SS George Washington Passenger List - 25 September 1930
Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS George Washington of the United States Lines, Departing 25 September 1930 from Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. B. Randall, U.S.N.R. GGA Image ID # 1652380837
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain A. B. Randall, U.S.N.R.
- Chief Officer: R. B. Miller
- Chief Engineer: W. G. Grace
- Purser: A. Koppenjan
- Chief Surgeon: Dr. B. R. Comeau
- Chief Steward: Charles H. Heidorn
Cabin Class Passengers
- Mr. B. A. Acharya
- Mrs. V. Aksarova
- Mr. Bruce Aldrich
- Mr. T. Warren Allen
- Mrs. Allen
- Mr. Rosa Alos
- Mr. T. Altman
- Mr. Philip Amodeo
- Mrs. Amodeo
- Miss Janet Amodeo
- Miss Mary L. Amodeo
- Mr. J. H. Anderson
- Mrs. Anderson
- Mrs. Frank Ashbrook
- Mr. G. E. Ashforth
- Mrs. Joseph Auld
- Mr. C. D. Backus
- Mrs. Backus
- Mrs. F. Bangser
- Miss Minnie D. Banks
- Mrs. Augusta Barhydt
- Mr. S. Baring-Gould
- Mrs. Baring-Gould
- Mr. Bert Barnett
- Mrs. Barnett
- Mrs. F. Barnoff
- Mrs. Anna Bartusck
- Mr. A. S. J. Baster
- Mrs. Baster
- Mr. J. Bateman
- Mr. H. C. Bates
- Mr. G. E. Beatty
- Mrs. G. E. Beatty
- Mrs. G. E. O. Bell
- Miss Betty Bell
- Mr. James F. Bell
- Mrs. Lizzie Belz
- Miss Florence Belz
- Mr. Istran Benke
- Mr. Richard L. Binder
- Mrs. Caroline A. Birklein
- Col. J. E. Blackwell
- Miss Margaret Bloomfield
- General Rupert Blue
- Miss Aline Bournique
- Miss M. E. Brenan
- Mrs. C. Brenner
- Dr. L. J. Briggs
- Miss Edith Brill
- Miss Alice Brill
- Mrs. C. A. Brown
- Mrs. Edward J. Brundage
- Miss Jacquiline Brundage
- Miss Margaret L. Brundage
- Master Robert V. Brundage
- Mrs. Mary Brunton
- Miss Elizabeth Bullet
- Mr. W. H. Butler
- Mr. Philip J. Byrne
- Mrs. Byrne
- Miss Katherine Byrne
- Master Byrne
- Mr. J. A. Callan
- Mrs. Callan
- Mr. D. Capriel
- Lady Carden
- Mr. Alphonse Carette
- Mr. A. Eric Chandler
- Mr. H. T. Chapman
- Mrs. E. M. Chapman
- Miss E. M. Chapman
- Mr. James D. Chataway
- Mr. Sever Christescu
- Mr. Paul Christophe
- Mr. Ciok
- Mrs. Ciok
- Mrs. Anna N. Clarke
- Mr. N. Clumeck
- Mr. Arthur E. Cockerton
- Mr. Louis Cohen
- Mrs. Cohen,
- Mr. J. C. Collingwood
- Mr. Wm. F. Comstock
- Mr. William E. Connolly
- Mrs. Connolly
- Mr. A. Douglas Cook
- Mrs. M. T. Coolidge
- Mr. B. Cooper
- Mr. Clarence L. Crowell
- Mrs. Crowell
- Mrs. Eugene A. Cusick
- Miss Helen Cusick
- Mr. Daquay
- Mr. F. H. Davies
- Mrs. Davies
- Mr. Francisco de Albacete
- Miss Adelaide de Albacete
- Mr. William Le Bert De Bar
- Mrs. De Bar
- Miss E. De Nancrede
- Mr. H. E. Denham
- Commander Albert H. Denton
- Mrs. Denton
- Mrs. E. P. Dodge
- Miss Nora Donovan
- Major George C. Dunham
- Miss Margaret Dunn
- Miss Margaret Dunne
- Mr. Gerard Du Pont
- Mr. Moises Barris Duque
