SS Republic Passenger List 24 September 1926
Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List for the SS Republic of the United States Lines, Departing 24 September 1926 from Bremen to New York via Southampton, Cherbourg, and Cobh (Queenstown), Commanded by Captain A. B. Randall, USNRF. GGA Image ID # 1e58a51f1c
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: A. B. Randall, U. S. N. R. F., Commander
- Chief Officer: J. L. Beebe
- Chief Engineer: A. B. Styron
- Purser: J. E. Raymond
- Surgeon: H. D. Thomason
- Chief Steward: J. Vogl
List of Cabin Passengers
- Mrs. C. L. Abry
- Master Paul L. Abrv
- Mrs. H. W. Acason
- Miss Mary Acason
- Miss Barbara Acason
- Mr. Stuart R, Adams
- Mr. Andrew Albert
- Miss Josephine Albert
- Mr. C. L. Allen
- Mrs. Allen
- Miss Signe Alver
- Miss Olive Alver
- Mr. E. J. Amann
- Mrs. Amann
- Mrs. Annie H. Auld
- Mr. Fred Bach
- Mrs. Bach
- Miss Hildegard Bach
- Mrs. Ivy Bacon
- Miss Ida Bahn
- Mrs. Johanna M. Barber
- Master Hans Barber
- Miss Margaret Barber
- Mr. M. Barr
- Mrs. Barr
- Miss A. Barrett
- Miss Mary Baumgarten
- Mrs. Jesus Bayo
- Miss Helen Watson Beck
- Mr. Fritz Becker
- Mrs. Becker
- Mrs. Lena Bertich
- Miss Helen Bertich
- Mr. Teodoro Bertmann
- Mr. Carl Bettendorf
- Mrs. Ada M. Beury
- Miss Emma L. Beury
- Mrs. E. S. Blair
- Miss Martha Block
- Mrs. Susanna Blum
- Dr. A. Bockar
- Mrs. Bockar
- Mr. Johann Bodingbauer
- Miss Willa Bolton
- Miss Meta G. Borstelmann
- Miss Bridget Boylan
- Mrs. Laura Bradstreet
- Mrs. Rose H. Brammer
- Miss E. Brammer
- Miss Delia Brennan
- Miss M. Burke
- Miss Libbey Burnett
- Mr. Henry Buscher
- Mrs. Buscher
- Master John H. Buscher
- Mr. Chaim Buzewicz
- Mrs. Buzewicz
- Miss Catherine Byrne
- Mr. Dominica A. Cadden
- Rev. T. Calheany
- Miss Mary A. Callaghan
- Mr. George Carlson
- Mrs. Carlson
- Mr. P. Carroll
- Miss Mary Carroll
- Miss Eileen Cassidy
- Miss E. J. Christensen
- Miss L. H. Christensen
- Mrs. Emma B. Claussen
- Mr. Max Cohen
- Mrs. Cohen
- Mr. Edgar N. Cohn
- Mrs. Cohn
- Mr. Thomas E. Coleman
- Mrs. Coleman
- Captain Earl Comstock
- Mrs. Comstock
- Mrs. W. D. Conway
- Miss Emily L. Corner
- Mr. John Costello
- Mrs. Mary Costello
- Miss Monica Costello
- Mr. E. P. Costigan
- Mrs. Costigan
- Mrs. M. Cotter
- Mr. Wm. H. Cousins
- Miss Ruth Cowgill
- Mrs. Mary L. Cox
- Miss Ruth E. Cox
- Miss Emaline B. Cox
- Miss Annie M. Coyne
- Mr. Leo Cross
- Mrs. Cross
- Miss Johanna Cummins
- Mr. J. Danzig
- Mrs. Danzig
- Mr. John Dargis
- Mr. Povilas Dargis
- Mrs. Mary Wright Darling
- Rev. Francis Decnan
- Miss Kate Dengler
- Mr. Franklin M. Dessart
- Mr. Leo Deutsch
- Mr. Frank Devlin
- Mr. Joseph Dinges
- Mrs. Dinges
- Mr. Thomas J. Dingham
- Mr. H. B. Dirks
- Mrs. Dirks
- Miss Evelyn Dirks
- Mr. Louis Ditchik
- Mr. Ludvikas Domeika
- Miss Winifred Dowry
- Mrs. Percival Drayton
- Miss Caroline Drayton
- Miss Veronika Durst
- Mrs. Peter S. Duryee
- Miss Margaret R. Duryee
- Miss Julia Frances Eberling
- Miss E. J. Edwards
- Miss Eveline Ehrmann
- Miss Annie S. Ek
- Mr. Friedrich Engel
- Mrs. Henriette Castex Epstein
- Mrs. Caroline B. Epstein
- Mr. Rudolph G. Ernst
- Mrs. Ernst
- Miss Margerie Ernst
- Mr. William Esty
- Mrs. Esty
- Mr. Max Fabian
- Mr. George Feuerholz
- Mrs. Feuerholz
- Mr. Rudolf Fichtl
- Mrs. Fichtl
- Mr. Rudolf Fichtl, Jr.
