RMS Berengaria Passenger List - 7 September 1929

Front Cover, Cunard Line RMS Berengaria Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List - 7 September 1929.

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Berengaria of the Cunard Line, Departing Wednesday, 7 September 1929 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain W. Prothero. GGA Image ID # 12f66e9fda


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: W. PROTHERO
  2. Staff-Captain: C. W. WRAY, R.D., R.N.R.
  3. Chief Engineer: R. Lambert
  4. Staff Chief Engineer:  W. Sutcliffe
  5. Surgeon: J. D. Doherty
  6. Assistant Surgeon: . McLeman
  7. Chief Steward: E. B. Pimbley
  8. Chief Officer: J. G. P. Bisset, R.D., R.N.R.
  9. Purser: F. E. Owen
  10. Second Purser: L. K. Connolly
  11. Assistant Purser: M. Ferguson
  12. Tourist Third Cabin Purser: J. Earley
  13. Tourist Third Cabin Steward: J. Naylor


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. R. R. Adcock
  2. Mr. T. Adler
  3. Mr. T. Adler
  4. Miss L. Aikman
  5. Mr. E. Alexander
  6. Mr. J. Allcock
  7. Mrs. J. Allcock
  8. Prof. D. Alpern
  9. Mr. O. Anderson
  10. Miss A. Armstrong
  11. Miss G. Aticins
  12. Mrs. A. M. Atkeson
  13. Miss V. At more
  14. Miss D. Babb
  15. Mr. E. K. Bailey
  16. Mr. A. Barnes
  17. Mr. K. Barnes
  18. Mr. R. Barnes
  19. Mr. J. Barrow
  20. Mr. J. Barzun
  21. Mr. C. G. Bauman
  22. Miss M. Bayne
  23. Mrs. F. Beattie
  24. Mr. F. Beattie
  25. Mr. P. B. Beckheim
  26. Miss G. J. Beckwith M
  27. r. R. Bennett
  28. Mr. H. Bergson
  29. Mrs. Bergson
  30. Rev. J. B. Berrnarquin
  31. Mr. H. Bernis
  32. Mr. J. C. M. Betts
  33. Miss M. Biehl
  34. Rev. A. W. Birks
  35. Mrs. Birks
  36. Mr. A. G. Birnbaum
  37. Mr. H. Blackstone
  38. Miss L. Blake
  39. Miss H. Blake
  40. Mrs. M. M. Boland
  41. Mrs. F. C. Boundey
  42. Mr. A. Boyle
  43. Mr. G. Brown
  44. Mrs. Brown
  45. Miss I. Brown
  46. Mr. A. L. Brown
  47. Mr. J. O. Brown
  48. Mrs. Bucz
  49. Miss Bucz
  50. Mr. I. H. Bull
  51. Mr. E. E. Burriss
  52. Mr. Buzatesco
  53. Miss E. Callan
  54. Miss R. Callan
  55. Mr. Cameron
  56. Mr. C. D. Campbell
  57. Miss E. Carillo
  58.  Mr. A. F. Carlin
  59. Mrs. Carlin
  60. Miss J. Carolin
  61. Miss A. Carosio
  62. Mr. Carter
  63. Mrs. Carvini
  64. Miss Carvini
  65. Miss R. Cazes
  66. Mrs. E. L. Cecil
  67. Prof. R. Cerf
  68. Miss A. Chalnfour
