SS Philadelphia Passenger List - 17 October 1914
Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the SS Philadelphia of the American Line, Departing Saturday, 17 October 1914 from Liverpool to New York, Commanded by Captain A. R. Mills.
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: A. R. Mills
- Surgeon: Paul H. Tracy, M.D
- Purser: J. D. Irvine
- Chief Steward: C. Bell
Cabin Passengers
- Mrs. Adamson
- Mrs. S. E. Albury
- Miss Alice Albury
- Miss M. Albury
- Mrs. Ann Ambler
- Mr. Charles Rice Armstrong
- Miss Arnold M. Arnold
- Mr. George A. Ayles
- Mr. N. Bailey
- Mrs. Sarah Bailey
- Mr. Charles C. Baker
- Mr. R. C. Barber
- Mr. Alfred C. S. Barker
- Mrs. Barker
- Mr. H. J. Barnes
- Mr. Fred H. Beecher
- Master Wm. Moore Beecher
- Mrs. A. Bell
- Miss Cecilia Bell
- Master Cecil Bell
- Miss Emily Bennett
- Mrs. F. Bernatzky
- Miss Annie Bernatzky
- Miss Etty Bernatzky
- Miss Dora Bernatzky
- Mr. A. E. Berner
- Mrs. Berner
- Mr. Jr. Berner
- Miss Bertha Bestlen
- Mlss Ethel F. Biggs
- Miss Gladys V. Biggs
- Mrs. G. R. Blackmar
- Miss P. Blackmar
- Miss Kate A. Bland
- Miss Marie L. Blanc
- Mrs. George Bliss
- Mlss Gabrllle Block
- Mr. F. O. Bond
- Mr. Paul Boyni
- Miss Annie Brady
- Mr. S. Brill
- Mrs. Brill
- Mr. John Brown
- Miss Leonard Brown and Maid
- Mrs. J. Brundle
- Mr. E. E. Buckleton
- Mrs. Bucklcy
- Mrs. Annie Budd
- Miss Thelma Budd
- Miss Marjorie Budd and Infant
- Mrs. Ethel Burdctt
- Miss Maud Burdett
- Mrs. A. E. D. Case
- Miss Alice Chadwick
- Mr. Shadrach Champion
- Mr. Charles W. Chase
- Mrs. Chase
- Miss Ching Ly Chee
- Miss Lucille Chevelier
- Mrs. E. Chomat
- Mr. F. W. B. Coleman
- Mrs. Martha Conn
- Mr. Robbins Conn
- Miss Janet Conn
- Mr. A. B. Cook
- Mrs. L. B. Cook
- Mr. Charles Cook
- Mrs. P. W. Cooper
- Miss Elsle G. Cooper
- Miss V. Cooper
- Master W. Cooper
- Mr. Michael Cowley
- Mr. Joseph Coyne
- Mr. L. E. B. Craig
- Mr. James Cruickshank
- Mrs. Robert Cuscaden
- Mr. Saad K. Dabduh
- Mrs. R. G. Dalton
- Miss F E. Dalton
- Mr. M. L. Davies
- Mrs. Davies
- Miss M. M. Davies
- Miss C. L. Davies
- Mr. Henry de Costelberg
- Mr. Chu Yee Dee
- Mrs. Dee
- Mr. Robt. De Mont
- Mrs. De Mont
- Mr. E. A. Dench
- Mrs. L. A. Diehl
- Miss C. Diehl
- Miss L. Dlehl and Maid
- Mrs. Dora L. Dodman
- Miss Shirley P. Dodman
- Master John H. Dodman
- Mr. Peter Dorfini
- Mrs. Helen M. Downes
- Miss Magdaline Downes
- Miss Dorothy Downes
- Miss Drain
- Miss Annie D. Duane
- Mr. W. R. Durie
- Mr. Howard A. Edson
- Mrs. Lilian Edson
- Master Ralph Edson
- Mr. Frank L. Elliott
- Mr. L. A. C. Ellis
- Miss Clara Engell
- Mr. Robert England
- Mr. Frank F. Evans
- Mrs. Evans
- Mr. E. A. Evans
- Mrs. Evans
- Miss Phyllis G. Evans
- Mrs. A. Feldman
- Mrs. Sophia Fellerman
- Miss Adelaide Fellerman
- Miss Nancy Fellerman
- Master Harry Fellerman
