SS Manhattan Passenger List - 19 October 1932
Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS Manhattan of the United States Lines, Departing 19 October 1932 from Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Le Havre and Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain George Fried. GGA Image ID # 1653d9bde7
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain George Fried
- Chief Officer: R. J. Sullivan
- Chief Engineer: J. B. Morris
- Surgeon: E. H. Linnehan
- Assistant Surgeon: F. C. Arnoult
- Purser: A. Koppenjan
- Assistant Purser: E. Schilling
- Chief Steward: J. H. King
- Second Steward: J. W. Gibson
- Chief Tourist Steward: H. Schuessler
Cabin Class Passengers
- Baldwin, Mrs. W. H.
- Beard, Miss Stella
- Beckham, Mr. W. L.
- Bell, Dr. James H.
- Benton, Mr. Joseph Jones
- Binder, Mr. Erwin Maria
- Bissell, Mrs. Helen W.
- Bissell, Miss Eleanor
- Bodine, Mrs. John A.
- Borrero, Mrs. A. M.
- Boulogne, Mr. Roger
- Briggs, Mr. H. H.
- Brooks-Smith, Mrs. Wilbur
- Brown, Miss S. Elizabeth
- Butler, Lady Elizabeth
- Cargile, Mr. Howard Marks
- Carney, Miss Ann
- Carney, Miss Margaret
- Chaffee, Mr. G. M.
- Chandler, Miss Dorothy
- Cohen, Mr. Edward C., Jnr.
- Coleman, Mrs. Frances S.
- Cooper, Col. Hugh L.
- Cooper, Mrs.
- Cosby, Col. Spencer
- Cosby, Mrs.
- Craft, Mr. J. H.
- Craft, Mrs.
- Creuzen, Mrs. E. E.
- Cromwell, Miss E.
- Cromwell, Mr. James C.
- Davis, Mr. Lucien F.
- Davis, Mrs.
- Davis, Miss Charlotte J.
- Davis, Mr. Aubrey
- Davis, Mrs.
- Davis, Mr. William B.
- Davis, Mrs.
- Davis, Miss Laura M.
- De Smedt, Mr. A.
- De Smedt, Miss Mary
- Dick, Mrs. Gladys H.
- Donohoe, Mr. S.
- Dolan Donohoe, Mrs.
- Drey, Mr. A. E.
- Drey, Mrs.
- Droege, Mr. John A.
- Droege, Mrs.
- Du Bignon, Miss Anne
- Du Mont, Mr. C. S.
- Du Mont, Mrs.
- Dunlop, Miss A.
- Dunlop, Mrs. Simpson
- Durkin, Rev. Father John
- Ederer, Mr. Clarence
- Ederer, Mrs.
- Edholm, Mrs. R. W.
- Ellis, Miss Mary C.
- Evans, Mrs. W. R.
- Evans, Mrs. W. G.
- Evans, Mr. Robert
- Far well, Mr. Albert L.
- Ferguson, Mr. J. B.
- Fiske, Mr. G. F.
- Flowers, Mr. Joseph
- Flowers, Mrs.
- Foltz, Miss Bernadine
- Frauenheim, Mrs. Nettie M.
- Friedeberg, Mr. Theodore
- Friedeberg, Mrs.
- Friedeberg, Miss Helen
- Fuguet, Mr. D.
- Fuguet, Mrs.
- Fuller, Mr. Stuart J.
- Gay, Mr. Augustus B.
- Gay, Mrs.
- Gay, Miss Lucy A.
- Geddes, Mr. E. M.
- Geddes, Mrs.
- Gilmer, Mrs. S. M.
- Goetz, Dr. Angus G.
- Goetz, Mrs.
- Gourlay, Mr. William
- Gray, Mr. Allan
- Gunn, Miss Kate St.
- Haddow, Mr. G. G.
- Haines, Dr. Charles
- Haines, Mrs.
- Halstead, Hon. Albert
- Halstead, Mrs.
- Halstead, Miss A. E.
- Hamilton, Mrs. W. E.
- Hamilton, Miss
- Harrison, Mr. L. M.
- Hayes, Mrs. L. M.
- Hays, Mrs. David
- Head, Mr. Walter D.
- Heller, Miss A. E. ,
- Helwig, Mr. Edward P.
- Hesketh, Mr. T. S. Fermor
- Hight, Mrs. W.
- Hill, Mrs. Isabel Preston
- Hinsdel, Mrs. S.
- Hinsdel, Miss Irma T.
- Hitchcock, Mr. T .William
- Holden, Mr. Harry
- Honiss, Mr. William H.
- Horne, Mrs. Pearce
- Hoult, Mr. J. Gordon
- Hudson, Mr. H. Elmer
- Hudson, Mrs.
- Hudson, Miss Geraldine
- Hudson, Miss Ray S.
- Hulbert, Miss Ida F.
- Humbert, Mr. Charles
- Humbert, Mrs.
- Hume, Miss Nellie A.
- Hyland, Miss Dorothy
- Ihle, Miss Mary
- Jenkins, Mr. George Aubrey
- Johnson, Mr. Lee S.
- Kalbitzer, Mr. Henry
- Keelan, Mr. Patrick
- Keelan, Mrs.
- Kelchner, Mrs. W. W.
- Kenney, Mrs. Agnes M.
