SS Leviathan Passenger List - 13 March 1928

Front Cover, Passenger List, United States Lines SS Leviathan, 13 March 1928

Front Cover, First and Second Class Passenger List for the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines, Departing 13 March 1928 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain H. A. Cunningham. GGA Image ID # 1e1f6b2ac9


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: H. A. Cunningham, Commander
  2. Staff Commander: A. M. Moore, U.S.N.R
  3. Chief Engineer: J. J. Fagan
  4. Chief Purser: J. G. Summitt
  5. Surgeon: Dr. Frank Stewart
  6. Chief Steward: Wm. J. Linn


First Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Fred Adams
  2. Mr. Fred W. Adams
  3. Mr. Henry S. Adams
  4. Mr. Joseph I. Adler
  5. Mr. Warren F. Andrews
  6. Mrs. Warren F. iVndrews
  7. Mr. Albert L. Arenberg
  8. Mrs. Albert L. Arenberg
  9. Mrs. J. L. Balderston
  10. Dr. Walter F. Barry
  11. Mr. Herbe de Belle
  12. Mr. Bernstein
  13. Mr. John T. Blake
  14. Mrs. John T. Blake
  15. Mrs. M. M. Blake
  16. Mr. D. Boukhowetzky
  17. Mrs. D. Boukhowetzky
  18. Mr. Fred Brenner
  19. Mr. Henry Brenner
  20. Mr. S. Brenner
  21. Mr. W. H. Brown
  22. Mrs. W. H. Brown
  23. Mr. Sam Buchner
  24. Mr. W. Irving Bullard
  25. Mrs. W. Irving Bullard
  26. Miss Charlotte F. Bullard
  27. Mr. Rufus T. Bush
  28. Mr. James R. Burke
  29. Mr. R. H. Cabell
  30. Mrs. R. H. Cabell
  31. Miss Helen Cannon
  32. Mr. Jacques Cohen
  33. Mrs. Jacques Cohen
  34. Mr. George N. Comfort
  35. Mrs. George N. Comfort
  36. Mr. J. Coumandaros
  37. Mrs. J. Coumandaros and maids
  38. Master G. Coumandaros
  39. Miss C. Coumandaros
  40. Hon. R. Dandurawd
  41. Mr. J. J. Danziger
  42. Mr. A. Darmos
  43. Mr. Manly P. Davis
  44. Mrs. Manly P. Davis
  45. Mr. Fred H. Dierks
  46. Mrs. Fred H. Dierks
  47. Master Fred M. Dierks
  48. Mr. F. F. Dodge
  49. Mrs. F. F. Dodge
  50. Mr. T. R. Donovan
  51. Mrs. Donovan
  52. Rev. Richard Dowd
  53. Mr. W. Dubilier
  54. Mrs. W. Dubilier
  55. Mr. Henry Eckstein
  56. Mrs. Frances I. Evans
  57. Mr. Isaac Felber
  58. Mr. Henry Felsenthal
  59. Miss Helena M. Field
  60. Mrs. Helen Fish
  61. Mr. Benedictos Freudenheim
  62. Mr. Robert Bruce Garrett
  63. Mrs. Jane K. Garvin
  64. Mr. Oscar H. Giesecke
  65. Mr. Max Goldman
  66. Mr. Benjamin F. Gradwohl
  67. Mrs. Benjamin F. Gradwohl
  68. Miss Adele Gradwohl
  69. Miss Patricia Gradwohl
  70. Miss Edith Green
  71. Mrs. L. Higgins
  72. Mr. A. Hind
  73. Mrs. A. Hind
  74. Mr. D. Hokin
  75. Mrs. D. Hokin
  76. Mr. Thomas J. Hoops
  77. Mr. William H. Hoops
  78. Mrs. Jeannette S. Jewell
  79. Bishop E. S. Johnson
  80. Mrs. E. S. Johnson
  81. Mr. Ben Kahn
  82. Mr. Stefan Katz
  83. Mr. A. C. King
  84. Mrs. A. C. King
  85. Mr. Oscar Kiriacesco
  86. Mr. Leo M. Klein
