Navy Boot Camp Book 1971 Company 905 The Keel

Front Cover, Great Lakes USNTC "The Keel" 1971 Company 905.

Front Cover, Great Lakes USNTC "The Keel" 1971 Company 905. GGA Image ID # 1366ade71e

Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 905 for 1971, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: MMC D. L. Peterson USN. 70 Men Graduated 9 April 1971.

Company 71-905 Organization and Schedule

  • 2nd Regiment, 24th Battalion
  • Commenced Training: 3 February 1971
  • Completed Training: 9 April 1971

Company 71-905 Leadership

  • Commander Naval Training Center: CAPT. WALLACE L. TALBOT, JR.
  • Commanding Officer Recruit Training Command: CAPT. F. M. SYMONS
  • Executive Officer, Recruit Training Command: CMDR. L. A. HAMILTON
  • Military Training Officer Recruit Training Command: LT. CMDR. J. R. THOMAS
  • Regimental Commander: LT. R. B. Klausegger USN
  • Battalion Commander: CW02 J. W. Anderson USN
  • Battalion Adjutant: GMGC R. G. Desplaines USN
  • Battalion Master-At-Arms: SH1 J. A. Coker USN
  • Company Commander: MMC D. L. Peterson USN

Company 71-905 Recruit Roster

  1. Koelndorfer, Ronald
  2. Brandis, Daniel
  3. Bodell, Michael
  4. Branson, Rodney
  5. Basham, Richard
  6. Baldoni, Charles
  7. Armbruster, Thomas
  8. Allen, Jeffery
  9. Adams, James
  10. Smith, Nicki
  11. Smart, Wayne
  12. Small, David
  13. Silvia, Mark
  14. Sawyer, Clarence
  15. Roehl, Richard
  16. Richardson, Dale
  17. Rathbun, Howard
  18. Prue, Walter
  19. Prochazka, Wesley
  20. Powell, Charles
  21. Porter, Tony
  22. Wiech, Gerald
  23. Whitt, Dennis
  24. Ward, Thomas
  25. Walker, James
  26. Vlllani, Louis
  27. Taylor, George
  28. Taylor, Harry
  29. Svetic, Garry
  30. Strickland, Gary
  31. Strickland, Joseph
  32. Stevens, Richard
  33. Johnson, David
  34. Johnson, Bernie
  35. James, Lloyd
  36. Jackson, Stephen
  37. Hutson, Randall
  38. Hollinsworth, Bruce
  39. Hankins, Lance
  40. GerwatowskI, James
  41. Fromme, Keith
  42. Larson, Richard
  43. Young, Donald
  44. Overstreet, Carl
  45. Orlowski, Paul
  46. Ochenski, Bruce
  47. Lachance, Gerard
  48. Lewis, Michael
  49. Long, Van
  50. Mann, James
  51. McGhee, Eric
  52. Meier, Gregory
  53. Molett, Leonard
  54. Morales, Joel
  55. Naugle, Clifford
  56. Dobbins, John
  57. Dixon, Roger
  58. Day, Darrell
  59. Commons, Robert
  60. Cogan, Richard
  61. Chisholm, Frank
  62. Case, Mlohael
  63. Carter, Gary
  64. Brunner, Dennis
  65. Brinkman, Douglas
  66. Bregant, Peter
  67. Kealey, Lawrence
  68. Steele, Michael
  69. Cook, John
  70. Casey, Michael

Navy Boot Camp Recruit Photos - Company 71-905

Great Lakes NTC Leadership, Page 1.

Great Lakes NTC Leadership, Page 1. GGA Image ID # 136778e91e

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Leadership, Page 2.

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Leadership, Page 2. GGA Image ID # 1367871b88

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 3.

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 3. GGA Image ID # 13681e8b88

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 4.

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 4. GGA Image ID # 1368c4ac90

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 5.

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 5. GGA Image ID # 1368fbc609

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 6.

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 6. GGA Image ID # 136901af0c

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 7.

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Recruits, Page 7. GGA Image ID # 13695e18ee

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Graduation and Awards

Company 71-905 Great Lakes NTC Graduation and Awards. GGA Image ID # 13698d58b3


The graduation review is the climax of training for the recruits. Under the leadership of fellow recruits, the graduates display their newly learned abilities in military drill and military bearing in the Navy's traditional pomp and ceremony, not only to the reviewing officials but also to relatives and friends who are able to attend.

The special recruit units—the States' Flags Company, the Drum and Bugle Corps, the Drill Team, and the Bluejackets Choir, composed of and commanded by only recruits in training —help to create a vivid and exciting picture that will last in the recruit's memory for the rest of his life.

Top Photo: Graduation

Bottom Photo: Flags Won By Company

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