Navy Boot Camp Book 1967 Company 229 The Keel

Front Cover, USNTC Great Lakes "The Keel" 1967 Company 229.

Front Cover, USNTC Great Lakes "The Keel" 1967 Company 229. GGA Image ID # 1b3b3b5a2a

Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 229 for 1967, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: E. J. Chambless, SMC. Training commenced 29 May 1967 and concluded on 3 August 1967. 84 Men Graduated.

Company 67-229 Organization and Schedule

  • Commenced Training: 29 May 1967
  • Completed Training: 3 August 1967

Company 67-229 Leadership

  • Brigade Commander: LT F. J. Sullivan, USN
  • Regimental Commander: LT D. L. Schwaderer, USN
  • Battalion Commander: LTJG R. A. Carlsen, USNR
  • Company Commander: E. J. Chambless, SMC
  • Company Commander's Aide: J. F. Ritchie, AA

Recruits of Company 67-229

  1. John J. Czura
  2. William S. Baba
  3. Robert Westenberg
    First Platoon Leader
  4. Terry L. Tatman
  5. Malcolm B. Clarke
    Company Clerk
  6. Gary Bandur
  7. James W. Batten
  8. Jerry Bockstadter
  9. Alan B. Cress
  10. Richard Culleton
  11. John M. Cummuta
  12. John Robert Dean
  13. Melvin Dobratz
  14. Lonnie L. Dudley
  15. James Jerry Dyer
  16. Howard Ecklund
  17. William R. Ehler
  18. Timothy D. Ellis
  19. Ronald Enzweiler
  20. Michael Esposito
  21. James W. Farney
  22. Michael Fetcko
  23. Curtis Fralick
  24. Marlin Gardner
  25. Donald L. Girton
  26. William J. Gowdy
  27. Roger A. Harms
  28. Phillip Haslett
  29. John Hendrickson
  30. Dennis Henning
  31. Brian Hoening
  32. William Hooks
  33. Keith L. Huff
  34. Glenn Huffaker
  35. John J. Jackson
  36. Richard A. James
  37. Dennis K. Jervey
  38. Glenn W. Johnson
  39. Martin J. Kerry
  40. James John Kerth
  41. James W. Knight
  42. Dennis Konieczski
  43. Robert Kroplewski
  44. Richard Lasowski
  45. Ronald D. Maier
  46. William Manon
  47. Michael Matuska
  48. Ronald McCratic
  49. William McClaflin
  50. William McCauley
  51. Terry R. Milroy
  52. Roger L. Milburn
  53. David F. Morrow
  54. Allison K. Needy
  55. John V. Nichols
  56. Daniel L. Perrelli
  57. Roger Eugene Ray
  58. David Rumas
  59. Stephen M. Ryan
  60. Daniel P. Savitch
  61. Raymond E. Schneider
  62. Ricky Dean Shea
  63. William G. Shamler
  64. Leonard L. Slaughter
  65. Steve C. Smith
  66. Loren Earl Smith
  67. Richard Snopel
  68. Arthur Stewart
  69. Douglas Stetzler
  70. Ronald Swanson
  71. Maynard E. Thurlby
  72. Thomas Trzupek
  73. Curtis Varland
  74. Jacob C. Wagner
  75. Peter A. Waszak
  76. William Westerfield
  77. Stephen Wetherbe
  78. Robert Wheeler
  79. Robert M. White
  80. Jack L. Williams
  81. Rodney L. Younce
  82. James M. Stay
  83. L. Shelton
  84. E. Griswold

Navy Boot Camp Recruit Photos - Company 67-229

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 1.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 1. GGA Image ID # 1b3b453b43

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 2.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 2. GGA Image ID # 1b3b536b3a

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 3.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 3. GGA Image ID # 1b3b94fabf

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 4.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 4. GGA Image ID # 1b3b97bcda

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 5.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 5. GGA Image ID # 1b3bac24ea

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 6.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Page 6. GGA Image ID # 1b3c107ee1

Chicago Cub Banner Being Displayed by Company 67-229 Recruits.

Chicago Cub Banner Being Displayed by Company 67-229 Recruits. GGA Image ID # 1b3c1ce10b

Chicago Cubs Hall of Fame and Company 67-229 Recruits.

