class: W. Volckmer
- Assistant Chief Steward, Third Class: G Reimers
- Head Chef: Ed. Dießner
- Director of the Artists' Quartet: W. von Poelgeest
- Choir Leader: B. Brösel
Third Class Passengers
- Miss Anna Balzer
- Mrs. Vilma Becker
- Mr. Louis Bergen
- Mrs. Marie Bernandino
- Mr. Christian Betz
- Mr. Walter Birk
- Mrs. Ottilie Blaschke
- Brunhilde Blaschke
- Siegfried Blaschke
- Elfriede Blaschke
- Ilse Blaschke
- Miss Lilly Bock
- Miss Else Bock
- Mrs. Frida Brader
- Miss Rosalie Braunlinger
- Miss Cecilie Brugger
- Mrs. Anna Buschina
- Erna Buschina
- Fraulein Sofie Burr
- Miss Margaret Ehrlich
- Mr. Hans Einenkel
- Mrs. Elsa Nelli Einenkel
- Miss Maria Enderle
- Mr. Louis Engelhardt
- Mrs. Auguste Engelhardt
- Miss Fay Estrine
- Mr. Eugene Feikert
- Mrs. Luise Feikert
- Eugene Feikert
- Mr. William Foley
- Mrs. Frida Fritz
- Mr. August Früchtenicht
- Mr. Kurt Gabel
- Mrs. Dora Gamar
- Miss Edith Gamar
- Mr. Henry Gardner
- Mrs. Anna Gardner
- Evelyn Gardner
- Henry Gardner Jr.
- Mr. Eduard Gardner
- Mrs. Minnie Gardner
- Miss Helen Gerdes
- Miss Josefine Germ
- Mr. Edgar Goldsweer
- Miss Margarethe Graf
- Miss Lina Grossmann
- Mrs. Gertrude Gubser
- Mrs. Rosa Haeffner
- Miss Mathilde Hadder
- Mrs. Chester Hannum
- Miss Frida Hausser
- Mr. George Hauser
- Mrs. George Hauser
- Mr. Lionel Hein
- Mr. William Heinemann
- Mr. Fred. Henkel
- Mrs. Beatrice Herzog
- Mr. Adolph Herzog
- Mr. Paul Hofmeister
- Miss Bertha Hornung
- Mrs. Minnie Huertl
- Miss Annie Janzen
- Mr. A.P.W. Jessen
- Mrs. Hermine Kassler
- Miss Luise Kilian
- Mrs. Francis Kilpatrick
- Gregor Kilpatrick
- William Kilpatrick
- Miss Hermine Klabenow
- Miss Anna Kongs
- Miss Gertrud Krämer
- Mrs. Sophie Krieghoff
- Miss Gertrude Kunz
- Miss Sophie Kurzhals
- Mr. August Lartz
- Mrs. Louise Lartz
- Miss Ella Lartz
- Miss Elisabeth Carmen Leimann
- Mr. Martin Levsen
- Mrs. Rose Loebner
- Mr. Victor J. Mayer
- Mr. Max Meier
- Mrs. Martha Meier
- Mr. Fritz Meier
- Mrs. Alma Meier
- Mr. Adolf Meisels
- Mrs. Helene Mertens
- Mr. Rudolf Mienert
- Mr. Fred Miller
- Mr. Richard Mohr
- Mr. Josef Müller
- Mrs. Josef Müller
- Mrs. Mary Osswald
- Mr. Karl Pactz
- Mrs. Margarete Pactz
- Miss Ottilie Papenfuß
- Mrs. Lydia Peroff
- Mrs. Hildegard Peterffy
- Miss Charlotte Pieren
- Mr. Gustav Pohlmann
- Mrs. Erna Pohlmann
- Mrs. Maria Purkerl
- Wilfried Purkert
- Elsie Purkert
- Mrs. Johanna Rambow
- Mr. Herbert Rath
- Mrs. Marie Rebmann
- Mr. Frank Reiter
- Miss Anna Renken
- Miss Anna Rink
- Miss Hermine Rowald
- Miss Klse Saul
- Miss Gertrude Scherzer
- Mr. Joseph Schlageter
- Miss Emilie Schmidt
- Mrs. Josefine Schmidt
