Runkels All-Purpose Cocoa
Do you drink Runkel's All-Purpose Cocoa?
Try eating it — transformed into marvelous, chocolaty icings, cakes, pies, puddings, and ices!
It’s as easy as this: —
Where you have been bothering to grate an ounce of chocolate, simply use three-fourths of an ounce of Runkel’s All-Purpose Cocoa (three level tablespoonfuls). This saves grating, one fourth the cost, and gives the finished dessert that Runkel “chocolaty taste.”
You only half appreciate Runkel's when you drink it. It is delicious, smooth, rich, sustaining — famous for “that chocolaty taste”—but that's only the Half of it! The Other Half is in the eating!
Runkel's is the Ail-Purpose Cocoa for baking as well as for drinking. We have prepared a dainty little book of dainty desserts — nearly a hundred cakes, pies, puddings and candies made with Runkel’s All-Purpose Cocoa. It shows how to improve the flavor and appearance of your icings —with a saving of all the bother of grating chocolate and one-fourth the cost.