SS United States Passenger List - 25 September 1952

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List from the SS United States of the United States Lines, Departing 25 September 1952 from Southampton to New York.

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List from the SS United States of the United States Lines, Departing 25 September 1952 from Southampton to New York via Le Havre, Commanded by Captain John W. Anderson, USNR. GGA Image ID # 1d587a54cd


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain John W. Anderson, U.S.N.R.
  • Executive Officer Frederick Fender, U.S.N.R.
  • Chief Engineer William Kaiser, U.S.N.R.
  • Executive Engineer Robert J. Jones, U.S.N.R.
  • Chief Purser John A. Lock
  • Tourist Class Purser Henry L Moreno
  • Chief Radio Officer Thomas Cerio
  • Chief Surgeon John E. Sheedy
  • Surgeon Henry Trask
  • Chief Steward Herman Muller
  • Tourist Class Chief Steward Richard von Borke


Identification of the Ships' Officers by their Sleeve Stripes on the United States Lines, 1952.

Identification of the Ships' Officers by their Sleeve Stripes on the United States Lines, 1952. GGA Image ID # 1d59016716


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. Frances Acheson
  2. Miss Carolyn L. Adams
  3. Mrs. Maria Aigner
  4. Mr. Wilhelm Ailgaier
  5. Mr. F. Altschuld
  6. Miss Jane Alyea
  7. Mrs. Edna Anderson
  8. Mrs. Joseph Andrews
  9. Mrs. Nina Arendell
  10. Miss Alice Argoff
  11. Mr. Harry Armand
  12. Mrs. Catherine Arnott
  13. Miss Noreen Arnott
  14. Mr. Hermann Bader
  15. Mr. Willy Baer
  16. Mrs. H. Bamesberger
  17. Master Gerhard Bamesberger
  18. Mr. Erich Barton
  19. Mr. Wolf Bartzsch
  20. Mr. Governeur A. Basila
  21. Mr. Ernst-A. Baumbach
  22. Mr. Walter Bayer
  23. Mrs. Arthur Beardsell
  24. Mr. Baruch Becker
  25. Miss Albertine Begin
  26. Mrs. Oma Beguian
  27. Mr. George Behlen
  28. Mrs. Behlen
  29. Miss Mary K. Behlen
  30. Mr. Anton Beller
  31. Mrs. Dhamaic Benaici
  32. Mr. William Bennetts
  33. Mrs. Bennetts
  34. Mr. Dieter Berkey
  35. Mr. Ernest Berliner
  36. Mr. Daniel Bernestein
  37. Mr. Stanley Besner
  38. Master Henry Bishop
  39. Mr. Carl Blessing
  40. Mrs. Margaret Blessing
  41. Mrs. Ralph Blewitt
  42. Mr. Robert Bliemeister
  43. Mr. Klaus Bodem
  44. Mrs. Valery Bokina
  45. Miss Alice Bonno
  46. Miss Helga Borchert
  47. Miss Manya Borodkin
  48. Mr. Silvere Brancaccio
  49. Miss Rhoda Braunstein
  50. Miss Mary Breen
  51. Miss Sheila Breen
  52. Mrs. Ralph Brewser
  53. Miss Marie Anna Brindza
  54. Miss Katherine Brockmeycr
  55. Mrs. Annie Brown
  56. Mr. William Brown
  57. Mrs. Brown
  58. Mr. William Brown
  59. Mrs. Brown
  60. Mrs. Sara Brukner
  61. Miss E. Brunnenlkant
  62. Mrs. Gould Bryan
  63. Miss Ruth E. Buchan
  64. Mr. John Buendgen
  65. Mrs. Yvonne Buick
  66. Mr. William Burke
  67. Miss E. C. H. Burnett
  68. Mr. Marcel Burney
  69. Mrs. Burney
  70. Mr. Wilbert Burns
  71. Mr. Hugo Buser
  72. Mr. Abraham Butler
  73. Mrs. Leonard Cabral
  74. Master Michael Cabral