Chicago Cubs Hall of Fame and Company 67-229 Recruits. GGA Image ID # 1b3c51e03a

Company 67-229 Recruits, Salute To The Flag Graduation Ceremony - Page 1 of 4.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Salute To The Flag Graduation Ceremony - Page 1 of 4. GGA Image ID # 1b3cae0559

Company 67-229 Recruits, Salute To The Flag Graduation Ceremony - Page 2 of 4.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Salute To The Flag Graduation Ceremony - Page 2 of 4. GGA Image ID # 1b3d1eefb1

Company 67-229 Recruits, Salute To The Flag Graduation Ceremony - Page 3 of 4.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Salute To The Flag Graduation Ceremony - Page 3 of 4. GGA Image ID # 1b3d41922f

Company 67-229 Recruits, Salute To The Flag Graduation Ceremony - Page 4 of 4.

Company 67-229 Recruits, Salute To The Flag Graduation Ceremony - Page 4 of 4. GGA Image ID # 1b3d853103

Cewrtificate - Flag Day - Soldier's Field

Certificate - Flag Day - Soldier's Field - 8 July 1967 - Seamen Recruit Maynard E. Thurlby, Jr., USN. GGA Image ID #

Flag Day at Soldier's Field.

Flag Day at Soldier's Field. GGA Image ID # 1b3d965abe

This Graduation Book Images Courtesy of Maynard E. Turlby, Member of Company 67-229 United States Navy.

Company 67-229 Transcriptions of Photographs

Company 67-229 Honors and Awards.

Company 67-229 Honors and Awards. GGA Image ID # 1b3df5aad8

Photo (Top Left): Robert Westenberg
Brigade Commander

Photo (Top Right): Terry L. Tatman

Flags Won by Company 229

  • 3 Brigade "E" Flags
  • 1 Brigade "I" Flag
  • 4 Brigade Drill Flags
  • 2 Brigade Star Flags
  • 3 Regiment "E" Flags
  • 5 Brigade "C" Flags
  • 4 Regiment Drill Flags
  • 2 Regiment Star Flags
  • 6 Battalion "E" Flags
  • 3 Battalion "I" Flags
  • 2 Battalion "A" Flags
  • 5 Battalion Star Flags
  • 4 Battalion Drill Flags
  • 1 Color Company Flag
  • 1 Hall of Fame Flag

Company 67-229 Recruit Graduation Ceremony Transcription

Front Cover, Mid-America "Salute to the Flag" at Soldier Field.

Front Cover, Mid-America "Salute to the Flag" at Soldier Field. GGA Image ID # 1b3ea46ecf

"Salute to the Flag"
1:00 P. M., SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1967


Verner J. Soballe
Captain, U. S. Navy
Commander Naval Training Center
Great Lakes, Illinois

Curg W. Harrison
Captain, U. S. Navy
Commanding Officer, Recruit Training Command
Great Lakes, Illinois

Recruit Graduation Review

National Anthem ... Recruit Band
Introduction of the Recruit Graduating Review ... Mr. Howard Miller

Company Company Commander Recruit Petty Officer Chief
189 SHC J. M. KARAHOS SN James W. COATS, Eaton Rapids, Michigan
190 MMC L. D. GARDNER SR James M. GRAY, St. Petersburg, Florida
191 EN1 W. D. FIEBERT SR Calvin HEMPHILL, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
192 AB1 A. S. CARTER SN Edward P. HEIL, St. Louis, Missouri
193 SH1 R. T. JACOBSON AR James L. MOSEMAN, Grand Island, Nebraska
194 DC1 F. E. JOHNSON SR Marshal F. CHAPMAN, Scarsdale, New York
195 A01 R. H. LUBBERS SR Vaughn N. ALDRICH, Hogansburg, New York
196 EM1 C. E. SHAVER AR Randall K. KERR, Tompkinsville, Kentucky
927 MR1 J. C. MC CLAFLIN SR Robert B. CORYELL, Greenwood, Indiana

Honors to Reviewing Officer (Rear Admiral William S. Guest, U.S.N)
Commander, Naval Training Center, Great Lakes

Invocation: Commander E. H. Rickel, Chaplain Corps, U. S. Navy
Presentation of the Recruit Brigade: Recruit Brigade Commander*
Exhibition: Recruit Drill Team
Exhibition: Recruit Drum & Bugle Corps
Manual of Arms: Recruit Brigade
Presentation of Awards: Rear Admiral Guest

American Spirit Honor Medal
AA Paul E. Forney, Pierre, South Dakota

Purple Heart
SGT John H. Murray, USMC, Cleveland, Ohio
CPL David E. Lutz, USMC, Hamilton, Ohio
HM3 Jerry L. Davis, USN, Mt. Carmel, Illinois
HM3 Eugene W. Jordan, USN, Tiffin, Ohio
SPEC 5 Larry D. Vandebrake, USA, Egertan, Minnesota
SSGT Joseph E. Loveless, USAF, Lafayette, Indiana

Pass in Review: Recruit Brigade
Reviewing Officer — Rear Admiral William S. Guest, U.S. Navy
Reviewing Official — Honorable Richard J. Daley

10,000 Navy Men from Great Lakes Form the Living Flag, 8 July 1967.

