SS Meteor Passenger List - 4 May 1907
Front Cover of a Cruise Passenger List for the SS Meteor of the Hamburg America Line, Departing Saturday, 4 May 1907 from Genoa to Hamburg via Villafranca, Ajaccio, Algiers, Gibraltar, Tangier, Lisbon, and Dover, Commanded by Captain Schwamberger. Duration 16 days. Fares of Mk. 350 upwards. GGA Image ID # 177910f689
The SS Meteor of the Hamburg-American Line circa 1908. GGA Image ID # 1779591107
List of Officers
- Commander: Captain Schwamberger
- First Officer: E. Wemmel
- Second Officer: M. Fontane
- Third Officer: B. Schellong
- Fourth Officer: P. Seeliger
- First Engineer: G. Erdmann
- Second Engineer: H. Gramberg
- Third Engineer: P. Schneider
- Fourth Engineer: H. Junge
- Physician: Dr. K. Plaut
- Purser: G. Schaeffer
- Assistant Purser: G. Lambert
- Chief Steward: F. Jetschmann
- Baggage Master: E. Kluth
- Assistant Chief Steward: W. Siegler
- Head Chef: O. Lehrte
Cruise Passengers
- Mr. Geh. Oekonomierat
Georg Andrae
Rittergut Braunsdorf b/. Tharandt - Mrs. A. Andrae
Rittergut Braunsdorf b/. Tharandt - Mr. Hermann Aschaffenburg
M. Gladbach - Mr. Emil Albert
Berlin - Mr. Emil Bing
Berlin - Mr. F. Bunk
Hamburg - Mr. Dr. med. Georg Baumgart
Cassel - Mr. Rechtsanwalt Herrn. Bork
Marburg - Mrs. Wilhelmine von Buelow
Freienwalde a/ Oder - Miss Hildegard von Buelow
Freienwalde a/ Oder - Mr. Franz Boettger
Dresden - Mr. Paul Blum
Berlin - Mr. Dr. Aug. von Bulmering
Hamburg - Mr. A. Brenner
Hamburg - Mrs. A. Brenner
Hamburg - Mr. Kommerzienrat Hugo Bock
- Mr. Max Dorl
Braunschweig - Mrs. Else Dorl
Braunschweig - Mr. Alex. H. Downs
- Mr. Georg Denis
Nuernberg - Mr. Hermann Doht
Berlin - Mr. Ileinr. Erasmy
Gelsenkirchen - Mr. Max Fechner
Berlin - Mrs. Toni Feldmann
Berlin - Mr. D. Flach
Berlin - Mr. .J. Fraenkel
Laubau - Mr. Feigeil
Heidelberg - Mrs. S. Greve
Hamburg - Mr. Rudolf Gutmann
Berlin - Mr. Georg Gruenbaum
Berlin - Mrs. Georg Gruenbaum
Berlin - Mr. Hans Hetzer
Werdau i/ S - Mrs. Hans Hetzer
Werdau i/ S - Mr. S. Hillerup
Uyksburg - Miss Marie Herzog
Dresden - Mr. Karl Herzog
Dresden - Mr. Hegeweit
Berlin - Mr. Regierungsrat Haeckermann
Koenigsberg i. Pr - Mr. E. Hildebrandt
Zoppot - Mr. Paul Hosang
Bernburg - Mr. H. Hartmann
Hamburg - Mr. Oberamtsrichter E. Hch. Hummel
Neuburg a/O - Miss M. Harsewinkel
Wittenburg i/W - Mr. J. Leuthold-Hueni
Friedrichshafen - Mrs. Dr. Halbfas & Son
Duisburg - Mr. Dr. P. Illing
Chemnitz - Mr. Hans Ibach
Barmen - Mrs. Hans Ibach
Barmen - Mr. P. C. Iversen
Malmö - Mr. Max Jeremias Jr
Strassburg - Mr. Dr. R. Jungwirth
Innsbruck - Mr. Adolf Kölligs
Frankfurt a/M - Mr. Hermann Krauss
Mannheim - Mr. Paul Kuntzsch
Berlin - Mr. Handelsrichter Kerb
Berlin - Mr. Kais. Rat Richard Killian
Iglan i/.Maehren - Mrs. Richard Killian
Iglan i/.Maehren - Mr. Johann Koppel
Berlin - Mrs. Johann Koppel
Berlin - Mr. Gottfried Kehren
Duesseldorf - Miss M. Klein
Hamburg - Mr. Carl Lilienthal
M. Gladbach - Mr. Dr. Josef Laboschin
Berlin - Mrs. Josef Laboschin
Berlin - Mr. Georg Lange
Petershagen - Mr. Consul M. Mugden, Jr.
