SS Leviathan Passenger List 25 July 1925
Front Cover, Students and Veterans Passenger List for the SS Leviathan of the United States Lines, Departing 25 July 1925 from New York for Southampton via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain Herbert Hartley, USNRF. GGA Image ID # 1e1bb5a158
Officially, this was the Souvenir Log for the United States Lines Students and Veterans Tour To Europe on the American Quadruple Screw Turbine SS Leviathan, 59,956 Tons. Voyage 28 Eastbound.
Contents of This Passenger List
- Contents
- Senior Officers and Staff
- List of Students and Veterans
- The SS Leviathan
- Message from the Captain to the Students
- The Students' Log Editorial Board
- Listening In by M.I.W
- Reminiscences by Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
- In The Wake of the News
- What Men On The Leviathan Like To Talk About
- What the Women on the Ship Like To Talk About
- Our Poets Corner
- The Night Before Cherbourg by Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
- Whither Bound by Thomas J. Keane
- My Fellow Passengers by Coila L. Start
- If Winter Comes by Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
- Society Jottings
- The Order of the Bath
- Ode to the Weather
- Famous Lines
- Concert Program
- Mid-Atlantic Olympic Games Sports Review
- Essay on The Gulf Stream
- What We Want To Know
- Our Limerick Contest
- Cross Word Puzzle Solution (Omitted from transcription)
- List of Successful Competitors
- Lost and Found
- Dining Room
- Revenge
- Frontispiece Inscription
- Autographs
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: Herbert Hartley, U. S. N. R. F., Commander
- Staff Commander: A. M. Moore, U. S. N. R. F
- Chief Engineer: J. J. Fagan
- Purser: J. G. Summitt
- Surgeon: Dr. G. B. Whitmore
- Chief Steward: W. J. Lynn
List of Students and Veterans
- Master Philip Abas
New York City - Mrs. Janet Abas
New York City - Miss Roselyn Abraham
New York City - Miss Lucy Aiconetti
Woodcliff, NJ - Mrs. Delfina Aimonetti
Woodclic, NJ - Mr. Aldo Aimonetti, Jr.
Woodcliff, NJ - Mr. Felix Aimonetti
Woodcliff, NJ - Mr. Aldo Aimonetti, Sr.
Woodcliff, NJ - Mr. David Applebaum
Newark, NJ - Miss Isabelle J. Armstrong
Jamaica, NY - Mrs. Eveline Ashman
Linwood, PA - Mr. George Bailly
New York City - Miss Anne Winifred Baker
Brooklyn, NY - Miss Lillian K. Baker
Bridgeport, CT - Miss Winifred Eileen Baker
Bridgeport, CT - Mr. W. Benj. Bamford
Trenton, NJ - Mr. Wm. M. Barber
Morristown, NJ - Mrs. Mary Barethy
Warren, Ohio - Miss Gertrude Barry
Newtonville, MA - Miss Veronica F. Barry
Newtonville, MA - Mr. J. E. Barry
Chicago, IL - Rev. L. S. Barton
Norman, OK - Mr. Herman Becleiter
New York City - Mrs. Mamie Bruce Bennett
Nashville, TN - Rev. Dr. Richard Heber Bennett
Nashville, TN - Rev. Walter E. Bentley
Port Washington, NY - Mr. Earl Bergh
Chicago, IL - Mr. George Bergman
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. Palmer S. Bethed
Hamlet, NC - Miss Sally Betts
Troy, NY - Mr. Wolf Biclowski
New York City - Miss Dorothy Bohn
Brooklyn, NY - Miss Dorris Bookman
New York City - Mr. Clarence N. Bowman
Csicago, IL - Mr. Edward Bowman
Boston, MA - Mr. William J. Brennan
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. C. Seanley Brown
Roland Park, MD - Mr. Ralph P. Brown
Washington, DC - Mrs. Ralph P. Brown
Washington, DC - Miss Genevieve Brunei
New York City - Mr. Paul H. Buch
Columbus, OH - Miss M. Jeannette Bueler
Columbus, OH - Dr. James Burgin
St. Louis, MO - Mr. E. Burgin
New York City - Dr. Walter T. Burke
Medford, MA - Miss Catherine Burke
Medford, MA - Mrs. Walter T. Burke
Medford, Mass - Mr. August Busch
New York City - Mrs. Dorothy Caliandro
West New York, NY - Rev. Anthony Caliandro
West New York, NJ - Miss Sue Campbell
Austin, TX - Mr. Jas. Cannon, Jr.
Washington, DC - Miss Marie Chaminaud
Washington, DC - Mrs. Ella M. Chandler
Daytona, FL - Mr. James Charbonnier
Oak Park, IL - Mr. Charles G. E. Chilton
Norwood, RI - Mrs. Charles G. E. Chilton
Norwood, RI - Miss Berthe Cocain
Chicago, IL - Mr. Edw. Collard
Brooklyn, NY - Miss Elizabeth J. Collin
Freeport, IL - Miss Grace C. Condit
Newark, NJ - Mr. Edward J. Cotter
Brooklyn, NY - Mrs. Mary Coughlin
Paterson, NJ - Miss Clara L. Creed
New York City - Mr. Ogden F. Crownson, Jr.