  87. Mrs. Leo M. Klein
  88. Mr. Leon Kobrin
  89. Mr. Henry Kraft
  90. Mr. Juan Kubies
  91. Mrs. Juan Kubies
  92. Mr. V. J. Lazovich
  93. Mrs. V. J. Lazovich
  94. Mr. Bernard Van Leer
  95. Mrs. Bernard Van Leer
  96. Mrs. Ernest Le Seure
  97. Mr. Harry J. Lesser
  98. Mr. Ira Levi
  99. Mr. Joseph Levin
  100. Mrs. Joseph Levin
  101. Mr. Albert Lewis
  102. Mr. Jacob Linsky
  103. Mr. Eldridge H. Lloyd
  104. Mrs. Ida Lloyd
  105. Madame Loeser
  106. Mr. W. T. Losen
  107. Mrs. W. T. Losen
  108. Mr. E. Lovering
  109. Mrs. E. Lovering
  110. Mr. G. F. Mackay
  111. Mr. Isidor Maggioros
  112. Mrs. Isidor Maggioros
  113. Mr. Charles Le Maire
  114. Mr. Leo A. Mans
  115. Mr. Milan Marjanovic
  116. Mr. Howard McCaddin
  117. Mrs. Howard McCaddin
  118. Mr. W. C. McConnell
  119. Mrs. W. C. McConnell
  120. Mr. Peter E. McDonald
  121. Mr. Jonce McGurk
  122. Mr. Allyn B. Mclntire
  123. Mrs. Allyn B. Mclntire
  124. Mr. Ivan Mestrovich and Valet
  125. Mr. John Muirhead
  126. Mrs. U. Murphy
  127. Miss Marie Murphy
  128. Mr. George N. Newcombe
  129. Mr. W. H. Nicholls
  130. Mr. P. Nicoletpoulos
  131. Mr. J. Nielan
  132. Mr. J. J. O’Brien and Valet
  133. Mrs. J. J. O’Brien
  134. Dr. S. Oppenheimer
  135. Mrs. S. Oppenheimer
  136. Mr. Karl A. Panthen
  137. Mrs. Karl A. Panthen
  138. Mr. Milton Pilalas
  139. Mrs. Milton Pilalas
  140. Mr. Fred Popper
  141. Mr. Jean Radesco
  142. Mr. Arnold Regent
  143. Mr. Walter J. Riley
  144. Miss Doris Rodmore
  145. Mrs. William R. Rose
  146. Mr. Edward H. Sankay
  147. Mrs. Henry H. Schuhmann
  148. Rev. John J. Scullen
  149. Mrs. A. Sherri
  150. Mrs. Ernest Sherry
  151. Dr. Harry H. Sobotka
  152. Mr. H. H. Stansbury
  153. Mrs. W. W. Stark
  154. Master J. E. Stark
  155. Master W. W. Stark
  156. Mr. Jules Stern
  157. Mrs. Jules Stern
  158. Mr. J. P. Stern
  159. Mr. Leopold Stern
  160. Mr. Max Stierwald
  161. Mrs. M. H. Stockberger
  162. Mr. Charles W. Stones
  163. Mrs. George J. Tansey
  164. Mr. Stanley Tausend
  165. Miss Tierney
  166. Mr. Gordon B. Todd
  167. Mrs. Gordon B. Todd
  168. Miss Elizabeth Todd
  169. Mr. Harry Vanta
  170. Mr. James H. Voziou
  171. Mr. George F. Wallace
  172. Mr. L. Waltke
  173. Mr. Rodman Wanamaker, Jr.
  174. Mrs. L. L. Warshaver
  175. Mr. George Webber
  176. Mrs. Webber
  177. Mr. Samuel M. Weil
  178. Mrs. Samuel M. Weil
  179. Mr. Benjamin Weinstein
  180. Mrs. Benjamin Weinstein
  181. Mr. Lewis K. Weinstein
  182. Mrs. Sarah Weinstock
  183. Mr. Michael Wellman
  184. Mr. Ned Welsh
  185. Mrs. Ned Welsh
  186. Mr. Desider Wigner
  187. Mr. Heman Witt
  188. Mrs. Heman Witt
  189. Mr. Irwin Witt
  190. Miss Eleanor Witt
  191. Miss Wolf
  192. Mr. I. A. Wyant
  193. Mr. George Zape
  194. Mrs. Clara Zeberbaum
  195. Mr. Zobel Mrs. Zobel