- Mrs. Martha Schmidt
- Miss Minnic Schoening
- Miss Emma Schoening
- Mr. Harry Schramm
- Miss Friedel Schraysshuen
- Mrs. Sadie Schuster
- Miss Margarethe Sessner
- Miss Amalie Seufert
- Mr. George Stadtler
- Mr. Hans Stadtler
- Mrs. Marie Steger
- Mr. Robert Sterr
- Mrs. Marie Sterr
- Anneliese Sterr
- Dorothy Sterr
- Miss Anna St. Johannes
- Mr. Rudolf Strauss
- Miss Johanna Thalmann
- Mr. Gustav Vaas
- Mrs. Margarete Vaas
- Miss Augusta Vesper
- Miss Ida Voigtlaender
- Miss Hilda Wächter
- Mr. Julius Walkenhorst
- Mrs. Susanne Webel
- Miss Marianne Westphal
- Mrs. Klara Wilcke
- Mrs. Louise Yeyte
- Mrs. Maria Zink
- Miss Luise Zink
- Mr. Willi Adler
- Mrs. Klara Albert
- Miss Christine Andersen
- Mr. Christoph Appold
- Miss Marie Ayasse
- Mr. Otto Baasch
- Mr. Franz Bachmeier
- Miss Maria Baier
- Mr. Gottlob Baier
- Mrs. Antonie Baltrusch
- Mr. Otto Bartz
- Mr. Erich Bassenge
- Mr. Harold Batt
- Mr. Helmut Bauer
- Mr. Wm. Bauer
- Mr. Alfred Bauer
- Mr. Georg Bauer
- Mr. Georg Bauerschmidt
- Miss Luise Bäumler
- Mr. Georg Bauther
- Miss Helene Bayha
- Mr. Louis Beaugrand
- Mr. August Beberniss
- Mrs. August Beberniss
- Mr. August Beberniss J.
- Mr. Werner Beberniss
- Miss Claudia Becker
- Mr. Emil Beckmann
- Mrs. Emil Heckmann
- Mr. Karsten Heckmann
- Mr. Wilhelm Beckmann
- Mrs. Metta Belm
- Mr. Albert Behrendt
- Heinz Behrendt
- Mr. Heinrich Behrens
- Miss Olga Behrmann
- Mr. Albert Behrmann
- Mr. Eduard Beiusa
- Mr. Kurt Bender
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Berg
- Miss Agnes Berg
- Erika Berg
- Mr. Hermann Berghaus
- Mr. Andreas Berghold
- Mrs. Andreas Berghold
- Miss Wilma Berghold
- Mr. Georg Bernhard
- Mrs. Georg Bernhard
- Georg Bernhard Jr.
- Miss Agnes Berz
- Mr. Wilhelm Bickmann
- Mr. Karsten Bickmann
- Miss Christine Bilet
- Miss Sofie Bischof
- Mr. Wilhelm Bittner
- Mrs. Elfriede Blechmann
- Mrs. Emma Blunk
- Hermann Blunk
- Mrs. Anna Bocswetter
- Charlotte Boeswetter
- Miss Rosina Bögle
- Miss Klara Bossert
- Miss Karoline Braun
- Mr. Philipp Brechtel
- Miss Marie Breitenacher
- Miss Margarethe Breuning
- Mrs. Katharina Brouwers
- Miss Krescencia Brüm
- Mr. August Brünig
- Mr. Viktor Buchalla
- Mrs. Anna Buss
- Mr. Ludwig Busse
- Mrs. Anna Bzduch
- Mr. Friedrich Callsen
- Mrs. Friedrich Callsen
- Günter Callsen
- Miss Marie Cischek
- Mrs. Emma Coenen
- Bernhard Coenen
- Mrs. Emily Crawford
- Edward Crawford
- Evelina Crawford
- Miss Hildegard Damboldt
- Mr. Otto Dame
- Mr. Fred David
- Mrs. Fred David
- Emily David
- Miss Katharina Deak
- Miss Gretha Decker
- Miss Maria Deucker
- Miss Christine Diermann
- Miss Maria Dietz
- Mr. John Dippold
