Blatz Beer
Using nothing but the very choicest material obtainable, both in this country and abroad, which they procured regardless of cost, Blatz have been able to manufacture beer which has received the highest recognition wherever introduced.
Blatz Beer Advertisement, What to Eat, 1907.
Val. Blatz Brewing Co.
This institution, which has a worldwide reputation, has gradually risen from a small beginning to its present proud position as one of the largest breweries in the United States.
In the year 1851, Mr. Val. Blatz, Sr., now president of the Wal. Blatz Brewing Company, became the proprietor of the brewery which was then located at the corner of Broadway and Division Streets, occupying then only one-half of a city lot.
Naturally, everything was conducted on a small scale, its sales at that time being 150 barrels annually, and its storing capacity 80 barrels of lager beer. Year after year its sales increased, owing to the superior quality of its product and the enterprise of its owner.
The demand for the product of the brewery, and the ever-increasing sales, had to be met from time to time by increased facilities for production. The erection of a new and greatly enlarged brew-house, together with additional storage cellars and refrigerating machinery were added.
Every improvement which science, ingenuity and a lavish outlay of money could secure was adopted and applied in their construction, and today the brewery proper, with its connecting buildings, occupies four blocks of valuable property right in the heart of the city.
Other improvements are under/Way and nearing completion, so that when finished, the Val. Blatz Brewery will be one of the largest and most thoroughly equipped breweries in the world.
The brewery is connected "with the bottling house by the pipe-line system, by means 9sia tunnel 200 feet long, built under the street, whereby the beer is conveyed through pipes from the large casks directly to the bottling house.
By means of this system the beer does not come into contact with the atmosphere, thereby retaining its fine flavor and the carbonic acid. This important improvement in their bottling department gives it the distinction, of being one of the two breweries in this country thus equipped.
Using nothing but the very choicest material obtainable, both in this country and abroad, which they procured regardless of cost, they have been able to manufacture beer which has received the highest recognition wherever introduced.
At the Philadelphia Exposition the Wal. Blatz beer was awarded a gold medal, the highest premium, for its excellent qualities and because it excelled in points of body, flavor, and purity.
The fact remains that the beer has won an international reputation, and in order to satisfy the demands of the trade, agencies have been established in all the principal cities of the United States.
The capacity of the brewery at the present time is 600,000 barrels. The standard brands of lager beer are the Tivoli, Imperial, Wiener, Private Stock and Muenchener, which are known and have an enormous sale all over the United States and foreign points.
The officers of the company are Wal. Blatz, president; Alb. C. Blatz, vice-president; John Kremer, secretary.
“Val. Blatz Brewing Co.,” in The Evening Wisconsin Souvenir Edition, 1891, p. 73