  75. Mrs. Evelyn Cadwallader
  76. Mr. Michael Carroll
  77. Mrs. Carroll
  78. Miss Pauline C. Caulfield
  79. Mrs. Hilda Chatfield
  80. Master Peter Chatfield
  81. Mr. Emil H. Chimot
  82. Mrs. Mabel Church
  83. Mrs. Daisy Clarke
  84. Miss Catherine Clarke
  85. Mr. Emil Claus
  86. Mrs. Claus
  87. Mrs. Maria Cok
  88. Miss Marylyn Cole
  89. Mrs. Lawrence Colin
  90. Miss Sheila Collins
  91. Miss Cathleen Collins
  92. Miss Clara I. Colton
  93. Miss Mary Conmy
  94. Mr. James Coyle
  95. Mrs. Coyle
  96. Mrs. Gladys Croll
  97. Mrs. Lilly Cronin
  98. Miss Claire Culverwell
  99. Miss Catherine Curley
  100. Mr. Paul Danzer
  101. Mrs. Pauline Dauber
  102. Master Roland A. Dauber
  103. Mr. Edward L. Daughterly
  104. Mr. James Davies
  105. Mrs. Davies
  106. Mrs. Heather Day
  107. Miss Rosamond Day
  108. Miss Mavis Day
  109. Mrs. Regina De Kaelbermann
  110. Mrs. Louise B. Dell
  111. Mrs. Mary De Luca
  112. Mr. Donald B. Denney
  113. Mr. Daniel Devine
  114. Mrs. Devine
  115. Mr. Fred De Vries
  116. Mrs. De Vries
  117. Miss Lena De Vries
  118. Mrs. Elizabeth Diamond
  119. Mrs. Agnes Didero
  120. Miss Elisabeth Doerfner
  121. Miss Margaret Doherty
  122. Mr. Herbert Drees
  123. Mr. Elemer Dunst
  124. Mrs. Dunst
  125. Miss Imelda Durr
  126. Mr. Vernon J. Duthie
  127. Mrs. Duthie
  128. Mrs. Paula Ebeling
  129. Miss Constance Eberhardt
  130. Miss Gertrud Echterhoff
  131. Miss Charlotte Eckert
  132. Dr. William C. Edkins
  133. Mrs. Edkins
  134. Mr. Arthur Eggers
  135. Mr. Herbert Eiboeck
  136. Mr. Joseph Elbisser
  137. Mrs. Elbisser
  138. Mrs. Edith Ellner
  139. Mrs. Lydia Elmisoff
  140. Mr. Peter Elvery
  141. Mrs. Ethel Elvery
  142. Miss Christine Elvery
  143. Miss Gladys Elvery
  144. Miss Anna Erner
  145. Mr. Alfred Ewing
  146. Mrs. Marie Fahner
  147. Miss Elfreida Fahner
  148. Mrs. Maria Theresia Farah
  149. Miss Carolyn Faucett
  150. Miss Jane Ferguson
  151. Miss Elise Filipi
  152. Miss Catharina Filippi
  153. Miss Bridget Delia Finnegan
  154. Mrs. Sophie Fischler
  155. Mrs. Eleanor Flowers
  156. Mr. Michael Foley
  157. Mr. Hans Forster
  158. Mr. Philip Frankel
  159. Mrs. Toni Frankley
  160. Miss Toni Frankley
  161. Mr. John F. Frederick
  162. Dr. Hans U. Frehner
  163. Mrs. Frehner
  164. Mr. Johann Freiburg
  165. Mr. Erhard Freier
  166. Mr. Fritz Friederich
  167. Mr. Louis Friedman
  168. Mrs. Friedman
  169. Mr. Peter Fries
  170. Mr. Rudolf Fritsch
  171. Miss Manda Fritsch
  172. Miss Gisela Fromm
  173. Mr. Karl Fuechsel
  174. Mrs. Fuechsel
  175. Master Deter Fuechsel
  176. Mr. Paul Führer
  177. Miss Billie Gallagher
  178. Mr. Rainer Georgii
  179. Mr. Virgil Gerard
  180. Mr. John Getz
  181. Mr. George Gialias
  182. Mrs. Gialias
  183. Miss Agnes Gibcrson
  184. Mr. Uwe Giese
  185. Miss Norma Gifford
  186. Mrs. Mary Giles
  187. Miss Elizabeth Giles
  188. Miss Marion Glassman
  189. Miss Doris Glyns
  190. Mr. Günther Goetzinger
  191. Mr. Louis Goldman
  192. Miss Mary Goldsmith
  193. Mr. John F. Gozza