- Mr. Carl Fischer
- Mr. Alexander Fischl
- Dr. Harry R. Fisher
- Mrs. Fisher
- Miss Mary Fitzgerald
- Miss Ellen Foiey
- Miss Mary Foley
- Miss Katherine Foss
- Mrs. Frances Fowler
- Mr. Patrick Fox
- Mr. J. A. Fraters
- Mrs. Fraters
- Miss Isabel Fraters
- Mrs. M. K. Freemann
- Miss Philippa Freytag
- Mrs. Barbara B. Frost
- Miss Barbara Frost
- Miss Marie Frost
- Miss Else Gaebler
- Miss F. Gallon
- Mr. Earl V. Gauger
- Mrs. Gauger
- Mr. Waldemar Giese
- Miss Agnes Giesecke
- Mr. J. Gilheany
- Mrs. Gilheany
- Miss Rose A. Gilheany
- Miss Bridget Gilheany
- Miss A. Gill
- Dr. A. J. Ginsberg
- Mr. Friedrich Glag
- Mrs. Mimi Govaerts
- Miss Marcelle Govaerts
- Mr. Marcus Haas
- Mrs. Martha Haell
- Miss Emma Hage
- Mr. Johann Hagi
- Mr. Emil Hald
- Mrs. Hald
- Mrs. Carrie Hamerslag
- Miss Ruth Hamerslag
- Master P. J. Harrington
- Mr. Spencer Haskell
- Mrs. Haskell
- Mrs. Stephanie Haslwatnter
- Miss Marie Haslwanter
- Mr. Ernest Hassel
- Mrs. Hassel
- Mr. Friedrich Hasselbeck
- Mrs. Hasselbeck
- Mrs. Lillie E. Havens
- Miss Mary Hayes
- Mrs. C. M. Hazen
- Miss Helen Heidner
- Mr. Martin Heins
- Mr. George Helbig
- Mrs. Minna Halpern-Heller
- Miss Jurin Heller
- Mrs. Josephine Herman
- Miss G. Hiller
- Mr. F. C. Hiavacek
- Mrs. Hiavacek
- Mr. Hugh Henle
- Miss Sarah M. Hereghan
- Mrs. Hanna Hirschfeld
- Miss Ella Hirschfeld
- Miss Alma Hoeper
- Mr. A. L. Hoffmann
- Mrs. Hoffmann
- Mr. Maurice Holley
- Mrs. Plolley
- Miss Holley
- Mr. E. Huchberger
- Mrs. Huchberger
- Mr. Patrick Hyland
- Mr. David Imlach
- Mrs. Adeline A. Jackson
- Mrs. Emiline M. Jackson
- Mrs. Annie Jennings
- Mr. John Joaquin
- Miss Dagny Elianore Jollefsen
- Miss Carhetta Jones
- Dr. E. Aage Jorgensen
- Mr. Max N. Justrich
- Mrs. Justrich
- Mrs. William Karl
- Dr. C. O. H. Kayser
- Mr. Joseph Kekuku
- Mrs. Kekuku
- Miss M. L. Kelly
- Mrs. Stella K. Kem
- Mrs. Sarah Kempner
- Mr. Juro Kermand
- Mrs. Kermand
- Miss Stefania Kermand
- Mr. Joseph Kermand
- Mr. William B. Kerr
- Mrs. Kerr
- Mr. Leon Kimberley
- Mrs. Kimberley
- Mrs. Emma Klune
- Mr. Sidney E. Knight
- Prof. Ernest Knoch
- Mr. Leon Kobrin
- Mr. Chris. Kochlen
- Mrs. Kochlen
- Mrs. Anna Koplik
- Miss E. Kopp
- Dr. Dushan Koski
- Miss Emma Krebs
- Mr. Leopold Kressin
- Mrs. Kressin
- Mr. Julian H. Krotchner
- Mrs. Krotchner
- Miss Dorothy Krotchner
- Mrs. Frida Kuehnken
- Mrs. Nathalie Kulboko
- Mrs. Frederick R. Lack
- Miss Harriet Abbe Lack
- Mrs. Rosine Larigenegger
- Dr. Otto Laporte
- Dr. Frederick W. Lester
- Mrs. Lester
- Mr. Georg Leucht
- Mrs. C. H. Lewis
