SS President Harding Passenger List - 6 January 1923


Front Cover, First Cabin Passenger List for the SS President Harding of the United States Lines, Departing 6 January 1923 from Bremen to New York.

Front Cover, First Cabin Passenger List for the SS President Harding of the United States Lines, Departing 6 January 1923 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain P. C. Grening, U.S.N.R. GGA Image ID # 1eec5417a6


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: Captain P. C. Grening, U. S. N. R., Commander
  2. Chief Officer: J. L. K. Beebe
  3. Purser: W. E. Miller
  4. Chief Steward: W. J. Linn
  5. Chief Engineer: M. J. Hanlon
  6. Surgeon: W. S. Irwin


First Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. S. Abel
  2. Mr. Georg Behlen
  3. Count O. Bennicelii
  4. Miss Christel Brey
  5. Capt. W. F. Brown (E)
  6. Mr. Ernst Buchwald (E)
  7. Mrs. Ernst Buchwald (E)
  8. Miss Pauline Buchwald
  9. Mr. Gutia Casini
  10. Miss Maria Ceberg
  11. Mr. Dana Clark
  12. Capt. T. C. McCormick
  13. Mrs. T. C. McCormick
  14. Miss Hazel Dixon
  15. Mr. Erhart Muller-Erbsloh
  16. Mrs. Gertrud Muller-Erbsloh
  17. Mr. Robert Otto Muller-Erbsloh
  18. Miss Monica Muller-Erbsloh and governess
  19. Mrs. Meta Feigel
  20. Mr. Desiderius Flir
  21. Mr. Eugene Frank
  22. Mr. John M. Friedle
  23. Mrs. John M. Friedle
  24. Mr. Arthur Gash
  25. Mrs. H. L. Gilman
  26. Mr. Paul Goetz
  27. Miss Florence Hagemann
  28. Warrant Officer Mr. Herbert Hardman (E)
  29. Sister M. Engelberta Hegemann
  30. Mr. Edward P. Jones (E)
  31. Mrs. Edward P. Jones (E)
  32. Rev. Josef Jordan
  33. Capt. W. F. Kernan
  34. Mrs. W. F. Kernan
  35. Mr. Jacob Klee
  36. Sister M. Ancilla M. Kullmann
  37. Mr. Eric Langberg (E)
  38. Mrs. Dorothea Lange (Note 1)
  39. Mrs. Rex Levy
  40. Sister Cleophae Ludwig
  41. Sister M. Apollonie Massmann
  42. Mr. Ed. Morike
  43. Miss Agnes Muhl
  44. Miss Doris Neumaier
  45. Mr. F. Eugen Nortz
  46. Mrs. F. Eugen Nortz
  47. Miss Lilian Nortz
  48. Mr. Patterson
  49. Sister M. Marino Petry
  50. The Honorable J. D. Prince, United States Ambassador at Copenhagen and valet
  51. Mrs. J. D. Prince
  52. Mr. Theodor W. Richie
  53. Mr. Carl Roehr
  54. Mrs. Carl Roehr
  55. Mr. Henry Saloschin
  56. Mrs. Mercedes de Schafer
  57. Miss Johanna Scheib
  58. Prof. Dr. Bela Schick (Note 2)
  59. Mrs. Ida J. Schumacher (E) (Note 3)
  60. Prof. Dr. Johann Schiitte
  61. Mr. Richard Stern
  62. Miss Ellenor Stiefel
  63. Master Walther Stiefel
  64. Sister M. Olga Vollmecke
  65. Miss Hertha Wien
  66. Dr. H. von Willfing
  67. Mr. Masaaki Yoshioka
  68. Mr. Hans Zitzelsberger
  69. Mrs. Hans Zitzelsberger


For Southampton:

  1. Mr. William Dahm
  2. Mr. Harold Stern
  3. Mrs. Harold Stern



  1. Mr. S. Abel



  1. Mr. Huntington T. Morse
  2. Mr. Reginald B. Pawle
  3. Mr. Robert E. Darbee
  4. Mrs. Robert E. Darbee
  5. Mr. Andrew Darbee
  6. Mr. Harold A. Loeb (Note 4)
  7. Mr. Oscar Guelcher
  8. Mr. Franc Lopez
  9. Miss Margaret Reid
  10. Miss Mabel Reid
  11. Mr. Eugene Long
  12. Mr. Ralph Townsend (Note 5)
  13. Mr. John M. Beale



