SS Dominion Passenger List - 17 September 1913
Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the SS Dominion of the American Line, Departing 17 September 1913 from Liverpool to Philadelphia via Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain W. A. Morehouse. GGA Image ID # 1596835bd3
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: W. A. Morehouse
- Surgeon: Dr. D. W. S. Muir, L.R.C.F. London, M.R.C.S. England
- Chief Steward: E. Robinson
Cabin Passengers
- Mr. V. J. Adams
- Mr. Jos. E. Adams
- Mrs. Adams
- Miss Mary Adams
- Dr. William Addison
- Mrs. Addison
- Miss A. Addison
- Mr. William Ardis
- Mr. John H. Askew
- Mrs. Askew
- Miss Ashley
- Mr. B. Bagdson
- Miss Alice M. Bannon
- Mrs. E. Barnes
- Miss Annie Beggs
- Mr. Otto Berger
- Mr. Harold Boot
- Mrs. Boot
- Mr. Wilfrid Borrill
- Miss H. Brainerd
- Mrs. Elizabeth Bunn
- Miss P. M. Burke
- Mr. Michael Casey
- Mr. Austin Caulfield
- Mr. George Chapin
- Miss A. Clarke
- Mr. F. C. Clayter
- Mrs. John Clayton
- Miss H. Cooke
- Miss Rose Cosgrave
- Mr. Robert Crackbon
- Dr. C. G. Crane
- Mrs. Crane
- Miss Mary A. Cullin
- Miss Eleanor Cunniffe
- Mr. John W. Davis
- Mrs. M. J. Davis
- Mr. Alexander Dennison
- Miss Elizabeth Dennison
- Mr. W. L. Dolphyn
- Mrs. Dolphyn
- Miss Mary Donnelly
- Miss M. M. Doyle
- Miss Anna Dufficy
- Miss Martha J. Edwards
- Miss Margaret Evans
- Miss Annie Felton
- Mrs. Gertrude Fisher
- Mrs. Tube Fleischmann
- Miss Mary A. Foley
- Rev. G. M. Galarneau
- Miss Mar Garner
- Mrs. E. Gatenby
- Master J. Gatenby
- Miss D. Gatenby
- Mr. E. Geller
- Miss H. Gibbs
- Mr. Michael Hackett
- Mr. James T. Halsey
- Mrs. Halsey
- Mis Dabney Halsey
- Miss Heloise Halsey
- Miss M. Hamilton
- Mr. W. Hartley
- Mr. H. D. Havannesian
- Master Herbert Hayward
- Mr. Patrick Hearty
- Mr. Arthur Hebden
- Mrs. Hebden
- Mr. Edwin Highley
- Mrs. Highley
- Miss Joyce Highley
- Master Thomas Highley
- Miss Fannie Hildred
- Mrs. M. Hill
- Miss May Hill
- Miss F. H. Holmes
- Mrs. R. L. Honneger
- Mrs. C. W. Hume
- Mr. Frank Hurst
- Mr. Richard Hutchinson
- Miss Louise Hyde
- Miss Annie Insull
- Mrs. Mary Irwin
- Miss E. Jacobs
- Miss A. H. Jamieson
- Mr. Alex C. Jamieson
- Mr. John R. Jones
- Mr. S. Kaplan
- Mr. Henry Kaye
- Mrs. Kaye
- Miss Alice Kaye
- Master Leslie Kaye
- Master Gordon Kaye
- Miss Esle Kaye
- Mrs. M. Kelly
- Mrs. Mary Kelly
- Mr. H. C. King
- Mrs. E. Knowles
- Miss M. Kwednaja
- Miss J. Kwednaja
- Mr. Alex Langhorn
- Mr. John L. Last
- Miss H. L. Leete
- Mrs. Julia Lennon and Infant
- Master Thomas Lennon
- Mr. James Livesley
- Mr. James A. Mackrell
- Mrs. Mackrell
- Mr. Leonard Mallard
- Mrs. A. Mallard
- Miss Edith F. Marsden
- Mr. Fred. Marsden
- Mr. A. William Mason
- Miss Ina Mayo
- Miss Annie McCaffrey
- Mrs. M. McDevitt
- Master H. McDevitt
- Miss V. McDevitt and Infant
- Mrs. J. McEvoy
- Mr. John McKee
- Mrs. McKee
- Mrs. E. W. Moore
- Miss Jessie Morrison
- Miss Gladys Morland
- Miss Annie Murray
- Miss Elizabeth Newcomb
- Mr. Norman Nutt
- Miss Margaret O'Connell
- Mr. A. G. Ogilvie
- Mrs. Ogilvie
- Miss Ann O'Rourke
- Mr. Parsons
- Miss Nellie Patterson
- Miss Isabel Patterson
- Mr. Joseph Peel
- Miss Olive Perkins
- Mr. James Pinkerton
- Mrs. Pinkerton
- Mr. G. Poulter-Gatenby
- Miss E. Prendergast
- Miss Prendergast
- Miss Ruth A. Priestley
- Mrs. S. V. Proudfit
- Mr. Mojsche Ram
- Mr. Leon Rebeckoff
- Miss C. Rice
- Miss Christine Roberts
- Miss Catherine Rooney
- Mr. Frank Ross
- Mr. William Ross
- Mrs. Ross
- Miss Rebecca Regady