  194. Mrs. Gozza
  195. Miss Barbara Gray
  196. Mrs. Karla Greeff
  197. Mrs. Mabel Greenall
  198. Mr. Alec T. Greenfield
  199. Mr. Gottfried Greiner
  200. Mrs. Vera G. Griffin
  201. Master Kenneth W. Griffin
  202. Master Charles A. Griffin
  203. Mr. Niels Grosse
  204. Miss Martha Grossmans
  205. Mr. Otmar Guenther
  206. Miss Edith Gusset
  207. Miss Anna Gussmann
  208. Mr. Julius A. Gutmann
  209. Mr. August Gutzwiller
  210. Mrs. Adelaide Gwaltney
  211. Miss Ilse Haack
  212. Miss Ruth Hanka
  213. Mr. Stuart Harris
  214. Mr. Ernest Hartwig
  215. Mrs. Hartwig
  216. Mr. William Hastie
  217. Mr. William Haug
  218. Mrs. Haug
  219. Miss Marlene Haug
  220. Mrs. Annie R. P. Hay
  221. Miss Agnes B. Hay
  222. Mrs. Patricia W. Hayth
  223. Miss Rose A. Healey
  224. Miss Elstrud Heckl
  225. Miss Irmgard Heckmann
  226. Miss Waltraut Heinrich
  227. Mr. Bernt Heise
  228. Mr. Karl Heuer
  229. Mrs. Heuer
  230. Mrs. Anny Hirsch
  231. Miss Margaret Hobbs
  232. Mr. John Hochstadter
  233. Mrs. C. J. Hoffman
  234. Mr. William S. Holden
  235. Mrs. Holden
  236. Mr. Hans J. Hornbostel
  237. Mrs. James Horwitz
  238. Mr. Frank Hribar
  239. Mrs. Hribar
  240. Mrs. William Hubben
  241. Mr. Gerhard Hudaff
  242. Mr. Charles Hunt
  243. Mr. James B. Hunter
  244. Mrs. Hunter
  245. Mr. Jeremiah E. Hurley
  246. Mrs. Hurley
  247. Rev. James Hutchison
  248. Mrs. Hutchison
  249. Miss Delia Hynes
  250. Mr. Rudi Iffland
  251. Mr. Robert Jacques
  252. Mr. Hans-Peter Johne
  253. Mr. Fred Johnigh
  254. Mrs. Johnigh
  255. Miss Anna Johnigh
  256. Miss Ottilie Johnigh
  257. Mrs. Marie Jost
  258. Mr. Herbert Kalbitzer
  259. Mr. Ortwin Karl
  260. Mrs. Martha Keithan
  261. Mr. Egon Keller
  262. Miss Alice Kelly
  263. Mr. John T. Kendrick
  264. Mrs. Jeanne M. Kenneth
  265. Mrs. Marie Kinahan
  266. Mr. William Kinsella
  267. Mrs. Margaret Klein
  268. Miss Ursula Kliche
  269. Mr. Klaus Kling
  270. Mr. Walter Knippel
  271. Mrs. Knippel
  272. Mr. A. Knod
  273. Mr. W. Knod
  274. Mrs. Knod
  275. Mr. F. Paul Koch
  276. Mrs. Chelley Koch
  277. Miss Claudia Koch
  278. Miss Doris Koenen
  279. Mr. Walter Kolb
  280. Mr. Joseph Koribanich
  281. Mr. H. M. Korst
  282. Mrs. Katharina Kraft
  283. Mr. Alfred Krebs
  284. Mr. Joseph Krebs
  285. Mrs. Helen Krebs
  286. Mr. Wm. Krondorf
  287. Mr. Herbert Kropp
  288. Miss Magda Kühner
  289. Mrs. Julia Kukleta
  290. Mr. Ewald Labus
  291. Miss Catherine Lake
  292. Miss Gertrude Lake
  293. Mr. Geo. Landauer
  294. Mr. Frank Lang
  295. Mr. Johannes P. Langeveld
  296. Mr. Daniel Lashen
  297. Rev. Paul Lattimore
  298. Mrs. Lattimore
  299. Mrs. Mary Le Jeune
  300. Miss Lieselotte Lenz
  301. Mr. Herbert Leuninger
  302. Mrs. Florence V. Lewis
  303. Mr. J. Lindgren
  304. Mrs. Lindgren
  305. Mr. Wilhelm Linss
  306. Mr. Wolfgang Lobeck
  307. Miss Ruth Locker
  308. Mr. Samuel London
  309. Mrs. London
  310. Miss Ann J. Lowry
  311. Mr. Klaus Lukas
  312. Miss Elsie Lund
  313. Mr. Heinrich Mackedanz
  314. Mrs. Margeret Maher