10,000 Navy Men from Great Lakes Form the Living Flag, 8 July 1967. GGA Image ID # 1b3ec6254f

Formation of the Living Flag (Above): 10,000 Navymen of Great Lakes Naval Training Center

Address: Honorable Richard J. Daley

*Each recruit participating in today's review has had less than 9 weeks training at the Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes. All maneuvers and evolutions of the graduating companies are commanded by the Brigade Commander, Seaman Recruit Gary L. Dower, from Cazenovia, New York, who has been chosen from among all members of the graduating companies for his outstanding display of correct military bearing and overall excellent performance during his entire period of basic training.

"Living Flag" Ceremony

Grand Old Flag: Recruit Band
The Story of the Living Flag: Mr. Howard Miller
Tribute to the Armed Forces

  • Flyover: Aircraft from the Naval Air Station, Glenview
  • Prayer for Members of the Armed Forces: The Rev. Dr. J. H. Jackson
    President, National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.
  • Navy Hymn: Bluejacket Choir

Song Fest: Bluejacket Choir
God Bless America: Audience Participation



Prayer for Peace: His Eminence John Cardinal Cody, Archbishop of Chicago
Grand Finale
Fire Works
Anchors Aweigh: Recruit Band

Fifty years ago, 1917, the "Living Flag" was formed by 10,000 recruits on the parade ground at Great Lakes. The "Living Flag", now in living color, is presented to the people of Mid-America. Over 10,000 navymen are assembled today for the purpose of rededicating ourselves to our country and to our flag; to bring to the people of Mid-America the impressive Great Lakes Recruit Graduating Review; to honor and support the men and women in the Armed Forces of the United States; and, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the "Living Flag".

The march on the colors, the national anthem, the presentation of the special awards, final pass in review, and the formation of the colorful "Living Flag", form a vivid and exciting picture that will last in the viewer's mind for many years to come.
Located 40 miles north of Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan among the neighboring cities of Lake Bluff, North Chicago and Waukegan, lies Great Lakes, the headquarters of the Ninth Naval District — the largest naval district in the nation, encompassing 13 midwestern states.

Great Lakes is also the Midwest's largest naval installation and the world's largest naval training center. Primarily, Great Lakes serves as a recruit training establishment — bridging the gap from civilian life to military life for young American men.

Upon reporting to Great Lakes, the young man becomes a "recruit". He is a highly intelligent young man of 19 years. He graduated from high school and has an I.Q. of 108. He joined the Navy to learn a trade, to further his education, to travel under, on or over the seas in his quest to "see the world" and to serve his country. This recruit comes from all walks of life, but now he is learning to march in cadence with members of all races, creeds and colors. He is a young man that his Nation is proud of, for he has answered his country's call to duty.

Soon after graduation at Soldier Field on July 8th, these men will no longer be "recruits" but will become truly sailors for they will be assigned to bases, schools, and ships the world over. They will then have the opportunity to use the newly acquired knowledge and extensive military training gained at Great Lakes.

The Graduation Review represents the climax of basic training for the recruit. This weekly Review is held each Friday at 1:30 P.M. at Great Lakes and is open to the public. The parents and friends of the graduating recruits are especially welcomed.
The gates at Great Lakes are always open to visitors — tell your friends —we have a large interesting base with a colorful history, and it is our hope that you will visit us soon.

Printed through the courtesy of the Navy League of the United States at no expense to the government.

1967 American Living Flag Certificate Transcription

1967 American Living Flag Certificate.

1967 American Living Flag Certificate. GGA Image ID # 1b3ec71063

To Whom It May Concern

This certifies that
participated in the Mid-America Salute to the Flag ceremony held in
8 July 1967
as one member of the 10,000 Bluejackets who formed a living flag in color on the field.

The Navy Department and the Commander, Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois, congratulate you for your part in this significant and historical event.

In witness thereof we the undersigned have set our hand.

/s/ V. J. Sobelle

/s/ C. W. Harrison

/s/ J. A. Heald

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