- Mr. F. H. Edwards
- Mr. Rafaël Lopez Egonez
- Mr. Harry Eichberg
- Mrs. Eichberg
- Miss Nanette Eichberg
- Mr. Ferenc Eisner
- Mr. Ernest J. Elford
- Miss Maude Elkins
- Miss L. Eststein
- Mr. Edward A. Evans
- Mr. Denis Feighery
- Miss Julia Fiefeck
- Mr. Morris Finkelstein
- Mrs. Finkelstein
- Miss Edith Finklestein
- Congressman Roy G. Fitzgerald
- Mrs. Mary H. Ford
- Mr. C. G. Fox
- Mr. J. W. Fox
- Mr. William Freeman
- Capt. Charles Frobisher
- Mrs. C. Gilbert
- Mr. Gilchrist
- Mrs. Gilchrist
- Mrs. Irma Girard
- Miss Winifred Godde
- Mr. Arnold Goosel
- Mrs. Goosel
- Miss Edith H. Greaves
- Mrs. Edward A. Grossmann
- Dr. H. E. Hager
- Master Eric Hager
- Judge H. A. L. Hall
- Mrs. Hall
- Miss Elizabeth W. Hall
- Miss Eunice P. Hall
- Mr. Henry Kingston Hall
- Mrs. Hall
- Master H. K. Hall
- Miss Kjestine Hansen
- Miss Rita Harney
- Mr. Wallace L. Hart
- Capt. Raymond Hartman
- Mrs. Hartman
- Miss Hedwig Hartman
- Mrs. John Hatfield
- Mr. G. S. Hay
- Mr. Harley Heckford
- Mrs. Heiman
- Miss Pauline Hell
- Mr. Walter Hertz
- Mrs. Amelie Hill
- Miss G. V. L. Hillyers
- Mrs. George H. Hobson
- Mrs. Irma Hoefley
- Mr. Nicolie Hoisescu
- Mrs. Hoisescu
- Miss Leopoldine Hojat
- Mr. Herman Hollander
- Mrs. Hollander
- Mrs. M. C. Hopper
- Mr. Stanley G. Hughes
- Mr. H. Hussenhuttel
- Mrs. Hussenhuttel
- Dr. F. Ingerman
- Mrs. Ingerman
- Mr. Warren S. Jamar
- Major N. S. Jarvis
- Mrs. Jarvis
- Miss E. D. Jex
- Mr. Harry Jolson
- Mrs. Jolson
- Mr. Stanislav Josifovich
- Miss Margaret Judson
- Mr. Adolf Kann
- Miss Else M. Kann
- Dr. Jesse R Kellems
- Mrs. Kellems
- Mr. Henry Kelly
- Mrs. Gerald Kennedy
- Miss Helen Kennedy
- Miss Kathryn Kennedy
- Mr. James E. Kennedy
- Mrs. Kennedy
- Mr. W. J. Kerr
- Mrs. Kerr
- Mr. R. B. Kidd
- Mr. J. S. Killick
- Mrs. Killick
- Mr. Hugo Koblenzer
- Mrs. Koblenzer
- Mr. John L. Kollen
- Mrs. Martha D. Kollen
- Mr. O. J. Korhummer
- Miss Annie Kost
- Miss Lina Krebser
- Mr. Paul H. Kunzler
- Mr. Edwin de Lacey
- Capt. Joseph I. Lambert
- Mrs. Lambert Dr. B. Landheer
- Mr. Timothy Lane
- Mr. P. J. M. Larranga
- Mr. William Le Conte
- Mr. Ernest Leonard Leeming
- Mr. Le Gras
- Mrs. M. R. Leland
- Mr. Alfred Leonhardt
- Mr. Carol E. Levae
- Mr. H. H. Ling
- Mrs. Ling
- Miss A. Lowdon
- Mr. H. E. Lunn
- Mr. Alfonso V. d'Azcvedo Luquete
- Mr. Lessei S. McKenzie
- Dr. Frederick Mandeville
- Mrs. Mandeville
- Mr. Frank Mann
- Mrs. Mann
- Mr. Frank Markowitz
- Mrs. Markowitz
- Miss Betty Markowitz
- Miss Lillian Markowitz
- Mr. Frederick M. Marsh
- Mrs. Mabel C. Marston
- Miss Victoria R. Martinez
- Mrs. L. M. Mastin
- Miss Jule Maureaux
- Mrs. Louise Maureaux
- Mr. R. J. May
- Mrs. Fansta Vittoria Mengarini
- Mr. Hugh Miller
- Mr. Richard G. Miller
- Mr. H. L. Miller, Jnr.