  315. Miss Kathleen A. Mann
  316. Mrs. Ida Mapperley
  317. Rev. Aaron B. Markuson
  318. Miss Christel Marquardt
  319. Miss Patricia Marsh
  320. Mrs. Eleanor Marshall
  321. Miss Susie Massey
  322. Miss Helen Masterson
  323. Miss Geraldine Masterson
  324. Mrs. Emma Matzdorfa
  325. Miss Eva B. Mayer
  326. Mrs. Rose McArdle
  327. Mr. James McCrory
  328. Mrs. McCrory
  329. Mr. D. McFarlane
  330. Miss Bridie McGovern
  331. Mr. Martin McIntyre
  332. Mr. William Mclver
  333. Mr. Arthur D. McLean
  334. Miss Edith S. McNutt
  335. Miss Catherine McShane
  336. Mr. Hans Mergeler
  337. Mr. John W. Milles
  338. Mr. Herbert Moenkemeyer
  339. Mrs. Moenkemeyer
  340. Mrs. Elsa Möller
  341. Miss Ray Monter
  342. Miss Inge Mook
  343. Mr. Chester B. Morley
  344. Mrs. Morley
  345. Miss Marion
  346. M. Morrison
  347. Mr. Herbert Mueller
  348. Mr. Erwin Mueller
  349. Mrs. Mona Mueller
  350. Mrs. Anna Mueller
  351. Mrs. Yvonne Muller
  352. Mr. Kenneth C. Munden
  353. Mr. Charles Murphy
  354. Mr. Yorgi Murtezeyeva
  355. Miss Theresa Musoling
  356. Mrs. Hilda Myers
  357. Miss Linda Myers
  358. Mr. Delbert Myren
  359. Mrs. Myren
  360. Miss Karoline Nau
  361. Mr. Klaus Nehlsen
  362. Miss Catherine Nesbit
  363. Mr. William Newey
  364. Mrs. Agnes Nicholson
  365. Mr. Frank Nock
  366. Mr. G. G. Noudain
  367. Mrs. Noudain
  368. Miss Mildred Nussbaumer
  369. Mr. Robert W. Olsen
  370. Mr. Josef Oppold
  371. Miss Margaret Ormstead
  372. Mr. Thomas O'Shea
  373. Mrs. O'Shea
  374. Miss Clair O'Sullivan
  375. Mr. Richard Parsons
  376. Mr. Hugo Partes
  377. Mr. H. Paulin
  378. Miss D. Irene Payne
  379. Mrs. Isoline Pedraita
  380. Miss Mary Helen Perkins
  381. Mr. Werner Peterke
  382. Mr. Elmer R. Peterson
  383. Mr. Fred Petertonjes
  384. Mrs. Petertonjes
  385. Master Ralph Petertonjes
  386. Miss Louise Petertonjes
  387. Mr. Hubert Petiot
  388. Mrs. Rolande Petiot
  389. Mr. Pascal Petrino
  390. Mrs. Petrino
  391. Mr. Karl-Heinz Pfeffer
  392. Miss Marion E. Phelan
  393. Mr. Raymond K. Potts
  394. Miss Evelyn Proctor
  395. Mr. Helmut Rahr
  396. Mr. Siegfried Raiff
  397. Mr. Kurt-Emil Rauch
  398. Mr. Otto Redinger
  399. Mrs. Redinger
  400. Mrs. Grete Redman
  401. Mr. Dietrich Reichelt
  402. Miss Hilda Reimann
  403. Miss Therese Reimann
  404. Mr. Johann Reiter
  405. Mr. Hans-Georg Rektor
  406. Mr. Herman Remer
  407. Mrs. Ottilie Remer
  408. Mr. Robert R. Reynolds
  409. Mrs. Reynolds
  410. Mrs. Jean Richmon
  411. Mr. Christian Riess
  412. Mrs. Riess
  413. Mr. Vittorio Rinaldi
  414. Mr. Williams Roberts
  415. Mr. Fred Roberts
  416. Mrs. Anna Rodenkirchen
  417. Mrs. Isabella Roedel
  418. Miss Edith Roedel
  419. Master Lawrence Roedel
  420. Mr. Friedrich Roentgen
  421. Mr. Karl-Heinz Rose
  422. Mr. John Ruch
  423. Mr. Carl Ruschhoff
  424. Mrs. Ruschhoff
  425. Miss Mary L. Ryser
  426. Miss Shirley Sadler
  427. Dr. Manuel Sanz
  428. Miss Hedwig Sautter
  429. Mr. Günter Scheer
  430. Mr. Reinhold Schenk
  431. Miss Käthe Schichowski
  432. Mrs. Gloria Schild