  69. Mr. R. H. Chapin
  70. Miss C. Chapin
  71. Mr. W. A. Charland
  72. Mr. S. Charles
  73. Mr. Citrin
  74. Rev. E. T. Clark
  75. Mr. N. Coburn
  76. Mrs. Coburn
  77. Master R. Coburn
  78. Mrs. P. Cohen
  79. Mr. H. I. Condon
  80. Miss M. L. Cook
  81. Miss I. Cook
  82. Mr. A. J. Cooke
  83. Mr. W. A. Cordes
  84. Miss L. E. Courtois
  85. Mr. R. Crane
  86. Mr. J. L. Crawford
  87. Miss M. Criper
  88. Miss H. B. Crutcher
  89. Miss A. S. Cuite
  90. Miss E. L. Culbertson
  91. Miss R. Culp
  92. Mr. C. B. Culver
  93. Miss A. Curran
  94. Miss E. Curtis
  95. Miss M. Dasey
  96. Mr. IT. Davis
  97. Mr. C. De Backer
  98. Mrs. De Backer
  99. Master F. De Backer
  100. Miss I. Denison
  101. Mr. R. W. De Visme
  102. Mr. E. W. De Visme
  103. Mrs. A. W. De Visme
  104. Miss B. McLane Dow
  105. Miss L. F. Durand
  106. Mr. M. Dushin
  107. Mr. R. M. Easton
  108. Mr. J. H. Eddy
  109. Miss L. L. Ellerbe
  110. Miss G. Emery
  111. Miss L. Engoran
  112. Mr. A. M. Espinal
  113. Miss G. Everest
  114. Miss E. Fahnestock
  115. Rev. R. W. Faulk
  116. Miss IT. Fiske
  117. Miss F. Fletcher
  118. Miss L. Foore
  119. Mr. N. Frank
  120. Miss D. Fraser
  121. Miss B. C. Freeman
  122. Mrs. F. Friedman
  123. Mr. G. J. Gemehl
  124. Mr. B. Gladieux
  125. Mr. S. Goodman
  126. Mr. H. Grant
  127. Mr. Green
  128. Mrs. N. Green
  129. Miss L. Greenbaum
  130. Mrs. E. Grenfell
  131. Miss G. Grice
  132. Miss H. Griffin
  133. Miss F. Griswold
  134. Mr. M. Grover
  135. Miss L. R. Guttren
  136. Mr. J. H. Hadley
  137. Dr. H. Haight
  138. Mr. W. Hain
  139. Miss E. Hall
  140. Miss H. M. Hall
  141. Mr. L. Hamburger
  142. Mrs. Hamburger
  143. Mr. R. T. Hammond
  144. Miss M. B. Hammond
  145. Miss M. Harmon
  146. Miss L. Harris
  147. Mr. A. J. Harrison
  148. Mrs. M. Harrison
  149. Miss V. Harrison
  150. Miss C. Hazleton
  151. Miss N. Hetsch
  152. Miss A. Hewes
  153. Mr. H. Hill
  154. Mrs. Hill
  155. Mr. A. Hirschman
  156. Mr. J. Hodges
  157. Miss J. Hoffman
  158. Miss M. Holmes
  159. Dr. S. Hook
  160. Mrs. C. Hook
  161. Mr. W. Houston
  162. Mr. M. C. Hubbell
  163. Mr. L. Hummel
  164. Miss E. B. Humphrey
  165. Mrs. E. Jasper
  166. Mrs. F. E. Jeffries
  167. Miss E. Jenney
  168. Miss E. V. Johnson
  169. Mr. H. Johnston
  170. Mr. H. T. Johnston
  171. Mr. Jones
  172. Mr. J. W. Jones
  173. Mrs. R. Kamanis
  174. Miss A. Kettler
  175. Mrs. C. Killien