Burlington, NC - Miss Doris Cummings
Bayonne, NJ - Miss Anna C. Dali
Port Crane, NY - Mrs. Johanna E. Dali
Port Crane, NY - Miss Marie Davis
Detroit, MI - Mrs. Marie A. Davis
Detroit, MI - Mr. Bernard J. Diamond
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. David Diamond
New York City - Mr. David Diamond
New York City - Miss Anne S. Dillingham
Charleston, SC - Miss Agnes Doherty
Amherst, MA - Miss Mary Donovan
Boston, MA - Mr. C. Melvin Doolittle
Orange, NJ - Mr. Harold Doolittle
Pittsburgh, PA - Mrs. Marie Dowell
Detroit, MI - Mr. F. C. Downham
New York City - Mr. Harry Drood
Escaudba, MI - Miss Marcia Dunham
New York City - Miss Margaret Dunwoody
Tyndall, SD - Mr. William L. Elder
Des Moines, IA - Mrs. Lyde W. Elder
Des Moines, IA - Miss Edith Elliott
London, England - Miss Lucie Elliott
Newark, NJ - Miss Elvira Fantina
San Francisco, CA - Mrs. M. Fantina
San Francisco, CA - Mr. James H. Farrell
Brooklyn, NY - Miss Claire Fauteux
New York City - Mr Joseph A. Fernandez
New York City - Mrs. Joseph A. Fernandez
New York City - Mr. Arthur S. Field
Washington, DC - Lt. Col. Chas. H. Fillmore
New York City - Mr. Charles T. Flynn
Leonia, NJ - Mr. John W. Flynn
Oneonta, NY - Mrs. Myrtha W. Flynn
Oneonta, NY - Mr. William Forrest
Detroit, MI - Miss Marion French
Detroit, MI - Miss Muriel French
Detroit, MI - Mr. Ebenezer French
Detroit, MI - Mr. Raymond French
Detroit, MI - Mrs. Lillian French
Detroit, MI - Mrs. Virginia Fry
Rocky Point, NY - Mr. J. J. Garaghty
Portland, OR - Miss Ann Garrison
Austin, TX - Miss Norma Gettier
Orlando, FL - Miss Katherine Gillespie
Lonron, England - Mr. Robert Goldberg
Cleveland, OH - Mrs. Roselle Gould Goree
Austin, TX - Miss Camille Grapin
Pittsburgh, PA - Mr. Raymond W. Grayson
W. Hartford, CT - Mr. Eric Greenfield
Lafayette, Ind - Mr. Sydney Grimshaw
Providence, RI - Miss Hele V. Hailey
New York City - Mr. J. B. Hamilton
Jersey City, NJ - Mrs. J. B. Hamilton
Jersey City, NJ - Miss Virginia Harris
Memphis, TN - Miss Anna Held
Cincinnati, OH - Mr. Karl Hemkel
Perth Amboy, NJ - Miss Madeline Hewes
North Chatham, NY - Mr. Periy M. Hickcox
Malden, MA - Miss Grace F. Hindman
Washington, DC - Mrs. Phoebe Hodge
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. James Hoge
Chicago, IL - Mr. Frank Hulaid
New York Ciey - Mr. F. W. Huntington
New York City - Mr. Tom Hyland
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. E. A. Jacobi
New York City - Mrs. M. Jacobi
New York City - Mr. John S. Kellogg
Chicago, IL - Miss Aina Kelly
Cincinnati, OH - Mrs. Josephine P. Kelton
Washington, DC - Miss Helen V. Kennedy
New York City - Mr. Lansford F. King
Philadelphia, PA - Miss Rosalie Klausner
New York City - Mr. J. P. Klausner
New York City - Mrs, Minerva R. Knapp
Sewickley, PA - Mr. Emeric Koczo
Ozone Park, NY - Mrs. Emeric Koczo
Ozone Park, NY - Mr. Jules Gilmer Korner, Jr.
Washington, DC - Mr. Chester W. Kotsrean
St. Louis, MO - Mrs. Beatrice Kotsrean
St. Louis, MO - Miss Madeline Kraemer
New York City - Miss Katherine V. Kreley
New York City - Mr. Frank Krulish
Spring Valley, NY - Miss Elizabeth Lafferty
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. Hugh Lafferty
Brooklyn, NY - Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. Edwin Langkow
Seattle, WA - Mr. Alex Lastigson
Chicago, IL - Mr. L. J. Lee
Princeton, NJ - Mrs. Anne Lee
Ney York City - Mr. Theo Leix
Bay City, MI - Mrs. Theo Leix
Bay City, MI - Miss Rosalie Leutelier
New York City - Miss Katie Levenston
Mamaroneck, NY - Mr. Cosmo Ligorio
New York City - Mrs. Mary Linka
Academy, SD - Miss Kathleen Little
Austin, TX - Mr. Stuart Longworth
Philadelphia, PA - Mrs. Anne Longworth
Philadelphia, PA - Miss Elsie Lucak
Cleveland, OH - Mr. George Lucak
Cleveland, OH - Mr. Michael Lucak
Cleveland, OH - Mrs. Anna Lucak
Cleveland, OH - Mrs. A. A. MacGlashan
Kent, CT - Miss Eleanor H. Macgowan
New York City - Mr. Charles T. Maclary
Collingswood, NJ - Mr. J. Carleton MacNeil
Chicago, IL - Miss Maude F. Mann
Paterson, NJ - Miss Frances Martin
Columbus, OH - Miss Emilie M. Mathis
Washington, DC - Miss Rlby Matson
Washington, DC - Mr. Carl Matson
Washington, DC - Mrs. C. H. Matson
Washington, DC - Mr. Claude B. Maxfield
West Haven, CT - Mr. J. S. McCune
Columbus, OH - Mr. Bernard F. McLaughlin
- Miss Kathryn Dorothy McMahon
New York City - Miss Enid L. Melick
Amityville, NY - Mr. W. R. Meredith
London, England - Miss Jane G. Miller
Albany, NY - Mr. Ernest L. Miller
Albany, NY - Mr. Clarence A. Mills
Cincinnati, OH - Miss Dora Moltek
