Navy Boot Camp Book 1949 Company 206 The Keel

Front Cover, Navy Boot Camp Yearbook 1949 Company 206

Cover of the Keel Yearbook for 1949-205 and 1949-206

Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 206 for 1949, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: W. T. Penn, BMC. 56 Men Graduated. Training Dates Not Reported.

Company 49-205 Leadership

Company Commander

Company 49-205 Recruit Roster

  1. Michael T. Alleva
  2. Harry J. Bostrom
  3. Philip M. Bray
  4. Robert Capwell
  5. Ronald G. Casstevens
  6. Frederick H. Cole
  7. Henry Dasant
  8. John F. Doherty
  9. Hugh Domerty
  10. George Erickson
  11. Frank V. Farkas
  12. H. Fuller
  13. Robert Grogan
  14. Robert L. Sannon
  15. Harley B. Cossmeyer
  16. Francis J. Hayes
  17. Reginald Howard
  18. Leroy M. Hulse
  19. Stewart W. Jamieson
  20. Charles W. Johnson
  21. Reginald B, Johnson
  22. Andrew E. Kapcar
  23. Francis Kelly
  24. E. P. Droschinski
  25. Edward L. Lema
  26. Ernest E. Lyman
  27. Thomas R. Lyon
  28. Robert Macaulay
  29. Edward J. McCIoskey
  30. Charles McDonald
  31. James Melrhofer
  32. Francis B. Michaud
  33. Ralph L. Mitchell
  34. John T. Monforte
  35. Ralph Muscatello
  36. William J. O'donnell
  37. Edward F. Oxford
  38. Harry H. Palmquist
  39. Ernest Portarfield
  40. Bordon R. Potter
  41. Walter J. Proveniano
  42. Joseph P. Riavez
  43. Paul Roth
  44. John Russo
  45. Ronald F. Smith
  46. Donald Smith
  47. Alan G. Stone
  48. Luone G. Sweet
  49. Donald E. Trumble
  50. Rodney H. Vance
  51. William Wahlquist
  52. Robert V. Whaley
  53. Addison Youngs
  54. Robert W. Zelfter
  55. Albright
  56. James J. Seymour

Navy Boot Camp Recruit Photos - Company 49-206

Recruits for 1949 Company 206 Great Lakes USNTC

Company 49-206 Recruits

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