  176. Mr. E. Kopernick
  177. Mrs. Kopernick
  178. Miss I. Koper ick
  179. Mr. W. C. Korfmacher
  180. Miss G. Kotila
  181. Mr. J. W. Kotila
  182. Mrs. A. Kremel
  183. Mr. T. J. Kreps
  184. Mrs. Kreps
  185. Mr. B. Kuligowski
  186. Mrs. Kuligowski
  187. Mrs. J. Kunkel
  188. Mr. H. Kurz
  189. Mrs. J. Lang
  190. Mr. W. A. Lauman
  191. Mr. W. Leeman
  192. Miss E. Leslie
  193. Mrs. E. Lewis
  194. Mrs. E. Lewitin
  195. Miss L. Libzen
  196. Miss E. Light
  197. Miss B. Light
  198. Miss G. Linseman
  199. Mr. C. Lisle
  200. Dr. E. Little
  201. Mr. B. Locker
  202. Miss M. Loftus
  203. Mr. A. Lonargo
  204. Mrs. Lonargo
  205. Miss A. Lorey
  206. Miss E. Lowenstein
  207. Miss M. Lucas
  208. Mr. C. Lundquist
  209. Miss M. Lynch
  210. Mrs. S. MacArthur
  211. Miss F. MacArthur
  212. Mrs. M. T. McClure
  213. Mr. J. W. McCreary
  214. Mr. L. MacDonald
  215. Mr. A. McGillivray
  216. Mrs. McGillivray
  217. Mr. A. Mcllvainc
  218. Mrs. M. R. McKee
  219. Master B. McLoughlin
  220. Miss L. Malament
  221. Mr. F. Malinquist
  222. Mr. A. Malinquist
  223. Mrs. E. Malinquist
  224. Mr. C. D. Martin
  225. Miss M. Marx
  226. Mr. C. F. Matthews
  227. Miss A. J. Mauer
  228. Mrs. D. Mayfield
  229. Mrs. W. F. Meckel
  230. Miss I. Meeson
  231. Miss S. Mehlman
  232. Mr. C. Menser
  233. Mrs. Menser
  234. Miss C. T. Mercer
  235. Miss I. Miller
  236. Mr. W. Miller
  237. Mr. M. Moehary
  238. Mr. S. Moncada
  239. Mrs. Moncada
  240. Mr. R. C. Moore
  241. Mr. H. R. Moorhead
  242. Mr. R. Morris
  243. Mrs. G. G. Morse
  244. Miss M. Muldoon
  245. Mr. C. H. Munger
  246. Mrs. S. Muxlow
  247. Mr. Neilson
  248. Miss A. Nelson
  249. Mr. B. W. Newcomb
  250. Mr. F. Nicholas
  251. Mrs. Nicholas
  252. Miss E. Nicholas
  253. Mr. J. Nicholas
  254. Mrs. Nicholas
  255. Miss D. Nicholas
  256. Miss M. Norton
  257. Mr. T. D. O’Brien
  258. Mr. H. O'Hara
  259. Mr. D. Oken
  260. Mr. E. O’Neill
  261. Lt.-Col. Orde-Rees
  262. Mr. H. M. Parker
  263. Mr. B. Parkhill
  264. Mr. C. E. Parkhill
  265. Mrs. Parkhill
  266. Miss J. Parlakis
  267. Mr. N. Parlakis
  268. Miss A. M. Paterson
  269. Mr. J. M. Pearce
  270. Miss R. J. Peebles
  271. Miss N. Penrose
  272. Prof. C. Perkins
  273. Prof. C. Perkins
  274. Mrs. Perkins
  275. Miss D. Perkins
  276. Master N. Perkins
  277. Miss H. Pervenond
  278. Mrs. E. Pilgreen
  279. Mr. D. Post