Chicago - Mrs. M. M. Morgan
Greensboro, Ga - Mr. Aid Morrow
Des Moines, IA - Mr. Joseph Mroczka
Philadelphia, PA - Mrs. Victoria Mroczka
Philadelphia, PA - Mr. Peter Muccus
Lamoni, IA - Miss Zita Mulhearn
Brooklyn, NY - Mrs. Charlotte Mulhearn
Brooklyn, NY - Miss Anna Murphy
New York City - Mr. Rudolph J. Nedved
Chicago, IL - Mrs. Elizabeth Kimball Nedved
Chicago, IL - Mrs. Sabine Noyes
Chicago, IL - Miss Genevieve May O’Brien
New York City - Miss Fannie A. O’Hear
Charleston, SC - Miss Mary L. O’Hear
Charleston, SC - Miss Roberta O’Hear
Charleston, SC - Miss Mary O’Reilly
New York City - Miss Geraldine OBrien
New York City - Mr. Andrew Olsos
New York City - Rev. Louis A. Parker
New York City - Miss Edith Perrine
Orange, NJ - Mr. Park Phipps
Chicago, IL - Miss Henrietta Prentiss
New York City - Dr. Raoul Provost
New Bedford, MA - Mr. Laurios Rasmussen
St. Louis, MO - Mrs. Alice Rasmussen
St. Louis, MO - Mr. N. H. Raymond
Chicago, IL - Mrs. Ruth Raymond
Chicago, IL - Mr. David F. Reilly
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. Harrison H. Remore
Chicago, IL - Master F. B. Reuter
Patras, Greece - Mr. F. B. Reuter
Patras, Greece - Mrs. E. R. Reuter
Patras, Greece - Mr. Joseph A. Richardson
Linwood, PA - Mrs. F. E. Richardson
London, England - Mr. Wm. A. Rose
Richmond, VA - Mrs. Wm. A. Rose
Richmond, VA - Mr. F. O. Rousset
New Orleans, La - Mrs. Kate Sammis
Brooklyn, NY - Mrs. Sarah Samuels
Chicago, IL - Dr. Clarence E. Sanders
Kansas City, MO - Mrs. Martha J. Sanders
Kansas City, MO - Mrs. Ethyl M. Sayers
Hamilton, OH - Rev. Frank G. Sayers
Hamilton, OH - Dr. Pierre Schmidt
Geneva, Switzerland - Mrs. Pierre Schmidt
Geneva, Switzerland - Mr. Gilbert C. Scoggin
Cleveland, OH - Mrs. G. C. Scoggin
Cleveland, OH - Mr. Joseph Silzernik
New York City - Mr. W, A. Slater
Fort Atkinson, WI - Miss Margaret J. M. Smith
Waterbury, CT - Mr, Walter F. Smith
Washington, DC - Mr. Harold L. Spates
South Norwalk, CT - Mr. Charles Spencer
Detroit, MI - Mr. Horace Spencer
Detroit, MI - Mr. James Spencer
Detroit, MI - Mrs. Ada Spencer
Detroit, MI - Mr. Rodney Starkweather
Evanston, IL - Miss Coila Start
Lake, MI - Miss Lillian Stevens
Macon, Ga - Mr. Charles Stevens
Washington, DC - Mrs. Charles Stevens
Washington, DC - Mrs. Emma S. Stevens
Philadelphia, PA - Miss Florence Stoker
Detroit, MI - Mr. George E. Stoker
Detroit, MI - Mr. James Stoker
Detroit, MI - Mrs. Mabel Stoker
Detroit, MI - Mr. Charles J. Stoker
Detroit, MI - Mr. Joseph W. Stone
College Park, MD - Mr. Herbert W. Sugarman
New York City - Mr. Hugh Sullivan
New York City - Mr. John L. Sullivan
Weehawken, NJ - Dr, J. G. Tilem
New York City - Mrs. Hettie Tillett
Atlantic Ocean - Mr. Bernard Toffler
Ilion, NY - Mr. Salvatore Trapanese
Waltham, MA - Miss Anna Tschudin
Union City, NJ - Mrs. Pauline Tschudin
Union City, NJ - Mr. Benjamin Van Riper
Boston, MA - Miss Rose Varga
Ozone Park, NY - Mr. Alexander Varga
Ozone Park, NY - Dr. Frank Vero
New York City - Mr. James Veronica
Chicago, IL - Mrs. Carrie Veronica
Chicago, IL - Mr. Walter von Nessen
Broklyn, NY - Mrs. Henry E. Walhey
Philadelphia, PA - Rev. Henry E. Walhey
Philadelphia, PA - Mrs. Lilly Warner
Detroit, MI - Mr. Edw. J. C. Wasmer
Floral Park, NJ - Mr. Clyde C. Webster
Richmond, VA - Dr. A. J. Weeks
Nashville, TN - Miss Agnes Weeks
Nashville, TN - Miss Maude Weeks
Lawton, OK - Mr. William Weeks
Lawton, OK - Mrs. Alice Maude Weeks
Lawton, OK - Mr. Friedrich Weidemann
Bay City, MI - Master Robert Weston
Hollywood, CA - Miss Lois Weston
Hollywood, CA - Mr. Joseph Weston
Hollywood, CA - Mrs. Joseph Weston
Hollywood, CA - Mr. Al. White, Jr.
Philadelphia, PA - Mr. Walter J. White
Philadelphia, PA - Dr. Jas. M. Whitfield
Richmond, VA - Dr. James M. Whitfield, Jr.
Richmond, VA - Miss Emma M. Whitfield
Richmond, PA - Mr. Adolps Wiche
Milwaukee, WI - Mrs. Annie Wiche
Milwaukee, WI - Mr. Flavel Williams
Paris, France - Mr. Maurice I. Winters
Brooklyn, NY - Mrs. Pearl Winters
Brooklyn, NY - Mr. Robert Woellnea
Chicago, IL - Mr. Tom Woodcock
Harrisburg, PA - Mr. Harry Woodring
Detroit, MI - Mr. William Wright
Toledo, OH - Mr. Clarence B. Wrigley
Philadelphia, PA - Mr. Leonard G. Yeuell
Wakefield, MA - Mr. J. A. Young
Detroit, MI - Mrs. Alice Young
Detroit, MI
The SS Leviathan
Pride of that empire whose ambitious mind
And tireless skill gave all to form a great
And fitting symbol of a mighty State,
Whose own home name to bear she was designed
When ruthless War with bloodlust madness blind,
Had slain Earth’s peace and flung this ship afar.
