Grape-Nuts Cereal
There Is No Other Food Like Grape-Nuts
While practically every man, woman and child in the English – speaking world knows Grape-Nuts as a delicious, nourishing and wholesome cereal, and while it is common knowledge that Grape-Nuts with milk or cream is a complete food, many housewives do not know of the appetizing and economical dishes that can be prepared with Grape-Nuts. It lends itself, we believe, to more uses than any other cereal.
The convenience and economy of Grape- Nuts, and the flavor, zest and wholesomeness which it imparts to ether food, make it invaluable in every home.
Frequently we receive interesting letters from women throughout the country, telling about the attractive dishes they make with Grape-Nuts — delicious puddings, salads, dressings for fowls, etc.
No doubt there are thousands of women who are finding varied uses for Grape-Nuts in their home cooking, and even more thousands who will be glad to learn of those varied uses; for while we all cling to old favorite dishes, we also welcome and enjoy a change.
So that is the thought back of our offer of more than $7500.00 in cash for new ways of using Grape-Nuts.
To those women who are already using Grape-Nuts in various ways, other than as a breakfast cereal or in the recipes given here, and to those women who would like to try their hand at developing some new way to use Grape-Nuts, we offer to buy at $50.00 each not less than 101 new Grape-Nuts Recipes. We plan to include these new Recipes in a beautifully illustrated cook book.
What Is Grape-Nuts
Grape-Nuts is a highly nutritious food in the form of crisp, golden granules. It contains the full nutriment of wheat and barley, including vitamin- B and mineral elements required for building sturdy health.
These elements are often lacking in the ordinary diet, chiefly through "over- refinement" in the preparation of food.
No other food is so thoroughly baked as Grape -Nuts. More than 20 hours are consumed in the baking process which makes Grape- Nuts easy to digest, and also develops a natural sweetness from the grains themselves.
The form and crispness of Grape-Nuts invite thorough mastication—a decided advantage because this not only provides proper exercise for the teeth but makes for good digestion.
Every housewife in the Land should take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity to earn the tidy sum of $50.00 by a little pleasant and educational effort in her own home. Also the fair and equal chance to secure one of the liberal awards to be made by Good Housekeeping Institute.
Moreover, there's the greater knowledge of the value of Grape- Nuts, not only as a delicious breakfast cereal, but in the preparation of a variety of appetizing dishes that add to the health and pleasure of the whole family.
Where you don't find Grape-Nuts you won't find people -- "There's a Reason"
Sold by grocers everywhere!
July 1923 Grape-Nuts Advertising Campaign
Grape=Nuts - Good From the Start © 1920
Grape=Nuts - A Cool Lunch © 1920