- Miss Virginia Lewis
- Mrs. F. W. Lipman
- Miss R. Lorentzen
- Mr. Philip Lugo
- Mrs. S. Lustgarten
- Miss Ruth Lustgarten
- Master Edgar Lustgarten
- Mr. John Mandler
- Mr. Ludwig E. Manoly
- Mrs. Manoly
- Mr. George Marek
- Mrs. Marek
- Mr. Michael Markham
- Miss E. Martin
- Mr. E. L. Martin
- Mrs. Martin
- Mr. Patrick Masterson
- Mr. John Mayer
- Mrs. Catherine Me Cabe
- Mr. Michael J. Me Cabe
- Mr. Thomas Me Cann
- Mr. M. Me Carthy
- Mrs. Catherine Me Carthy
- Mr. T. B. McClelland
- Mrs. Me Clelland
- Mrs. Mary Me Conville
- Miss Kathleen Me Conville
- Miss Mary Me Conville
- Miss Isabella Me Conville
- Master P. Me Conville
- Mr. Thomas M. Me Kiernan
- Mrs. Sarah Me Meekin
- Miss Elizabeth Me Meekin
- Mrs. Elizabeth McNamara
- Miss Annie Me Phillips
- Mrs. E. D. Me Sweeney
- Miss Nora Me Sweeney
- Lieut.-Colonel M. T. Me Taggart
- Mr. Meachan
- Mrs. Meachan and child
- Mrs. Lucius Meecham
- Mr. Josef Meschede
- Mr. John Meyer
- Mrs. Meyer
- Master John Meyer
- Mrs. Else Meyer
- Mrs. Augustus Meyers
- Miss Bessie M. Meyers
- Miss Aloisie Michalkova
- Mrs. Clara Mills
- Miss Dorothee Mills
- Mrs. Pauline Miscovici
- Master Marcel Miscovici
- Master George Miscovici
- Mr. Peter Molitor
- Mrs. Molitor
- Miss E. C. Money
- Miss Ellen Moran
- Master Paul Moran
- Miss Leily Morse
- Mrs. Anna Muller
- Miss Anna Muller
- Mrs. Rosa M. Muller
- Miss Mary J. Murphy
- Mr. W. J. Myers
- Mrs. Myers
- Miss Mary Neill
- Mr. Joseph Wm. Newton
- Mrs. Newton
- Miss Helen Newton
- Mrs. Catherine Nowak
- The Rt. Rev. John L. Nuelson
- Miss Mary Oberhoffer
- Miss E. O’Brien
- Mr. Charles A. O’Connor
- Miss Anne O’Leary
- Mr. M. V. O’Reilly
- Miss O. O’Reilly
- Miss Frideswede O’Reilly
- Miss Bridget O’Sullivan
- Mrs. Katharina Patka
- Mrs. Nellie Paul
- Mr. S. J. Payne
- Mrs. Margaret Pearse
- Miss Margaret M. Pearse
- Mr. Sediey Peck
- Mrs. Peck
- Miss Jane feck
- Mrs. Elizabeth E. Peel
- Master John W. Peel
- Miss Fannie Y. Phillips
- Miss G. L. Phillips
- Miss Henriette Phillips
- Miss Grace Phillips
- Mr. Robert Pinchart
- Dr. Vincent Pisek
- Mrs. Martha M. Pitcairn
- Miss Roberta Pitcairn
- Mr. C. C. Platt
- Mrs. Platt
- Mrs. John Pohl
- Miss Gertrude Quinn
- Miss L. Reynolds
- Mr. E. B. Reynolds
- Mr. Clarence Reed
- Mrs. Reed
- Miss Evelyn Reilley
- Mr. William Rice
- Mrs. Winifred Rice
- Mrs. Thomas K. Richards
- Miss Paula Riesenfeld
- Mr. Paul Rohloff
- Mrs. St. Goar-Rosenthal
- Mr. Willy Rosenthal
- Mrs. Elisabeth Rothwell
- Mr. George E. Russell
- Miss C. Russell
- Mr. John Sancken
- Mrs. Sancken