She found a home beneath the New World’s star,
And knew a flag whose folds to all mankind
Mean lofty power with Justice over all.
Now recreated for the iarts of peace,
Supreme in splendour, won by Freedom’s call,
She greets the world as war time passions cease;
And as the summer sunbeams on her fall
She bids us all from care to find release.
—Edward C. Plummer.
Message From The Captain
To My Student Passengers:
It j is with the deepest appreciation of having you as passengers that I welcome you aboard the “Leviathan”—“The Queen of the Sea.”
I sincerely hope and trust that your sojourn in Europe will be as pleasant as I believe you have found things on board this ocean greyhound.
It gives me happiness to know that such a thorough body of I Americans as my Student passengers are going to Europe to broaden their views on this world’s civilization and thereby, not only learn of the Old World but possibly also to appreciate our own country all the more.
I regret the inability to personally meet each and every one of you, as my many duties prevent this, but by this meams I wish to extend my heartiest welcome and best wishes for a most pleasant journey.
Herbert Hartley, U.S.N.R.F.
(Commanding Officer).
The Students’Log —Editorial Board— July 25th, 1925'
- Chairman: Anne Lee
- Features: Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
- Art Editors: Carol Casley Weston, Joseph Weston, Jos. Fernandez
- Associate Editors: Roselle Goree, Lillian Baker, Helen V. Hailey, Clara L. Creed, Raymond Grayson, Maurice Winters
- Chief Printer-Editor: Herbert Lloyd
- Souvenir Log printed and published on board SS Leviathan, at Sea
In introducing our “Souvenir Log” to you we take this opportunity of thanking Mrs. Anne Lee and her capable committee, who through their energy have made the publication of this booklet possible.
Special comment must be made, and our sincere appreciation offered to Mrs. Carol Weston, Mr. Joseph Fernandez and Mr. Joseph Weston, who as Art Editors certainly gave our Printers somethinig to think about. They are responsible for the cuts used in this issue, and considering that they are cut on linoleum, they certainly reflect great credit on the artists. —The Editor.
By M. I. W.
From the appearance of the Fire Drill on Monday afternoon, we should advise Commander Hartley to offer a prize to encourage greater speed-—a season ticket to the firemens’ ball would be appropriate.
An elderly lady at Table 23, Seat 9, insisted that the Steward have her eggs turned over, he did so with the aid of the galley men.
Miss Fantino wonders why they don’t put the flag out durinjg the daytime—perhaps, Commander Hartley refuses to see his flags get sunburned.
The crew were having a boxing match on Monday—they made an excellent showing in a hugging contest.
Mrs. 320 Lbs. was playing a heavy game this morning—swimming would be a better exercise for her and give her more chance to show her shape.
She—“Oh, oh, did you hear that the Captain says the ship is going to sink.”
He—“Keep quiet, why should you worry, the ship does not belong to you.”
“Miss Coila Start, Lake Michigan,” thus registered one of our passengers. Is she spoofing us?
Paging “Mr. Kelly Anna.”
The East met the West this afternoon when Miss Vera Fantino, of San Fran-cisco and George Bergman, of N. Y., met in the dining room—one hour later she played the piano, and he sang, “Yearn-ing Just For You.” The expression of their faces showed they sang with feeling de la coeur.
Mrs. Winters was playiug “All Alone” with the utmost sincerity when suddenly her husband came in she started playing, “Kiss Me Again,” by G. B.
“B.”—“Did you see the three whales this morning?”
“W.”—What the Prince of Wales,”
“C.”—“No, there were no horses around here.”
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt are always late for breakfast * * * it may be a repeated honeymoon.
Found! On “Students’ and Veterans’ Tour”—one college man, Gilbert Camp-bell Scoggin, Western Reserve University, Cleveland; and one veteran, J. J. Geragh- ty, U. S. A., Portland, Ore.
First prize for turning in the neatest card should go to Park Phipps, of Chicago. We think he must be a mechanical draftsman.
Notwithstanding his retirement from the ring, John L. Sullivan, of Weehawken, N. J., will take on all comers during the voyage.
Some people are accusing Mrs. Helen V. Kennedy of trying to put the Bronx on the map without resorting to Dayton’s tactics. She registers her address as Bronx, N. Y.
With “Camille” on board, can Miss Grapin, of Pittsburgh, tell us where to find Deburau?
Can Stuart Longworth, of Philadelphia, tell us whether the much-advertised infant, Paulina, has cut any teeth?
Ever since the chewing gum manufacturer invested $500 a night to entertain Times Square crowds with incandescent Swedish gymnasts, the name "Wrigley" has been one of note. We wonder whether Clarence B. Wrigley, of Philadelphia, is related to the man who has a new customer born every second.
The task set before me is a formidable one. It is to crowd within a small space, information which may guide some inexperienced traveler to places of European interest.
I have been called a globe trotter having traveled all through the United States including the National Parks, West Indies, British Columbia, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, France Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Belguim and all the British Isles 'from North to South! I have been afforded the delightful opportunity to decide on another trip and I again choose the Old World.
There is nothing like personal contact to create a sound sympathetic understanding with people of other nations in their own native land and study conditions, problems and difficulties under which they live.
From Cherbourg, last year. I proceeded to Paris, arriving at midnight, it was a fascinating experience for a first visit. Paris deserves its old title of “La Ville Lumiere.’’ It is vividly alert; full of life, laughter and interest and its people, among the most charming in the world.
