Hawaiian Pineapple Packers Association
The fact that advertising is the life of any enterprise lias been fully realized by those handling the pineapple products of Hawaii. The Hawaiian Pineapple Packers’ Association has expended money with a lavish hand for the purpose of calling the attention of the world to the superior quality of the fruit that is being canned here, bringing before the family provider the fact that pineapples are not a luxury, but an everyday necessity, and as staple as canned peaches or pears.
From eighteen months to two years are required to mature a crop of pineapples. Nothing can he grown between the rows and constant cultivation is necessary.
There are nine corporations included in the Hawaiian Pineapple Packers’ Association, and collectively they have nearly 6,300 acres in pines for 1914 pack. This does not include the 6,000 acres of pines which belong to the homesteaders and independent pine raisers.