  433. Miss Charlotte Schiller
  434. Mr. Hermann Schliess
  435. Miss Mathilde Schlosser
  436. Mr. Wolf-Dieter Schmitt
  437. Miss M. Schneeberger
  438. Mr. Oliver Schneider
  439. Mr. Hans-Georg Schoen
  440. Mrs. Maxine L. Schoen
  441. Miss Erika Schrapel
  442. Mr. Wilfried Schubert
  443. Mr. Albert Schubert
  444. Mrs. Pauline Schultes
  445. Mr. Adolf Schulz
  446. Mr. Marvin Schwarting
  447. Mrs. Schwarting
  448. Miss Penelope Schwarting
  449. Master Robert Schwarting
  450. Mrs. Jeanne Schwartz
  451. Master Eric Alan Schwartz
  452. Mr. Robert Seaver
  453. Mrs. Elfrida Seitz
  454. Mrs. Alwin Shulz
  455. Mrs. Gertrude Siehardt
  456. Mrs. Edith Silberstein
  457. Mr. Herbert Sixt
  458. Mr. Thomas Smith
  459. Mrs. Smith
  460. Mr. Wolfe Sockell
  461. Mr. A. J. Sodaro
  462. Mrs. Sodaro
  463. Mrs. Margaret Spero
  464. Mr. Franz Stang
  465. Mr. Hermann J. Staudenmayer
  466. Mr. Hans G. Steinhauer
  467. Mr. Arthur Sterner
  468. Mrs. Sterner
  469. Mr. Ray Stickels
  470. Mr. Alfred Stiefel
  471. Mrs. Alice Stiefel
  472. Master Kenneth Stiefel
  473. Mr. Fritz Stolzenwald
  474. Mr. Leslie Stoneman
  475. Miss Elsed Storm
  476. Mr. Günter Strinz
  477. Mr. Nils Johan Sward
  478. Mr. Zephirin Tanghe
  479. Mrs. Tanghe
  480. Mr. Virgil W. Tauss
  481. Miss Atha Lee Tehon
  482. Miss Pera Toebermann
  483. Mrs. Kathleen Tomlinson
  484. Miss Elizabeth Tomlinson
  485. Mrs. Marie Tonkonogoff
  486. Mr. Hans-J. Triebel
  487. Miss Luise Triebel
  488. Miss Marianne Tschirch
  489. Mr. Jack Tunstall
  490. Mrs. Tunstall
  491. Mr. Wolfgang Ufert
  492. Mr. Siegfried Ullmann
  493. Mr. Georg Urban
  494. Mr. John Valentine
  495. Mr. Camil Van Hulst
  496. Mrs. Charlotte Vince
  497. Mr. William Vogelsang
  498. Mrs. Vogelsang
  499. Miss Marianne Von der Koelen
  500. Mr. Friedrich Von Friedeburg
  501. Mr. Gerhard Voss
  502. Mr. R. Waldron
  503. Mr. James Walsh
  504. Mrs. Walsh
  505. Miss Helen Walsh
  506. Mrs. Josephine Walter
  507. Mr. William W. Ward
  508. Miss Ada Warren
  509. Mrs. Elizabeth Waters
  510. Miss Maria Weber
  511. Mrs. Selma Wechsler
  512. Master Steven Wechsler
  513. Mr. Walter Weddig
  514. Mr. Hubert Wegner
  515. Miss Hilda Wexler
  516. Mrs. Gladys Whiteside
  517. Mrs. Robert J. Whitney
  518. Mr. Jacob Wiederhorn
  519. Mrs. Wiederhorn
  520. Mr. Dwight Wildman
  521. Mr. Hans-G. Wilhelm
  522. Mr. Kenneth Williams
  523. Mrs. Williams
  524. Miss Francis Williams
  525. Miss Williams
  526. Miss Rita Williamson
  527. Miss Mary G. Willox
  528. Mr. Emil Winkler
  529. Mrs. Winkler
  530. Mr. John Winterbottam
  531. Miss Ilse Wirth
  532. Miss Rosa Witschi
  533. Mrs. Lise Wolf
  534. Mr. Ernst E. Wollmann
  535. Mr. Charles Woods
  536. Mrs. Woods
  537. Miss Anne M. Woods
  538. Mr. Jack Woodward
  539. Miss Norma Worrall
  540. Miss Eleanor M. Wyper
  541. Mr. Drago Zaklancevich
  542. Miss R. H. Zinsen
  543. Miss Rose Marie Zolynski
  544. Miss Christel Zuck
  545. Mrs. Ella Zupan
  546. Mr. Henry Zwart
  547. Mrs. Zwart