- Keyes, Mr. C. S.
- Kimbel, Mr. Richard
- Kingmam, Mrs. E. F.
- Kleinert, Mr. Harry J.
- Kleinert, Mrs.
- Kleman, Capt. John V.
- Knowles, Mrs. Esther M.
- Koreman, Mr. Edward
- Kreider, Mr. Max
- Kretchmer, Mr. Otto
- Kronengold, Mr. George
- Kupissonoff, Mr. I.
- La Pierre, Mr. Guy M.
- La Pierre, Mrs.
- Lawrence, Mr. Richard H.
- Lawrence, Mrs.
- Lawrence, Mrs. John V.
- Lawrence, Mr. John V.
- Lawrence, Miss M. V.
- Leahy, Mrs. May
- Lerner, Mr. Charles
- Lerner, Mrs.
- Lethbridge, Mr. H. R.
- Levy, Miss Fanny
- Lister, Mrs. E. H.
- Loewy, Miss Margaret
- Lorie, Dr. A. J.
- Lorie, Mrs.
- Lowe, Dr. Orton
- Lowe, Mrs.
- Maas, Mr. Eugene
- Maas, Mrs.
- Magid, Mr. Maurice
- Markman, Mrs. S. K.
- Markman, Miss Jane
- Marsh, Mrs. K. Freeman
- Martel, Mr. F. C.
- Martel, Miss Margaret
- Martin, Mr. L. H.
- Matthews, Mrs. Emma
- Maugais, Mrs. R.
- McAnulty, Mrs. M.
- McDonald, Rev. John M.
- McGarriah, Mr. Gates W.
- McGarriah, Mrs.
- McGarriah, Miss Ella
- Meade, Mrs. J. C.
- Meadow, Mrs. Ann
- Mears, Mr. J. H.
- Mears, Mrs.
- Mogilesky, Judge Bernard
- Mogilesky, Mrs.
- Monroe, Mrs. Helen R.
- Monroe, Master Thomas
- Monroe, Miss Nancy
- Moore, Mrs. George C., Snr.
- Moore, Miss Eleanor C.
- Moore, Miss Emma W.
- Mudd, Mrs. L. C.
- Mullen, Mrs. L. R.
- Nadherny, Mr. Emanuel
- Nadherny, Mrs.
- Niel, Miss H. A.
- O'Connell, Miss Mary J.
- O'Malley, Mr. Patrick
- Osborn, Mr. Theodore L.
- Ottaway, Mr. George
- Pabst, Mr. George, Jnr.
- Pabst, Mrs.
- Park, Dr. William E.
- Park, Mrs.
- Pearce, Mr. J. S.
- Perine, Mrs. George Corbin
- Perine, Miss Anne Washington
- Perine, Miss Mary Ball
- Purviance, Mrs. Dora
- Reed, Mrs. William L.
- Rose, Miss Cornelia B.
- Rose, Mrs. A. J.
- Rudd, Mr. Howard
- Rudd, Mrs.
- Ryder, Mrs. F. H.
- Sack, Mrs. Margaret
- Sack, Miss Alice B.
- Salir, Dr. Walter G.
- Sahr, Mrs.
- Salisbury, Mr. Harold M.
- Scarborough, Mr. H.
- Schindler, Miss Minna
- Schramk, Mrs. Bertha
- Schwab, Mrs. Clarissa
- Schwartzberg, Miss A.
- Sharpless, Mr. George
- Sharpless, Mrs.
- Short, Mr. L. G.
- Siegrist, Mr. Daniel F.
- Siemon, Mr. William G.
- Siemon, Mr. Paul Charles H.
- Siemon, Mr. William
- Siemon, Mrs.
- Smedes, Mrs. E. B.
- Smith, Mr. Appleton W.
- Spiess, Mr. Otto
- St. Clair, Rev. Harmon C.
- Stearns, Mr. Herman
- Stebbins, Mr. Horace C.
- Stebbins, Mrs.
- Sternberg, Mrs. Matilda H.
- Stevens, Mr. Joseph S.
- Stidham, Mrs. H.
- Stolzer, Mrs. B.
- Stotesbury, Mrs. Eva
- Strauss, Mr. Edwin S.
- Strauss, Mrs.
- Stynus, Mr. William P.
- Sutton, Dr. Richard L.
- Swanson, Mr. David O.
- Swanson, Mrs.
- Taylor, Mr. J. C.
- Taylor, Mrs.
- Teale, Major Willis E.
- Teale, Mrs.
- Teale, Miss K.
- Terry, Mr. J. H.
- Thorn, Mrs. Condé Raguet
- Thurber, Mr. O. E.
- Tower, Rev. William H.
- Tower, Mrs.
- Wahlberg, Mr. Nils Erik
- Wahlberg, Mrs.
- Walter, Mr. Henry
- Weddell, Mr. Ralph
- Weddell, Mrs.
- White, Miss Barbara
- Will, Mr. Matthew P.
- Will, Mrs.
- Wilkie, Mr. H. E.
- Wilson, Mrs. Hugh
- Woods, Mr. Walter H.
- Yearwood, Mr. Richard
- Young, Mr. W. H.
- Zea, Miss Elizabeth
Back and Front Covers, United States Lines SS Manhattan Cabin Class Passenger List - 19 October 1932. GGA Image ID # 1653dcacfc