- Rev. Edmund J. Scanlan
- Miss A. Scasny
- Mr. Henry Schaettgau
- Mrs. Schaettgau
- Mr. Erich B. Schindelmeisser
- Mr. F. W. Schindelmeisser
- Mrs. Schindelmeisser
- Miss Evelyn Schindelmeisser
- Mr. W. Schlaepfer
- Miss Frida Schlager
- Miss Katharina Schmidt
- Mr. Herbert Schnadelbach
- Miss Annie R. Schneider
- Mr. Wm. Schneider
- Mrs. Schneider
- Miss E. Schultz
- Mr. Carl Schuster
- Mrs. Schuster
- Mrs. A. Schworer
- Mr. Merle Scott
- Mrs. Scott
- Miss Betty Scott
- Miss Nanette Scott
- Miss Ellen T. Scully
- Mr. Frederick G. Seib
- Mrs. Seib
- Miss Vera Seib
- Master Frederick Seib
- Mr. William Shedlow
- Mrs. Shedlow
- Mrs. R. E. Shiras
- Dr. S. Z. Shope
- Mrs. Shope
- Mr. Adam Sieb
- Mrs. Sieb
- Mr. Heinrich Sieb
- Miss Mathilde Sieb
- Mr. Juozas Silinis
- Mrs. Robert Simpson
- Mr. H. H. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Dr. C. Henry Smith
- Mr. F. N. Smithmeyer
- Mrs. Smithmeyer
- Miss Helen F. Snyder
- Mrs. O. Sonneborn
- Mrs. Minnie Spiegel
- Mrs. Hannah M. Sporborg
- Miss K. Stachovski
- Mr. H. Steinbrunn
- Mrs. Steinbrunn
- Mr. Ludvik Stetka
- Mr. Charles Strassburger
- Mrs. Strassburger
- Miss Margaret Strassburger
- Miss Else Tanke
- Mr. D. M. Thorne
- Mrs. R. Tiedemann
- Miss Esther Tiedemann
- Mrs. Anna Tielsort
- Miss Bridget Tobin
- Mr. Edward L. Torbert
- Miss Dora M. Townsend
- Miss Delia Tuohy
- Mr. Guy P. Turnbull
- Mrs. Turnbull
- Mr. Vladimir Vasa
- Mr. John Viebrock
- Mrs. Viebrock
- Mrs. Feiga L. Voeller
- Mr. Robert J. Voss
- Mrs. Isabelle K. Walker
- Dr. C. V. Ward
- Mrs. Ward
- Master C. V. Ward, Jr.
- Master G. T. Ward
- Mr. Erwin Weber
- Mrs. Weber
- Mr. William Weber
- Mrs. Weber
- Miss Marie Louise Weber
- Miss Joy L. Webster
- Mr. Erich Weisman
- Mrs. Weisman
- Miss Sherley Weisman
- Mr. R. Wells
- Mrs. Wells
- Miss Mary L. Whitall
- Mrs. Fitzhugh White
- Miss Mary Williams
- Miss E. Wilshire
- Miss C. E. Wilson
- Mrs. Jack Wilson
- Miss C. M. Wilson
- Mr. William D. Whitehead
- Mrs, Anna Whiting
- Mrs. E. H. Witt
- Miss Louisa Witt
- Miss Myra Witt
- Miss Marion Woodley
- Mr. L. Wolleman
- Mrs. Wolleman
- Rev. Richard Wright
- Mrs. Wright
- Mrs. Herbert J. Wright
- Mr. Henry Wright
- Mrs. Wright
- Miss Marion Wright
- Miss B. Wright
- Miss Emilia Yesko
- Mrs. Elizabeth C. Young
- Miss H. Rosemary Young
- Mr. James Zahrobsky
- Mr. Franz Zahrobsky
- Mrs. Zahrobsky
- Miss Rosa Zahrobsky
- Master Frank Zahrobsky
- Mrs. M. B. Ziegler
- Miss Elizabeth Ziesmer
- Miss Margaret Ziesmer
- Mr. Raymond Ziesmer
- Mrs. Ziesmer
- Master Raymond Ziesmer Jr.