- Mrs. Agnes Ditzel
- Erika Ditzel
- Günther Ditzel
- Mrs. Martha Düllberg
- Eberhard Düllberg
- Mr. Josef Eder
- Mrs. Josef Eder
- Mr. Richard Egerer
- Miss Lina Ehmann
- Mr. Ludwig Ehrig
- Mrs. Ludwig Ehrig
- Mr. Willy Eitler
- Mrs. Willy Eifler
- Mrs. Paula Elvers
- Mr. Karl Engelberger
- Mr. Paul Engelmann
- Mrs. Paul Engelmann
- Alice Engelmann
- Mrs. Maria Enke
- Inge Enke
- Margarethe Enke
- Miss Anna Ernst
- Miss Louise Ernst
- Mr. Edmund Faas
- Mrs. Frida Faisst
- Ruth Faisst
- Miss Kmma Faisst
- Mr. John Faller
- Michael Faller
- Mr. Georg Fangmann
- Miss Regina Fella
- Mrs. Helene Fenz
- Miss Wilhelmine Fettweis
- Mr. Johann Fettweis
- Mr. Johann Fink
- Miss Martha Fischer
- Mr. Arthur Fogacci
- Mrs. Arthur Fogacci
- Miss Ida Frank
- Miss Rosa Freivogel
- Miss Frieda Friedel
- Mr. Ludwig Friedrich
- Mr. Alfred Fries
- Miss Bertha Fromkorth
- Mr. Josef Fronius
- Miss Dora Frontini
- Mr. Karl Fürst
- Miss Frieda Galbach
- Mr. Gustav Gamer
- Miss Marie Gary
- Miss Elly Geib
- Miss Walburga Geisendörfer
- Mr. Karl Geismann
- Mr. Erich Gellermann
- Miss Anni Gerstmann
- Miss Franziska Glomann
- Mr. Hans Gode
- Mr. Karl Godt
- Miss Maria Göhl
- Mr. Nat. Goldschlager
- Mr. E. Goldweer
- Miss Berta Gonska
- Mr. Herbert Gottesmann
- Miss Pauline Gottwald
- Mr. Fritz Grabowsky
- Mrs. Fritz Grabowsky
- Mr. Elia Greguric
- Mrs. Frieda Greiner
- Mr. Michae Gress
- Mr. Friedrich Griem
- Mrs. Friedrich Griem
- Günther Griem
- Miss Marianne Grimm
- Miss Mathilde Grimm
- Mr. Karl Grissmann
- Miss Ida Grosser
- Mr. Josef Grossmann
- Mrs. Katharina Grunewald
- Jolantha Grunewald
- Mr. Rudolf Grunewald
- Mrs. Anna Guddat
- Elfriede Guddat
- Mr. Werner Glietenberg
- Miss Elisabeth Häberlein
- Mr. Anton Hacker
- Mr. Hermann Hacker
- Mr. Arno Hacker
- Mrs. Arno Hacker
- Lore Hacker
- Mr. Heinrich Haefele
- Mr. Heinrich Haffelder
- Mr. Heinrich Haist
- Mr. Isaak Hannover
- Mr. Julius Happel
- Mrs. Julius Happel
- Mr. Hans Hartmann
- Miss Anna Haug
- Mr. Leo Hauk
- Miss Erna Hausen
- Mr. Eugen Hayes
- Mr. Eugen Heen
- Miss Marie Heigold
- Mr. Karl Heiland
- Mr. Heinrich LIeinbockel
- Mr. Walter Hempel
- Mr. Karl L. Henn
- Mr. Henry Henning
- Mr. Joseph Herberich
- Mr. Fritz Herbert
- Mr. Johann Herbert
- Mr. Fred Herbst
- Miss Emilie Hermann
- Mr. Arnost Hermer
- Mr. Karl Herming
- Miss Anna Hesselschwerdt
- Mrs. Elisabeth Hildebrand
- Edith Hildebrand
- Mr. Heinrich Hinsch
- Miss Erna Hinsch
- Mrs. Auguste Hinz
- Werner Hinz
- Eva Hinz
- Miss Gisella Hirczy
- Mr. Stefan Hitzler
- Mr. Franz Flochgesand
- Miss Anna Hoegner
- Mr. Bruno Hoepfner
- Mr. Otto Hofer
- Miss Minna Hoffmann