- Mrs. Alta Pola Mlotek
- Mr. Chas. J. Mondo
- Mrs. Mondo
- Mr. John Mondo
- Mrs. Louise Mondschein
- Mr. Jorge A. d'Oliveira Moreira
- Miss Mary Morrissey
- Mrs. Margaret Müller
- Mr. Francis Thomas Murray
- Mrs. Murray
- Miss M. Margot Murray
- Mr. Robert S. Murt
- Capt. William V. Ochs
- Mrs. William V. Ochs
- Miss Alice M. Ochs
- Master William V. Ochs
- Counsellor M. S. Okecki
- Miss Jessie Maud Oliver
- Mrs. Frank H. Packard
- Mr. Benjamin Palencia Parez
- Mr. Leo Pasvolsky
- Mrs. Pasvolsky
- Mr. Charles Patch
- Mrs. Patch
- Mr. William Pates
- Mr. L. Tenney Peck
- Mrs. Peck
- Mrs. Alico Eva Perkins
- Dr. Leopold Pessdl
- Mr. W. Enos Phillips
- Mrs. Phillips
- Dr. H. M. Pollock
- Mrs. Pollock
- Mr. Robert Pollock
- Prof. Raymond J. Pool
- Mrs. Pool
- Mr. Nicolae Profiri
- Mr. James Quigley
- Mrs. Quigley
- Mr. George W. Reed
- Mrs. E. C. Requa
- Mrs. W. C. Reuther
- Capt. G. M. Reynolds
- Mrs. Reynolds
- Miss M. Reynolds
- Mr. Henry A. Richardson
- Mr. Charles S. Richton
- Miss Sarah Richton
- Mr. Charles J. Ritchie
- Mr. L. Robert Robinson
- Judge B. Rosenblatt
- Dr. Hugo Rosier
- Mr. Almon E. Roth
- Mrs. E. W. Rucker, Jun.
- Capt. S. G. Saulnier
- Mrs. L. M. Saulnier
- Mr. P. A. Schwob
- Mr. Franklin H. Seeley
- Mr. F. H. Seeley
- Mr. Stuart Seeley
- Mr. Raymond B. Seymour
- Mrs. Seymour
- Mr. Samuel Shaw
- Mrs. Shaw
- Miss Elizabeth Ann Shaw
- Master Alan Shaw
- Mr. Charles Shiverick
- Mrs. Shiverick
- Miss Beatrice C. Shiverick
- Miss Nancy V. Shiverick
- Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith C.B.E.