Second Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Harry Akamatis
  2. Mr. Melvin E. Anderson
  3. Mr. Jack Anusewitz
  4. Mr. Walter Arpad
  5. Mrs. Walter Arpad
  6. Mr. Vladislaw Balcius
  7. Major Peter H. Bancroft
  8. Mr. H. Bases
  9. Mrs. Ethel Bibergali
  10. Mr. Adolph Black
  11. Mr. J. Bouw
  12. Mr. Albert R. Bowen
  13. Mr. Robert B. Bowen
  14. Mrs. W. H. Bowman
  15. Mr. Joseph Breton
  16. Mr. Vaclav Brodsky
  17. Mrs. Vaclav Brodsky
  18. Master Vaclav Brodsky
  19. Miss Marie Brodsky
  20. Mr. Jankiel Bruchanski
  21. Mr. Eugene Budge
  22. Mr. Eliasz Budko
  23. Mr. Peter Bukal
  24. Mr. Foust Edward Button
  25. Mr. Alexso Cateff
  26. Mr. Myles V. Cave-Brown-Cave
  27. Mr. Pandelli Checho
  28. Mr. Horald Clark
  29. Dr. Joseph H. Crampton
  30. Mrs. Joseph H. Crampton
  31. Mr. Andreza Crnavich
  32. Mr. J. D. Curtis
  33. Mrs. J. D. Curtis
  34. Mr. L. E. Danielson
  35. Miss Josephine De Forrest
  36. Mr. Risto E. Dimitrijevich
  37. Mr. Rista Dodovich
  38. Mr. Juan Duenas
  39. Miss Emma Duenas
  40. Mr. Joseph Feinstein
  41. Mrs. Katerina Feisz
  42. Mr. Otto Fischer
  43. Mrs. Otto Fischer
  44. Master Richard Fischer
  45. Mr. Ernst Fischer
  46. Miss Marie Louise Foster
  47. Mr. Vandjel Frendovich
  48. Mr. Stuart A. Gallacher
  49. Mr. Joseph A. Griffith
  50. Mrs. Joseph A. Griffith
  51. Mrs. Srecka F. Gudac
  52. Miss Zdenka Gudac
  53. Mr. F. T. Haile
  54. Mrs. F. T. Haile
  55. Mr. Gordon Hand
  56. Mr. Johan Hansson
  57. Mrs. Johan Hansson
  58. Mr. Takvor Hatchadoorian
  59. Mrs. Takvor Hatchadoorian
  60. Miss Valeria Hazmuk
  61. Mr. Henry Herschog
  62. Mrs. Henry Herschog
  63. Mr. Henry Farquhar Homer
  64. Miss Anna Hornung
  65. Mrs. A. Hubian
  66. Mr. J. H. Israelson
  67. Mr. M. H. Jensen
  68. Mr. Charles John
  69. Mrs. Charles John
  70. Mr. John Johnson
  71. Mrs. Polan Jolan
  72. Mr. M. Kamenski
  73. Mr. Aron Karpovich
  74. Mrs. Elsa Kende
  75. Master Sandor Kende
  76. Mr. Bernard Kenny
  77. Mrs. Lalla Klastad
  78. Mr. Aloisy Klavs
  79. Mr. Ignacz Klein
  80. Mr. O. Kling
  81. Mrs. O. Kling
  82. Mr. Frank Koch
  83. Miss Katharina Koch
  84. Master Joseph Koch
  85. Miss Katharina Koch
  86. Mr. Woolf Koenigsberg
  87. Mr. Sam Korn
  88. Mr. Kotevich
  89. Mrs. Rosa Krautsak
  90. Miss Rosalia Krautsak
  91. Miss Mary Kresak
  92. Mrs. Vera Krupitsky
  93. Mr. R. Langbart
  94. Mrs. R. Langbart
  95. Mr. Isaac Leaf
  96. Mrs. Katherina Lob
  97. Mr. Franc Lovsin
  98. Mr. Maurice Lys
  99. Mrs. Maurice Lys
  100. Mr. Makary Malichuk
  101. Mr. John C. Manley
  102. Mrs. John E. Manley
  103. Miss Mary E. Manley
  104. Miss Susanna Manley
  105. Miss Annie Markowitch
  106. Mrs. Jovica Matosa
  107. Miss Anica Matosa
  108. Master Frank Matosa
  109. Mr. T. J. McCabe
  110. Miss Seaney Shaw Morrison
  111. Mr. Anthony Murphy
  112. Mr. Joseph P. Murphy
  113. Dr. Gustav T. Nordin
  114. Mrs. Rebecca Nyman
  115. Mrs. Tauba Okun
  116. Mr. Lars Petersen
  117. Mr. H. B. Peterson
  118. Mrs. H. B. Peterson
  119. Mr. Seth W. Pixton
  120. Mr. Harry Pulman
  121. Mr. Eliasz Rabinowicz
  122. Rabbi M. Rappaport
  123. Mrs. M. Rappaport
  124. Master Chaim A. Rappaport
  125. Mr. L. Rosen
  126. Mr. Leland Rowsell
  127. Mr. Charles Rubceck
  128. Miss Salomea Rubenstein
  129. Master Abraham Rubenstein
  130. Master Szyja Rubenstein
  131. Master Uszer Rubenstein
  132. Mrs. Barbara Schuckman
  133. Miss Vera Schuckman
  134. Mr. Michael P. Sebian
  135. Mr. Alex B. Selenius
  136. Mrs. Ada Shaw
  137. Miss Mary Shaw
  138. Mr. Rodney Shaw
  139. Mr. Otto Silberbusch
  140. Miss Cissie Singer
  141. Miss Della Smigiel
  142. Mr. Trajan Spirevich
  143. Rev. Mikordien Stajakovic
  144. Mr. Grey S. Staples
  145. Mr. Richard Taggessell
  146. Miss Hanna Temperli
  147. Mr. Lester Swainston Thomson
  148. Mr. Rulon F. Thomson
  149. Mrs. Mary A. Thomson
  150. Mr. Trendovich
  151. Mr. David Turkedtaub
  152. Mr. I. S. Turover
  153. Mr. Francis J. Wilson
  154. Mr. Adolph Zichermann
  155. Miss Sophie Zernova
  156. Mr. Moses Zwiebel


