Events Program - RMS Scythia - 10 January 1931
Front Cover, Events Program for the Cunard RMS Scythia, Saturday, 10 January 1931. GGA Image ID # 12a96fd570
Informative Events Program from the RMS Scythia of the Cunard Line. It covers a voyage from Liverpool to New York beginning 10 January 1931. Brief explanations of the many Deck Sports were provided to the passengers helps to make this an exceptional program from that era of ocean liner travel.
Social Events Program for the Cunard RMS Scythia, Saturday, 10 January 1931. GGA Image ID # 12a97597bd
Deck Sports Program for the Cunard RMS Scythia, Saturday, 10 January 1931. GGA Image ID # 12a9c45ffa
Deck Sports Program
1. —Potato Race. For Ladies only. Eight potatoes one yard apart, to be picked up and placed in a bucket at the starting point.
2. —Thread and Needle Race. Man with a needle to run to his nominator, who will give him a thread. Man to thread the needle and return to the starting point.
3. - Cock Fighting. For Men. In a circle ten feet in diameter. Lest of three trials.
4. —Egg and Spoon Race. For Ladies and Children only. Over a course specially selected by the Committee.
5. —Driving Competition. For mixed Teams. Man to drive Lady over a course beset with difficulties.
6. —"Are You There?" For Men. Blindfold, holding hands. f First to obtain three hits on his adversary's head, winner.
7. —Shoe Race. For Ladies only. Both shoes of each competitor are to be placed in a sack as the Committee may direct. Winner first back to starting point with her shoes adequately fastened. (Slippers will not be allowed).
8. —Whistling Competition. Man to run to his partner, drink a glass of soda and eat a biscuit, then whistle a tune which Lady will try and guess. Name and tune, when guessed, are to be written on paper by Lady and handed to her partner, who will return to the starting point and hand paper to the Judges.
(Tunes, biscuits, soda, pencils, and paper provided by the Committee).
9. Boxing. For Men. Two 2 minute rounds. Finals-one 3-minute round.
10.— Nail Driving Competition. For Ladies only. Ladies to run to the plank, hammer two nails into the same and return to the starting point.
1 1.—Cigarette and Cracker Competition. Man to run to Lady, who will finish a cracker before lighting lier partner's cigarette. First man home with a cigarette alight the winner.
12. —Pillow Fighting on Spar. Best of three bouts. No holding spar.
13. - Deck Tennis. Ladies and Gentlemen.
14. —Shuffleboard Competition. Ladies and Gentlemen.