- Mrs. Riwka Zuckerman
- Miss Chana Zuckerman
- Mr. Majer Zuckerman
- Mr. David Zuckerman
- Mr. Wigdor Zuckerman
- Mr. Carl Zwinger
To Southampton:
- Mr. Adolf Hirschmann
- Mr. Herbert Jaenichen
To Queenstown:
- Mr. T. J. Delahunty
- Mr. Langhlin
- Mr. Michael J. Murray
- Mr. D. Tuomy
Information For Passengers
Hours for Meals are posted at the Office of Chief Steward on the Steamer
Divine Service in the Social Hall on Sunday at 10:30 am
This office has been provided for the convenience of Passengers. All inquiries for information should be made at the office.
Passengers are requested to ask for a receipt on the Lines Form for any additional Passage Money or Freight paid on board.
Letters, Cables and Telegrams are received at the Information Bureau for despatch, also all Mails will be distributed there. Cablegrams and Telegrams should be handed in an hour before the arrival at any port of call.
Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before disembarking, as mail for passengers is brought on board by a special courier.
Passengers’ Addresses may be left at the Information Bureau in order that any letters >sent to the care of the Lines may be forwaded.
None of the ship's staff, other than those on duty in the Information Bureau, is authorized to accept letters, cables or telegrams for despatch.
The long range wireless equipment permits of the vessel communicating with the shore from any point during the trip to or from New York. Passengers desiring to send messages will consult the operator for rates.
Ocean Letters are accepted on board for transmission by Wireless to a vessel bound in an opposite direction, They will be forwarded to destination by registered mail from first port of call after reception, A charge of $1.20, including postage, is made for twenty words and four cents for each additional word. The maximum Ocean Letter is 100 words,
Passengers should arrange with the Chief Steward for seats at table.
Passengers are requested not to smoke in the Dining Saloon and Social Hall.
Contributions that passengers desire to make at Concerts or on other occasions, should be delivered to the Purser, who will make public announcement of the total amount collected, giving a receipt for the information of all passengers.
The total amount collected will be distributed by the Management of the United States Lines to the following charitable institutions:
- Seamen's Charities in New York;
- Seamen's Charities at terminal ports in Europe at which our steamers call;
- The Actors’ Fund of the United States
No requests for contributions for musicians or other employees on the steamers will be made.
These may be hired at $1.50 each for the voyage on application to the deck steward.
The Surgeon is always at the disposal of those passengers requiring his services, In case of illnes originating on board, or after the departure of the steamer, no charge will be made for these services, and such medicines as are prescribed by the Ship’s Surgeon will be furnished without expense to the passengers. In cases of illness, not originating on board, the Surgeon is permitted to make the following charges:
- For office visits, $1.00 per visit
- For state-room visits $2.00 per visit, with a maximum charge of $4,00 per day
If the passengers consider that the charges made by the Surgeon for such services as he renders are improper or excessive, they are requested, before paying same, to take up the question with the Commander, and the bill will be either adjusted to a basis that will be satisfactory to the passenger or withdrawn. The purpose of the United States Lines is to make its service satisfactory to all passengers.
On disembarking, passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Custom-Office, otherwise considerable delay and extra charge for carriage may be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passenger on the railway. Passengers are requested to pack only steamer trunks for their staterooms, as it is not always possible to put larger trunks in rooms.
It is recommended that passengers insure their baggage, as the Lines' liability is strictly limited in accordance with contract ticket. Baggage insurance can be arranged at any of the Lines’ offices.