Information for Passengers

INFORMATION OFFICE.—This office, located amidships on " E ” deck, has been provided for the convenience of Passengers, and all inquiries for information of a general character should be made there.

PASSENGER DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE, located amidships B Deck, will give information concerning sailings and bookings on UNITED STATES LINES steamers. Sailing lists, rate sheets, cabin plans and other information will be cheerfully furnished. Reservations can be secured and deposits to cover will be received.

LETTERS, CABLES AND TELEGRAMS are received at the Information Office for dispatch. Cablegrams and telegrams should be handed in an hour before the arrival at any port of call.

None of the ship’s employees, other than those on duty in the Information Office, is authorized to accept letters, cables and telegrams for dispatch.

PASSENGERS' ADDRESSES.—Passengers’ addresses may be left at the Information Office in order that any letters, received after passengers have left the ship, may be forwarded.

Passengers may have Mail, Telegrams and Cables sent in care of any of the UNITED STATES LINES offices.

Letters for incoming passengers on the UNITED STATES LINES steamers are accepted for delivery in special bags made up in New York, Paris and London Offices, for distribution on board. Passengers will please call at the Information Office for them.

The PURSER’S Office is located amidships, on “ E ” deck.

The CHIEF STEWARD’S Office is located amidships, on “ F M deck, near entrance to main Dining Saloon.

HIGH SEAS MAIL.—United States Postage Stamps and rates are used when mailing letters, and such letters should be posted in the ship's letter box in the ordinary way.

The mail bag is closed a few hours previous to arrival. Full particulars can be obtained at the Information Office upon application.


Rates on letters to points in the United States, Canada and British Colonies, and to Great Britain and Ireland, two cents an ounce or fraction thereof.

Rates on letters to all other countries—five cents for the first ounce, and three cents for each additional ounce or fraction.

Rates on postal cards to all countries (except United States, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, and Panama, ij cent to each)—two cents each; on return or reply cards, four cents each.