  • Mr. P. Jones should read Mr. Edward P. Jones
  • Mrs. P. Jones should read Mrs. Edward P. Jones
  • Mr. Emil Buchwald should read Mr. Ernst Buchwald
  • Mrs. Emil Buchwald should read Mrs. Ernst Buchwald
  • Mrs. Ida J. Schuhmacher should read Mrs. Ida J. Schumacher
  • Mr. Eric Langbarg should read Mr. Eric Langberg
  • Warren Officer Mr. Herbert Hardmann should read Warrant Officer Mr. Herbert Hardman
  • Capt. F. W. Brown should read Capt. W. F. Brown


Notes Pertaining to First Cabin Passengers

Dorothea Lange (born Dorothea Margaretta Nutzhorn; May 26, 1895 – October 11, 1965) was an American documentary photographer and photojournalist best known for her Depression-era work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA). Lange's photographs influenced the development of documentary photography and humanized the consequences of the Great Depression.

Béla Schick (16 July 1877 – 6 December 1967) was a Hungarian-born American pediatrician. He is the founder of the Schick test. Bela Schick was born in Balatonboglár, Hungary, and brought up in Graz, Austria, where he attended medical school. In 1902, he joined the Medicine Faculty of the University of Vienna, where he remained until 1923. Studying problems of immunity, he and Clemens von Pirquet first coined the term 'allergy' as a clinical entity. His discovery of a test for susceptibility to diphtheria ("the Schick test") made him world famous.

Ida Schumacher (born 5 March 1894 in Arnstorf, Niederbayern (Lower Bavaria), as Ida Stömmer and died on 6 April 1956 in Gauteng) was a Bavarian theatre actress and comedienne.

Harold Albert Loeb (October 18, 1891 – January 20, 1974) was an American writer, notable as an important American figure in the arts among expatriates in Paris in the 1920s. In 1921 he was the founding editor of Broom, an international literary and art magazine, which was first published in New York City before he moved the venture to Europe. Loeb published two novels while living in Paris in the 1920s and additional works after returning to New York in 1929. His mother, Rose, was a member of the Guggenheim family.

Ralph Townsend (November 27, 1900 – January 25, 1976) was an American writer, consul, and political activist noted for his opposition to the entry of the United States into World War II. He served in the foreign service as a consul stationed in Canada and China from 1931 to 1933. Shortly after returning to the United States, he came to prominence through his book Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China, a harsh critique of Chinese culture that became a widely controversial bestseller. Townsend became a prominent advocate of non-interventionism and, in the 1930s and 1940s, was well known for his vocal opposition to the Roosevelt administration's foreign policy from a pro-Japanese and pro-neutrality point of view.


Information for Passengers

Hours for Meals are posted at the Information Bureau on the steamer.

Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11 p. Lounge, Reading Room and Smoking Room at 11:30 pm Divine Service in the Saloon on Sunday at 10.30 a m.

INFORMATION BUREAU This office has been provided for the convenience of Passengers, where all inquiries for information of a general character should be made.

Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before disembarking, and they are invited to leave their addresses at the Information Bureau for later dispatches to be redirected.

Passengers’ Addresses may be left at the Information Bureau in order that any letters sent to the care of the Company may be forwarded.

None of the ship’s staff, other than those on duty in the Information Bureau, is authorized to accept Letters, cables and Telegrams for dispatch.

Passengers are requested to ask for a receipt on the Lines’ Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair Hire, or Freight paid on board.

LETTERS, CABLES AND TELEGRAMS Letters, Cables and Telegrams are received at the Information Bureau for despatch, and Postage Stamps can be purchased, also all Mails will be distributed there. Cablegrams and Telegrams should be handed in an hour before the arrival at any port of call.

LETTERS, ETC., FOR PASSENGERS Letters, etc., for passengers will be brought on board before the passengers land.

WIRELESS SERVICE The long range wireless equipment permits of the vessel communicating with the shore from any point during the trip to or from Europe. Passengers desiring to send message will consult the operator for rates.

SEATS AT TABLE Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Chief Steward.


Passengers are requested not to smoke in the Dining Saloons.

SPECIAL NOTICE To save passengers from annoyance and inconvenience through being solicited for contributions for the benefit of the Musicians, special arrangements have been made whereby the Musicians engaged in the orchestra and in the band are paid a liberal extra allowance by the United States Lines for the services they render.

It is suggested that passengers refrain from contributing to funds for the Musicians, and that such contributions as they care to make be limited to those for charitable purposes such as concern Seamen, their widows and orphans, and deliver same to the Purser, taking receipt therefor. Information as to the manner in which such contributions or collections are distributed by the Management of the United States Lines will be furnished by the Purser, and also announced at the time such collections are undertaken or reported.