Please complete your Information Form and return it to the Purser's Office as quickly as possible. The information requested in this Form is necessary for passenger manifests, landing cards, and train reservations.


Passengers holding eastbound tickets arc requested to call the nearest Company Office in the United States and Canada as soon as possible after arrival abroad to obtain full particulars about eastbound embarkation, boat train arrangements, and other necessary formalities.

Those undecided about their addresses abroad should furnish this information to the nearest Company Office as soon as possible after arrival so that United States Lines may inform them of potential changes in sailings and any other matters affecting return passage.

If, for any reason, holders of return tickets are unable to travel on the sailings indicated on their tickets, immediate advice should be sent to the Company's nearest office so that United States Lines may resell the accommodations held and other reservations arranged. Otherwise, the passage money may be forfeited.

The addresses of our principal Offices and Agencies are shown elsewhere in this booklet.

Location of Tourist Class Public Rooms and Staterooms

Bridge Deck

  • Open Promenade Deck
  • Sheltered Deck

Promenade Deck

  • Open Promenade Deck
  • Lounge
  • Theatre
  • Reading Room
  • Writing Room

Upper Deck

  • Children's Playroom
  • Barber Shop
  • Beauty Parlour
  • Passenger Staterooms

Main Deck

  • Purser's Office
  • Baggage Office
  • Smoking Room and Bar
  • Passenger Staterooms

"A" Deck

  • Dining Saloon
  • Chief Steward's Office
  • Passenger Staterooms

"B" Deck

  • Doctor's Office and Dispensary (Forward)
  • Passenger Staterooms

"C" Deck

  • Passenger Staterooms

"D" Deck

  • Passenger Staterooms

Two elevators are provided for the exclusive use of Tourist Class Passengers.


Purser's Office—Main Deck Foyer Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Changes in accommodations, if available, are made by the Purser on payment of any difference in fare.

Lost and Found articles may be claimed or left at the Purser's Office.

Chief Steward's Office—"A" Deck


A Bellboy will answer when you ring for service from your room. Your request will be relayed to your Steward or Stewardess whenever necessary.

Baggage Office—Main Deck Foyer

The Baggage Master handles all matters concerning baggage. Liquor brought on board by or for Passengers is not considered baggage. The Company will arrange for such liquor to be kept in the custody of the Baggage Master. He will issue a check against which delivery will be made on the pier simultaneously and place all other baggage assembled for Customs inspection.

The Company does not assume liability for parcels of liquor kept in the stateroom.

Baggage Room—Apply at Baggage Office

The Baggage Room is open for 1 hour each day.

Special arrangements may be made for other hours through the Purser's Office or the Baggage Master.

Barber Shop—Upper Deck

Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., and 2:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Or by Appointment at other hours.

Prices include the following:

  • Shave $ .45
  • Tonic $ .25
  • Shampoo $1.00 and up
  • Haircut $ .90
  • Manicure $ 1.00

Beauty Parlour—Upper Deck

Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., and 2:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Or by appointment at other hours.

Prices include the following:

  • Hair trimming $ .85
  • Manicure $1.00
  • Hair Set $1.50 and up
  • Haircut $1.25
  • Facials $3.00 and up
  • Shampoo $ 1.25 and up

Children's Playroom—Upper Deck

A trained matron is in attendance from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon and 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.

The Playroom is fully equipped with child-sized furniture, lavatory facilities, and a drinking fountain.

Toys are available for children of all ages, and an assortment of children's books.

Deck Steward—Promenade Deck

Passengers may rent deck chairs for the voyage at S2.00 each and rugs SI.50 each.

The Deck Steward will make available necessary equipment for deck games on request.