Postage stamps can be purchased at Information Office.


EQUIPMENT.—The radio equipment of the " Leviathan ” is of the most modem R.C.A. type, manufactured especially for this ship, and embracing the latest improvements developed by the General Electric Company, the Western Electric Company and the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. It is the most powerful apparatus on any passenger ship afloat, capable of maintaining direct communication with land throughout the entire voyage.

SERVICE.—Radiograms may be filed at the radio office for anyone—anywhere—anytime. The words in radiograms are counted and charged for in the same manner as cablegrams.

Through the special long distance service made available by the Radio Corporation of America (RCNEWYORK), passengers can keep in close touch with business and personal affairs even though the ship is in mid-ocean.

SHIP TO SHORE.—Full information regarding rates to all points may be obtained at the radio office.

SHIP TO SHIP.—Radiograms are also accepted for passengers on other ships, for which the charge is 16c. per word.

OCEAN LETTERS.—Ocean letters, not to exceed 100 words each, may be filed for transmission to a ship proceeding in the opposite direction. Such messages are mailed to destination from the first port of call of the latter vessel. The charge is $1.20 for first twenty words and 4c. for each additional word.

SHORE TO SHIP.—Radiograms for passengers on the “ Leviathan " may be filed at any public telegraph office. Messages originating in the United States, addressed to passengers, need only be routed RCNEWYORK.

Example radiogram—

NEWS SERVICE.—The " Leviathan ” subscribes to the Chicago Tribune—RCA News Service, which is transmitted by the powerful radio station at Chatham, Mass. The daily dispatches, consisting of from 800 to 1,000 words of the world's latest news, results of sporting events, stock reports, etc., are received on board during the early morning hours and printed in the daily paper published and delivered to passengers.

RADIO TELEPHONE.—The “Leviathan” is equipped with a complete radio telephone transmitting and receiving outfit of the most modem duplex type. However, until other ships and shore stations are provided with similar apparatus, the telephone service is, of necessity, restricted.

DINING ROOMS.—Meals will be served at the following hours in the First Class Dining Saloon :—

  • BREAKFAST, from 7:30 am
  • LUNCHEON, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
  • DINNER, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

and in the Second Class Dining Saloon :—

  • BREAKFAST, 8.0 to 9:00 am
  • LUNCHEON, 12 NOON to 1.0 P.M
  • DINNER, 6.0 to 7.0 P.M

n.—Applications may be made to the Second Steward in advance, or on day of sailing on board the Steamer. The Second Steward's office is located on “ D " deck amidships, directly over Main Dining Room.

SMOKING.—Passengers are requested not to smoke in the Main Dining Saloon.

ORCHESTRA.—The vessel carries a first-class orchestra which will play daily at the under-mentioned times and places :

  • 1:00 pm to 2.0 pm, First Class Dining Room
  • 4.0 pm to 5.0 pm, First Class Social Hall
  • 7:00 pm to 8.0 pm, First Class Dining Room
  • 9.0 pm to Midnight, First Class Social Hall

DANCING.—Dancing in the Ball Room commences every evening at 9.0 o'clock; weather permitting.

DECK GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS.—Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard, Bull Board and other games are provided on deck. Deck Stewards will furnish them.

Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, etc., can be obtained on application to the Social Hall or Library Stewards.

SWIMMING POOL AND ELECTRIC BATHS.—The Swimming Pool is one of the leading features of the SS “ LEVIATHAN." The Pool will be open, without charge, for

  • Gentlemen from 6 to 9 a.m
  • Ladies from 9 to 12 NOON
  • Ladies, gentlemen and children from 12 noon to 7:00 pm

A fully equipped Electric Bath is located on Deck " G." Experienced attendants are in charge.
The Electric Baths will be available for ladies from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and for gentlemen from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, tickets being obtainable at the Purser’s Office at $1.25 each.

A GYMNASIUM, fully equipped with modern appliances, is located on Deck “ A " and is open for ladies, gentlemen and children, as follows :—

  • Gentlemen, 6:00 am to 9:00 am
  • Ladies, 10:00 am to 12 NOON
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, 12 NOON to 1:00 pm
  • Children, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, 3.30 pm to 7:00 pm

No charge is made for the use of the appliances.