Westbound passengers can arrange with the LInited States Lines’ offices in Europe for collection of baggage from hotel or residence and have such baggage placed aboard steamers at Southampton or Cherbourg. Arrangements have been made to have bagagge stored at Paris, London or Bremen and placed aboard steamer for passengers embarking at other ports.
The purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of money at rates which will be advised on application. A receipt covering each transaction will be given.
The United States Lines has provided a safe in the office of the Purser, in which passengers may deposit money, jewels, or ornaments for safe keeping. The Lines will not be liable to passengers for the loss of money, jewels, or ornaments by theft or otherwise, left in baggage in staterooms, or carried on the person.
The United States Lines has placed on board its vessels American Express checks which may be secured from the Purser on application.
Pursers of the United States Lines can book your return passage. Sailing lists, rate sheets, cabin plans and other information will be furnished upon application at the Purser’s Office. Tickets can be secured or deposits to secure reservations can be made. The Purser will procure by radio, without charge to the passenger, reservations or any information necessary.
Bookings can also be made through the agencies of the United States Lines in all principal cities of the United States and Canada. Reservations, especially during the Summer months, should be made, if possible, several weeks in advance.
On arrival in New York your baggage will be subject to the same inspection on landing as on landing abroad, American Citizenship does not permit you to bring dutiable goods into the country without paying duty.
A blank will be furnished you aboard the steamer before landing. This must be filled out, listing in detail every article you obtained abroad which you are bringing home. A 25 cent revenue stamp must be affixed to the declaration. Stamps may be purchased from Purser. The list is then given the ship's purser.
This list is called your "declaration" and should include all wearing apparel, jewelry and other articles, whether worn or not, carried on your person, in your clothing, or in your baggage. These items must give their cost or value abroad and whether they were bought or given to you. Also jewelry and wearing apparel, taken out of the United States and remodeled abroad, must be listed with the cost of remodeling. Residents of the United States are allowed to bring into the United States $100.00 worth of personal effects bought abroad free of duty, in addition to all wearing apparel taken from the United States on sailing.
This Tax can be recovered by passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform the U. S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within sixty days (the time prescribed by U. S. Law), and obtain from him Transit Certificate Form 514,
It is also necessary for this Transit Certificate Form 514 to be turned over to the Steamship Line when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passenger’s arrival in the United States.
Unless this regulation is complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.
Suggestions, complaints or criticisms of service or of personnel should be addressed to the General Managers United States Lines, 45 Broadway, New York City.
Latitude means ’’distance north or south of the equator”, and longitude means distance from the Meridian at Greenwich — near London. Both are recorded in degrees, minutes and seconds. At the Equator a minute of longitude is equal to a nautical mile, but as the meridians converge after leaving the equator, meeting at the Poles, the size of a degree becomes less. Sailing eastward a ship moves against the revolution of the earth, thus her course makes her gain time, while if she were sailing to the westward with the movement of the earth she would lengthen her time.