In the event passengers prefer not to follow the suggestion made herein the Commander will upon written request authorize collections to be made for the joint benefit of the Musicians and for charitable purposes, which will be distributed by the Management upon the basis of 30% to the Musicians and 70% to Charity.

Collections should not be undertaken without first securing the approval of the Commander.

DECK CHAIRS and STEAMER RUGS These may be hired at $1.50 each for the voyage on application to the deck steward.

ELECTRIC BATH The Charge for the use of the Electric Bath is fixed at $1.50.

MEDICAL ATTENTION The Surgeon is always at the disposal of those passengers requiring his services. In case of illness originating on board, or after the departure of the steamer, no charge will be made for those services, and such medicines as are prescribed by the Ship’s Surgeons will be furnished without expense to the passengers. In cases of illness, not originating on board, the Surgeon is permitted to make the following charges:

For office visits, $1.00 per visit For stateroom visits, $2.00 per visit with a maximum charge of $4.00 per day.

If the passengers consider that the charges made by the Surgeon for such services as he renders are improper or excessive, they are requested, before paying same, to take up the question with the Commander, and the bill will be either adjusted to a basis that will be satisfactory to the passenger or withdrawn. The purpose of the United States Lines is to make its service satisfactory to all passengers.


On disembarking passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Custom- Office, otherwise under present abnormal conditions considerable delay and extra charge for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passenger on the railway.

EXCHANGE OF MONEY The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of money at rates which will be advised on application.


The United States Lines has provided a safe in the office of the Purser, in which passengers may deposit money, jewels, or ornaments for safekeeping. The Company will not be liable to passengers for the loss of money, jewels, or ornaments by theft or otherwise, not so deposited.

RETURN BOOKINGS Pursers of the United States Lines are ready to book your return passage. Sailing lists, rate sheets, cabin plans and other information will be cheerfully furnished upon application at the Purser’s Office. Tickets can be secured or deposits to secure reservations can be made. The Purser will procure by radio, without charge to the passenger, reservations or any information necessary.


First and Second class passengers, embarking at Cherbourg, must communicate with our Paris Passage Office, United States Lines, 11 bis rue Scribe, several days before sailing.

Passengers embarking at London or Southampton must communicate with our London Passage Office, United States Lines, 3 Cockspur Street S. W. 1, several days before sailing.

Passengers embarking at Queenstown must communicate with the United States Lines’ Office, several days before the departure of the steamer, in order to ascertain definite information regarding the reservations and sailing hour of steamer.

First class passengers embarking at Bremen must call at our Bremen Office, Norddeutscher Lloyd, Passenger Department, Papenstrasse, the day before sailing, in order to secure their rail tickets from Bremen to Bremerhaven.

Second class passengers, embarking at Bremen, must call at the office of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, Passenger Department, Papenstrasse, two Days prior to the departure of steamer, in order to comply with Government Regulations and secure rail tickets from Bremen to Bremerhaven.


On the return trip, your baggage will be subject to the same inspection on landing in America as on landing abroad. American Citizenship does not permit you to bring dutiable goods into the country without paying duty.

A blank will be furnished you aboard the steamer before landing. This must be filled out, listing in detail every article you obtained abroad which you are bringing home. The list is then given the ship’s purser.

This list is called your "declaration“ and should include all wearing apparel, jewelry and other articles, whether worn or not, carried on your person, in your clothing, or in your baggage. These items must give their cost or value abroad and whether they were bought or given to you. Also jewelry and wearing apparel, taken out of the United States and remodeled abroad, must be listed with the cost of remodeling.

You are allowed to bring into the United States $100 worth of personal effects bought abroad free of duty, in addition to all wearing apparel taken from the United States on sailing.

RECOVERY OF U. S. HEAD TAX This Tax can be recovered by passengers, if same bas been paid, provided they inform the U. S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within sixty days (the time prescribed by U. S. Law), and obtain from him Transit Certificate Form 514.

It is also necessary for this Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passenger’s arrival in the United States.

Unless this regulation is complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.

SUGGESTIONS AND COMPLAINTS Suggestions, complaints or criticisms of service or of personnel should be addressed to the General Manager, United States Lines, 45 Broadway, New York City.


The Fleet

  • George Washington
  • America
  • President Harding
  • President Roosevelt
  • President Adams
  • President Garfield
  • President Monroe
  • President Polk
  • President Van Buren
  • President Arthur
  • President Fillmore

Express Services

Southampton -- Plymouth -- Cobh (Queenstown) -- New York

Danzig -- Bremen -- London -- Cherbourg -- New York


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