BOOKS.—Books are obtainable from the Library on deck “ B ” by application to the Steward in charge.

DIVINE SERVICES.—On Sundays at hours to be announced on shipboard.

BARBER, HAIRDRESSER, AND MANICURIST.—The Barber's hours are from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, but for the general convenience of the greater number, passengers are requested not to apply for hair-cutting or shampooing except between the hours of Noon and 5:00 pm

The Barber’s Shop is located on “ F " deck forward of the Swimming Pool.

The following charges are authorized :—

  • Shaving $ .25
  • Face Massage $ .75
  • Haircutting 75
  • Scalp Massage 50
  • Shampoo, Plain 50
  • Tonic Dressing 25
  • Shampoo, Crude Oil 1.00
  • Manicure 1.00
  • Singeing $ .50

SPECIAL LADIES' DEPT, for the scientific care of hair, face and nails :—

The following charges are authorized:—

  • Shampoo, Special $2.00
  • Marcel Waving $1.50
  • Shampoo, Plain 1.00
  • Cutting and Singeing 1.50
  • Facial Treatment 2.00
  • Manicure 1.00
  • Water Waving $1.50

A CLOTHES CLEANING AND PRESSING ROOM is in charge of an expert attendant. A printed tariff of charges may be obtained at the Purser’s Office.

BOOTS AND SHOES will be cleaned if left outside stateroom door.

STENOGRAPHER.—An experienced stenographer is prepared to work for the convenience of passengers at the following charges :—

  • 5 cents per folio (72 words)
  • 2 cents per folio for Carbon copies
  • 30 cents minimum for a letter

Particulars can be obtained at the Purser's Office.

PHOTOGRAPHIC DARK ROOM.—A dark room fitted with all the necessary equipment has been installed for the use of passengers wishing to develop photographs during the voyage.

BANKING.—FOREIGN MONEY EXCHANGE.—The UNITED STATES LINES have arranged with the FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY to establish on board a branch bank, which is located on the port side, " E ” Deck, amidships.

Passengers wishing to exchange money, or transact other banking business, will receive every attention.

MEDICAL ATTENTION.—The Surgeon will be in his office for the treatment of passengers requiring his attention from 9.30 to 10:30 am, from 4 to 5:00 pm, and 8.30 to 9.30 pm His services are available at any hour in cases of urgency. In cases of illness originating on board or after the departure of the steamer no charge will be made for these services, and such medicines as are prescribed by the ship's Surgeon will be furnished without extra expense to the passenger.

In cases of illness not originating on board the Surgeon is permitted to make a nominal charge, subject to the approval of the commanding officer.

The purpose of the United States Lines is to make its service satisfactory to all passengers.

BERTHING OF PASSENGERS.—No changes can be made except officially by the Purser.

DECK CHAIRS AND RUGS may be hired for the voyage on application to the Deck Steward, rental $1.50 each.

PASSENGERS’ QUARTERS.—First Class Passengers are not allowed to enter Second or Third Class compartments or vice versa, as complications might arise under the Quarantine Regulations.

BAGGAGE.—Passengers are requested to check their baggage at the Baggage Master’s desk on the Pier before going aboard. It is recommended that Baggage be insured as the Company's liability is limited in accordance with Ticket. All inquiries regarding Baggage on board ship should be made at the Baggage Master's Office, located on “ E " Deck, amidships.

On disembarking, passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Customs Baggage Room, otherwise considerable delay and extra charge for carriage may be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers.

BAGGAGE ROOM.—All baggage not placed in cabins is stowed in the Baggage Room, where access can be had to it during the voyage if required.

VALUABLES.—The United States Lines are not responsible for theft of valuables or money kept in Staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company’s form.

The wardrobe in each Stateroom is equipped with private strong box, keys for which may be obtained from the Purser on payment of $2.00.

PAYMENTS.—Passengers should obtain a receipt from the Purser, on the Company’s form, for any additional passage money, excess baggage or freight charges, etc., paid on board.

PASSENGER ELEVATORS.—Four Modern elevators are provided for the convenience of Cabin passengers.

