Blue Diamond Almonds
Wholesome, soft-shelled, full-meated almonds—fresh from the sunny valleys of California—are now speeding on their way to market. When you see this little Blue Diamond Almond Girl in your dealers window you will know they are waiting for you.
Carefully graded for size and variety, Blue Diamond California Almonds represent the highest quality obtainable in nut foods—a combination of that incomparable full almond flavor and richest food value.
Of course, you will give almonds a regular place in your seasonal menus—almonds in the shell with the after-dinner coffee—salted almonds, the aristocrat of relishes—almond cakes, cookies, and candies for desserts and teas.
And never forget that almonds deserve that place in your menus, not as luxuries or mere accessories, but because of the real nourishment they supply—at such little cost.
They are richer in actual food value than meat, eggs, fish or fowl— and you can serve them in hundreds of different ways.
One word of caution—to enjoy their full flavor and wholesome goodness, buy almonds in the shell and crack them yourself. Tell your grocer you want Blue Diamond Almonds and you will be sure to get soft-shelled, full-meated, perfect almonds—the finest in the world from the valleys of California.
Blue Diamond Almounds Advertisement, Good Housekeeping Magazine, October 1920.
Blue Diamond Brand Almonds are an every-day food staple—full of life-giving nutriment and with a distinctive delicious flavor that knows no equal.
Blue Diamond Almonds arc the choicest of staple foods for the well-balanced menu. Eat them every day of the year—enjoy their flavor and the benefits to be derived from their health-building properties.
Get Blue Diamond Almonds at your dealer's today—tell him you wantonly these guaranteed almonds from the valleys of California—the full-meated, soft-shelled and prefect almonds.