- Mr. Rafael Silvela
- Mrs. Silvela
- Miss Kathryn Sinnott
- Mrs. Maire Smetana
- Mr. Samuel Smethurst
- Dr. Edward Sylvester Smith
- Mr. Ralph Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Mr. Jamco Solomon
- Mrs. Elvira Somlo
- Master Charles Somlo
- Mrs. H. Spades
- Dr. Percy E. Spielman
- Mr. Jose R. Spiteri
- Mr. Edward J. Stead
- Mr. Nicolae R. Stephan
- Mr. James Stevens
- Mrs. Stevens
- Mr. Shirley G. Stubbs
- Mr. M. Sun
- Mrs. Ann Suter and Maid
- Dr. F. Svoboda
- Mrs. Svoboda
- Mr. J. E. Swindlehurst
- Mrs. Antonia Szekeres
- Mr. St. John Taylor
- Mrs. Taylor
- Mrs. William Theophilus
- Mr. Bryson F. Thompson
- Mrs. Thompson
- Mrs. L. C. Thompson
- Mrs. Amanda Tomb
- Mr. Charles M. Trautschold
- Mr. George Treux
- Mr. Theodore G. Vetterlen
- Mr. Paul Vida
- Mr. Jenoe Vida
- Mrs. Vida
- Mr. Alexander von Steiger
- Mr. J. H. Walker
- Mr. John P. Wakeford
- Mr. C. Wahlenfels
- Mrs. Waldenfels
- Mr. Wladyslaw Walonski
- Miss K. Walsh
- Major S. H. Warren
- Mrs. Warren
- Dr. C. V. Watts
- Mrs. B. Webster
- Miss Mary L. Whitall
- Mrs. Claire N. Whitehurst
- Mr. Geo. A. Whittemore
- Mrs. Whittemore
- Mr. F. H. W. Wilbee
- Mr. F. Wilkinson
- Capt. A. E. Williams
- Mrs. A. E. Williams
- Miss Eleanore Williams
- Sir Seymour Williams
- Mr. Edward Willis
- Mrs. Willis
- Mrs. Elizabeth R. Winsor
- Miss M. Wittig
- Mrs. Zelma Wright
- Mr. H. W. Wunder
- Mrs. Wunder
- Mr. W. C. Wyatt
- Mr. Emil Wydler
- Miss Helen M. York
- Dr. Laszlo Zelovich
Not on Board
- Mrs. Allen
- Mr. J. Bateman
- Major George C. Dunham
- Miss Margaret Dunne
- Miss Else M. Kann
- Mr. Le Gras
- Miss M. Margot Murray
- Mr. Nicolas K. Stephan
- Mrs. Ann Suter's maid
- Mrs. Clare N. Whitehurst
Additional Passengers
- Mr. G. B. Adler
- Mrs. Bessy Blaker
- Captain Robert H. Bland
- Mr. I. Citarella
- Miss F. Dahlstrom
- Mr. J. Dubuis
- Mrs. Dubuis
- Mr. David E. Finley
- Mr. A. Gessel
- Mr. F. C. Hopkirk
- Mr. H. Hughes
- Mrs. Bessie Kappler
- Miss Barbara Kappler
- Mr. L. M. Leroy
- Dr. C. O. Mailloux
- Mrs. Elsie K. Marx
- Mr. L. Massine
- Mrs. Massine
- Miss M. Murphy
- Mr. S. R. Nicolae
- Mr. Frank H. Packard
- Mr. G. Penn
- Hon. John D. Pepys
- Mr. John A. Stoner
- Infant Armin Svoboda
- Mr. W. Starczewfki
- Mr. E. Wall
- Miss Thelma B. DeWiet
- Mr. C. S. Willment
- Mr. Rosa Also should read Miss Maria Rosa Alos
- Mr. G. E. Beatty should read Mr. J. E. Beatty
- Mrs. G. E. Beatty should read Mrs. J. E. Beatty
- Mr. Istran Benke should read Mr. Istvan Benke
- Miss M. E. Brenan should read Miss M. E. Brennan
- Mr. Ciok should read Mr. Mochail Cioc
- Mrs. Ciok should read Mrs. Cioc
- Mr. F. H. Edwards should read Mr. A. H. Edwards
- Miss. Eststein should read Miss L. Epstein
- Miss Edith Finklestein should read Miss Edith Finkeistein
- Mrs. Irma Girard should read Miss Irma Girard
- Mr. Arnold Goosel should read Mr. Arnold Godsol
- Mrs. Goosel should read Mrs. Godsol
- Miss Irma Hoefley should read Miss Irma Hoefly
- Miss Leopoldine Hojat should read Miss Leopoldine Hojac
- Mr. H. Hussenbuttel should read Mr. H. Heissenbuttel
- Mrs. Hussenbuttel should read Mrs. Heissenbuttel
- Mr. Henry Kelly should read Mr. Harry H. Kelly
- Mr. O. J. Korhummer should read Mr. O. J. Korhummel
- Mr. Alfonso V. d'Azevedo Luquete should read Mr. Alfonso V. d'Azevedo Zuquete
- Mr. H. L. Miller, Jr. should read Mr. H. R. Miller. Jr.