- Miss Mirlam Fellerman
- Mr. C. M. Ferguson
- Mrs. Amy Fernando
- Mrs. Emily Ferrar
- Mrs. E. Ferry
- Miss Rosie Finch
- Miss Bessie Fisher
- Mr. Ching Ling Foo
- Mr. Georges Foucoult
- Mr. G. H. Fowler
- Mrs. Fowler
- Mr. F. Willlam Froom
- Mr. Carlos J. Gacituaga
- Mrs. Susanna D. Garnian
- Mr. Louis Germaux
- Miss Gertrude Gibbons
- Mrs. F. L. Gilbert
- Master A. M. Gilbert
- Rev. J. H. Gilseman
- Miss Annie Goldenberg
- Mr. Emile Goldschmidt
- Mr. Selwyn Goldstein
- Mrs. Helen M. H. Gosling
- Miss Gosling
- Mr. Harry Green
- Miss Henrietta Gremmel
- Miss Hettie Griffith
- Mr. Oscar Grosslicht
- Mrs. Grosslicht
- Miss Grosslicht
- Mr. E. Hebblethwaite
- Miss Mary Heary
- Miss Henrietta Heary
- Mrs. Emilie D. Heift and Infant
- Mrs. Herrlich
- Miss Anna Von Hichisch
- Mr. B. C. Hinman
- Miss L. Hodge
- Mr. H. W. Holman
- Mrs. Holman
- Mr. Leonard Hommell
- Miss Rose Howell
- Master Karl E. B. Howell
- Mrs. Effie Howell
- Mrs. W. W. Howard
- Mr. Thomas Hughes
- Mrs. D. L. Hundley
- Master F. Hundley
- Miss Hilda Hackett
- Mr. S. Haight
- Mrs. Halc
- Mr. William T. Hannan
- Mrs. Hannan
- Miss Gladys E. Hannan
- Mrs. M. Harig
- Master R. J. Twig
- Miss M. T. Harig
- Mr. George D. Harper
- Miss A. Harrison
- Mr. Vincent Hartwell
- Miss Harvey
- Mrs. Beatrice E. Hassell
- Mr. William Irwin
- Mr. Thos. Wright Jackson
- Mr. Harry Jackson
- Mrs. Wm. Jackson
- Mrs. Mary I. James
- Mrs. Fred. Janney
- Mr. Henry Janson
- Miss Lottie Jarvis
- Mrs. H. Johnson
- Mr. C. Ap-Catesby Jones
- Mrs. Jones and Maid
- Mr. Alberto Jonas
- Mr. T. J. Jones
- Mr. E. Kadaner
- Mrs. Fanny Kaufman
- Miss Reba Kaufman
- Miss Inez Kaufman
- Mr. Edward Kelly
- Mrs. E. Kelly
- Master Edmund Kelly
- Mr. Archibald G. Kemp
- Mrs. Gertrude B. Kenny
- Mr. Archibald A. Kent
- Mr. J. H W. Kerston
- Miss Mary Kitson
- Mr. Joseph Kolmschlag
- Mrs. Kolmschlag
- Miss Theresa Kolmschlag
- Mr. Leopold Krasa
- Mr. Frcderick Krug
- Mrs. Mary Krug
- Dr. Karl W. Kumm
- Mr. Johnson Lalrd
- Mr. George R. La Shelle
- Miss Helen Lathrop
- Mrs. Lillie Lawrence
- Miss Leone Lawrence
- Master Cyril Lawrence
- Mr. Frank Le Bas
- Mr. Harold B. Lee
- Mrs. Lee
- Miss Doreen B. Lee
- Mr. Moses Leires
- Miss Sarah Lepedus
- Miss G. Lewis
- Mrs. R. J. Lister
- Mrs. E. Liversidge and Infant
- Miss Mary Lloyd
- Mr. L. Lo Curcio
- Mr. Edgar Lcewe
- Mrs. Loewe
- Mrs. Edith Lomano and Infant
- Master Nicholas Lomano
- Mr. Harry Loutitt
- Mr. Thomas Loutltt
- Mrs. Annie Lucas
- Mr. H. Maclean
- Mr. D. H. Mann
- Mrs. Mann
- Mrs. Vander Mark and Infant
- Miss Florence Marsh
- Mr. E. R. Matley
- Miss Auguste Maucke
- Dr. Mayebo
- Mrs. Rebecca McClelland
- Miss M. McClelland
- Mr. John Henry McDonald
- Mrs. Lillian McDonald
- Master Ellis McDonald
- Mrs. Lilly Palmer McIlvain
- Miss Susan McKettrick
- Mr. John McLean
- Mr. J. G. McManus