At Ventimiglia the boundary between France and Italy our baggage passports apd vises were examined. Genoa we enjoyed, the city garlanded on one side, with flowery hills and on the other the open sea—the birthplace of Columbus. Pisa with its leaning tower and points of interest, then Rome, where one can realize the truth of the adage that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
Naples, the glorious, of which have been immortalized and visualized many thousands of admiring eyes. Its commanding position over miles of sparkling blue water, its varied green-colored wooded slopes and the eternal smoldering Versuvius.
Trains run hourly to Pompeii. Then the Lido, the fashionable bathing centre where we enjoyed our bath in the Adriatic Sea,—Milan, Italy, was our last stop in Italy, we entered Switzerland to Interlaken Jung from Meringen Basle, Lucerne, Strassburg, Switzerland, is beautiful and well worth visiting; no European trip is complete without its mountains, mineral springs and Alpine climate. Rotterdam with its little island of market women.
Amsterdam, the capital of Holland. Of all the districts of merry England that make clamant demand on the educated tourist is that of the Shakespeare country is filled with inspiration, education and for twenty miles about is filled with the- balm of Shakespeare association.
The Ann Hathaway Cottage is still standing. We stopped at the Red Horse Hotel, where Washington Irving wrote his Sketch Book—his chair is piously preserved there We arrived in London, "the great city with its crowds of people rushing to and fro, its River Thames and many more places of interest that one needs much time to see.
Its sweet to dream of Venice and its great to study Rome, but when it comes to living, there’s no place like home!
A Philadelphian on board is bemoaning the fact that he forgot his pipe. Well, if he were a real smoker he wouldn’t have. But being a Philadelphian, it is permiss- able to forget anything. Most people down there now have forgotten the last time the Athletics won a pen ant.
We have an M.D. with us from the University of Cincinnatti. He is doing research work on blood-clots, their whys and wherefores. When he gets to London he expects to show the Royal Medical Society what a first class blood-clot is supposed to do in America. The Doctor admits he does not practice, and according to his bunk-mate, neither does he preach—but he handles a wicked game of chess.
The wives of all humorists aboard the ship should have plenty of pun-money.
A gentleman from the Middle West, who has a ripe imagination, closes his eyes and imagines the broad expanses of the Atlantic to be western plains and the low hanging clouds on the horizon to the purple hills of the Ozarks or the Rockies or whatever they have out there.—Some imagination!—But wouldn’t it be funny to see Tom Mix come dashing out of the dust on Pinto, only to have him drown on dscovering the awful illusion?.
What is Anna Held’s most famous line? Someone suggested, “waist”; an-other person said, “neck and ankle.” Fortunately Anna Held came from Cin-cinnati to speak for herself.
The propellers of the cocky little launches stuck up aft, remind one of Solomon’s famous lilies of the field—“They toil not, neither do they spin”.
In order to conserve time for other pressing duties, and coincidently to allow any solicitude on the part of his many friends as to his health after his terrific mental strain of the past two days, the Third Class Deck Steward takes pleasure in announcing that things are progressing admirably, and that, unless something unforeseen occurs, all the deck chairs will be in their proper places numerically and correspondingly proper notation will be received in his book by Thursday evening, July 30.
One gentleman is dissatisfied because the Leviathan rides easier than a Pull-man. Says that he misses the continual bumps, the banging of attaching cars and the grinding of brakes,—People will travel on the Erie!.
Captain Hartley says the ship is yours, try and take it!
Mr. and Mrs.- F, eating on Table 2. are newly married and on their honeymoon,-watch them when they dance on Thursday evening,—ain’t love grand and graceful?.
Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
Oh I do hope this shower won’t keep up.
Mr. B, I hope it does keep up.
Miss Fantina traveling from good old California says the Leviathan is far better than the Mongolia Again Woolworth goods is compared to Tiffany.
- His level headedness
- His successful business methods
- His business rivals mistake
- His motor car acheivements
- His golf score
- His idea of religion
- His favorite foods
- His theory of running any large enterprise
- His contempt for some musicians and artists
- His politics
- His understanding of women
- His home brew recipes
- Her friends short comings
- Her clothes.—Her cooks
- Her social standing
- Her dislike of publicity
- Her intimate knowledge of the latest intellectual fad
- Her husband’s failure to understand her
- Her yearning for—what she doesn’t know —what?
- Her contempt of gossip
- Her children’s witticisms—cleverness
- Her understanding of men
Mrs. H-
T’is the night before Cherbourg,
Aboard the Le—vi—a—than,
The Chef offers dishes,
The best that he can.
The Stewards are wonders,
At guessing our wishes,
Giving us no excuses
For feeding the fishes.
The staterooms are ready with neatness and speed,
Supplying our every comfort and need.
The service is never guilty of taking a nap
The officers gallant in doffing their cap
It is pleasant to note,
That with common accord,
They are happy and courteous
To serve all aboard.
The time now approaches for service tips.
The passengers say, with a smile on
their lips
They deserve all they get, as a fee you’ll agree,
Bon Voyage to all, and to all Bon Nuit.
Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
Tall clipper ships with white sails Scudding before the wind Out to the wide, wide spaces Leaving the vast behind.
Tacking against the head winds Seeping before the gales.
Loafing ’round in the doll-drum,
With useless empty sails.
Whither Bound?
Mandalay or Galway Bay,
Rio or Amsterdam,
The Falleones or Fu Chow,
Cadiz or Old Siam,
The Virgin Isles or Venice,
Japan or Zuder Zee Pago, Pago, London,
Aden or Lin day Key.
Whither Bound?
Tall clipper ships with bare poles, Home—at the journeys’ end,
Snug in your peaceful harbors,
Wait what the fates portend,
Anon some salms are loosening,
And soon the gaps gape wide,
Now the last great timber floats,
Out on the ebbing tide.
Whither Bound?
—Thomas J. Keane
My fellow passenger, who is he? I know him not, nor does he know me; 7 Whence we came or whither we go, '
We ask each other, but ’tis little we know. x -
Little I know of the cares he leaves be-hind,
Or the joys of life he hopes to find; Nor does he know my cares nor pain
Of the pleasures and wealth I hope to gain.
