Navy Boot Camp Book 1951 Company 079 The Keel

Front Cover, USNTC Great Lakes "The Keel" 1951 Company 079.

Front Cover, USNTC Great Lakes "The Keel" 1951 Company 079. GGA Image ID # 1b068581e3

Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 79 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: A. J. BEAL, BMC. 76 Men Graduated. Training Dates Not Reported. Images Courtesy of Alex, granddaughter of one of the recruits.

Company 51-079 Leadership

A. J. Beal, BMC
Company Commander

Company 51-079 Recruit Roster

  1. Jimmy R. Abernathy
  2. Joseph N. Anderson
  3. Paul G. Bass
  4. Bruce B. Berry
  5. Thomas E. Black
  6. Daniel E. Blackburn
  7. Abe Brownfield
  8. James A. Bybee
  9. Gene E. Brasswell
  10. Edsel D. Byrd
  11. Walter F. Coble
  12. Frank M. Cocanougher
  13. Hubert R. Collins
  14. J. C. Corley
  15. Robert W. Cunningham
  16. Robert R. Davis
  17. Donald B. Dennis.
  18. Earl A. Dimmick
  19. Billy J. Duncan
  20. John H. Edgerton
  21. Robert E. Egeland
  22. Leslie H. Faber
  23. Danny Forson
  24. John G. Fuller
  25. William M. Fulp
  26. Thomas S. Garland, Jr.
  27. Patrick E. Gentis
  28. Donald E. Gentry
  29. Richard B. Gray
  30. Sherman A. Hanes
  31. Leonard M. Hardison
  32. Louis R. Hare
  33. Jack G. Harris
  34. Merdith W. Helm
  35. Stanley L. Hendrickson
  36. Boyd Hole
  37. Henry N. Holleman
  38. Frederick M. Hux.
  39. Gerald W. Ironside
  40. David W. Jenkins
  41. Delmar K. Johnson
  42. George 0. Johnston
  43. Richard P. Jones
  44. Russel T. Jones
  45. Kenneth E. Keenan
  46. Earl A. Keifer
  47. Claude D. Kelsey
  48. Harold L. Kimrey
  49. Phillip D. Kirtley
  50. Edward G. Kramer, Jr.
  51. Jack E. Long
  52. Edward J. Menke
  53. Jack T. Minish
  54. Sammy G. Moody
  55. Charles F. Morrison
  56. Bobby J. McAdow
  57. Billy G. McIntyre
  58. Clarence E. McKnight
  59. James 0. McLaughlin
  60. Harold D. Newell
  61. Albert F. Orrell
  62. Herbert A. Parker
  63. Donald D. Price
  64. Frank H. Reid
  65. Warren D. Reynolds
  66. James K. Rhea
  67. Edwin E. Richards
  68. Thomas G. Roth
  69. David C. Schnarr
  70. Henry D. Stewart
  71. Lonnie M. Vann
  72. Robert S. Vician
  73. Joel B. Warren
  74. Donald R. Williamson
  75. Bobby J. Wood
  76. Kenneth D. Yontz

Navy Boot Camp Recruit Photos - Company 51-079

Company 51-079 Recruits, Page 1.

Company 51-079 Recruits, Page 1. GGA Image ID # 1b071d61e2


Clockwise: We learn to man the hose at the Fire Fighters' Training Unit. . . . Drills on the 5"-38 cal. loading machine. . . . Ready for bag inspection.

Company 51-079 Recruits, Page 2.

Company 51-079 Recruits, Page 2. GGA Image ID # 1b07298739


Clockwise: Waiting for that crewcut. . . . Classroom session. . . . Congratulations and an award for our honor man on graduation day. Scaled ship models help us in learning seamanship.

Company 51-079 Recruits, Page 3.

Company 51-079 Recruits, Page 3. GGA Image ID # 1b072d8f61


Left to right above: We adjust rifle slings before firing. . . . On the firing line.
Right: Checking score card. . . . Recruits examine old-time ship's bell.

Company 51-079 Recruits, Page 4.

Company 51-079 Recruits, Page 4. GGA Image ID # 1b0735e286


We participate in gas drill. .. . Ordnance and Gunnery loading exercises.

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