- Miss L. S. Meday
- Mr. F. M. Menendez
- Mrs. Menendez
- Mr. Meyer
- Mrs. Meyer
- Miss Meyer
- Miss Marie Mikava
- Mr. Miller
- Mrs. C. B. Miller
- Miss Miller
- Miss Miller
- Miss Constance Milman
- Mr. Robert S. Minner
- Mr. Herbert J. Mitchell
- Mrs. Mitchell
- Mrs. Grace Beecher Moore
- Miss J. Moore and Nurse
- Miss Grace Beecher Moore
- Miss Morgan
- Mrs. Jessie J. Morris
- Miss Gladys Morris
- Mr. Paul A. Murphy
- Mrs. M. H. Murray
- Miss Joan Murray
- Mr. N. Myers
- Mrs. Myers
- Mr. Roger North
- Mr. T. O'Donnell
- Mrs. M. O'Donnell
- Mr. Martin Oppenheim
- Miss Madge Ormond
- Mr. Alfred H. Otis
- Mrs. Otis
- Mr. Overy
- Mrs. Overy and Infant
- Mr. E. M. Packinakis
- Mrs. Packinakis
- Miss Packirtakis
- Miss Paice
- Mr. W. J. Pain
- Mr. John J. Palmer
- Mrs. Palmer
- Mrs. P. Park
- Mastcr G. G. Park
- Master J. N. Park
- Mr. Peter Park
- Mr. P. J. Parker
- Mrs. Parker
- Master Robcrt Parks
- Miss M. E. Paterson
- Mrs. Sarah A. Paulsen
- Miss Annie Pearce
- Mr. Nathan Pechnasky
- Mrs. E. L. Peck
- Master A. G. Peck
- Mrs. J. C. Peter
- Mr. H. W. Pickles
- Mr. H H. Pitts
- Mr. E. A. Playle
- Mrs. Homer L. Pound
- Mrs. Harry Pringle
- Miss Edith Pringle
- Mr. Emilio Pro
- Miss Julia Pro
- Miss E. Purdie
- Mr. Walter B. Pyott
- Miss Dorothy M. Rawlins
- Mrs. S. Richards
- Miss F. Richards
- Mr. C. Richards
- Miss Margaret Richmond
- Mrs. J. W. Ring
- Master William A Ring
- Miss Elsie Roberts
- Mr. Charles H. Robinson
- Mrs. Robinson
- Mrs. H. Robinson
- Mrs. Arthur W. Robinson
- Master A. W. Robinson
- Mrs. Maud Robson and Infant
- Mrs. Julia Roche
- Mr. George H. Rodgers
- Mrs. M. Rodgers
- Master George H. Rodgers
- Mrs. Rodney
- Miss Rodney
- Mr. Gutman Rose
- Mrs. G. J. Royce
- Master R. Royce
- Miss L. Royce
- Mr. Carl IL Rupprecht
- Miss Jessie Russell
- Mr. Raymond Ruzo
- Miss Ching Chee Qua
- Mr. J. P. Sabln
- Miss Ching Shou Qua
- Mrs. Joseph V. Sabin
- Miss Sophie Schaefer
- Miss Hanna Schaefer
- Mr. D. W. Seligman
- Mrs. Hannah Sharman
- Mr. W. Prescott Sharp
- Mrs. J. Shaw
- Mr. Romer Shawhan
- Miss Bertha Sichel
- Mr. J. Singer
- Miss K. Skimoyoma
- Mrs. Mary Sly
- Mr. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Mrs. Anna H. Smith
- Mr. D. Solomovich
- Mrs. Annie Speed
- Miss Evelyn Speed
- Mr. D. Spence
- Mrs. Spence
- Mr. Henry Spriggs
- Miss Annie Stanyer
- Miss Edith Stanyer
- Master John K. Stanyer
- Mr. Frank Stark
- Rev. C. R. Stearns
- Miss I. Stearns
- Miss Stearns
- Mr. Edward Stein
- Mrs. Stein
- Miss Beatrice Stein
- Master Freeman Stein
- Miss Elinor Stein
- Mrs. E. L. Stewardson
- Miss R. Stewardson
- Miss M. Stewardson
- Master J. Stewardson and Maid
- Miss A. E. Stow
- Miss K. E. Stow
- Mr. Arthur Stweetser
- Mr. W. A. Straw
- Mrs. Constance Stroud
- Miss Helen Stroud
- Miss Edith K. Sutton
- Miss M. D. Swann
- Mlss Hope K. Thompson