Between New York and London there is a difference in time of five hours, and as the sun rises in the East, as we say, when the ship is going eastward she meets sunlight earlier each day and thus gains time. Exactly how much is computed each day at noon, and the ship's clocks are immediately set at the correct time for that longitude. On a vessel which makes the crossing in five days the clocks will be set ahead each day approximately an hour; on slower ships, of course, less. Going westward the clock is set back daily in similar fashion,
Time on board is marked by bells, the ship's bell being sounded in single and double strikes
Transatlantic steamships follow certain lanes or tracks, unless prevented from so doing by stress of weather, or work of rescue or relief or other unforeseen circumstances. From August 24 to January 14 a vessel going eastward follows the short track, and from January 15 to August 23 the long. Going west the short track is followed from August 15 to January 14, and the long from January 15 to August 14. Following these lanes makes for safety and enables vessels better to meet the exigencies of weather conditions. Some of the Atlantic distances (short track} are as follows:
sea Miles
New York to Cobh (Queenstown) 2876
New York to Plymouth 2991
New York to Southampton........ 3122
New York to Cherbourg ........ 3071
New York to London . a . . . 3341
Sandy Hook to Bremerhaven ........ 3558
New York Pier to Bremerhaven 3582
Nantucket Lightship to Fastnet ...... 2659
New York to Ambrose Lightship * 22
Ambrose Lightship to Nantucket Lightship . . 193
Plymouth to Bremerhaven ........ 528
Cherbourg to Nab Lightship ....... 66
Nab Lightship to Southampton 24
Cherbourg to Lizard’s Point 143
Cherbourg to Bremerhaven 53$
Southampton to Cherbourg 89
Southampton to Bremen 458
Bishop's Rock to Lizard’s Point 49
Bishop's Rock to Plymouth 98
Bishop's Rock to Cherbourg * . 190
Bishop's Rock to Southampton Docks .... 215
Bishop's Rock to Bremen 683
It is possible to determine by sound how far distant a passing ship is if she blows her whistle or, in case of a warship, if she fires a gun. If the steam from a vessel s whistle is seen and ten seconds elapse before the sound is heard, she is just 21/10 miles off. If one second elapses, she is distant slightly more than one-fifth of a mile; if five seconds, a little more than one mile; if twenty seconds, 4% miles,
Formerly the two sides of a ship were called "Starboard'* and "larboard", the two prefixes being derived from old Anglo-Saxon words meaning, respectively "loading" and "rudder", and the word "board" meaning side. The term "Larboard" has given place to the word "Port". To "port the helm" carries a vessel to starboard, and to "starboard the helm" carries her to port. The French equivalent for port is "Babord", and starboard is "tribord".
Next to the mariner's compass and chart, the barometer is the most important aid to navigation ever invented. Many persons know that a barometer is an instrument for recording changes in the weather, and the student of physics is taught that this is done by measuring the weight or pressure of the atmosphere. A rising barometer denotes the approach of good weather; a falling barometer, the reverse. A sudden fall warns the mariner to be on the lookout for a severe storm. The barometer was invented during the seventeenth century by Torricelli. The ship’s barometer, which is kept in the chart room, is very different from the original device. It traces a barometer chart, recording the atmospheric pressure throughout the voyage.
The surface of the ocean rises and falls twice in a lunar day of about 24 hours and 52 minutes. The tides do not always rise to the same height, but every fortnight after the new and full moon they become much higher than they were in the alternate weeks. These high tides are called Spring Tides, and the low ones Neap Tides, The close relation which the times of high water bear to the times of the moon's meridian passage shows that the moon's influence in raising the tides is two and one-half times greater than that of the sun.
By far the most important as well as best known of the great ocean currents derives its name from the Gulf of Mexico, out of which it flows between Cuba and the Bahamas on the one side and the Florida Keys on the other. In its narrowest portion the Gulf Stream is about fifty miles wide, and there it lias a velocity at times of as much as five miles an hour.
Flowing in a northeasterly direction along the American coast* its current gradually widens and its velocity diminishes. Reaching the banks of Newfoundland it turns and sweeps across the Atlantic then, dividing into two portions, it sends one arm down toward the Azores and the coast of Morocco, while the other passes near the shores of the British Isles and on to Norway,
As it emerges from the Gulf of Mexico it has a temperature of 84 degrees in summer, higher than that of the ocean at the equator. Even by the time it has reached mid- Atlantic it has fallen not more than 14 degrees. The effect of the Stream upon the climate of Great Britain and the northwest coast of Europe, 4000 miles away from the Gulf, is to raise the winter temperature about 30 degrees above what would be the normal temperature of those latitudes.
The Fleet
Passenger Service Gross Register
- Leviathan 59,956
- George Washington 23,788
- America 21,144
- Republic 17,910
- President Harding 13,869
- President Roosevelt 13,869
Express Services
- Bremen-Southampton- Cherbourg-Queenstown- New York
- Southampton-Cherbourg New York
United States Lines Freight Department
All of the steamers operated by the United States Lines are combination freight and passenger ships. They are modern in every respect and some are equipped for carriage of considerable cargo under refrigeration.
Our Docks are of recent construction and modern in all equipment, offering facilities for loading direct from cars into steamer, eliminating any hauling, lighterage or transfer by trucks. This is especially advantageous to Western Shippers, and movement of through cargo consignments in carload lots.
Special attention is given to shipments of household goods, automobiles, etc.