Baker Food Products Company
This new word is DELICIA. Standing by itself it impresses the casual observer as being blood-kin to “delicious.'* And when placed on a blue-and-white-striped label, it offers easily secured proof that this relationship is real.
For Delicia is the family name of a comparatively new group of canned meats, which, though on the market only three years, already has won a way into homes at an astonishing rate.
From an initial annual output of 1,000,000 cans these Delicia products have grown in this short time to 30,000,000 cans. This in itself is sufficient reason for any one to claim descent from Missouri in order to be shown. And to “show” you is the purpose of this little journey to the home of Delicia.
Delicia Beef Hash Advertisement, Forecast Magazine, January 1920.
EVERY housewife will welcome the truly delicious meat delicacy found in this dainty blue and white striped package. Every member of the family will call for more. Made in the Delicia kitchens, where every tradition of home cooking is maintained, this cottage style Corned Beef I lash is as wholesome and tasty as though you. yourself, had prepared it. For Delicia cooks use the best meats only. No meat substitutes or second-choice cuts are permitted to enter these sunlit kitchens. Every ingredient is the best obtainable in the open markets.
The meats are cooked and packed in their own rich juices. Thus they are always juicy, tender and appetizing And they mean economy, too. for there's no waste ol bone, gristle or fat. They are usable to the last delicious morsel. To the housewife ol today. Delicia means appreciated convenience. An assortment on your pantry shell provides delightful meat dishes for all occasions. And these are the kind you'll be proud to serve. Our whole time and attention is given to the table treats that bear the Delicia emblem- the dishes we ask you to try and which we know you will agree are unusually good.
-- Good Housekeeping, March 1920