- Mr. Frederick Tippens
- Mrs. Donald Tod
- Mr. Gcorge D. Tod
- Mr. James R. Tod
- Miss Jean M. Tod
- Miss Rafia Torna
- Miss Aminia Torna and Governess
- Mrs. Hattie Trexell
- Miss Bessie Turk
- Mr. Theo. Van den Bogaerde
- Mr. Albert Vivian
- Mrs. Annie Vogelsang
- Mr. V. Voss
- Miss M. Wainwright
- Mrs. Marion Wallis
- Mr. August W. Walter
- Mr. G. Walters
- Mr. W. S. Watson
- Mrs. Watson
- Mr. Edgar Wedd
- Mr. Edwin Weigle
- Mr. L. Weill
- Mrs. Weill
- Mrs. A. Wells
- Mr. Wm. White
- Mrs. C. C. Wight
- Mr. Thomas G. Williams
- Mrs. Williams
- Miss Beatrice L. Williams
- Mr. Benjamin Woodward
- Mr. A. J. Wooll
- Mrs. Woolsey and Infant
- Miss K. Woolsey and Nurse
- Master Conyers Woolsey
- Mr. H. R. Workman
- Mr. George Youlden
- Miss Ching Chee Yung
- Mr. E. Simpson
- Mr. H. Wilkinson
- Mr. G. Holden
- Mrs. R. McKeown
- Mr. G. Firth
Additional Passengers
- Mr. J H Palmer
- Miss I E Derbyshire
- Mr. Daniel Buckley
- Mrs. Buckley and Infant
- Mrs. Ellen Smith and Infant
- Mr. Arthur Ornstein
- Mrs. A Jackson and Infant
- Mr. P O Corsini
- Mr. F L Vaughan
- Mrs. H Morris
- Mrs. Harriet Roth
- Miss Hilda Roth
- Miss Lydia Roth
- Master Van Biene
- Mr. Wm Dawe
- Mrs. Dawe
- Mr. W Dawe, Jr.
- Miss L E Dawe
- Mr. Bert White
- Mr. T Parker
- Mr. F L Wood
- Mr. F S Isham
- Mr. H Rost
- Mr. J C Chesterfield
- Mr. Galwey Herbert
- Mr. Wm John Milburn
- Mr. Wm A Crane
- Mr. Henry Bartmann
- Mr. C A Hollman
- Mr. Waldo Pearce
- Mr. Henry De Kay
- Mr. Josiah Lambeth
- Mr. Emanuel Lambeth
- Mr. E E Reimann
- Mr. R J Moore
- Miss Francisca Roman
- Mr. Chester Thompson
- Mr. Robert Skinner
- Miss Scott
On Passenger List But Did Not Sail
- Mlss E F Biggs
- Miss G V Biggs
- Miss Gabrille Block
- Mr. F O Bond
- Mrs. E Chomat
- Mr. Joseph Coyne
- Mr. F A Dench
- Mr. Peter Dorfini
- Mrs. B E Hassell
- Mr. E Hebblethwaite
- Mrs. E D Helft and Infant
- Mr. H W Holman
- Mrs. Holman
- Mr. Wm. Irwin
- Mrs. Wm. Jackson
- Mr. Fred Krug
- Mrs. Krug
- Miss L S Meday
- Mr. Robert S Mlnner
- Miss Paice
- Mrs. Parker
- Miss K Shimoyoma
- Mrs. Donald Tod
- Mr. George D Tod
- Mr. James R Tod
- Miss Jean M Tod
- Torna's Governess
- Mr. Theo Van den Bogaerde
- Beecher, Master Wm Moore should read Moore, Master Wm Beecher
- Barker. Mr. Alfred C S should read Baker, Mr. Alfred C S
- Brady, Miss Annie should read Bradley, Miss Annie
- Downes, Misses M and D should read Hinman, Misses M and D
- Leires, Mr. Moses should read Leites, Mr. Moses
- Lomano, Mrs. Edith should read Romano, Mrs. Edith
- Torna, Misses Rafia and Aminia should read Thomas, Misses Rafia and Aminia
U. S. A. MAILING Clerks.
- Mr. Lorey
- Mr. Van Liew
General Information for Passengers.
for One Sitting—
- Breakfast, 8:00 am to 9:00 am
- Lunch, 1:00 pm
- Dinner, 7:00 pm
for Two Sittings—
- Breakfast, 8:00 am and 9:00 am.