Berlin - Mrs. M. Mugden, Jr
Berlin - Mr. Rittergutsbesitzer Moewes
Falkenau - Mrs. Moewes
Falkenau - Miss Elise Manasse
Breslau - Mr. Otto Maetschke
Sprottau i/Schl - Mrs. Otto Maetschke
Sprottau i/Schl - Mr. Curt Muscate
Dirschau W. Pr - Mrs. Emma Mentzell
Elbing - Mr. Richard Muenzer
Hamburg - Mr. L. M. Michelsen
- Hamburg
- Mrs. L. M. Michelsen
Hamburg - Miss Olga Michelsen
Hamburg - Mr. Victor Neumann
Hamburg - Mr. Aug. Nohn
Waldhirbersheim - Mr. Heinrich Neurath
Königstede - Mr. Ernst Nathe
Stede a. d. R - Mr. Hans Nauck
Leipzig - Mrs. Hans Nauck
Leipzig - Miss Margarethe Otto
Dresden - Mr. Th. Printzlau
Kopenhagen - Mrs. Printzlau
Kopenhagen - Mr. Bruno Pick
Berlin - Mr. Emil Pfister
Biel - Mr. Oscar Rueping
Eller b/.Duesseldorf - Mr. Georg Rockenmeyer
Wuerzburg - Mr. Otto Schoen
Zwickau i. S - Mrs. Otto Schoen
Zwickau i. S - Mr. Graf Szembek
Posen - Mr. Stadrat Hermann Schmidt
Nordhausen - Mr. Richard Schaefer
Berlin - Mr. Direktor S. Stein
Berlin - Mr. W. Schuenemann
Frankfurt a/M - Mr. Dr. Alexander Stratmann
Eller b/.Duesseliiorf - Mr. Arthur Springorum
Gelsenkirchen - Mr. Oberingenieur Fr. Simon
Dortmund - Mrs. Fr. Simon
Dortmund - Mr. William Schroeder
Basthorst b/Crivitz i. M - Mrs. A. Scholz
Hamburg - Mrs. A. Seemann
Hamburg - Mr. Schriftsteller
- John L. Stoddard
Meran - Mrs. John L. Stoddard
Meran - Mrs. J. V. Sydow
Hamburg - Miss J. Sydow
Hamburg - Mr. Bernhard Trier
Frankfurt a/M - Mrs. Paula Trier
Frankfurt a/M - Mr. Adolf Unterer
Wien - Mr. Rechtsanwalt
- Dr. Oskar Uhlig
Chemnitz - Mr. Th. Luithold Uenholz
Zuorich - Mrs. E. Vely
Berlin - Mr. Elias Wolf
Freiburg - Mrs. Elias Wolf
Freiburg - Mrs. Agnes Wodiczka
Homburg v. d. H - Miss Ulrika Schmidt-Wodiczka and Maid
Homburg v. d. H - Mr. Redacteur Dr. Wolf
Berlin - Mr. Wilhelm Ritter Gruendorf von Zybegäny
Graz - Mr. F. Zülke
Representative of the Travel Bureau of the Hamburg America Line Onboard the "Meteor"
- Mr. Otto Busse
- Mr. Cyril O. A.ssmus
Notice to Passengers
Meals. Breakfast is served from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, Lunch at 1:00 pm and dinner at 7:00 pm
A menu is printed for each meal. Seats at table are allotted by the Chief Steward. A bugle call will be sounded 15 minutes before each meal, and a second signal at the beginning of the meal,
Staterooms. Passengers are recommended to lock the doors of their staterooms' while the steamer is in port.
