RMS Scythia Passenger List - 31 May 1930

Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Scythia of the Cunard Line Departing Saturday, 31 May 1930 from Liverpool to Boston and New York via Queenstown (Cobh) and Galway

Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the RMS Scythia of the Cunard Line Departing Saturday, 31 May 1930 from Liverpool to Boston and New York via Queenstown (Cobh) and Galway, Commanded by Captain R. B. Irving, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 174f4288f5


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: R. B. Irving, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R
  2. Chief Engineer: R. Campbell
  3. Surgeon: J O'Hea
  4. Chief Steward: J Cheshire
  5. CH. Officer : C. G. Illingworth, R.D., R.N.R
  6. Purser: E C F. Moore
  7. Assistant Purser : A. E. Hitchlock


List of Cabin Passengers

  1. Rev. D. D. Addison
  2. Mrs. Addison
  3. Miss J. D. Addison
  4. Mr. J. Ashworth
  5. Mrs. Ashworth
  6. Miss D. Ashworth
  7. Master E. Bradley
  8. Miss H. Bradley
  9. Mrs. M. E. Brantingham
  10. Squadron Leader, A. Briscoe, R.A.F
  11. Mrs. M. E. Bryant
  12. Mr. W. C. Bullitt
  13. Miss A. M. Bullitt and Nurse
  14. Mr. F. L. Burch
  15. Mrs. Burch
  16. Mr. Philip Burns
  17. Mr. S. D. Bush, Second
  18. Mrs. Bush
  19. Mr. C. W. Bailey
  20. Mrs. Bailey
  21. Miss M. Baines
  22. Mr. H. C. Barney
  23. Mrs. Barney
  24. Mrs. D. Barney
  25. Miss A. Barney
  26. Miss C. Bauer
  27. Mr. J. Baxter
  28. Miss A. Beroldingen
  29. Mrs. Mary L. Boda
  30. Mr. Stephen N. Boothe
  31. Mrs. R. K. Borden
  32. Mrs. Robert K. Borden
  33. Miss E. H. H. Bowman
  34. Mr. D. M. Caird
  35. Capt. A. H. Church
  36. Miss Agnes R. Clarke
  37. Mr. M. H. N. Colaris
  38. Mrs. D. H. Cole
  39. Miss B. Collins
  40. Mr. W. Crawford Craig
  41. Miss Cornelia Curtis
  42. Mr. Thomas F. Grady
  43. Mrs. Grady
  44. Miss Graham
  45. Mr. L. Grinnell
  46. Mrs. Grinnell
  47. Miss S. Grinnell
  48. Mr. Leopold Gruener
  49. Mrs. Gruener
  50. Miss Marion Dalton
  51. Mr. G. S. Daniels
  52. Mrs. Daniels
  53. Master I. Daniels
  54. Mr. John H. H. Davison
  55. Mrs. Davison
  56. Miss F. B. Denton
  57. Miss Martha Dexter
  58. Mr. C. Du Moulin
  59. Mrs. E. Ehrmann
  60. Mr. Meinard Faber
  61. Miss Anne M. Fallon
  62. Miss E. Faughnan
  63. Miss B. Finnin
  64. Mrs. Mary B. Fitz Roy
  65. Miss C. H. Garrett
  66. Mr. W. N. Gibson
  67. Mrs. Gibson
  68. Master B. N. Gibson
  69. Mr. A. D. Hall
  70. Miss J. Hallahan
  71. Miss Anastasia Hanlon
  72. Miss Helen Harness
  73. Mr. E. Haworth
  74. Mrs. Haworth
  75. Miss H. L. Haworth
  76. Master M. S. Haworth
  77. Mr. J. J. Healy
  78. Mrs. M. J. Heaton
  79. Miss E. Heaton
  80. Miss E. Hey
  81. Miss E. Hill
  82. Miss K. A. Homans
  83. Mr. Richard Hordon
  84. Colonel E. M. House
  85. Mrs. House
  86. Mr. W. A. Howell
  87. Mrs. Howell
  88. Mr. L. Howland
  89. Mrs. Howland
  90. Miss R. Jackson
  91. Mr. I. L. James
  92. Mrs. C. A. Jewett
  93. Mr. Edward W. Joy
  94. Mrs. Joy
  95. Miss M. M. Kay
  96. Miss C. E. Keelan
  97. Miss M. E. Kelly
  98. Mrs. Ivy Kenworthy
  99. Mr. J. Kerton
  100. Mrs. H. F. Kingsley
  101. Mr. Edward A. C. Koopman
  102. Mr. H. R. Lawrence
  103. Mrs. Lawrence
  104. Mrs. James Lawrence
  105. Miss Dorothy Lawrence
  106. Miss D. Lemonskyte
  107. Mrs. A. M. Lievesley
  108. Miss A. Liptrot
  109. Mr. Robert McBratney
  110. Mrs. Mary P. McKusick
  111. Miss Jean E. McKusick
  112. Miss Bridget McNamara
  113. Miss M. E. McPartland
  114. Miss B. J. C. Mann
  115. Mr. D. Manson
  116. Mr. W. H. Marden
  117. Mrs. H. H. Maynard
  118. Rev. Laurence Meany
  119. Mrs. K. G. Mickle
  120. Miss M. D. Mickle
  121. Mr. H. A. Milnes
  122. Mr. Carroll W. Morse
  123. Miss S. Morse
  124. Mr. L. Mullen
  125. Mr. J. M. Neilan
  126. Mrs. B. M. Nicholson
  127. Mrs. S. Norris
  128. Mr. M. P. Noyes
  129. Mrs. Noyes
  130. Miss G. Nussbaum
  131. Miss F. M. Nutsford
  132. Mr. J. Phillip O'Connell
  133. Mrs. S. Ogden
  134. Miss E. Ogden
  135. Mr. T. O'Hare
  136. Miss Mary O'Neill
  137. Mr. Marinus W. Oostdam
  138. Mr. A. Osborn
  139. Mr. R. O'Toole
  140. Mr. Franklin S. Owen
  141. Mrs. Owen
  142. Mrs. J. Pickering
  143. Miss K. Pickles
  144. Miss E. B. Prudden
  145. Miss L. E. Prudden
  146. Mr. Charles H. Sarolea
  147. Mr. P. W. Shepard
  148. Mrs. L. M. Smith
  149. Mr. H. W. Spencer
  150. Mrs. Spencer
  151. Mrs. William Stackpole
  152. Miss Susan Stackpole
  153. Miss M. Stark
  154. Mrs. J. R. Stivers
  155. Miss T. Stone
  156. Mr. Granville Strange
  157. Rev. Wm. A. Stride
  158. Miss E. Quellet
  159. Mr. H. W. C. Te Winkel
  160. Miss L. E. Tomlin
  161. Mrs. N. Townsend
  162. Miss E. Townsend
  163. Mr. W. Turnbull
  164. Mrs. Turnbull
  165. Mr. M. Raleigh
  166. Mr. J. W. Reed
  167. Mrs. Reed
  168. Mrs. G. Roberts
  169. Miss L. Roberts
  170. Mr. j. Robinson
  171. Mrs. G. Robinson
  172. Miss Z. J. Roe
  173. Miss M. Valovitch
  174. Miss R. E. Waite
  175. Mr. H. H. Ward
  176. Miss M. G. Ward
  177. Miss Clara Warman
  178. Rev. Maurice Weyrnes
  179. Mrs. J. L. Williams
  180. Mrs. C. H. Williams
  181. Mrs. E. M. 'Williams
  182. Mr. F. D. Winslow, Second
  183. Mr. W. R. Winter
  184. Mr. E. Wood
  185. Mrs. Wood
  186. Mr. S. Wood
  187. Mrs. Wood
  188. Mrs. S. E. Woodhead
  189. Miss L. F. Wright
  190. Mr. M. Yamaguchi
  191. Mrs. Yamaguchi
  192. Master E. Yamaguchi
  193. Master A. Yamaguchi
  194. Mr. V. Zumbo