SUGGESTIONS AND COMPLAINTS.—Suggestions, complaints or criticisms of service or of personnel should be addressed to the General Manager, United States Lines, 45 Broadway, New York City.

NOTICE.—Passengers are warned that professional gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic steamers.

DOGS are shipped as freight, and are carried at the Owner’s risk. The Company’s charge is ^4 each, regardless of size. Arrangements for carrying the dogs should be made by communicating with the UNITED STATES LINES, or if this has not been done, the Purser should be notified.

AMERICAN CUSTOMS REGULATIONS.—On the Westbound trip, baggage will be subject to inspection on landing in America as on landing abroad.

A blank will be furnished aboard the steamer before landing which must be filled out, listing in detail every article obtained abroad. This list should be handed to the Purser and is known as your “ declaration."

An abstract of the applying U.S. Customs Regulations Law follows :—

Art. 352. Persons arriving from foreign countries.—Persons arriving from foreign countries are divided into two classes for customs purposes—first, residents of the United States returning from abroad, and, second, all other persons.

Art. 353. Residence.—The residence of a wife follows that of her husband, and the residence of a minor child follows that of its parents. Citizens of the United States, or persons who have formerly resided in the United States, shall be deemed to be residents thereof returning from abroad, within the meaning of the tariff act, unless satisfactory evidence is presented that they had given up their place of abode in this country and acquired an actual fixed place of abode in a foreign country.

Art. 354. Non-residents.—All persons not residents of the United States returning from abroad will be treated for customs purposes as non-residents, and are entitled to bring in free of duty all wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects, without limitation as to value, which were actually owned by them and in their possession abroad at the time of or prior to their departure from a foreign country which are necessary and proper for their wear and use, provided they are not intended for other persons or for sale.

Art. 355. Returning residents.—Residents of the United States returning from abroad may bring in free of duty :—

(a) Articles up to but not exceeding $100 in value acquired abroad for personal or household use, or as souvenirs or curios, if not intended for sale or purchased on commissions for other persons. Such articles purchased or agreed to be purchased abroad by returning residents may be admitted free notwithstanding they do not accompany the passenger.

(b) All wearing apparel, personal and household effects, and articles for personal use taken abroad by them, if not advanced in value or improved in condition while abroad. If such effects or articles be advanced in value or improved in condition while abroad by reason of repairs or cleaning further than that necessarily incident to their wear and use while abroad, or by remodeling or alterations, the cost or value of such repairs, cleaning, remodeling, or alterations is subject to duty, and must be declared. Such cost or value may, however, be included within the $100 exemption.

Art. 356. Each member of family entitled to exemption.— Each member of the family is entitled to the exemption of $100 for articles purchased abroad of the character described in paragraph 642 of the tariff act of October 3, 1913. When a husband and wife and minor and dependent children are traveling together the articles included within such exemption may be grouped and allowance made without regard to which member they belong.

Amended as follows :—

Par. 1695. Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States; but this exemption shall include only such articles as were actually owned by them and in their possession abroad at the time of or prior to their departure from a foreign country, and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons and are intended for such wear and use, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles intended for other persons or for sale; Provided, That all jewelry and similar articles of personal adornment having a value of $300 or more, brought in by a non-resident of the United States, shall, if sold within three years after the date of the arrival of such person in the United States, be liable to duty at the rate or rates in force at the time of such sale, to be paid by such person; Provided further, That in case of residents of the United States returning from abroad all wearing apparel, personal and household effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty; without regard to their value, upon their identity being established under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided further, That up to but not exceeding $100 in value of articles required abroad by such residents of the United States for personal or household use or as souvenirs or curios, but not bought on commission or intended for sale, shall be admitted free of duty.

RECOVERY OF U.S. HEAD TAX.—The United States Government imposes a *' head tax ’’ of $8.00 on all aliens. This tax can be recovered by passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within sixty days (the time prescribed by U.S. Law), and obtain from him Transit Certificate Form 514.

It is necessary for this Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passengers’ arrival in the United States.
Unless this regulation is complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.

ARRIVALS AT NEW YORK.—Passengers are landed at the Company’s pier No. 86, North River, foot of West 46th Street, New York, where transportation tickets can be purchased and baggage checked to any part of the United States or Canada. After landing, passengers should inquire at the desk on the wharf for letters and telegrams.