Dining Saloon—"A" Deck

The dining hours are:

When One Sitting

  • Breakfast—From 8:00 A.M.
  • Luncheon—From 12:30 P.M.
  • Dinner —From 6:30 P.M.

When Two Sittings

  • 8:00 A.M. and 9:15 A.M.
  • 12:15 P.M. and 1:30 P.M.
  • 6:00 P.M. and 7:15 P.M.

The Chief Steward is in charge of the Dining Saloon and will assign table seatings. The Reservation Desk is located in the Chief Steward's OHice on "A" Deck.

Passengers may make arrangements to continue any special diet desired during the voyage. Passengers are also invited to inform the Dining Room Stewards of their preferences in diet and cooking.

A selection of the finest quality wines from the oldest and best establishments in Europe and the United States is available at moderate prices. The Wine Steward will accept orders.

Doctor (Dispensary) Hospital Area—"B" Deck Forward

Doctor's Hours: 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. A Registered Nurse is on duty at all times.

The Doctor is authorized to make customary charges for treating illnesses not originating on the voyage. No charge will be made for treating illnesses contracted during the trip.

Electric Baths and Massage—"C" Deck Midship

Appointments may be made by telephone with Attendant-in-Charge. The services of a Masseur and Masseuse are available.

Hours: Women—9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Men—7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M., 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.

Price List

  • Cabinet Bath. $2.00
  • Shower—Scotch Douche $.50
  • Scrub $1.00
  • Sun Treatment $1.00
  • Rub—Alcohol $.75
  • Rub—Oil $. 1.00
  • Rub—Salt $.50
  • Massage—Local $2.00
  • Massage—General $2.00
  • Massage—Stateroom — $4.00

Interpreters—Apply at Purser's Office

Kennels—Sports Deck Forward

The kennel is located on the Sports Deck. They provide 20 separate air-conditioned "cabins" with wire mesh doors, each equipped with a folding bed, clean blankets, and fresh water. Adjoining is an enclosed exercise run. A trained Kennel Attendant is in charge of the kennels.

Pets are not permitted in staterooms, public rooms, or passenger decks and must be placed in the care of the Kennel Attendant.

Library and Writing Room—Lounge Promenade Deck

A Steward is on duty.

Books and magazines are loaned free of charge.

Passengers may obtain Writing paper, envelopes, and postage stamps from the Library Steward.

Mail Office—Apply at Purser's Office

Mail and packages are typically delivered directly to the rooms of Passengers. Passengers may make inquiries, and forwarding addresses may be left at the Purser's Office.

Night Stewards

Stewards are available at all times during the night.

Photographer—Apply to Lounge Steward or at Purser's Office

An expert Photographer is available to take pictures by appointment. When conditions permit, the Photographer will also develop Passengers' negatives and make prints at reasonable rates.

Radio Office—Radiograms may be sent to the Purser's Office on application.

Passengers may secure information concerning Ship-to-Shore Telephone Service from the Purser's Office.

Cables and telegrams for dispatch arc received at the Purser's Office. They should be handed in at least one hour before the steamer arrives in port. Representatives of the Cable Companies come on board at all ports to accept messages.

Shopping Centre—Apply at Purser's Office

Hours: 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

The Interstate Corporation operates the Shopping Centre. An assortment of wearing apparel, drug supplies, perfumes, toilet articles, soap, novelties, souvenir gifts, and other items are available.

Telephone Service

Every passenger stateroom aboard the ship is equipped with a private telephone.

Telephone operators are on duty at all times.

Tobacco Shop—Smoking Room—Main Deck

Practically all brands of cigars and cigarettes are available at moderate prices.

Valet Service—Apply to Bedroom Steward or Bellboy.

The prices for sponging and pressing:

Men's Garments

  • Suit (2 or 3 pieces) $1.25
  • Coat $.75
  • Trousers $.75
  • Top Coat $1.25
  • Overcoat $1.25 and up
  • Tuxedo Suit $1.50
  • Sports Shirt $.50

Women's Garments

  • Blouses and Jackets $ .75
  • Cloaks, Dresses, Gowns - prices on request
  • Skirts—plain $I.00 and up
  • —pleated $1.50 and up
  • —underskirt $1.00
  • Slacks $ .75
  • Suits—plain woolen $1.50 and up
  • Suits—silk $2.00 and up

Shoes will be cleaned and polished if left outside the stateroom door at night.


