SS Cleveland Passenger List - 7 June 1930

Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the SS Cleveland of the Hamburg America Line, Departing Saturday, 7 June 1930 from New York to Hamburg via Boston, Galway, and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the SS Cleveland of the Hamburg America Line, Departing Saturday, 7 June 1930 from New York to Hamburg via Boston, Galway, and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain W. Hennecke. GGA Image ID # 1770a775fb

Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: Captain W. Hennecke
  • First Officer: J. Falke
  • Second Officer: A. Franiel
  • Second Officer: W. Richter
  • Second Officer: J. Möller
  • Third Officer: W. Ziegler
  • Fourth Officer: H. Freudenhammer
  • Fourth Officer: H. Kretschmer
  • First Radio Officer: K. Stoldt
  • Second Radio Officer: W. Groth
  • Third Radio Officer: W. Finger
  • Chief Engineer: O. Vierth
  • Second Engineer: O. Trosiener
  • Third Engineer: F. Kniest
  • Third Engineer: P. Schmock
  • Third Engineer: E. Pölkow
  • Fourth Engineer: P. Nienstedt
  • Fourth Engineer: H. Jourdan
  • Fourth Engineer: R. Holst
  • Fourth Engineer: H. Ritz
  • Electrician: L. Mayer
  • Moving Picture Operator: L. Hillig
  • Physician: Dr. A. Schaefer
  • Trained Nurse: Elisabeth Buss
  • Conductress: Mrs. Sophie Bach
  • Baggage Representative: F. Abelmann
  • Purser: B. Möller
  • Second Purser: M. Janssen
  • Second Purser: H. Weseloh
  • Assistant Purser: W. Schmidt
  • Assistant Purser: W. Steffen
  • Chief Steward: C. Herrmann
  • Assistant Chief Steward: H. Thiele
  • Chief Steward, Tourist Third Cabin: J. Heuser
  • Assistant Chief Steward, Tourist Third Cabin: G. Reimer
  • Chief Steward, Third Class: A. Klein
  • Assistant Chief Steward, Third Class: W. Otterstedt
  • Chief Cook: H. Bauer
  • Orchestra Leader: K. Knieriem

Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Walter J. Albersheim
  2. Mrs. Walter J. Albersheim
  3. Mr. Joseph H. Allard
  4. Mr. W. P. Allis
  5. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Allspach
  6. Mrs. Katherine Alt
  7. Miss Lucille Apfelbaum
  8. Miss Irmgard Aue
  9. Miss F. Beck
  10. Mrs. Pauline Bella
  11. Mr. H. Bieling
  12. Mr. S. A. Biggin
  13. Mrs. S. A. Biggin
  14. Miss Alice Biggin
  15. Miss Patricia Biggin
  16. Mr. P. J. A. Binder
  17. Mrs. P. J. A. Binder
  18. Mrs. Adele Bloempot
  19. Mrs. A. D. Bosson
  20. Mr. Campbell Bosson
  21. Mrs. Campbell Bosson
  22. Miss Eleanor C. Bosson
  23. Miss Nancy C. Bosson
  24. Master Albert D. Bosson
  25. Mrs. Margaret Breeht
  26. Mrs. Harold Brown
  27. Mr. Drew Brown
  28. Mr. S. Bubenass
  29. Dr. Ruth Buka
  30. Mr. Hugh Carney
  31. Master Irving Chase
  32. Mr. Richard V. Chase
  33. Mrs. Richard N. Chase
  34. Miss Mary E. Chase
  35. Mrs. Lucy A. Cheney
  36. Miss Ida Claasen
  37. Miss Catherine Cleary
  38. Miss Mary Cleary
  39. Mrs. Gertrude B. Coffin
  40. Miss Hannah Coffin
  41. Mrs. James B. Conant
  42. Mr. James B. Conant
  43. Mr. J. Theodore Conant
  44. Master George W. Cushman
  45. Mr. Otto A. Deffaa
  46. Mr. Edward J. Dejonge
  47. Mr. Charles A. F. Detweiler
  48. Miss Mollie Detweiler
  49. Mr. George L. Dick
  50. Mrs. George L. Dick
  51. Mr. Herman Dock
  52. Mrs. Herman Dock
  53. Mrs. Paul Donclan
  54. Mrs. Alice G. Doubman
  55. Miss Johanna Eckhardt
  56. Mr. John Ehmann
  57. Mrs. John Ehmann
  58. Mr. Ludwig Eid
  59. Mr. Carl E. Elingius
  60. Mrs. Augusta Endler
  61. Miss Alice Endler
  62. Miss Elinore Endler
  63. Miss Susanne Engelbreeht
  64. Dr. C. Ruth Engelhardt
  65. Miss Ruth Engelhardt
  66. Mrs. Wm. Entner
  67. Mrs. Rosamond F. Esty
  68. Mr. Harry Eulenstein
  69. Miss Johanna Eulenstein
  70. Miss Edith Ewald
  71. Prof. Kasimir Fajens
  72. Mrs. Kasimir Fajens
  73. Mr. Morris Fishbein
  74. Mrs. Morris Fishbein
  75. Mrs. Anna Foelsch
  76. Miss Elsie G. Foelsch
  77. Miss Sarah Foster
  78. Mrs. Bertha Frank
  79. Mr. Walter Friedel
  80. Mrs. Walter Friedel
  81. Miss Christa Friedel
  82. Mrs. Emma Freund
  83. Mrs. F. J. Fuchs
  84. Rev. Herman B. Gies
  85. Miss Irene Gillespie
  86. Mr. Gustav Gobrecht
  87. Miss Johanna Gobrecht
  88. Miss Juliane Gobrecht
  89. Miss Minnie Gobrecht
  90. Mrs. Max Goldenberg
  91. Mrs. Joseph S. Goodbread
  92. Miss Elizabeth Goodhue
  93. Miss Louisa Goodhue
  94. Mr. Joseph Goralis
  95. Mr. John Gotsch
  96. Mr. John W. Gotsch
  97. Mr. Simon Gottlieb
  98. Mrs. Julia Graef
  99. Miss Dorothy Graef
  100. Miss Eleanor Gregory
  101. Mr. William Griesenbach
  102. Mrs. William Griesenbach
  103. Mrs. Elizabeth Gross
  104. Mrs. Lina Gugelmann
  105. Prof. J. Gutmann
  106. Mrs. J. Gutmann
  107. Miss Frieda Halle
  108. Mr. Max Hamburger
  109. Miss Erna Haug
  110. Dr. Elizabeth Herbert
  111. Miss Josephine Herbert
  112. Mrs. Julia Hofeller
  113. Mr. M. Hofstetter
  114. Mrs. M. Hofstetter
  115. Mrs. Maria Holdermann
  116. Mr. John B. Hopkins
  117. Mrs. John B. Hopkins
  118. Mrs. J. P. Huber
  119. Miss Ada M. Huber
  120. Mrs. Augusta Hubschmitt
  121. Mr. Adolph Hummel
  122. Mr. H. G. Huth
  123. Mrs. H. G. Huth
  124. Mrs. H. Isler
  125. Miss Margot Jacobowitz
  126. Mr. Hellmuth Jarchow
  127. Mrs. Hellmuth Jarchow
  128. Mrs. Ida L. Joseph
  129. Mrs. J. F. Kalb
  130. Mr. Ulrich Kauermann
  131. Mrs. Marie Kehr
  132. Mrs. Burnell Kendal
  133. Miss Mary Kendal
  134. Prof. A. E. Kennelly
  135. Mrs. A. E. Kennelly
  136. Mr. Swcnd A. Kent
  137. Mr. Helmcr Kent
  138. Mr. Michael Kessel
  139. Mrs. Marguerite R. Kiefer
  140. Mr. L. Killian
  141. Mrs. L. Killian
  142. Miss Marie Killian
  143. Miss Mary K. Killian
  144. Mr. C. Carleton Kirchner
  145. Mrs. Johanna Knueppel
  146. Mrs. Dora M. Koch
  147. Mr. Charles F. Kohlhepp
  148. Mrs. Charles F. Kohlhepp
  149. Mr. Hans Koll
  150. Mr. Victor Korcky
  151. Mr. Fred Korz
  152. Miss Charlotte Kraus
  153. Rev. Alphonse Kreidler
  154. Mr. Christian Lesker
  155. Mrs. Christian Lesker
  156. Mrs. A. Levin
  157. Mr. Earl Lippincott
  158. Miss Patricia Locke
