SS St. Louis Passenger List 29 May 1915

Passenger List Cover, May 1915 Westbound Voyage - SS St. Louis

Front Cover of a Second Class Passenger List for the SS St. Louis of the American Line, Departing Saturday, 29 May 1915 from Liverpool to New York, Commanded by Captain John C. Jamison.


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain John C. Jamison
  2. Surgeon, R. Kemel, M.D
  3. Purser, H. E. Hinsley
  4. Assistant Purser, E. Slight
  5. Chief Steward, W. Harris

Second Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. E. Alderson
  2. Miss E. V. Alderson
  3. Master Stanley Alderson
  4. Mrs. M. Anderton
  5. Master E. Anderton
  6. Mr. A. V. Anthony
  7. Mrs. Anthony
  8. Mr. R. T. Arthur
  9. Mrs. Arthur
  10. Mr. H. A. Badger
  11. Mrs. Badger
  12. Mr. G. Bass
  13. Mr. Patrick Battle
  14. Mrs. C. B. Beckerman
  15. Mr. A. Beckman
  16. Mr. F. Blake
  17. Miss E. E. Blythe
  18. Mrs. E. Böttchen
  19. Master B. A. Böttchen
  20. Mr. M. Branigan
  21. Mr. W. J. Brice
  22. Miss Eva Browne
  23. Mr. I. E. Bruce
  24. Mr. F. R. Buckley
  25. Mr. L. C. Cain
  26. Mrs. Cain
  27. Miss C. Cawley
  28. Mr. P. Chandler
  29. Mr. E. Clancey
  30. Mr. L. Cohen
  31. Mr. D. Cohen
  32. Mr. D. Cohen
  33. Miss Sarah Cohen
  34. Miss Marie Cohen
  35. Miss Edie Cohen
  36. Miss Rachel Cohen
  37. Mrs. M. Cole
  38. Miss Cole
  39. Master Cole
  40. Miss B. Cole
  41. Mr. R. W. Cook
  42. Mr. John Connolly
  43. Mr. William Corbett
  44. Mrs. Corbett
  45. Miss K. Corbett
  46. Miss Corbett
  47. Mr. M. M. Cosky
  48. Mrs. E. E. Cousins
  49. Miss J. J. Cousins
  50. Mr. Walter D. Cowlishaw
  51. Miss A. Crane
  52. Miss Margaret Crane
  53. Mr. John Crawford
  54. Mrs. Crawford
  55. Mr. F. Crowe
  56. Mrs. Crowe
  57. Mr. Andy Cullinan
  58. Mr. Frank Cullinan
  59. Miss T Dardis
  60. Mrs. F. Daykin and Infant
  61. Mrs. A. Daykin
  62. Master Daykin
  63. Mr. C. Deegan
  64. Master Deegan
  65. Miss Delaney
  66. Miss May Dickinson
  67. Mr. F. C. Dietz
  68. Mr. F. G. Dilger
  69. Mr. H. J. Dilger
  70. Mr. J. Donegan
  71. Mr. H. Donnelly
  72. Mr. Edward Drury
  73. Mr. H. Dyer
  74. Mr. R. Dyer
  75. Mr. H. Ede
  76. Mrs. Ede
  77. Miss E. D. Ede
  78. Mr. M. H. Ellick
  79. Mrs. A. Evans
  80. Miss A. Fitzgerald
  81. Mrs. Fisher
  82. Miss Helen Fisher
  83. Mrs. W. Flashman
  84. Mr. H. Fullwood
  85. Mrs. E. A. Gaich
  86. Miss L. Gaich
  87. Miss E. Gaich
  88. Mr. Donald Gardner
  89. Mr. Wm. Garland
  90. Mr. M. Gavin
  91. Miss C. A. Geen
  92. Mr. A. H. Geen
  93. Mrs. Geen
  94. Mrs. A. Geeraerd
  95. Miss E. Gillig
  96. Mr. John. T. Glasson
  97. Mr. William Glasson
  98. Mr. M. I. Goldstein
  99. Mr. Albert E. Gregory
  100. Miss C. Green
  101. Mrs. J. Griffith
  102. Mr. M. B. Gross
  103. Mrs. Gross
  104. Master Gross
  105. Mr. M. Grossbard
  106. Mr. Charles Grouse
  107. Mr. R. S. Hancock
  108. Miss M. B. Hanna
  109. Mr. M. Harding
  110. Miss M. Harding
  111. Miss A. Harlow
  112. Mr. W. J. Hawkesworth
  113. Miss M. A. Hawkesworth
  114. Miss Augusta von Heinbrockel
  115. Mr. William Henchy
  116. Mr. John Higgins
  117. Miss M. M. Higgins
  118. Mrs. Higginson
  119. Mrs. M. E. Holzinger
  120. Miss F. Holzinger
