Horlicks Malted Milk
“HORLICK’S” has that delicious flavor which imitators cannot reproduce; in consequence of which “ Horlick’s ” is served at the largest and highest class Fountains throughout the country.
Horlick’s Malted Milk Company
Racine, Wis.
Horlick's, Racine, Wisconsin, following their custom of other years were represented at the N. A. R. D. Convention by one of the most dignified booths in the exhibit hall. As will be noted from the above, the exhibit consisted of a reproduction (with a clever lighting effect) of the Horlick’s plants at Racine.
Standing out prominently in the display, was a photograph of Mr. William Horlick, the originator of malted milk. All in all, it was very tasty and brought forth many complimentary remarks from those in attendance. (1921)
Horlick's. the manufacturers of the Original Malted Milk, were represented at the Indianapolis meeting of the National Association of Retail Druggists by a most attractive booth as may readily be seen by the illustration above.
On the left is shown a large picture of Wm. Horlick. the originator of malted milk, their large laboratories at Racine, Wisconsin in the center, and a flashlight sign of the famous Maid and Jersey on the right.
Horlick's Malted Milk Aids Sleep - 1939 Advertisement
Horlick's Malted Milk: Facts About the Origin of Malted Milk - 1918 Ad
Horlick's "The Original-Genuine" Malted Milk Ad from 1920
The Facts About the Origin of Malted Milk
In 1883, Horlick of Racine, Wis., discovered the process for reducing whole milk to a powder form, combined with the soluble extract of malted grain,
and devised the name Malted Milk.
This discovery was of great importance to humanity, since for the first time milk was reduced to a dry powder form, digestible, soluble in water, and would keep in any climate.
There was no Malted Milk in the world, other than Horlick’s for nearly twenty years—and during this time, Horlick’s shipped to Europe large quantities of their product.
When Horlick’s had made Malted Milk a success, various imitations then appeared upon the market. Thousands of physicians know the above facts, and will not endorse imitations of the “Original.”
Horlick’s Malted Milk Company
Racine, Wisconsin
Early History of the Horlick Malted Milk Company
One of the most popularly known industries in the United States is that of the Horlick Malted Milk Company of Racine. The company was organized in 1875 and was incorporated in 1878 as the Horlick Food Company by William and James Horlick, brothers, who established their plant in the outskirts of Racine, in Mount Pleasant Township.
They began to manufacture a product known as Horlick’s Food, which was a prepared food for infants, invalids and the aged, and which was to be mixed with common milk.
Their sales at that time covered only Chicago and vicinity. William Horlick, however, realized the great disadvantage for all foods for infants that required the addition of fresh milk, owing to the difficulty of obtaining good milk and keeping it fresh.
He therefore began experimenting with the intention of producing a pure food product containing an adequate proportion of pure, rich milk — a food that would be complete in itself, that would keep indefinitely in any climate and would be free from all the dangers arising from the use of milk that is impure, adulterated, laden with disease germs or in any way rendered unfit for use.
Moreover, he desired that this food should be not only safe, but very nourishing and easily digested by the most delicate infant or invalid, while it should contain at the same time all the elements of nutrition.
In carrying on the work of experimentation Mr. Horlick met with many disappointments and leading chemists claimed that it was both a chemical and mechanical impossibility to perfect such a food, advising him to abandon the idea.
He did not relinquish his set purpose, however, and in 1887 he produced for the first time in the world’s history a dried milk, combined with an extract of malted barley and wheat, that would keep indefinitely.
The value of such a product was at once apparent and the business grew by leaps and bounds. New buildings of reinforced concrete were added from time to time and today the plant of the Horlick Company covers an area of fifteen acres. In 1902 Plant No. 2 was built, being a duplicate of Plant No. 1, and in 1905 Plant No. 3 came into existence.
Since then all the old buildings have been rebuilt in concrete and steel, the sanitary conditions, ventilation and space being the principal features of the plant.
In 1915 the company erected a new milk house, which is one of the largest in the country. About 350 people are employed in the factory. A. J. Horlick owns personally several farms having several hundred head of cows, and he also buys milk from 150 farmers.
The Horlick Malted Milk Company Headquarters in Racine, Wisconsin, 1916.
The process employed in the manufacture of the food consists in boiling the milk in a vacuum, which enables them to boil it without heating above 140 degrees, for milk cooks at 156 degrees.
This results in removing all water without cooking. The company has a plant at Slough, England, equal to the No. 2 plant of Racine and supplies from that point Europe, Africa and a part of India.
The product today covers the entire world, shipments leaving for all quarters of the globe every week. Every Arctic explorer for the past twenty years has carried a supply of Horlick’s Malted Milk in powdered form, for it supplies more nutrition to the bulk than any other food and people have lived fifteen years with no other food. It is a standard food with the armies of the world.
In 1889 James Horlick went to New York, where he established a branch, and in 1890 opened the English branch, where he has since been in charge. He is the president of the company.
William Horlick has charge of the home plant and has always lived in Racine. He is the secretary and treasurer of the company and has two sons actively engaged in the business with him, A. J. as vice-president, and William, Jr., as assistant manager. In 1906 the name was changed to the Horlick’s Malted Milk Company.
“History of Racine County: Horlick Malted Milk Company,” in, Racine Belle City of the Lakes and Racine County Wisconsin: A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress, and Achievement, Vol. I, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1916:249-250.