- Mr. James Reynolds
- Mr. William G. Rew
- Mr. Edmond Ryan
- Mr. Thomas Sampson
- Miss Y. Sarkisian
- Miss Scott
- Mr. Andrew Scully
- Mr. Robert Searson
- Mr. Thomas Sharpe
- Mr. William Shaw
- Miss Brdget Shehan
- Mr. C. W. Sheridan
- Miss Skottowe
- Miss Violet Solaini
- Miss Ruby Solaini
- Mr. John Solomon
- Miss Speers
- Mr. L. Steiner
- Mrs. Steiner
- Mr. Charles W. Styan
- Mrs. Styan
- Miss Nellie Sullivan
- Mrs. C. Susman
- Mrs. A. Swan
- Dr. W. F. Swann
- Mrs. M. Swann
- Mrs. Mary A. Tate
- Miss Doris Tate
- Miss Alice Towner
- Mrs. M. Tubelhorn and Infant
- Miss Lydia Tubelhorn
- Miss Maria Tubelhorn
- Dr. H. Van Hasselt
- Mrs. Van Hasselt
- Miss H. A. Van Hasselt
- Mr. Thos. H. Wadsworth
- Mr. Samuel Wayne
- Miss Trube Weinstein
- Mr. Joseph Whitehead
- Mr. Thomas Whitehead
- Mrs. M. Baldwin Wilcox
- Mr. John P. Wilkinson
- Mr. John M. Williams
- Miss Christine Williams
- Miss Georgina Williams
- Mr. George Wilson
- Miss Eliza Wroe
- Mr. Walter Yoxhall
Information for Passengers
Breakfast: As the Bugle is not sounded for Breakfast, Passenges desirous of being wakened should arrage to be called by their Bedroom Stewards.
Landing Arrangements at Philadelphia
Should the steamer arrive at the Philadelphia Wharf after 8 pm, passengers have the option of remaining on board overnight and landing after breakfast on the following morning.
- BREAKFAST at 8 am
- LUNCH at 12:30 pm
- DINNER at 6 pm and 7:15 pm
- SUPPER at 9 pm
The Bar closes at 11 pm. Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11 pm, and the Smoking Room at 11:30 pm.
Please apply to the Second Steward for Seats at Table.
Inquiries regarding Baggage wil be attended to by the Second Steward,m to whom all Baggage which passengers wish to leave in the Company's care should be handed properly labeled, and with full instructions as to disposal.
Deck Chairs and Steamer Rugs can be obtained for use on the voyage at a charge of 4s each upon application to to the Second Steward.
The Company will not be responsible for Money, Jewelery, and other valuables of passengers. Passengers are warned not to keep such articles in their staterooms, but are recommended to hand same sealed, and marked with the owners name, to the Purser for deposit in his safe, but as no charge is made for carriage, the Company can accept no responsilibty for loss or damage however arising.
The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case, to the approval of the Commander, for treating any passenter at their request for any illnes not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board, no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.
The Purser is prepared for the convenience of Passengers to exchange a limited amount of English and American Money, and he will allow at the rate of $4.80 to the GBP 1 when giving American Money for English Currency, or the to GBP 1 to 4.95 when giving English for American Money.
Persons holding Return Certificate should give as early notice as possible of the date upon which they desire to sail from Philadelphia, to the American Line, 1319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Letters may be addressed to the care of any of the Office named below, and they will be retained until called for, or forwarded according to instructions. All such leters should bear the address to which they should be sent if not called for.
Travellers' Checks, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principle offices of the American Line.