- Mr. Benjamin Palencia Parez should read Mr. Benjamin Palencia Perez
- Dr. Leopold Pessdl should read Dr. Leopold Pessel
- Mr. Robert Pollock should read Mr. Robert Pollak
- Mr. Charles S. Richton should read Mr. Charles S. Righton
- Miss Sarah Richton should read Miss Sarah Righton
- Mrs Maire Smetana should read Mrs. Marie Smetana
- Mr. Jamco Solomon should read Mr. Iancu Solomon
- Mr. George Treux should read Mr. George Truex
- Capt. A. E. Williams should read Col. A. E. Williams
- Cabin: 404
- Tourist: 275
- Third Class: 145
- Seapost Officials: 1
- Commander, Officers and Crew: 603
- Total Souls on Board: 1428
Information for Passengers
(Subject to Change)
High Seas Mail.—United States Postage Rates and Stamps are used when mailing letters, and such letters should be posted in the ship's letter box in the ordinary way.
The mail bag is closed a few hours previous to arrival.
Rates on letters to all countries except United States, Canada, British Colonies, Great Britain and Ireland, five cents for the first ounce, and three cents for each additional ounce or fraction.
Ship to Ship.—Radiograms are also accepted for passengers on other ships, for which the charge is 16 cents per word.
Seats at Tables.—Applications may be made to the Second Steward in advance, or on day of sailing on board the Steamer.
Smoking.—Passengers are requested not to smoke in the Main Dining Saloon or Social Hall.
Orchestra.—This vessel carries an orchestra which will play daily at the under-mentioned times and places :
- 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Dining Room.
- 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., Social Hall.
- 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Dining Room.
- 9 p.m. to Midnight, Social Hall.
Dancing.—Dancing in the Ball Room commences every evening at 9 o'clock.
Deck Games and Amusements.— Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard, Bull Board and other games are provided on deck. Baseball, Golf, Volley Ball, Deck Tennis, Shuffleboard, Quoits, and all the familiar ocean games are also available. Deck Stewards will furnish them.
Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, etc., can be obtained on application to the Social Hall or Library Stewards.
Books.—Books are obtainable from the Library upon application to the Steward in charge.
Divine Services.—On Sundays at hours to be announced on shipboard.
Barber, Hairdresser, and Manicurist.—The Barber's hours are from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
A Clothes Cleaning and Pressing Room is in charge of an expert attendant. A printed tariff of charges may be obtained at the Purser's Office.
Boots and Shoes will be cleaned if left outside stateroom door.
Notice. -Passengers are warned that professional gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic steamers.
Life-Belts.—Passengers are earnestly requested to familiarize themselves with the use of life-belts and the location of lifeboats for the customary drill held on each voyage of this vessel. Full instructions are given on a printed card posted in your Stateroom.
Photographic Dark Room. A dark room fitted with all the necessary equipment has been installed for the use of passengers who wish to have photographs developed during the voyage.
Travelers' Checks.—The United States Lines has placed on board its vessels American Express checks which may be secured from the Purser on application.