Recovery of U.S. Head Tax.

Passengers who desire to claim refund of Head Tax are required to comply with the following :—

  1. Temporary visitors to the United States should state in Question 24 on the U.S. Declaration Form, which should be completed at the time of booking, that they intend to leave the United States within a period of 6o days from the date of entry
  2. Application should be made to the Purser of the Westbound steamer for receipt covering the U.S. Head Tax paid. This is necessary to facilitate refund of the Head. Tax after Passengers have left the United States
  3. Passengers should apply to the U.S. Immigrant Inspector at the port of arrival for Head Tax Transit Certificate (U.S. Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Immigration Authorities, even though Passengers should leave the U.S. within 6o days and would otherwise be entitled to refund of the Head Tax under existing U.S. law

Refund of Head Tax will only be made by the U.S. Authorities when completed forms 514 are filed with them within a period of 120 Gays from the date of entry into the U.S. as shewn on the top right hand corner of the U.S. Form 514. No application for refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Authorities after the expiry of such period.

Although the period of time between arrival at a Canadian port and departure from the United States may exceed 6o days, this does not necessarily mean that persons in this category are prohibited from securing refund of Head Tax, so long as the actual period spent in the U.S. does not exceed 60 days. The application for refund, however, must be filed with the U.S. Immigration Authorities within 120 days of the actual date of crossing the border from Canada into the U.S.

Passengers returning to Europe in Cunard Line steamers may—on presentation of the necessary documents—viz. :— Transit Certificate Form 514 completed, and the Company's receipt for Head Tax paid—obtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, providing the Passengers have left the U.S. within the prescribed period of 6o days, and the completed form 514 can be filed with the U.S. Authorities within 120 days of entry into the United States.

Refund of Head Tax is subject to strict compliance with the above procedure.


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