  159. Miss Edeltraut Loebner
  160. Mrs. R. Loewenstein
  161. Rev. John F. Lohan
  162. Mr. Edward Lohrmann
  163. Mrs. Edward Lohrmann
  164. Miss B. E. Lyon
  165. Miss Rebecca Mackey
  166. Mr. Georges Mager
  167. Mrs. Georges Mager
  168. Master Pierre Mager
  169. Miss Margaret Matson
  170. Miss Marielis Mauk
  171. Mr. Charles W. C. Maurer
  172. Miss Allegra Maynard
  173. Mr. Prank Maxant
  174. Mrs. Frank Maxant
  175. Miss M. L. Mensel
  176. Mrs. Eugene W. Messmer
  177. Miss Edith Messmer
  178. Mr. Torben Michelsen
  179. Mr. C. J. Miller
  180. Mr. Elwood Mink
  181. Col. O. B. Mitcham
  182. Mrs. O. B. Mitcham
  183. Mrs. Mathilde Moeller
  184. Mrs. Martha Moos
  185. Mrs. L. H. Moss
  186. Mr. Louis Moss, Jr.
  187. Mrs. Louise Motschi
  188. Mr. Sigmar F. Muhl
  189. Mr. Edward Muhlwitz
  190. Mrs. Edward Muhlwitz
  191. Mr. John Muller
  192. Master John Muller
  193. Mrs. D. Murray
  194. Miss Nora Murray
  195. Miss Alberta McCullough
  196. Mr. Howard D. McKinney
  197. Rev. Father Michael McNamee
  198. Mrs. Lydia Naef
  199. Mr. Alfred G. Naville
  200. Mrs. Alfred G. Naville
  201. Miss Beatrice Naville
  202. Miss Suzanne Naville
  203. Mrs. F. Neus
  204. Mr. Notmeyer
  205. Mrs. Notmeyer
  206. Mr. P. H. Novack
  207. Mr. W. Olds
  208. Mr. Leonard D. Passell
  209. Mrs. Leonard D. Passell
  210. Miss Jane B. Patten
  211. Mrs. Emma Paulus
  212. Mr. Frederich Pepper
  213. Mr. William Peters
  214. Mrs. William Peters
  215. Miss Mildred Pickler
  216. Miss Marion Pixley
  217. Mr. Julius Pollack
  218. Mrs. Julius Pollack
  219. Mr. Joseph Purcell
  220. Mrs. Joseph Purcell
  221. Mr. J. von Puttkamer
  222. Mrs. J. von Puttkamer
  223. Miss Anna Rapp
  224. Miss Jean Rasenblat
  225. Mrs. Priscilla Rawson
  226. Miss Agnes Real
  227. Mr. George Repp
  228. Mrs. George Repp
  229. Mrs. Minna Repp
  230. Mrs. William G. Rice
  231. Mrs. Marie Roemheld
  232. Miss Frieda Roemheld
  233. Dr. M. Roller
  234. Mrs. Pauline Roller
  235. Mrs. L. G. Romeyn
  236. Rabbi William Rosenau
  237. Mrs. Myra K. Rosenau
  238. Mrs. Amanda Ross
  239. Miss Gertrude Ross
  240. Mr. Joseph Roth
  241. Mrs. Sadie Roth
  242. Miss Silvia Roth
  243. Prof. Edward Royce
  244. Mrs. Edward Royce and infant
  245. Mrs. Erna Ruebi
  246. Miss Elizabeth Rusch
  247. Mr. William C. H. Ryon
  248. Mrs. Ida Salomon
  249. Miss Emilie Salomon
  250. Mrs. Cyrius Sargeant
  251. Miss Jeanne Sargeant
  252. Mr. Adam Schaefer
  253. Mrs. Adam Schaefer
  254. Mr. Henry Schaefer
  255. Mrs. Henry Schaefer
  256. Miss Olga Schaufelberger
  257. Mr. Alois Schindele
  258. Mr. Henry L. Schleyer
  259. Mrs. Henry L. Schleyer
  260. Mrs. K. Amalia Schlisman
  261. Miss Grace Schlisman
  262. Mr. Hans Schlothfeldt
  263. Mr. K. C. Schmocker
  264. Mrs. K. O. Schmocker
  265. Mr. Richard Schnepel
  266. Miss Amalia Schony
  267. Mr. Eduard Schnor
  268. Mr. Carl Schroeder
  269. Miss Dora Schukz
  270. Miss Louise Seeger
  271. Miss Marie Seeger
  272. Mr. Louis Segel
  273. Mrs. Louis Segel
  274. Mr. J. Henry Seiferth
  275. Mrs. Barbara M. Seiferth
  276. Mr. Edmund Seiz
  277. Mr. Louis M. Seiz
  278. Mrs. Zoitan Sepesky
  279. Mr. William Sieverts
  280. Mrs. William Sieverts
  281. Master Jonathan Sieverts
  282. Mr. Gus Smith
  283. Mr. Henry Spreckels
  284. Mrs. Henry Spreckels
  285. Mrs. E. Sindel
  286. Mr. H. Monmouth Smith
  287. Mrs. H. Monmouth Smith
  288. Dr. Jacob Sonderling
  289. Mrs. Jacob Sonderling
  290. Miss Malvine Springer
  291. Rev. Lewis Richard Steinbrink
  292. Mrs. S. Stern
  293. Mr. John Stern
  294. Mrs. William Suhr
  295. Dr. Chas. M. Swab
  296. Mr. Patrick Tarpey
  297. Mrs. Patrick Tarpey
  298. Mrs. C. Barron Taylor
  299. Miss Gertrude Taylor
  300. Mr. Alexander Thern
  301. Miss K. Thumann
  302. Mr. J. P. Turner
  303. Mrs. Hilde Turner
  304. Mrs. Elizabeth Uhóe
  305. Mr. Erlich Utz
  306. Mrs. Henrietta Waiss
  307. Mrs. Andrew Washburn
  308. Miss Catherine Washburn
  309. Miss Elizabeth Washburn
  310. Miss Ruth M. Werner
  311. Miss Dorothy Westendarp
  312. Mr. E. P. Winner
  313. Mrs. Margaret A. Wiley
  314. Mr. John Wolbart
  315. Mr. Friedhold Wolf
  316. Mrs. A. Wormser
  317. Mr. J. R. Wren