Medical Attention. -The Surgeon will be in his office for the treatment of passengers requiring his attention from 9.30 to 10.30, from 4 to 5 p.m., and 8.30 to 9.30 p.m. His services are available at any hour in cases of urgency. In cases of illness originating on board or after the departure of the steamer no charge will be made for these services, and such medicines as are prescribed by the ship's Surgeon will be furnished without extra expense to the passenger.
In cases of illness not originating on board, the Surgeon is permitted to make a nominal charge, subject to the approval of the commanding officer.
Berthing of Passengers.—No changes can be made except officially by the Purser.
Deck Chairs and Rugs may be hired for the voyage on application to the Deck Steward, rental $1.50 each.
Reservations.—Passengers de dring to secure reservations for return to United States can do so by consulting the Purser.
Exchange of Money. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of money at rates which will be furnished on application. A receipt will be issued covering each exchange transaction.
Baggage. —All inquiries regarding Baggage on board ship should be made at the Baggage Master's Office.
On disembarking, passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Customs Baggage Room, otherwise considerable delay and extra charge for carriage may be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers.
The United States Lines accepts no responsibility or liability for baggage or parcels left on board—except by arrangement with Baggage Master.
It is recommended that passengers insure their baggage, as the Lines' liability is strictly limited in accordance with contract ticket. Baggage insurance can be arranged at any of the Lines' offices.
" Passengers desiring to reforward to storage or to deliver to another party, pieces of baggage, and packages of various kinds, are requested to deliver same to the Ship's Baggage Master, who is the only one designated on the ship competent to receive them and forward them, so as to avoid complication with the Customs regulations of the various countries.
The Company accepts no responsibility for any articles handed over by passengers to any member of the Ship's Personnel, other than above."
Baggage Room. -All baggage not placed in cabins is stowed in the Baggage Room, where access can be had to it during the voyage if required.
Valuables.—The United States Lines are not responsible for theft of valuables or money kept in Staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company's form.
Payments. -Passengers should obtain a receipt from the Purser, on the Company's form, for any additional passage money, excess baggage or freight charges, etc., paid on board.
Dogs are carried at the Owner's risk. The Company's charge is $20.00 each, regardless of size. Arrangements for carrying dogs should be made by communicating with the UNITED STATES LINES, or if this has not been done, the Purser should be notified.
Passengers are notified that cats and dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain without considerable delay unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to this Department in London before the dog is taken on board.
Freight. All of the steamers operated by the United States Lines and American Merchant Lines are combination freight and passenger ships. They are modern in every respect and some are equipped lor carriage of considerable cargo under refrigeration.
For rates and space apply to United States Lines, Freight Traffic Department, 45 Broadway, New York.
Suggestions and Complaints.—Suggestions, complaints or criticisms of service or of personnel should be addressed to the President, United States Lines Operations, Inc., 45 Broadway, New York City.
Reduced Cabin, Round Trip Rates are effective for steamship travel during the following periods :
- Eastbound : August 16 to May 15.
- Westbound : October 16 to July 15.
There will be a reduction of 12 per cent, front the combined one-way fares, that is, the regular Eastbound (outward) rate combined with the regular Westbound (prepaid) rate.
Should passengers sail one way during the above periods and one way in the " high " season, the reduction will apply for the " off " season sailing.
Both eastbound and westbound tickets must be taken out at the same time.
This arrangement gives passengers an opportunity to combine European tours. It also meets the desires of passengers who, while wishing to benefit by the special round trip rates, wish to travel one way via the St. Lawrence route and one way via New York.
Latitude and Longitude. -Latitude means "distance north or south of the equator," and longitude means distance from the Meridian at Greenwich—near London. Both are recorded in degrees, minutes and seconds. At the Equator, a minute of longitude is equal to a nautical mile, but as the meridians converge after leaving the equator, meeting at the Poles, the size of a degree becomes less. Sailing eastward a ship moves against the revolution of the earth, thus her course makes her gain time; while if she were sailing to the westward, with the movement of the earth, she would lengthen her time.