He has a frown and he has .a jest.
But he tells me little of the urgent quest.
Though my place may be high and his may be low,
Each has his price to see the same show.
Though our station is made by the price we pay,
The same boat will carry us a week and a day.
So why not be friends while we’re traveling together?
We ride the same wave and stem the same weather.
Our ship is small stem, bow and beam.
And our path alike to each unseen; We are carried forward o’er the same „ .* tide
And- we trust the self-same pilot fof guide.
—Coil,a L. Start-.
Only a little while and you and I Will leave the springtime of our youth behind
Only a little while—dear, will you mind Walking with me down lanes, where red leaves fly,
Walking with me beneath the hazy sky Of autumn? Hoping that we too may find
A late forgotten rosebud, all entwined With dreams of some glad June that ha§ passed by!
The winter road—I wonder if we, too, Will find it lonely and a little sad? Remembering the precious springtime we had,
Remembering the happiness we knew, Will you see me in rainbow colors clad, Or will I just be old and gray to you?
Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
Chief Steward Salmon was seen arranging the front part of his hair—judging from the few strands he has, we presume it is a rather difficult task.
Mr, and Mrs. C. D, Stevens, Washington, D. C. Mr. Stevens is an architect for the Coast Guard. Mrs. Stevens is a translator for the Navy Department.
Genevieve O’Brien—plain Jane, sweet, beautiful.
Divine lovers are reading ,“Beau Gest.” How thrilling each looks into the others eyes and reads the allotted chapter. “Ain’t love grand!”
Mr. Ramore—they call him the Thomas Meighan of the Tourist Class.
Phoebe Hodge is a French interpreter, Oh, how we will need you Phoebe, dear.
Because Geraldine O’Brien’s beau looked like the King of Spain she changed last night to an African.
We call the Tourist Class the “Intellectuals.” If you don’t believe me, notice the literature they are reading, “Jazz Bride,” etc.
Miss O’Hear is the tailored flapper.
Mrs. Knapp and Mrs. Chenchellar have your table reservations been settled yet?
Mr. J. Carlton McNeill spends his time in the hands of valet. He is so neat.
Mr. Longworth, no relation to Nicholas, is reading “Drums.”
Dr. and Mrs. Burke from Boston. Culture, I should say so. Have you seen their lovely daughter? Just a wonderful girl with a twirl.
Rosalie Klaussner—the girl in pastelle shades.
The Steward just discovered that there are Americans on board in the Tourist Cabin. The ship newspaper has just been distributed for the first time.
Mrs. C. B. Wood, our grey-haired, bobbed-haired pal. The lady traveling with unlimited time wishes she had the same amount of money.
Misses F. M. and R. O’Hear and Miss A. Dillingham make a complete corporation with its seeretary-treasurer and stenographer, also a teacher and her
Did you- know that Rudolph Valentino spends most of his time arranging the chairs—The Deck Steward.
Have you seen the array of golf stockings on the fellows? Where’s the golf course? That’s not it at all. Just shapely, that’s all. There’s no golf course on the ocean.
J, A. Esepely. He can show you how to play any deck game and don’t mind one bit.
Miss A. Murphy. Have you seen her “Sou’ Wester.”
Miss Katherine Kieley. Willing to be thrust into service any time. A New York Health Department nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Weston with Babies Bob and Lois, all the way from Hollywood, Cal., by way of the Panama Canal. Mr. Weston is an architect and his wife is a landscape artist. We are indebted to them for many of the cuts used in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Weston are opening a studio in Chartres, France.
Ha! ha! we have spied you. Mr. and Mrs. Antony Caliandro, the honeymooners. Mrs. C. is a violinist. She plays for the radio over WRNY. Mr. Cosmos Ligori is traveliig with them. The fellows were raised together in Lece, Italy.
The Ship Surgeon. He has not been seen since Saturday in the Tourist Cabin. S’pose he feels relieved since Dr. Burke is here.
Lillian Baker is on the business staff of the “Log.” “At your old job again, Lillian.” New Rochelle College will surely miss you this year. Lillian has just graduated from the College of New Rochelle, N. Y.
All the flappers are excited. They understand Thomas Meighan is aboard.
Then there is Ann (Belle) Baker and all the kids are trying to imitate her.
All the flappers from the Touring Ten have beaus from all over the world. We call them the “League of Nations.”
Religion on Board—Oh, yes! we have a Methodist Bishop and several ministers.
People still hide the deep, dark secret purpose of their crossing “the pond,”
Mrs. Phoebe C. Hodge is crossing the ocean the fifth time to travel in Italy, France and Switzerland.
Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Elder, Des Moines, Iowa, will travel in France, England and Switzerland, probably also Ireland.
A. W. Morrow, Des Moines, Iowa, will travel in France, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Germany, England, Scotland, Jerusalem and Wales.
We recommend that you see Mr. James Burgin if you expect to ascend the Alps this summer. Mr. Burgin has been very successful in conducting parties and is very proficient in showing you how to use the mountain stick.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rose, of Richmond, Va. Oh, girls, some more honeymooners. Look in the corner of the top deck.
Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Raymond, Chicago, Mr. R. is going to visit his mother in Antwerp.
Thomas J. Killeen, shiek of the Ladies’ Lounge.
As secretary of the Board of Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Dr. R. H. Bennett, Nashville, Tenn., helps to formulate the policies of many prominent colleges and academies.
Prof. Eric Greenfield, of Romance Language Department, Purdue Univers-ity, will utilize his sabatical year to perfect his French and Spanish. He has en-rolled at Grenoble (France) and Madrid universities.
Helen V. Hailey, associate editor of the “Log,” is a senior in the Brooklyn Law School. Because of her executive ability, she was appointed, secretary of the Arthur H. Murphy Democratic Association of New York City and is known in Bronx County. Miss Hailey is conducting a party and is voted a regular fellow.