Passenger Voyage Announcement, The Jewish Tribune, 6 June 1930.

Passenger Voyage Announcement, The Jewish Tribune, 6 June 1930. GGA Image ID # 1771094dda

Information for Passengers

Meals. An early breakfast consisting of coffee or tea with rolls is served from 6 to 8:00 am to anybody wishing to partake of it. Breakfast is served as a rule at 8:00 am, Luncheon between 12 and 2:00 pm, Dinner between 6 and 8:00 pm Refreshments are served as follows: Bouillon and sandwiches at 10.50 am, coffee and cakes at 4:00 pm, sandwiches at 10:00 pm

Arrangements have been made that any diet necessitated by the passenger's health or habits can be continued during the voyage.

Music. The Orchestra plays from 10 to 11:30 am on the promenade deck, during dinner and from 9 to 11:00 pm in the concert and dance hall.

Steamer Chairs and Rugs. Upon application to the deck stewards, steamer chairs and rugs belonging to the Seercise Comfort Gesellschaft, can be rented for use on the voyage, at a charge of $1.50 each. Steamer chair cushions may also be obtained at a rental of 51.00. Places for steamer chairs are assigned by the deck steward.

Baggage. Large pieces of baggage that cannot be taken into the cabins or are not wanted there will be stored in the hold. Access to the hold may be had daily upon application to the room steward.

Hot and Cold Baths. A number of comfortable public bathrooms are provided on board. The bathroom steward or stewardess will attend to the
bath upon the passenger's request.

Smoking Room. The smoking room is open from the early morning until midnight. Smoking is prohibited in the other social rooms and the staterooms as well as in the passageways under deck.

Social Rooms. Lights are extinguished in the social rooms at 12 midnight.

Physician. An experienced physician is attached to the staff of this steamer. No charge is made for medical attendance in case of sickness on board; medicines are also provided free of cost. The ship's physician, however, is allowed to charge the usual fees to travelers who submit themselves to treatment for illness not contracted during the voyage.

Barber and Ladies' Hairdressing Shop. The barber is authorized to charge for his services according to the tariff fixed by the Company. The price list will be found in the barber's shop.

Library. The books in the library, which may be obtained upon application to the library steward, are at the disposal of passengers free of charge. A catalogue of the German, English, and French books in the ship's library may be had from the library steward. The books are recommended to the care and consideration of the passengers, and it is especially requested not to leave them lying on deck or in the social rooms.

Letters and Telegrams. Mail and telegrams intended to be sent from the next port of call should be delivered to the purser or one of his assistants at the purser's office. No other ship's employees are authorized to receive mail to be posted. Stamps are sold at the purser's office.

Wireless Telegraph Service. Passengers may obtain all information about the sending of wireless telegrams at the Wireless Station on the boat

Valuables and Money. Valuables or money should be placed in charge of the purser for deposit in his safe. It is especially pointed out, however, that the Company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage.

Foreign Money. The purser is prepared to exchange foreign money and will meet passengers' wishes as far as possible. Travellers' checks of well known companies and banks will be taken in payment, provided the amount of the check does not greatly exceed the amount of the bill to be paid. Personal bank checks cannot be cashed.

Amusements. A number of games, such as shuffle-board, dominoes, chess, mah-Jong, quoits, etc., are at the disposal of passengers.

Stateroom Portholes. In order to avoid accidents passengers are requested not to open or close the portholes in their staterooms, but to ask their room-steward to do so.

Attendance. The stewards have strict instructions to attend promptly and courteously to the wants of passengers. Passengers are requested to bring any inattention to the notice of the chief steward, and, if the complaint is not promptly investigated, to apply to the purser.

Promenade Deck. In order to assure quietness throughout the ship, passengers are respectfully requested not to use the promenade deck for promenading purposes during the hours between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am

On the C-Deck of the SS CLEVELAND

An Office of the Tourist Department has been established. This Office furnishes information to passengers concerning the sailings of the steamers, the railway services from port of arrival into the interior, the air service and alt other arrangements of the Hamburg America Line.

It also provides information with regard to customhouse and passport arrangements and other questions which are of importance to travelers. At the office tickets are issued for railroads and steamers to all parts of the world.

Baggage Insurance. Passengers who prior to sailing omitted to insure their baggage against all or any risks can still do so at moderate premium rates and favourable conditions, upon application to the purser or baggage master on board.

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