- Miss Elise Hoffmann
- Mr. Friedrich Hofmann
- Miss Anna Högner
- Mr. Joseph Hollekamp
- Mr. Max Hölzer
- Mr. Ludwig Horowitz
- Miss Elise Howe
- Mrs. Elisabeth Huber
- Mr. William Hubert
- Mrs. William Hubert
- Alfred Hubert
- Davis Hubert
- Elsa Hubert
- Mr. Walter Hübner
- Mr. Karl Hummel
- Mrs. Karl Hummel
- Mr. Friedrich Hütt
- Miss Martha Ide
- Mr. Johann Jacobsen
- Mrs. Johann Jacobsen
- Hedwig Jacobsen
- Mr. Jonny Jannen
- Mrs. Jonny Jannen
- Karl Jannen
- Gerhard Jannen
- Elfriede Jannen
- Miss Marta Jelonnek
- Mrs. Fiieda Jenau
- Ursula Jenau
- Mrs. Thea Jensen
- Liselotte Jensen
- Uwe Jensen
- Mr. Frank Jirak
- Mrs. Frank Jirak
- Mr. William John
- Mr. Reinhold Jugel
- Margarethe Jugel
- Mildred Jugel
- Miss Klara Jung
- Mrs. Maria Kallmayer
- Miss Josefine Kalli
- Mrs. Maria Kallweit
- Mr. W. Karnbach
- Mrs. W. Karnbach
- Mrs. Anna Kellert
- Miss Elisabeth Kellert
- Miss Josefine Kentischer
- Mr. Alois Kerler
- Mr. Albert Kessel
- Miss Maria Kettner
- Mr. Fleinrich Kipp
- Mrs. Anna Knazek
- Mr. Walter Knoll
- Miss Helene Knoll
- Miss Käthe Koch
- Miss Florentine Koestcl
- Mr. Hubert Koj
- Miss Franziska Koller
- Mrs. Grete Kollerer
- Miss Franziska Kollerer
- Miss Sophie Königsdorfer
- Mrs. Adelheid Konrad
- Friedrich Konrad
- Anna Konrad
- Miss Mathilde Köpf
- Mr. Jacob Körner
- Mr. Isidor Koschitz
- Mrs. Isidor Koschitz
- Mrs. Lina Krah
- Margarete Krah
- Miss Minna Kramme
- Mrs. Hulda Kraus
- Miss Maria Kraus
- Mr. Willy Krause
- Mr. Frank Krey
- Mr. Kuno Kriesel
- Miss Frieda Kruska
- Mr. Paul Kugel
- Mr. Robert Kühle
- Mrs. Hedwig Kunze
- Ilse Kunze
- Mr. Walter Kuvel
- Miss Helene Kuvel
- Miss Emma Landau
- Mrs. Barbara Lang
- Katharina Lang
- Simon Lang
- Miss Elisabeth Lang
- Mr. Friedrich Lang
- Mr. Josef Langen
- Miss Josefa Lechner
- Mrs. Anna Leipold
- Mrs. Franziska Lermer
- Elisabeth Lermer
- Mrs. Margarethe Leuffen
- Gertrud Leuffen
- Miss Betty Lichtinger
- Miss Paula Liebel
- Mr. Carl Lindner
- Mr. Jan Liska-Matko
- Miss Dora Lohmann
- Miss Elise Lohr
- Miss Amanda Lohwasser
- Mr. Johann Lorenz
- Mr. Walter Lötz
- Miss Clara Luithardt
- Miss Irmgard Lux
- Mr. Josef Maier
- Miss Emma Maier
- Mr. William Marks
- Mr. Walter Marks
- Mrs. Walter Marks
- Mrs. Kreszentia Marschall
- Martha Marschall
- Miss Helene Marian
- Miss Mathilde Martan
- Mr. Paul Martensen
- Mrs. Ida Marticke
- Miss Anna März
- Mrs. Katharina Mattes
- Miss Katharina Mattes
- Miss Ella Matthes
- Mr. Erich Matthes
- Miss Bertha Mayer
- Mr. Bruno Mayer-Rosa
- Mr. Kurt Meier
- Mrs. Kurt Meier
- Mrs. Ida Wilhelmine Meissner
- Mrs. Elisabeth Melchert
- Mr. Fritz Mella