Mr. F. B. Reuter, successful in our Limerick Contest, is en route to Patras, Greece, where he will endeavor to en-courage the people of that country to study “Limericketus.”
Miss Elizabeth Collins is crossing for the tenth time. She saw quite a lot of service in the great war as a Red Cross nurse and was later assigned to the Red Cross Hospital and Clinic in the Balkans.
Among prominent New Yorkers with us is Lieut.-Col. C. H. Fillmore, who while in France will, with Congressman Sol Bloom, of New York, place a wreath on the grave of the Unknown Soldier at the are de Triuipph.
Dr. A. J. Weeks, of Nashville, Tenn., is going to Greece to make a special study of Near East Relief conditions in that country. His daughter, Miss Agnes Weeks, who accompanies him plans to attend the university at Leipsic for a year.
When the Rev. John W. Flynn, of Oneonta, N. Y., reaches France he plans to revisit the scenes he saw during* the war as Chaplain of the 16th Infantry, 1st Division.
Thomas J. Keane, Chicago, ensign of U. S. Fleet Naval Reserve, Acting Na-tional director of Sea Scouts of America, has just published the “Sea Scouts Manual.” A banker by profession, his avocation is to bring all the boys in America to the sea.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are teaing these days with Captain Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fernandez are South American honeymooners. Mr. F. is an architect and is going to Europe to sketch in water-color and pen and ink. He is contributing to the “Log.”
Rev. J. A. Richardson, Linwood, Pa., 77 years of age, our oldest passenger, is making his second visit in Europe in 40 years.
Dr. Walter F. Smith, Washington, D. C., is making a pleasure tour. This is his 5th trip. He plans to visit Belgium and Holland.
“Bill” Brennan, proofreader, with City Record (N. Y.), and “Eddie” Cotter from The Times, are en route a holiday in France and England. “Bill” assured “Eddie” that they would not starve in France because he could say corned beef and cabbage in the French language.
I sat in my steamer chair last night. Carried away with the moon in sight,
As if I were a fairy with magic wings, Sailing away to the land of Kings.
I watched the waves far out in the ocean, That might never break on the beach,
And my thoughts of human emotion. Could not find expression in speech.
Mrs. Hugh Lafferty
We believe it was Archimedes who made the bath tub famous, leaving to posterity (and the Bath Stewards) the task of keeping it so. Sunday one of them failed, thereby scoring a point for the common people.
Last Sunday afternoon one of the charming ladies of G Deck wished to avail herself the excellent bathing facilities afforded by Mr. Hartley and the rest of the Shipping Board. The lady in question was evidently quite ready for her ablutions when the Steward was not to be found. What to do? What to do?
Finally a possible solution presented itself in the person of the smartly, tailored youngster who delivers Radiograms. He met the lady somewhere in the labyrinth of corridors on F Deck and politely inquired, “Can I send a Radiogram for you, madam?” “Yes,” she answered with a touch of asperity, “you may send a Radiogram for the Bath Steward, he is not to be found around here,”
It is not known definitely whether or not the Radiogram was ever sent. At any rate, sometime after the lady had departed, indignent and unbathed, the bath steward appeared, looking as virtuous and naive as all the other stewards look.
When he learned of his passenger’s irritation at his expense, he is said to have made the comment that the lady must have thought she must bathe on Sunday in lieu of going to Church, for as everybody knows cleanliness is next to Godliness.
We start to play a game of “Grab It” It rains!
It’s getting to be quite a habit; It rains!
We shade our eyes to watch the sun,
Traverse the skies; before its done,
We take to cover on the run;
It rains!
The moon is trying hard to shine;
It rains!
Barometer is looking fine,
It rains!
It rains so oft, I take a chance
In putting on my new-pressed pants.
Dear God, I pray there’s sun in France!
No rain!
Will Miss Berthe Cocain, of Chicago, have any trouble with the Int’l narcotic laws?
- “Give me liberty or give me death.”
- The Hindenburg __________
- __________ otype.
- Clothes __________
- __________ of least resistance.
- The Stewards’ __________ when we want to change our steamer chair.
- United States __________
- The shortest distance between two points.
- Football __________
- The Logs’ __________
We have to hand it to the little youngster who in spite of requests, commands and even threats by Mr. Webster, still has nerve enough to tag at his heels and per- sistingly get in the way of the gigantic medicine ball.
Concert Committee
- Anthony Caliandro . Chairman
- Dorothy D. Caliandro Howard Bartle
Programme Part I
- 1 Selection—“American Medley” . .....— Virginia P. Fry
- 2 Reading—“The Launching of the Ship” Madeline Jacobi
- 3 Contralto Solo Constance Tillett
- a “Angel of My Heart” b “Roses of Piccardy”
- 4 Toe Dance ..........Winifred Baker
- 5 Violin Solo : Dorothy D. Caliandro
- a “The Old Refrain” .....Kreisler
- b “Tambourine” ...Rameau-Kreisler
- 6 Songs .. Lucille Dorward
Jester of the Court of Hohenzollern ....Frank G. Sayers
Part II
- 1 Piano Solo - H. J. Bartle
- a Fantasie Impromptu Chopin
- b Dance Tuba Dett
- 2 Baritone Solo - Hiram H. Tuttle
- Lolita Buzzi-Peccia
- 3 Piano Solo Agnes Weeks
- 4 Dance—“Spanish Tango” Mr. and Mrs. J. Fernandez
- 5 Readings from Shakespeare Rev. Walter E. Bentley
- 6 Violin Solo - Dorothy D. Caliandro Liebesfreud Kreisler
- 7 Baritone Solo ~ - - - Hiram H, Tuttle “The Gypsy Trail” Galloivay
Howard J. Bartle at the Piano STARS SPANGLED BANNER
Mid-Atlantic Olympic Games
Though the Sharks saved their sea-going reputation by winning the match box classic, showing that they have longer and more elastic noses than their opponents, the Whales swept them off the deck in the principal events of the mid-Atlantic Olympic games.