  280. Mr. R. L. Purdy
  281. Mr. P. Rakata
  282. Miss E. Ravin
  283. Miss L. Rawlins
  284. Miss C. Reese
  285. Miss M. Reese
  286. Mr. E. F. Reeves
  287. Miss C. Reigart
  288. Miss O. Reilly
  289. Mrs. H. J. Reynolds
  290. Mr. H. Rigg
  291. Miss R. Rogers
  292. Mrs. L. Rohrbaugh
  293. Miss J. Rohrbaugh
  294. Miss F. Rooney
  295. Miss D. Ross
  296. Mrs. C. Russell
  297. Miss B. Russell
  298. Miss E. Russell
  299. Rev. C. C. Ryan
  300. Mr. Salvan
  301. Mr. J. M. Savage
  302. Mrs. Savage
  303. Miss R. Sawyer
  304. Miss K. Schanz,
  305. Mr. C. Schmidt
  306. Mrs. Schmidt
  307. Miss H. Schoen
  308. Dr. Schwartzkopf
  309. Mrs. Schwartzkopf
  310. Miss A. Scott
  311. Miss M. Scott
  312. Mr. L. Sergeant
  313. Mr. W. B. Sharpe
  314. Miss L. Shaw
  315. Mr. Shumani
  316. Mrs. C. Sillis
  317. Mr. V. Silwerstrini
  318. Mrs. Silwerstrini
  319. Master O. Silwerstrini
  320. Mr. T. C. P. Singer
  321. Mr. H. Skinner
  322. Prof. A. Skjerne
  323. Mr. E. Slack
  324. Miss C. Sleep
  325. Miss R. H. Smith
  326. Miss I. Snyder
  327. Miss G. Spalding
  328. Miss G. Spaulding
  329. Mrs. Spaulding
  330. Mr. F. Spitzer
  331. Mr. F. H. Squire
  332. Mr. G. Sterba
  333. Miss V. L. Storey
  334. Mr. J. A. Strasbourger
  335. Mr. M. Stuart
  336. Miss K. Sutton
  337. Mrs. L. Swedd
  338. Miss M. Taussig
  339. Mrs. M. Taylor
  340. Mrs. W. Taylor
  341. Mrs. A. Terry
  342. Mr. W. Tether
  343. Mrs. M. E. Thomas
  344. Miss M. P. Thomas
  345. Mrs. H. Thomas
  346. Mr. F. Thurber
  347. Mr. M. Toumarkine
  348. Mr. D. Towns
  349. Mrs. Towns
  350. Miss M. Towns
  351. Mr. J. Tschicaja
  352. Mr. S. Tyndall
  353. Mr. A. P. Vannini
  354. Mr. W. Veit
  355. M. J. Vrana
  356. Mrs. Vrana
  357. Mr. Waldberg
  358. Mrs. A. C. Waldo
  359. Miss A. G. Waldo
  360. Mr. A. J. Walsh
  361. Mrs. Walsh
  362. Mrs. K. Wambach
  363. Miss M. H. Ward
  364. Miss A. J. Warden
  365. Miss M. G. Webster
  366. Mr. J. J. Weigle
  367. Mr. A. A. Wellman
  368. Miss E. R. West
  369. Dr. A. B. West
  370. Mr. J. S. Weyl
  371. Miss F. D. White
  372. Mrs. W. White
  373. Miss E. White
  374. Miss E. White
  375. Rev. O. R. Williams
  376. Mrs. O. M. Williams
  377. Mr. H. Williams
  378. Mr. I. Woolf
  379. Mr. J. Wright
  380. Mr. H. Wyss
  381. Mrs. Wyss
  382. Mr. A. A. Young
  383. Mr. C. Young
  384. Mrs. Young
  385. Miss H. Young
  386. Miss L. Zeiser


