Navy Boot Camp Book 1965 Company 356 The Keel

Front Cover, USNTC Great Lakes "The Keel" 1965 Company 356.

Front Cover, USNTC Great Lakes "The Keel" 1965 Company 356. GGA Image ID # 1b36c5a3a3

Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 356 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: S. L. Darr, RD1. Training commenced 12 August 1965 and concluded on 8 October 1965. 80 Men Graduated.

Company 65-356 Organization and Schedule

  • Organization: 1ST REGIMENT 17TH BATTALION
  • Commenced Training: 12 August 1965
  • Completed Training: 8 October 1965

Company 65-356 Leadership

  • Brigade Commander: LT C. E. Vaughn, USN
  • Regimental Commander: LT M. A. Colonna, USN
  • Battalion Commander: LTJG J. F. Partyka, USNR
  • Company Commander: S. L. Darr, RD1

Company 65-356 Recruit Roster

  1. O. Farrish, Jr.
  2. C. Crow
    American Spirit Honor Medal Winner
    and EPO
  3. M. Faglie
    First Platoon Leader
  4. R. Loretz
  5. G. Majors
    Comparry Clerk
  6. Dennis R. Acord
  7. Kerry D. Admire
  8. John B. Ahne
  9. Wad P. Ahrens
  10. Parks D. Allen
  11. George E. Banks
  12. E Barnes
  13. E Bertram
  14. C. R. Bieber
  15. R. H. Signer
  16. T. IL Blevins
  17. J. V. Blumrick, Jr.
  18. K. L Bowen
  19. Isaac R. Brooks
  20. Buttrum
  21. Larry D. Cain
  22. Cecil A. Crim
  23. John J. Cross
  24. Larry L Dillon
  25. Daniel B. Goff
  26. John L Goolsby
  27. W. G.. Greene
  28. G. W. Griffiths
  29. J. R. Griffith
  30. Wiliam D. Hale
  31. R. C. Hamm
  32. Douglas W. Helier
  33. J. K Hennasey
  34. W. J. Henderson
  35. Elbe Hood, Jr.
  36. Larry N. Hoskin
  37. Bobbie J. Hutt
  38. P. M. Karat
  39. Jeff A. L. Liggins
  40. C. L Lipford
  41. Elias Martinez
  42. M. B. Meacham
  43. Jose G. Medrano
  44. Larry W. Moore
  45. Jackie L. Morgan
  46. John P. Mulconrey
  47. John A. Myers
  48. Gary R. Nay
  49. W. L. Neighbarger
  50. Moses Newton
  51. Thomas L. Palmer
  52. W. B. Pearson
  53. R. L. Pfeifer
  54. Edwin D. Pickett
  55. Dennis L. Ray
  56. Homers A. Reeves
  57. Glenn M. Reed
  58. L G. Seckley, III
  59. Robert A. Shipp
  60. Donald R. Shoe
  61. Gary D. Sivley
  62. Alike D. Smith
  63. L. R. Stallings
  64. Leroy F. Tafoya am
  65. J. Valton
  66. Walter D. Walker
  67. W. R Washington
  68. James L Webb
  69. G. G. Wellman
  70. A. C. Welts
  71. Joel M. White
  72. Williams H Jr.
  73. P. N. Williams
  74. Brim B. Wilson
  75. A. Williams
  76. C. R Young
  77. C. H. Truitt, Jr.
  78. G. D. McDermott
  79. L Moss
  80. F. J. Bruno

Navy Boot Camp Recruit Photos - Company 65-356

Company 65-356 Recruits, Page 1.

Company 65-356 Recruits, Page 1. GGA Image ID # 1b3700222e

Company 65-356 Recruits, Page 2.

Company 65-356 Recruits, Page 2. GGA Image ID # 1b37269b4b

Company 65-356 Recruits, Page 3.

Company 65-356 Recruits, Page 3. GGA Image ID # 1b372dc7e2

Company 65-356 Recruits, Page 4.

Company 65-356 Recruits, Page 4. GGA Image ID # 1b37320af7

From: Brian Wilson Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 09:22 Subject: Boot Camp, Great Lakes 1965, Company 356. I was browsing you web site and noticed a company went through very close to the time I was there. Just thought I would send you some pictures from my recruit training book from when I was in boot camp. I remember they shortened our training to eight weeks due to the number of recruits they were processing and if I remember correctly they had a spinal meningitis outbreak at the San Diego boot camp and were diverting all new recruits to Great Lakes. There should be 5 pages in the attachment. 1 is the book cover and 4 pages of pictures and names of command staff and recruits.

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