- Miss Hildegard Menke
- Mr. Hermann Merkel
- Mr. Wilhelm Metzen
- Miss Louise Metzger
- Mr. Hans Meyer
- Miss Marta Meyer
- Mr. Johann Meyerle
- Mr. Heinrich Mirmseker
- Mr. Wilhelm Mitzen
- Mr. Jean Mobus
- Mr. Franz Morbach
- Mrs. Franz Morbach
- Mr. Josef Mory
- Mr. Paul Moschke
- Miss Helene Motolova
- Mrs. Clara Müller
- Mrs. Julia Müller
- Mrs. Rita Müller
- Mrs. Marie Müller
- Mr. Hermann Müller
- Mr. Otto Müller
- Mr. Frank Müller
- Mrs. Frank Müller
- Mr. Hugo Müller
- Mrs. Olga Nagel
- Miss Charlotte Neuber
- Mr. Hermann Nolte
- Miss Amalie Nordgauer
- Mr. William Ochs
- Mrs. Thekla Ochs
- Herta Ochs
- Mr. Ernst Oeschler
- Mr. Walter Ohliger
- Mrs. Walter Ohliger
- Mr. Claus Ohrenberg
- Mr. John Oswald
- Mrs. John Oswald
- Miss Rosa Peschl
- Mr. Faul Pfreundschuh
- Mrs. Caroline Pfuller
- Elsie Pfuller
- Mr. Kurt Pictsch
- Miss Frieda Pilz
- Miss Amanda Puschmann
- Miss Maria Rathgeb
- Mrs. Lina Maria Rau
- Mr. Karl Raudecker
- Mrs. Clara Reese
- Ina Reese
- Miss Emma Regen
- Miss Hedwig Regen
- Miss Marie Reichel
- Miss Luise Reichert
- Miss Philippine Reichold
- Mr. Kurt Reinhold
- Miss Charlotte Reisch
- Miss Anneliese Reisch
- Mr. Otto Riess
- Mr. Fritz Riess
- Miss Anna Ring
- Miss Frieda Ristow
- Mr. Heinrich Rockstroh
- Mrs. Friederike Roemmelmeyer
- Mr. Hugo Roessle
- Mrs. Anna Rogge
- Alfred Rogge
- Erwin Rogge
- Berthold Rogge
- Mr. Paul Rohwedder
- Mrs. Paul Rohwedder
- Käthe Rohwedder
- Mr. Ludwig Romann
- Mrs. Ludwig Romann
- Miss Hanne Rosi Romann
- Mr. Jaques Romann
- Mr. Adolf Rosner
- Mr. Otto Rumpf
- Mr. Peter Sami
- Mrs. Peter Sami
- Elisabeth Sami
- Bill Sami
- Miss Louise Sanwald
- Miss Emma Sass
- Mrs. Emma Sauer
- Hermann Sauer
- Rudolf Sauer
- Mr. Rudolf Sauter
- Mr. Rudolf Schäb
- Mrs. Mary Schadock
- Anna Schadock
- Miss Emmy Schäfer
- Miss Helene Scharfenberg
- Mr. Otto Scharff
- Mrs. Otto Scharff
- Mrs. Rosa Schedlbauer
- Fraulein Mary Schedlbauer
- Mr. Werner Schelle
- Mrs. Anna Scheller
- Bernhard Serieller
- Miss Käte Schenkel
- Mrs. Barbara Scheuer
- Mr. Wilhelm Scheuer
- Mr. Franz Scheuer
- Mr. Eugen Scheufeie
- Miss Sophie Scheuringer
- Mrs. Rose Schin
- Miss Ida Schlaeppi
- Mr. Dominikus Schlegel
- Mrs. Dominikus Schlegel
- Mr. Wilhelm Schlittenhardt
- Mrs. Wilhelm Schlittenhardt
- Mrs. Anna Schloms
- Gerhard Schloms
- Walter Schloms
- Mr. August Schlosser
- Miss Sophie Schmid
- Mrs. Marie Schmidt
- Margarete Schmidt
- Mrs. Anna Schmidt
- Mr. Rudolf Schmidt
- Mr. Wilhelm Schmidt
- Miss Walburga Schmidt
- Mrs. Emma Schmitt
- Miss Johanna Schmitt
- Miss Else Schmitz
- Mr. Fritz Schneeweiss
- Mrs. Maria Schneider
- Fräolein Gertrud Schneider
