Navy Boot Camp Book 1951 Company 068 The Keel

Front Cover, USNTC Great Lakes "The Keel" 1951 Company 068.

Front Cover, USNTC Great Lakes "The Keel" 1951 Company 068. GGA Image ID # 1b059da923

Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 68 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: M. E. Smith, QMC. 78 Men Graduated. Training dates not provided.

Company 51-068 Leadership

Company Commander: M. E. Smith, QMC

Company 51-068 Recruits

  1. Bushrod W. Allin, Jr.
  2. Maurice Banks
  3. Richard D. Beideck
  4. Credon E. Bixler
  5. Isaac E. Bomberger
  6. Andrew J. Bower
  7. Phillip H. Bunch
  8. Dale B. Carter
  9. Donald C. Chronister
  10. John J. Coiling
  11. Marshall T. Cook
  12. Kermit Q. Cosner
  13. Frederick R. Crush
  14. Richard A. Cusick
  15. George W. Darlington
  16. Donald G. Davies
  17. Ray W. Edwards.
  18. Burdett G. Fierstein
  19. Chester Fluck, Jr.
  20. Byron 0. Foster
  21. Charles I. Gallagher
  22. Joseph Gonda
  23. Donald L. Harbaugh
  24. Robert F. Hooe
  25. Richard W. House
  26. Edward L. Johnson
  27. John A. Jones
  28. Kenneth V. Keefauver
  29. Harold L. Kees
  30. Edward P. Kolpack
  31. Morton J. Long
  32. Harry S. Marshall
  33. Joseph B. McCleary
  34. Nicholas Michalerya
  35. Carl H. Moats
  36. Sterlie L. Mullennex
  37. Bernard A. Niadna
  38. Richard A. Ogden
  39. Harry N. Pogust
  40. Robert A. Posluszny
  41. James E. Recher
  42. Harvey I. Reiseman
  43. James Rex
  44. Roy J. Richardson
  45. Donald E. Robinson
  46. Clarence E. Shaw
  47. Eugene P. Shreiner
  48. Homer C. Slaughter
  49. Marvin L. Spencer
  50. James D. Stevens
  51. Stephen L. Stewart
  52. Harris Strozier, Jr.
  53. Bordie L. Taylor
  54. Williams H. Taylor, Jr.
  55. Harvey K. Tiller
  56. Roy M. Tipton, Jr.
  57. Bernard A. Tretick
  58. Stanley G. Webster
  59. Michael H. Welch.
  60. Jack W. Wilson
  61. Kelvin D. Williams
  62. Carl L. Wilson
  63. James L. Porter
  64. James T. Pranoine
  65. James R. Pullion
  66. William E. Ray
  67. Eugene N. Reichenbach
  68. John J. Revello
  69. James G. Sewalk
  70. Benjamin T. Sheilds
  71. Matthew E. Siehl
  72. Ronald A. Snyder
  73. Michael S. Sramko
  74. Ronald J. Temsik
  75. Elfred Toney
  76. Paul E. Umbach
  77. Dewayne L. Walters
  78. Robert H. Zientek

Navy Boot Camp Recruit Photos - Company 51-068

Company 51-068 Recruits, Page 1.

Company 51-068 Recruits, Page 1. GGA Image ID # 1b05e6504a


Left: Checking the bulletin board for current assignments.
Right: In Ordnance and Gunnery we acquire precision through practice.

Company 51-068 Recruits, Page 2.

Company 51-068 Recruits, Page 2. GGA Image ID # 1b05ee80f3


Above: Learning to use fire fighting equipment.
Right above: Posing with our company flags.
Right: We attend a classroom lecture.

Company 51-068 Recruits, Page 3.

Company 51-068 Recruits, Page 3. GGA Image ID # 1b05f162d8


Left: We train hard in every phase of firing rifles to become skilled.
Right: The "Chief" gives some pointers in stowing our gear for bag inspection.

Company 51-068 Recruits, Page 4.

Company 51-068 Recruits, Page 4. GGA Image ID # 1b065d8e5b


Left: Much of our training is acquired in the classroom.
Right: Our honor man receives his award and we pass in review on graduation day.

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