Baggage. As only small pieces of baggage can be taken into the cabins, all large pieces will be stored in the hold. Access to the hold may be had upon application to the Room Steward.
Hot or cold Batlis. A number of comfortable bathrooms are provided aboard. The Bathroom Steward or Stewardess will attend to the bath upon the Passenger’s request. No charge is made for baths. The water used is sea-water.
Smoking is allowed only on deck and in the Smoking Room; it is positively prohibited in the cabins and below deck.
The Bar closes at midnight.
Lights are extinguished in the Saloons at 11:00 pm and in the Smoking Room at midnihgt.
Surgeon and Apothecary. An experienced physician is attached to every steamer. For medical attendance in cases of sickness on board no charge is made; medicines also are provided free of charge.
But the ship’s physician is allowed to charge the usual fees to travelers who submit themselves to treatment for maladies not contracted during the voyage.
The Barber is entitled to charge for his services according to the tariff fixed by the Company.
The books in the library, which may be obtained upon application to the Library Steward, are at the disposal of passengers, free of charge. A catalogue of the English, French and German books in the ship's library can be had from the Library Steward.
Letters and Telegrams. Only the purser is authorized to receive letters and telegrams for delivery in the next port of call. Several tele- graph-codes will be found in his office.
Writing Paper, Envelopes and Telegraph Forms will be supplied by the Saloon Steward.
Valuables or Money. The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company’s form. As no charge is made for carriage, the Company can accept no responsibilit}r for loss or damage, however arising, but passengers can protect themselves by insurance.
Amusements, A number of pastime games, such as suffleboard, quoits, chess, dominoes, etc., are provided for on board.
Attendance. The Stewards have strict instructions to attend to the wants of passengers in a prompt and courteous manner. Passengers are requested to bring any inattention to the notice of the Chief Steward and if the complaint made is not promptly investigated, to report it to the Captain.
Pleasure Cruises
Pleasure Cruises were inaugurated by the Hamburg America Line 15 years ago, and since then, they have rapidly approached perfection through the frequent introduction of fresh itineraries and the judicious use of all newly gained experience.
The Hamburg America Line considerably extended this branch of its traffic, by commissioning two years ago, the twin-screw-steamer “ Meteor ”, which was built specially for pleasure cruises, and supplies in a manner wholly unprecedented, the demands of this new mode of traveling.
Besides this steamer the Hamburg America Line has decided to despatch two of its finest ships, the steamers “Blücher” and “Kron-prinzessin Cecilie"
The Company has lately appointed another steamer, recently added to the fleet, namely the *Oceana”, which at the beginning of the year 1906 was thorougly overhauled and reconstructed, and is to carry out this summer cruises to the north.
Furnished with such an excellent fleet, as is represented by the above named steamers, the Hamburg America Line is able to draw up a pleasure- cruise programme for 1907, which in variety surpasses the most successful undertakings of previous years.
All particulars concerning the itineraries and fares, are contained in the special pamphlets of the Hamburg America Line, which may be obtained from the information clerk or purser on board the Company's passenger-steamers.
The Hamburg America Line was founded in 1847. It owns a fleet of 158 large ocean-steamers, 205 steam-launches, tugs and lighters, aggregating together, with the ships in course of construction, 363 vessels, registering 926.493 tons. It services embrace the entire globe
The Twin-Screw S. S. “ Deutschland ” is 686 Va feet in length, 67 Va feet beam , 44 feet deep.
16.502 tons , 35.600 horse-power, 23 1/2 knots average speed.
Fastest ocean-passage westwards: 5 days, 11 hours, 54 minutes, and eastwards: 5 days 7 hours 38 minutes.