- Miss Margarete Schnitzbauer
- Miss Leopoldine Schnitzler
- Mr. Hans Schober
- Mrs. Josefine Schofmann
- Mr. Peter Scholl
- Mr. Leopold Schöttl
- Mrs. Gertrud Schräder
- Mrs. Anna Schröckhaus
- Miss Maria Schröckhaus
- Mr. Hermann Schröckhaus
- Mr. Heinrich Schröckhaus
- Mr. Paul Schroeder
- Richard Schroedter
- Mr. Fritz Schubert
- Mrs. Fritz Schubert
- Mr. Heinrich Schubert
- Mr. Gustav Schulze
- Mr. Walter Schumacher
- Mr. Joe Schumann
- Mrs. Joe Schumann
- Mr. Ernst Schüren
- Mr. Franz Schuster
- Miss Helen Schuster
- Mr. Sebastian Schweiger
- Mr. Adam Schwinn
- Mrs. Adam Schwinn
- Mrs. Emilie Seemann
- Miss Liese Seemann
- Toni Seemann
- Mr. Kurt Seifert
- Mr. Eugen Sematinger
- Mr. Georg Seyfferth
- Mr. Heinrich Sietz
- Miss Margarete Sittnick
- Mrs. Wally Söllner
- Miss Minnie Sonnenfroh
- Miss Laura Sonnenfroh
- Mrs. Anna Spellmann
- Margarete Spellmann
- James Spellmann
- Flerr Erwin Sprenger
- Mr. Paul Stallbom
- Mr. Matthias Steeger
- Mrs. Matthias Steeger
- Mr. Albert Stegmaier
- Mr. Heinrich Stocker
- Miss Hertha Stolz
- Mr. Alfred Strangfeld
- Mrs. Martha Strauss
- Günther Strauss
- Mrs. Erna Strempel
- Rudolf Strempel
- Mrs. Amelia Stübben
- Ruby Stübben
- Mrs. Sophie Stute
- Mr. Hermann Stute
- Elmar Stute
- Mrs. Ida Sund
- Miss Paula Switalski
- Mr. Edmund Szulc
- Mrs. Edmund Szulc
- Tamara Szulc
- Miss Marie Taubken
- Miss Helene Taubken
- Mr. Michael Teller
- Miss Franziska Thomann
- Mr. Otto Thomsen
- Mrs. Otto Thomsen
- Mr. Bernhard Tieger
- Miss Johanna Timm
- Miss Erna Timmermann
- Miss Lina Titt
- Miss Mary Toth
- Mrs. Amclia Trepke
- Miss Tabea Trepke
- Mr. Gerhard Trepke
- Miss Elisabeth Treppmann
- Mr. Walter Treulieb
- Mr. Richard Turinsky
- Mrs. Anna Turner
- Frika Turner
- Margarete Turner
- Mr. Anton Ullmer
- Mr. Robert Uibelhaar
- Mrs. Elsa Ussner
- Helma Ussner
- Mr. Hans Verdick
- Miss Rosa Vetter
- Miss Hedwig Viegener
- Mrs. Elise Vierheller
- Mr. Albert Virchow
- Mrs. Albert Virchow
- Mr. Alexander Vogel
- Mr. Irving Vogel
- Miss Anna Volk
- Mr. Otto Voss
- Mrs. Minna Voss
- Miss Clara Voss
- Mr. Gustav Warmbrunn
- Miss Katie Weber
- Mr. Friedrich Weber
- Mr. John Weber
- Mrs. John Weber
- Mr. Michael Wegmann
- Mrs. Michael Wegmann
- John Wegmann
- Mr. Hermann Wehrle
- Mr. Henry Wehrle
- Mr. Karl Weibrecht
- Mr. Josef Weidinger
- Miss Hilde Weiler
- Miss Anna Weiler
- Miss Anna Weiss
- Miss Hedwig Weisser
- Mrs. Maria Weiler
- Miss Erna Weiler
- Mr. Ernst Westerweller
- Mrs. Dora Wiedemann
- Ernst Wiedemann
- Mr. Albert Wieglein
- Mrs. Albert Wieglein
- Miss Margarete Will
- Mr. Julius Wind
- Mrs. Julius Wind
- Mr. Julius Wind Jr.