The down-and-back Cage-ball race was won by the Whales by a small margin; punch-and- guard and Pumchem were won more decisively by the victorious Whale team.
The reason for the difference in score was very obvious when individual events were played, the Whales seeming more active and less excited than their contenders.
Special mention is duel the energetic captains of the two teams, Miss Anne Wiche and Mrs. Elizabeth Nedved.
Points scored: Whales, 136; Sharks, 89. Medalists—
Whales: E. Nedved (Capt.); E. Sayers, M. Jacobi, N. Matson, M. French, R. Matson, C. Matson, D. Burgin, F. Huntington, E. Burgin.
Sharks—A. Wiche (Capt.), M. Fernan-dez, G. Lucak.
Essay On The Gulf Stream
The Gulf Stream from which Gulf Gasoline takes its name, rises somewhere off the coast of Florida, home of grapefruit realtors. Doubtless in haste to escape this unnecessary evil, the Stream pursues a northeasterly course eventually reach-ing Ireland.
Evidently fearing the wrath of the Irish Free State Government, who are so efficient in quelling uprisings, the Stream takes the bit between its teeth and disperses. Just where it disperses too is not generally known.
Presumably it slips underground and sneaks back to Florida by another route, but this can-not be definitely ascertained. Besides, who would want to?
No accurate essay on the Gulf Stream would be complete without mention of the glorious banks. In the first place they are not green, as are the banks of the Swanee. They are not black as are the banks of the Hudson.
They are not red as the banks of Russia, nor golden as are those of our United States, No, no, they are blue, a beautiful marine blue. Their slope is gradual, indeed it can scarcely be noticed.
Many beautiful fish swim in the Gulf Stream including whales, goldfish and filet de sole.
What We Want To Know
Why can’t the Leviathan reach England on Tuesday instead of Friday?.
Why wasn’t the Leviathan built to an even 1,000 feet long instead of 960 feet?.
Why didn’t the ship builder add 400 tons and make it even 60,000 tons?.
If the fish they serve in the Dining Room is caught during the Leviathan’s crossing?.
If they get fresh milk on the ship from the cows in the Baggage Room?.
Who ties the ship knots and what they chapge per hour?.
Why don’t the people who , pay $1.50 for a deck chair, take them with them?.
Why don’t the passengers eat their Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at the same time so that they save the poor stewards a lot of work?.
Who gives the ocean its permanent wave?
If all the ship meals are cooked in the Engine Room?.
If the life savers on the Leviathan are made of those candy peppermints we eat in New York?.
If the ship stops at night while the passengers are asleep?
A girl with a rather long neck Took a stroll on the Promenade deck, But she started yawning,
Got caught in the awning And chewed herself out of the wreck.
FIRST PRIZE won by Mr. F. B. Reuter, Patras, Greece
SECOND PRIZE won by Mr. Joseph J. Lovell And bit Captain Hartley by heck.
THIRD PRIZE won by Mr. Thomas J. Keane My God what a terrible wreck!
FAVORABLE COMMENT to Rev. F. G. Sayers ’Twas a sight for the opposite sex
Mr. Samantha Sawyer An amiable bigamist, Ewer,
Deciding his wives should be fewer,
In manner quite placid Dissolved two in acid,
And poured the poor things down the sewer.
SECOND PRIZE won by Mr. Jas. M. Whitfield Said a pretty young maid to her man We both need a good coat of tan, So forthwith they sped To church and were wed And sailed on the Leviathan.
THIRD PRIZE won by Mr. Thomas J. Keane A tourist asleep on a chair, Was dreaming and snoring for fair, He dreamt that the ship Took a jump and a flip And went soaring way up in the air!
FAVORABLE COMMENT to Mr. Charles G. E. Chilton A girl with cheeks all aglow Went forward to see the ship’s bow, Made her feel perturbed, But the sign, "Reserved” ‘Till the officer took her in tow.
- Mr. F. B. Reuter
- Miss Lillian Baker
- Mr. Jas. W. Hoge
- Dr. Jas. M. Whitfield
- Mrs. G. C. Scroggin
- Mr. M. Hewes
- H. E. Walhey
- Mr. Hugh Sullivan
- Mr. Chas. O. Stevens
LOST—Somewhere between decks B.V.D. a good 5 hour nap. finder will please return some underw(h)ere it may be used— liberal reward. Reply Box I.O.U.
LOST—Somewhere between N. Y. and the coast of Newfoundland, a lady’s hand bag, made of green-yellow-shredded wheat leather—containing ,a lip stick, some valuable face powder and a small bottle of scotch— reward— and no questions asked Reply, Box 60 lat. 49 long. - Neptune.
FOUND—A hair strand of bleached hair, evidently the property of a young man— Reply, Deck Steward.
Wife (as the sugar is being passed): “Use the tongs, William.”
Bill: “It ain’t hot, is it?”
He: “I love your eyes with their lustrous rays focused lovingly into mine.”
She: “Baloney; those are just words, nothing more.”
He (very much put out): “What did you expect them to be, sandwiches?”
I have a rival. He is the most persistent cuss. He avoids all my offers to a duel. At last I shall get even with him. He is dining with the Girl this evening and I have arranged the following menu:
Uncut Orange Thick Celery Soup in Cups Extra Large Crunchy Radishes Steamed Clams Com on the Cob Lobster Legs Squab on a Slippery Platter
Ice Cream with Extra Prickly Spun Sugar
“And may the best man win,” says I.
—Harvard La\ndon
Where did Dr. Anderson get that Leviathan appetite?
Judging by the number of people in the dining room at all meals, the doctors on board) are having ia real vacation, this trip.
Owners' Inscription
Passenger Autographs