Information for Passengers

MEALS will be served at the following times in the Tourist Third Cabin Dining Saloon:
When One Sitting

  • BREAKFAST: from 8.00 a.m.
  • LUNCHEON: 1.00 p.m.
  • DINNER: 7.00 p.m.

When Two Sittings

  • BREAKFAST: 7.30 a.m. and 8.30 a.m.
  • LUNCHEON: 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m.
  • DINNER: 6.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.

SEATS AT TABLE.—Application should be made to the Tourist Third Cabin Steward, on day of sailing.

DIVINE SERVICE on Sunday at 10.30 a.m.

BARS in Tourist Third Cabin will not be open later than 1.30 p.m., but it is within the discretion of the Commander to close them during the voyage at any time should he consider this course desirable.

DECK CHAIRS for use on Tourist Third Cabin Decks may be hired at the following charges :

Standard wooden deck chairs:  4/2 or  $1
Canvas chairs and stools 2/6 or 60 cents.

Standard chairs: 3/- or 75 cents.
Canvas chairs and stools 2/6 or 60 cents.

Application for these should be made to the Tourist Third Cabin Deck Steward.

RUGS are also available for hire at a cost of 2/6 (60 cents). Each Rug is contained in a sealed cardboard box. and bears a serial number worked into the material so that passengers will have no difficulty in identifying their rugs. At the end of each voyage, the rugs which have been in use are sent to the store and thoroughly cleaned, before being re-issued.

THE SURGEON is authorized to make customary charges for his services, subject to the approval of the Commander, to First Class, Cabin, Second Class and Tourist Third Cabin passengers.

LIBRARIES.—An excellent selection of Novels by well- known authors, in addition to a set of travel books, are available for the use of Tourist Third Cabin passengers.

BERTH LADDERS are supplied for the use of Tourist Third Cabin passengers.

PORT HOLES.—Passengers should request their Bedroom Stewards to open and close the port holes in the Staterooms, as required.

It is dangerous for passengers to handle these themselves.

VALUABLES.—The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the Staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company's form. As no charge is made for carriage the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.

PAYMENTS. Passengers should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's form for any additional Passage Money, Rugs, Chairs, Excess Baggage. Freight, Wireless Messages, etc., paid on board.


LANDING CARDS. —Tourist Third Cabin passengers will be handed Landing Cards by the Purser of the steamer prior to disembarkation at New York.

Before leaving the vessel, passengers are called upon to present these Landing Cards to the United States Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.

RETURN ACCOMMODATION.—For the convenience of those passengers who will be returning from the United States and Canada to Europe and who have not made the necessary arrangements, the Purser will be pleased to radio New York or Montreal Office for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will consequently save them time and trouble in the United States and Canada.

INTERCHANGEABILITY OF RETURN TICKETS.—Furness Line return passenger tickets are interchangeable on Cunard Line steamers, and similarly Cunard Line return passenger tickets with Furness Line, any difference in rates being adjusted with the Carrying Line.

BAGGAGE. — Westbound passengers proceeding from London to Southampton by special trains will pay to The Southern Railway at Waterloo Station, London, any ocean excess baggage charges due.

All enquiries regarding baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Baggage Master.

Passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Pier, otherwise considerable delay and extra charge for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers on the Railway.

Baggage wanted on the voyage must be limited in size to 14 inches in height, 2 feet in width, and 3 feet 8 inches in length.

Dangerous articles, such as Fireworks, Matches. Gunpowder" Gasoline, Cartridges. Moving Picture Films, etc., must not on any account be enclosed in baggage.

Baggage Allowance on Atlantic Steamers is on the following scale for Tourist Third Cabin passengers: Free (15 cubic feet) -  Excess charge (2/6 per cubic foot).

INSURANCE OF BAGGAGE. — The Company, while taking every possible care and precaution, strongly recommend passengers to insure their baggage, as in the event of loss or damage the Cunard Company cannot accept any liability beyond the amount specified on steamer tickets.

The Company offers facilities for the insurance of baggage prior to embarkation against loss by sea or land, risk of fire, breakage, theft or pilferage.

BONDING BAGGAGE.—Baggage can be checked In Bond at Landing Port to the principal points in U.S.A. and Canada.

Baggage is subject to Customs inspection at port of landing, and packages should be such that they can be quickly opened.

Careful attention to instructions will facilitate handling of baggage on steamer’s arrival, and thus prevent delay to passenger.

ARRIVALS AT NEW YORK. — Passengers are landed at the Company’s Piers, 53 to 56, North River, foot of West 14th Street, where railway tickets can be purchased, and baggage checked to any part of the United States and Canada. After landing, passengers should enquire at the Mail desk on the wharf for letters and telegrams.

When any of the Company’s steamers arrive at the Pier after 8 p.m., passengers have the option of remaining on board overnight and landing after breakfast the following morning.