Air Conditioned Ventilation:

From the outset, the new UNITED STATES was designed for air-conditioned ventilation of all spaces. All air for the ship is first filtered and dehumidified, eliminating dampness, and then brought to the temperature desired. Each stateroom has a thermostat which the occupant can set at any time or change to any reasonable temperature selected—regardless of the temperatures in other parts of the ship. Within every aspect of the ship, you enjoy a constant flow of dry, fresh ocean air with freedom from draught.

Kosher Service:

Complete approved facilities are available aboard the ship for serving Kosher meals. Passengers may arrange for this particular service on application to the Chief Steward.

Gamblers: Professional gamblers are reported as frequently traveling on trans-Atlantic passenger ships. Passengers are warned to take precautions accordingly.

Dictation and Typewriter Facilities—Public Stenographer: The use of a Dictaphone Time-Master is available free of charge on application to the Purser's Office by Passengers who may wish to voice write letters, memos, notes, etc. Transcription service is available aboard the ship. The passenger may retain the plastic mono belt records.

A Remington Noiseless Typewriter Machine Model 7 with the case is available without charge for the use of passengers. The Purser's Office will arrange its delivery to your room upon request.

Passengers may arrange the services of a public stenographer at regular rates during the voyage. One may make appointments by telephone or through the Purser's Office.

Divine Services: Protestant Service is held Sundays at 11:00 A.M. in the Lounge.

Passengers may obtain an altar and equipment for the use of Ministers of the Anglican Communion for Divine Service by applying to the Purser.

Roman Catholic Mass is celebrated in the Lounge. An altar, portable kits, and complete facilities are available for celebrating Holy Mass. These are at the disposal of members of the Clergy by arrangement with the Purser.

Ocean Press News: The latest news and the closing prices of the various Exchanges, received by radio, are printed in this paper, which is published daily and distributed to Passengers without charge.

Ship's Orchestra:

The ship's orchestras are provided by and supervised by Meyer Davis.

Service Clubs: Rotarians, Kiwanians, Lions, and members of other Service organizations are invited to register their names at the Purser's Office so that they may have the opportunity of meeting with other members of their respective organizations aboard ship.

Ship's Time: The ship's clocks keep accurate seagoing time via a synchronous wired system that operates all the clocks and resets them by electrical impulses from master control.

Valuables: A safe is provided in the Purser's Office. Passengers may deposit money, jewelry, or other valuables for safekeeping per the terms of the passenger contract ticket. A receipt for articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser.

Important Notice to Passengers Regarding Safety at Sea

Please do not run on the ship; walk carefully when the deck is wet. Do not wear high heels or shoes with leather heels when playing deck games.

Do not smoke in bed. Ensure cigars, cigarette ends, and matches are extinguished and placed in proper receptacles. Do not throw these overboard, as they may be drawn into open portholes or ventilators.

Do not allow children to run or play unattended or sit or play on stairways. The United States Lines cannot permit using baby carriages and perambulators during the voyage.

Do not move about in darkened rooms; use the lighting facilities.

Do not remove safety hooks from the furniture.

Call the Room Steward or Bellboy to adjust portlights or deadlights.

Use the berth ladder to enter the upper beds. Make sure the ladder is securely placed.

Avoid holding on to the frames of open doors as the ship's movement may cause the door to shut on your hand or fingers.

Do not use electric irons or other appliances in staterooms. Please check with your Bedroom Steward before attempting to use the electric current for any except usual purposes.

The following precautions are essential when the ship is rolling or pitching:

Use the handrails in passageways, stairways, and bathrooms. Hold on to safety ropes, handrails, or secured furniture when crossing open foyers and passing through public rooms.

Do not stroll about the ship unnecessarily. Remain seated on furniture which is secured.

Brace yourself when sitting in a straight-backed chair.

If your chair should move in the Dining Room while at meals, hold on to the table—do not attempt to save table utensils or equipment.

Passengers should familiarize themselves with the Notice in their Staterooms regarding Emergency Station and Life Boat Numbers and participate in the Fire and Boat Drills.

New York Taxicabs

Note About New York Taxicabs, Driver Identification and License Plate Information, 1952.

Note About New York Taxicabs, Driver Identification and License Plate Information, 1952. GGA Image ID # 1d5876817d


Back Cover, United States Lines SS United States Tourist Class Passenger List - 25 September 1952.

Back Cover, United States Lines SS United States Tourist Class Passenger List - 25 September 1952. GGA Image ID # 1d5898ac2d


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