Should the steamer arrive at the pier after 8:00 pm, passengers may remain on board overnight and land after breakfast the following morning.

PUBLIC TELEPHONES.—Telephone service with booths and operators in attendance will be found on the pier at New York.

SPECIAL NOTICE. — Musicians are not authorized to solicit contributions.

HOTEL RESERVATION.—Owing to the fact that hotels in New York and other large cities are so often crowded, passengers are invited to take advantage of facilities offered by the United States Lines for reserving rooms in advance. Application should be made to the Information Office. No charge is made for this service.

The chief office of the UNITED STATES LINES is located at 45 Broadway, New York City, where the facilities afforded are based upon a thorough understanding of the requirements of the pleasure traveler and business man, and link with those of the branches throughout Europe, to provide all services in every department of Ocean Travel.

TIME ON SHIPBOARD.—Between New York and London there is a difference in time of five hours, and as the sun rises in the East, as we say, when the ship is going eastward she meets sunlight earlier each day and thus gains time. Exactly how much is computed each day at noon, and the ship’s clocks are immediately set at the correct time for that longitude. On a vessel which makes the crossings in five days the clocks will be set ahead each day approximately an hour; on slower ship, of course, less. Going westward the clock is set back daily in similar fashion.

On the voyage from Europe, owing to the alteration in time as the ship proceeds Westward, it is necessary to put the clock back every 24 hours. The alteration in time is made at about midnight, and the clock is usually put back 45 minutes on each occasion, the exact amount of time depending upon the distance the ship is estimated to make by noon the next day. During the first 24 hours, however, owing to the change from Mean Time to Apparent Time, the alteration is likely to be considerably more than 45 minutes, especially while Summer Time is in use.


  • New York Wharf to Ambrose Channel Lightship 23 miles
  • New York Wharf to Fire Island Lightship 53 miles
  • New York Wharf to Nantucket Lightship 215miles
  • New York to Cherbourg (Northern Track) 3,071 miles
  • New York to Cherbourg (Southern Track) 3,157 miles
  • New York to Cherbourg (Extra Southern Track) 3,189 miles
  • Southampton to Nab Tower 22 miles
  • Southampton to Hurst Point 19 1/2 miles
  • Southampton to Cherbourg (via Nab) 89 miles
  • Southampton to Cherbourg (via Solent) 82 1/2 miles
  • Cherbourg to Lizard 143 miles

KILOMETERS, KILOGRAMS and MILES.—“ Kilo " is the abbreviation of “ Kilogramme/' or kilogram, and a kilogramme is exactly 2*205 pounds. The “ kilometer," the French standard of distance measurement, and which is used generally on the Continent of Europe, is equal to 3,367*88 feet—approximately f of a mile. The metre, or meter, the nearest Continental measure to our yard, is 3*281 feet. A land mile measures 5,280 feet; a nautical or sea mile or “ knot" is 6,080 feet in length. The Continental standard of liquid measure is the " litre," which is equal to 1*76 pints.

PORT AND STARBOARD.—Starboard is the right side of the ship, looking forward. Port, the left side.

THE GULF STREAM.—By far the most important, as well as best known of the great ocean currents, derives its name from the Gulf of Mexico, out of which it flows between Cuba and the Bahamas on the one side and the Florida Keys on the other. In its narrowest portion the Gulf Stream is about fifty miles wide, and there it has a velocity at times of as much as five miles an hour.

Flowing in a north-easterly direction along the American coast, its current gradually widens and its velocity diminishes. Reaching the banks of Newfoundland it turns and sweeps across the Atlantic; then, dividing into two portions, it sends one arm down toward the Azores and the coast of Morocco, while the other passes near the shores of the British Isles and on to Norway.

As it emerges from the Gulf of Mexico, it has a temperature of 84 degrees in summer, higher than that of the ocean at the equator. Even by the time it has reached mid-Atlantic, it has not fallen more than 14 degrees. The effect of the Stream upon the climate of Great Britain and the north-west coast of Europe 4,000 miles away from the Gulf, is to raise the winter temperature about 30 degrees above what would be the normal temperature of those latitudes.


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