ARRIVALS AT Québec and Montréal. — Examination of Tourist Third Cabin passengers takes place at Quebec or on board the steamer.

On arrival at Montreal the Customs are in attendance at the Dock, together with Representatives of the Railway Companies, and passengers destined to interior points holding rail orders, exchange such orders for actual Rail tickets, pass the Customs and check their baggage through to destination.

Passengers booked to inland points are transferred in the Transfer Company’s vehicles from the Dock to the Railway Stations.

In the event of the steamer docking at Montreal too late in the evening for passengers to make connections with the night trains, they may remain on board overnight and disembark at 7-00 a.m. next morning.

AIR SERVICE FROM NEW YORK.—Passengers landing at New York and wishing to reach their destinations as quickly as possible can make use of the Airplane Service operated by the Curtiss Flying Service Inc., Operating Company for the Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company Inc., Garden City, New York. Radio telegrams reserving machines from the Curtiss Company will be accepted at the Wireless Office without prepayment of charges.

Further particulars including rates can be obtained from the Purser.

PUBLIC TELEPHONES.—Telephone service with booths and operator in attendance will be found near the Customs Lines on the New York Wharf and on the Company’s Wharfs at Québec and Montréal.

TAXICABS can be hired at the New York Piers. It is suggested to passengers for their own protection that taxicabs of the Yellow Taxi Corporation, which come within our pier gates, afford comfort and protection as regards baggage, etc., and reasonable rates.

RAIL ROUTING OF PASSENGERS.—For the convenience of all passengers disembarking at our piers in New York, who are destined to interior points, the Railroad Lines out of New York as well as Steamship Lines for Boston, have representatives on the wharf to meet passengers and arrange to issue railroad tickets to all points in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, as well as tickets for Boston, via steamer.

These representatives will also arrange to check baggage from our piers through to destination, relieving passengers of the annoyance of having to purchase their tickets at the dépôt or re-check their baggage. Baggage transfer charges from our piers to rail depots or steamship dock must be paid by passengers.

TOURIST DEPARTMENT. —A Department is maintained at each of the Cunard Company’s American and Canadian Offices, where accurate information and helpful assistance relative to travel in the United States, Canada and throughout the world is at the disposal of patrons.

CANADIAN POSTAL RATES.—Letters for delivery to all points in Canada, United States. Mexico. Great Britain and British Guiana, two cents for the first ounce and two cents for each additional ounce ; to all other places in the British Empire, three cents for the first ounce and three cents for each additional ounce. All places not mentioned above, eight cents for the first ounce and four cents for each additional ounce.

Postal Cards to points in Canada, Great Britain and all other places within the Empire, United States and Mexico, two cents each (War Tax included) ; rates to other countries four cents each.

Canadian Newspapers to points in Canada, Great Britain and certain places within the Empire. United States and Mexico, one cent for four ounces.

Printed Matter to points in Canada, United States and Mexico, one cent for two ounces; rates to other countries, two cents for two ounces.

Literature for the Blind to points in Canada. United States. Mexico and Newfoundland, free; rates to all other countries one cent per lb.

Commercial Papers to all countries other than Canada, ten cents for the first ten ounces, two cents for every additional two ounces.

Samples to points in Canada, United States and Mexico, one cent per two ounces; rates to all other countries, four cents for the first four ounces, two cents every additional two ounces.

Acknowledgment of Receipt of Registered Articles to points in Canada and all other countries, ten cents if requested at the time of posting the article, 20 cents if requested after posting the article.

Special Delivery Letters.—Letters addressed for city delivery in Canada or United States can be put off at Father Point and promptly sent onward as Special Delivery Letters, if prepaid with a Canadian 20c. special delivery stamp, plus ordinary postage.
Special delivery stamps or their equivalent in ordinary postage (the former preferred) can be obtained on board this ship, or from the British Mail Officer, who will board the steamer off Father Point.

RECOVERY OF U.S. HEAD TAX.—This Tax can be recovered by passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within sixty days (the time prescribed by U.S. law), and obtain from him Refund of Head Tax Certificate (Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Authorities.