  121. Master Holzinger
  122. Mr. O. Humbert
  123. Mr. Joseph Ince
  124. Mrs. Ince
  125. Miss E. Ince
  126. Mr. William Inghs
  127. Mr. A. J. Inglis
  128. Mr. A. R. Ivancich
  129. Mrs. Ivancich
  130. Miss M. C. Jephson
  131. Miss L. Jones
  132. Mrs. E. Juillerat
  133. Master O. Juillerat
  134. Mr. C. Kaufman
  135. Miss L. Keane
  136. Mr. John Kennedy
  137. Mr. Charles G. King
  138. Mrs. Ester Krul
  139. Mrs. J. C. Kuenztle
  140. Mr. Malcolm Lamont
  141. Mr. P. Larkin
  142. Mr. T. Larkin
  143. Mr. J. E. Leach
  144. Mrs. Leach
  145. Mrs. M. Lee
  146. Miss M. Lyons
  147. Miss M. Manning
  148. Mr. A. H. Masters
  149. Mr. William McAndrew
  150. Mr. W. F. McDonnell
  151. Mr. P. McEneany
  152. Mrs. C. McGrath
  153. Miss Mary McGuinness
  154. Miss L. McIntyre
  155. Mr. Thomas McQuillan
  156. Miss H. McSweeney
  157. Miss Anna Melluish
  158. Mr. J. Meredith
  159. Mrs. E. Milton
  160. Master William Milton
  161. Mrs. Emma Minear and Infant
  162. Mrs. A. Moir
  163. Master G. Moir
  164. Mrs. G. Moore
  165. Mr. Stephen Morgan
  166. Mr. J. Morrissey
  167. Mrs. J. Mullan
  168. Mr. G. Mullan
  169. Miss L. Mullan
  170. Miss E. Mullan
  171. Miss I. Mullen
  172. Mr. P. Murphy
  173. Mr. O. Niederer
  174. Mrs. Niederer
  175. Miss L. Niederer
  176. Mr. Robert Noblett
  177. Mr. A. Ochora
  178. Mrs. D. Ochora and Infant
  179. Miss D. Ochora
  180. Miss E. Ochora
  181. Master A. Ochora
  182. Mr. H. T. Olofson
  183. Mr. Alfred Olbright
  184. Mrs. C. Olbright
  185. Mr. L. O'Neill
  186. Miss K. O'Shea
  187. Mr. R. Owen
  188. Mr. Jose Podroznik
  189. Mr. F. Retallick
  190. Mr. D. W. Retallick
  191. Miss E. Retallick
  192. Mr. C. Reynolds
  193. Mrs. Reynolds, Infant and Nurse
  194. Mr. R. Rinhead
  195. Mr. J. Riordan
  196. Mr. R. Rodewald
  197. Mrs. E. Rodewald
  198. Master Rodewald
  199. Mr. A. Rooker
  200. Mrs. Rooker
  201. Master W. Rooker
  202. Master S. Rooker
  203. Miss E. Rose
  204. Mr. E. S. Roy
  205. Mr. Patrick Ryan
  206. Miss K. Ryan
  207. Mrs. M. H. Sarah
  208. Miss G. M. Sarah
  209. Miss V. Sarah
  210. Miss B. Sarah
  211. Miss F. Sarah
  212. Miss D. Sarah
  213. Mrs. S. Sargent
  214. Mr. J. Scarborough
  215. Mr. A. H. Schmidt
  216. Mr. T. Scullane
  217. Mr. Isaac Shrago
  218. Miss K. Sigl
  219. Mr. W. H. Sleeman
  220. Mr. C. Soutter
  221. Miss A. M. Stainton
  222. Mrs. E. Sussman
  223. Mrs. T. Sweeney and Infant
  224. Miss J. F. Sweeney
  225. Miss E. M. Sweeney
  226. Mrs. A. Tafe
  227. Miss A. Tafe
  228. Mr. Thomas V. Talty
  229. Mrs. A. Tatlock and Infant
  230. Mrs. G. Tennant and Infant
  231. Miss Millie Tennant
  232. Miss Nellie Tew
  233. Mr. Myles Towcy
  234. Miss E. L. Trebilcock
  235. Mr. C. Van Beveran
  236. Mrs. Vaughan
  237. Mrs. J. A. Warner
  238. Miss B. M. Warner
  239. Mr. J. Weil-Joela
  240. Mrs. Weil-Joela
  241. Mr. D. Weir
  242. Mr. E. H. Wells
  243. Mrs. Wells and Infant
  244. Miss O. West
  245. Miss A. Whitaker
  246. Mr. G. R. White
  247. Mrs. L. M. White
  248. Mr. W. S. Wilkinson
  249. Mrs. Wilkinson
  250. Mr. Robert L. Williams
  251. Mrs. M. Williams
  252. Mr. Alien H. Wilson
  253. Miss M. A. Winkleman
  254. Mr. Thomas Woolcock
  255. Miss V. Zarifian


