Concert Program - SS Stuttgart - 12 June 1930

Afternoon Concert Program for Thursday, 12 June 1930 onboard the SS Stuttgart of the Norddeutscher Lloyd/North German Lloyd.

Afternoon Concert Program for Thursday, 12 June 1930 onboard the SS Stuttgart of the Norddeutscher Lloyd/North German Lloyd. GGA Image ID # 12fd3eac1c


Concert program card produced for a 4 pm music concert onboard the SS Stuttgart on Thursday, 12 June 1930. Beautiful graphics made this a great souvenir from the voyage to New York from Bremen on the North German Lloyd.


Music Selections

  1. Salve Imperator, Marsch by Fučík
    A Concert March by Julius Fučik
  2. Ouvertüre z. "Pique Dame" by v. Suppé
    Overture z. "Queen of Spades"
  3. Im Reiche der Venus, Walzer by Gröschel
    In the Realm of Venus, Waltz
  4. Tom der Reimer, Altschottische, Ballade by Löwe
    Tom the Reimer, Old Scottish Ballad
  5. Fantasie aus der Oper "Hoffmanns Erzählungen" by Offenbach
    Fantasy from the Opera "Hoffmann's Tales"


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