Changing the Clock.—Between New York and London there is a difference in time of five hours, and as the sun rises in the East, as we say, when the ship is going eastward she meets sunlight earlier each day and thus gains time. Exactly how much is computed each day at noon, and the ship's clocks are immediately set at the correct time for that longitude. On a vessel which makes the crossing in five days the clocks will be set ahead each day approximately an hour ; on slower ships, of course, less. Going westward the clock is set back daily in similar fashion.
The Barometer.—Next to the mariner's compass and chart the barometer is the most important aid to navigation ever invented. Many persons know that a barometer is an instrument for recording changes in the weather, and the student of physics is taught that this is done by measuring the weight or pressure of the atmosphere. A rising barometer denotes the approach of good weather, a falling barometer, the reverse. A sudden fall warns the mariner to be on the look-out for a severe storm. The barometer was invented during the seventeenth century by Torricelli. The ship's barometer, which is kept in the chart room, is very different from the original device. It traces a barometer chart, recording the atmospheric pressure throughout the voyage.
Ocean Lanes and Distances.—Transatlantic steamships follow certain lanes or tracks, unless prevented from so doing by stress of weather, or work of rescue or relief or other unforeseen circumstances. From August 24 to January 14 a vessel going eastward follows the short track, and from January 15 to August 23 the long. Going west the short track is followed from August 15 to January 14, and the long from January 15 to August 14. Following these lanes makes for safety and enables vessels better to meet the exigencies of weather conditions.
Measuring by Sound.—It is possible to determine by sound how far distant a passing ship is if she blows her whistle or in case of a warship if she fires a gun. If the steam from a vessel's whistle is seen and ten seconds elapse before the sound is heard, she is just 2 1/10 miles off. If one second elapses, she is distant slightly more than 1/5 of a mile ; if five seconds, a little more than 1 mile ; if twenty seconds, 4 1/5 miles.
Port and Starboard. —Formerly the two sides of a ship were called " Starboard " and "Larboard," the two prefixes being derived from old Anglo-Saxon words meaning, respectively, " loading " and " rudder," and the word " board " meaning side. The term "Larboard" has given place to the word " Port." To "port the helm" carries a vessel to starboard, and to " starboard the helm " carries her to port. The French equivalent for port is " Babord," and starboard is " Tribord."
The Tides.—The surface of the ocean rises and falls twice in a lunar day of about 24 hours and 52 minutes. The tides do not always rise to the same height, but every fortnight after the new and full moon they become much higher than they were in the alternate weeks. These high tides are called Spring Tides, and the low ones Neap Tides. The close relation which the times of high water bear to the times of the moon's meridian passage shows that the moon's influence in raising the tides is two and one-half times greater than that of the sun.
The Gulf Stream.—By far the most important as well as best known of the great ocean currents derives its name from the Gulf of Mexico, out of which it flows between Cuba and the Bahamas on the one side and the Florida Keys on the other. In its narrowest portion the Gulf Stream is about fifty miles wide, and there it has a velocity at times of as much as five miles an hour. Flowing in a north-easterly direction along the American coast, its current gradually widens and its velocity diminishes.
Reaching the banks of Newfoundland it turns and sweeps across the Atlantic. Then, dividing into two portions, it sends one arm down toward the Azores and the coast of Morocco, while the other passes near the shores of the British Isles and on to Norway.
As it emerges from the Gulf of Mexico it has a temperature of 84 degrees in summer, higher than that of the ocean at the equator. Even by the time it has reached mid-Atlantic it has fallen no more than 14 degrees. Its effect upon the climate of Great Britain and the north-west coast of Europe, 4,000 miles away from the Gulf, is to raise the winter temperature about 30 degrees above what would be the normal temperature of those latitudes.
Front and Back Cover, United States Lines SS George Washington Cabin Class Passenger List - 25 September 1930. GGA Image ID # 16526a0523