  1. Mr. G. Payne, Bandmaster
  2. Mr. A. Sedgwick
  3. Mr. C. W. Wood
  4. Mr. A. Pemberton
  5. Mr. E. Pritchard

General Information for Second- Class Passengers.

Breakfast, 8:00 am Lunch, 12:30 pm Dinner, 6-0 pm

The Bar closes at 10.30 pm

Lights are extinguished in the Saloon and Smoking Room at 11:00 pm

Letters and Telegrams should be handed to the Saloon Steward within an hour aftcr leaving Liverpool, and those for despatch upon reaching port should be handed to him an;tour before arrival.

Writing Paper, Envelopes, and Telegraph Forms will be found in the Library.

For Railway and Steamship Time Tables of the various Companies, apply to the Saloon Steward

Inquiries regarding Baggage will be attended to by the Baggage Steward, to whom all Baggage which Passengers wish to leave in the Company's care should be handed, properly labelled, and with full Instructions as to disposal.

Large Deck Chairs can be obtained for use on the voyage, at a charge of 4,- each, upon application to the Deck Steward. Rugs can also be hired on Board at a charge of 4/-.

The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Service.

Messages are accepted on board for transmission to any part of the world or for delivery on board passing ships. The following are the wireless rates, to which must be added the land line or cable tolls to points of destination.

The names of shore stations and of shillkith which communication is expected durlng the day, are reposted every morning in different parts of trip.

for Great Britain and Ireland. Via Crookhaven or other stations in the United Kingdom, or through the medium of a passing steamer, 20 cents per word (minimum 10 words), address and signature counted. Land charges of one cent per word (minimum 12 cents) addltional.

for United States. For ten words or less, address and signature counted. via Seagate, Sagaponack, or South Welifleet (Cape Cod), 8s. 4d., each additional word 10d.; Monsett, Mass., 9s. 74., each additional word 11d.; via Cape Race, Sable Island, and Cape Sable, 10s. 5d. each additional word, ls. 0.1d. Land charges additional, all fees must be prepaid. Messages via the above ports may be sent through medium of a passing steamer.

From Ship To Ship. The general rate on ship to ship messages is 8d. per word, but varies according to nationality of steamer communicated with.

The American Line is not responsible for the transmission of messages.

Ocean Letters. The Marconi Company have inaugurated an "Ocean letter" service, by which radio-telegrams may be sent from one ship to another going in an opposite direction. for delivery by Registered Post from the first port of call of the latter vessel. The rate is (inclusive of wireless, postage and registration) Os. 6d. for 30 words, plus 1d. for each additional word up to a maximum of 100 words.

Further information may be obtained by applying to the Purser.

Letters and telegrams may be addressed to the care of any of the Company's Offices, where they will be held until called for, or forwarded, acc°. ding to instructions. The latest edltions of the leading American and English papers are kept on file at the Company's new West End Offices, No. 1, Cockspur, Street, London, where Passengers, baggage will also be received and stored if required.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the Ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

Should the Steamer arrive at the New York Wharf after 8:00 pm, Passengers may land if they wish to do so, and have their baggage passed by the Customs authorities immediately on arrival, but those who prefer to remain on board may do so, and have their baggage passed the following morning not earlier than 7 o'clock

Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board overnight.

Valuables. The American Line has provided a Safe in the office of the Purser in which Passengers may deposit Money, Jewels, or Ornaments for safe keeping.

Insurance of Baggage, Etc. Arrangements have been made whereby Passengers can have their . baggage insured against loss by sea or land, including risk of fire, breakage. theft or pilferage, from the time the b iggage is received by the American Line until dellvery at destination. Other risks can also be insured against.

The Company strongly recommend Passengers to insure their packages whenever practicable, as in the event of loss or damage to baggage the American Line cannot under any circumstances accept any liability beyond the amount specified on their steamer contract ticket.

Travellers' Cheques. The Company's Cheques are accepted on board American Line Steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.

Orchestras. A String Orchestra of skilled musicians is carried on all the American Line Steamers of the New York Mail Service.

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