- Miss Rosa Wind
- Mr. Winkelmann
- Mr. Heinrich Wirmseker
- Mr. Josef Wirtheim
- Mrs. Josef Wirtheim
- Mr. Georg Wittmann
- Mrs. Hilde Yettner
- William Yettner
- Mrs. Paula Yuettner
- Walter Yuettner
- Mr. M. Zalingcris
- Mrs. Elisabeth Zelesny
- Elisabeth Zelesny
- Johann Zelesny
- Mr. Albert Zilske
- Miss Edith Zmigrrd
Information for Passengers
PREPAIDS OF THE HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. Should you wish to have your family, relatives or friends follow you to the United States or Canada, we would recommend you to buy for them a Prepaid ticket over our Line.
For this purpose please apply to one of our own offices in the United States or Canada, mentioned hereunder, or to any of our agencies in the cities and larger towns of the United States and Canada, which will be glad to furnish any information desired, and issue Prepaid tickets over our Line without additional charge.
In Europe all Prepaid passengers will be taken care of by the Agents of the Hamburg America Line appointed in all larger places. They will endeavor to render every possible assistance to Prepaid passengers in securing the necessary papers and eventually the United States visa.
MONEY ORDERS. By virtue of her efficient agency-organization extending throughout Europe, the Hamburg America Line accepts in the United States Money Orders for transmission to Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, Roumania, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
The payments—transmitted by cable or letter—will be effected promptly, and upon request of the remitter either made in United States currency or the currency prevailing in the respective country. Please apply to any agency of the Hamburg America Line in the United States which will gladly render any desired information as to the convenient and well protective manner of these remittances.
VALUABLES OR MONEY. Valuables or money should not be left in the cabin, but be placed in charge of the Purser in his safe. No responsibility, however, can be accepted by the Company.
LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS. Mail arriving for passengers will be distributed in the office of the Purser. Letters and postcards written during the voyage may be left at the Purser's Office which on payment of the postage will see that they are forwarded.
Wireless telegrams are accepted by the Radio Officer on duty in the Third Class.
PHYSICIAN. For medical attendance in case of sickness contracted on board no charge is made; medicines are also provided free of cost.
BAGGAGE. The baggage room where all large trunks are stored will be open daily at certain hours. Passengers are requested to refer all baggage matters during the voyage to the baggage official on duty. Arrangements between passengers and stewards or other members of the crew are not binding on the Company. For hand baggage the Company will assume no responsibility.
Passengers are reminded that the porters on the New York piers are not allowed to ask for gratuities in consideration of the handling of passengers' baggage, they being paid sufficient wages for their services. If, nevertheless, any porter should demand payment for handling such baggage, passengers are requested to note the number plate on his cap and to report him to one of the uniformed policemen on the pier.
STEAMER CHAIRS AND RUGS. Upon application to the deck stewards, steamer chairs and rugs, can be rented during the voyage, at a charge of $1.— each. Places for steamer chairs are assigned by the deck steward.
- Breakfast at 8 00 am
- Dinner at 12-00 noon.
- Supper at 6-00 p. m.
As well as: Coffee and Cake at 3-00 p. m.
SMOKING ROOM. The smoking room is open early in the morning until 12-00 pm Smoking is prohibited in the social rooms and the staterooms as well as in the passageways below deck.
HOT AND COLD BATHS. A number of comfortable public bathrooms are provided on board. The bathroom steward or stewardess will attend to the bath upon the passenger's request.
LIBRARY. The books in the library may be obtained upon application to the library steward, and are at the disposal of passengers free of charge. A list of such books is kept by the library steward.
Passengers are requested not to leave books lying on deck or in the social rooms.
MUSIC. The orchestra plays daily for 1 hour either in the fore-noon, or in the afternoon, and also for 2 hours in the evening either for concert or dancing.
AMUSEMENTS. A number of games such as Shuffle Board, Dominoes, Chess, Quoits, etc., are at the disposal of passengers.
Moving pictures are shown several times during the trip.
BARBER. The barber is authorized to charge for his services according to the tariff fixed by the Company. The price list will be found in the barber shop.
ATTENDANCE. Passengers are requested to bring any complaints to the notice of the Chiefsteward, and, if the complaint is not promptly investigated, to apply to the Purser or to the Captain.
Scenes of the Third Class Accommodations Onboard the SS Deutschland. GGA Image ID # 1773d3c47b