Price's Flavoring Extract Co

The greatest authorities on chemical analysis of food products have endorsed the purity and healthfulness of Dr. Price’s Flavoring Extract preparations. They are the achievement of a lifetime.

The scientific tendencies of the age are excellently illustrated in the progress of food manufacture toward a perfect product. Dr. Price’s name has never been attached to any article until its worth was proven.




The Story of Dr. Price and The Price Flavoring Extract Company

Dr. Price is from the Empire State. He was born at Troy, N. Y., in 1832, where he grew up and was educated at the public schools and the high school. He then took a course in medicine and graduated from the New York Medical College in 1856, after which he practiced medicine for several years.

As early as 1852 Dr. Price began experimenting in the manufacture of baking powder and was the pioneer in its introduction into general use. In 1861 he came to Chicago and established a baking powder manufactory at Waukegan, Ill.

Then later, in 1863, he started a manufactory on West Lake street. Chicago, and later on East Lake street, which was destroyed in the great fire of 1871. After the fire he had a factory on Randolph street.

In 1884 he organized the Price Baking Powder Company, with a factory on the North Side, corner of Dearborn avenue and Michigan streets, which was operated successfully until 1890.

In 1890, he turned his attention wholly to the manufacture of flavoring extracts, and erected the large building on the corner of Cass and Illinois streets, in which he has built up a very large and profitable business, under the name of the Price Flavoring Extract Company, of which he is president, and his son, R. C. Price, is vice-president.

The plant of this company is altogether modern, commodious and splendidly equipped with every essential to the business. There are no flavoring extracts which excel or have a higher reputation than those made by The Price Flavoring Extract Company, and deservedly so; there is not a housewife in the land who does not know and praise these extracts.

Dr. Price is also the president of the Pan Confection Company, of Chicago, of which another son, V. L. Price, is secretary and treasurer. This company occupies premises adjoining those of the Price Flavoring Extract Company.

That Dr. Price is a man of great energy and business capacity is evidenced in the success which he has made in his various undertakings. He is known also in financial circles, and for eleven years was president of The Lincoln National Bank, which was amalgamated with the Bankers' National Bank of Chicago, June 1, 1900.

While he has been absorbed in active business all his life, he has found time to give some attention to civic matters and political affairs and is recognized as a public-spirited citizen.

Dr. Price was married in Troy, N. Y., in 1858, to Miss Harriet E. White, a daughter of Dr. White of Buffalo, N. Y. They have had six children, four of whom are now living.

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