- Lunch, 12 noon and 1:00 pm
- Dinner, 6:00 pm amd 7:15 pm
The Bar closes at 11:30 pm
Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11:00 pm, and in the molting Room at 12 Midnight.
Please apply to the second Steward for Seat' at Table,
Letters and Telegrams should be handed to the Samoa Steward within an hour after ieavinv Southampton, and those for despatch upon reaching port shoved be handed to him an hour before arrival
Writing Paper, Envelopes, and Telegraph Forms will be found in the Library.
For Railway and Steamship Time Tables of the various Companies, app.y to the Saloon Steward.
Inquiries regarding Baggage rill be attended to by the Baggage Steward, to whom all Baggage which Passengers wish to leave in the Company's care should be handed, properly iabered, ano with lull Instructions as to disposal.
Large Deck Chairs can be obtained for use on the voyage, at a charge 01 4/- each, upon application to the Deck Steward. Rugs can also be hired on Board at a chargo o. 4/-.
The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Service.
Messages are accepted on board for transmission to any part of the world or for delivery on board passing ships. The following are the wireless rates, to which must be added the land line or cable tolls to points of destlnation.
The names of shore stations and of ships, with which communication is expected during the day, are posted every morning in different parts of the ship:
for Great Britain and Ireland. Via Crookhaven or other stations in the United Kingdom, or through the medium of a passing steamer, 20 cents per word without a minimum, address and signature counted. Land charges of one cent per word (mlnimum 12 cents) additional.
for United States. For ten words or less, address and signature counted, vla Seagate, Sagaponack, - or South Wellfieet (Cape Cod), 8s. 4d., each additional word 10d.; via siasconsett, Mass., 9s. 7d., each addltional word 11d.; via Cape Race, Sable Island, and Cape Sable, 10s, 5d.' each additional word ls. 04d. Land charges additional, all fees must be prepaid. Messages via the above pelts may be sent through medium of a passing steamer.
From Ship To Ship. The general rate on ship to ship messages is 8d. per word, but varies according to nationality of steamer communicated with.
The American Line is not responsible for the transmission of messages.
Ocean Letters.—The Marconi Company have inaugurated an "Ocean Letter" service, by which radio-telegrams may be sent from one ship to another going in an opposite direction, for delivery by Registered Post from the first port of call of the late er vessel. 'the rate is (mclusive of wireless, postage and registration) 5s. 6d. for 30 words, plus ld. for each additional word up to a maximum of 100 words.
Further information may be obtalned by applying to the Purser.
Letters and telegrams may be addressed to the care of any of the Company's Offices. where they wlll be held until called for, or forwarded, accordlng to instructions. The latest editlons of the leading Amerlcan and English papers are kept on file at the Company's new West End Offices, No. 1, Cockapur Street, London, where Passengers' baggage wlll also be recelved and stored if requlred.
The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the Ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
Should the Steamer arrive at the New York Wharf after 8:00 pm, Passengers may land if they wish to do so, and have their baggage passed by the Customs authorities lmmediately on arrival, but those who prefer to remain on board may do so, and have their baggage passed the followlng morning not earlier than 7 o'clock.
Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board overnight.
Valuables. The American Line has provided a Safe in the office of the Purser in which Passengers may deposit Money, Jewels, or Ornaments for safe keeping.
Insurance of Baggage, etc. Arrangements have been made whereby Passengers can have their baggage insured against loss by sea or land, including risk of fire, breakage, theft or pilferage, from the time the baggage is received by the American Line until delivery at destination. Other risks can also be insured against.
The Company strongly recommend Passengers to insure their packages whenever practicable, as in the event of loss or damage to baggage the American Llne cannot under any circumstances accept any liabillty beyond the amount specified on their steamer contract ticket.
Travellers' Cheques. The Company's Cheques are accepted on board American Llne Steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.
Orchestras. A String Orchestra of skilled musicians is carried on all the American Line Steamers of the New York Mail Service during the summer months.
Public Telephones With Booths and Operators on our New York Piers
Breakfast.—As the Bugle is not sounded for Breakfast, Passengers desirous of being wakened should arrange to be called,by their Bedroom Stewards.