Concert Program - SS Stuttgart - 12 June 1930
Afternoon Concert Program for Thursday, 12 June 1930 onboard the SS Stuttgart of the Norddeutscher Lloyd/North German Lloyd. GGA Image ID # 12fd3eac1c
Concert program card produced for a 4 pm music concert onboard the SS Stuttgart on Thursday, 12 June 1930. Beautiful graphics made this a great souvenir from the voyage to New York from Bremen on the North German Lloyd.
Music Selections
- Salve Imperator, Marsch by Fučík
A Concert March by Julius Fučik - Ouvertüre z. "Pique Dame" by v. Suppé
Overture z. "Queen of Spades" - Im Reiche der Venus, Walzer by Gröschel
In the Realm of Venus, Waltz - Tom der Reimer, Altschottische, Ballade by Löwe
Tom the Reimer, Old Scottish Ballad - Fantasie aus der Oper "Hoffmanns Erzählungen" by Offenbach
Fantasy from the Opera "Hoffmann's Tales"