It is necessary for Refund of Head Tax Certificate (Form 514) to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passenger’s arrival in the United States.

Unless this regulation is complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.

Note.—Will passengers who have not paid the Head Tax in consequence of their being in transit to Canada kindly complete Form 514, which they will receive from the Immigration Officials at New York, and forward same to the Cunard Line, 25, Broadway, New York, as soon as possible after departure from the United States, or hand to the Purser of the steamer in which they return to Europe.

CUSTOMS REGULATIONS.—U.S.A.—The following paragraphs from the new United States Tariff Law enumerate the articles which passengers can take into the United States free of duty:—

Paragraph 504.—Books, libraries, usual and reasonable furniture, and similar household effects of persons or families from foreign countries, all the foregoing if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale.

Paragraph 709.—Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States ; but this exemption shall only include such articles as actually accompany and are in the use of and as are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons, for the immediate purposes of the journey and present comfort and convenience, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles intended for other persons or for sale: Provided—That in case of residents of the United States returning from abroad, all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty without regard to their value, upon their identity being established, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than one hundred dollars in value of articles



CANADIAN CUSTOMS’ REQUIREMENTS. —The attention of passengers bound for Canada is drawn to the following notice relating to the Canadian Customs’ Requirements at Canadian ports.

RESIDENTS OF CANADA.—Are required to declare to the Customs Officer at Port of Landing in Canada, all articles purchased or obtained abroad whether as gifts or otherwise. Failure to declare goods leaves same liable to seizure.

All goods, whether liable to duty or not, are required to be presented for Customs examination, and passengers are warned when in doubt as to whether or not an article is liable to duty, it should be produced for examination by the Customs Officer.

TOURISTS’ OUTFITS.—"Temporary Admission— Persons visiting Canada for a limited period of time, for health or pleasure, may bring with them such articles of tourists’ outfits or sportsmen’s equipment as they may require while in Canada for their own use and not for gain or hire, upon reporting same to the Customs Officer at the Canadian frontier port of entry, subject to departmental regulations."

Passengers can be picked up at the dock either by car or by amphibian, taken to the nearest flying field, and from there by air to their destination. The Customs Officer may require all packages of baggage to be opened for his examination ; and responsibility for opening, unpacking and repacking the packages rests with the passenger or his agent.

BRIBERY.— Any person giving, offering or promising any bribe, recompense, reward or tip to an Officer is liable to severe penalties.

THROUGH BAGGAGE.—Passengers on route to destinations outside of Canada may have their checked baggage forwarded "In Bond” to a frontier port under Customs Manifest without examination of same by a Customs Officer.

SAMPLES.—(Such as carried by commercial travelers, are required to be delivered to the Customs Officer for entry purpose, and invoice or statement in detail showing the priced- wholesale, of each sample as sold for home consumption, such invoice or statement should be attested to by the traveler.)

SETTLERS’ EFFECTS. — (Free, if actually in use for six months before removal to Canada, but are required to be produced upon landing to Customs Officer for examination and entry.)

SPECIAL TRAINS.—CHERBOURG—PARIS.—Reservations of seats on the special train from Cherbourg to Paris can be arranged at the Purser’s Office.


All Cunard steamers now carry a code book issued by the Radiomarine Corporation of America, which enables passengers desiring to make Pullman Car reservations by radio to send these messages in code direct to the Railroad Terminals at New York and Boston.

Passengers desiring to avail themselves of this service should apply at the Purser’s Office. It must be understood, however, that the Company does not accept any responsibility in connection with the reservations, the code book being merely for passengers' convenience.

Passengers must bear the cost of the messages.

PROFESSIONAL GAMBLERS.— Passengers are informed that Professional Gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic Steamers, and are warned to take precautions accordingly.


This vessel is equipped with special up-to-date Wireless Apparatus which enables passengers to keep in constant touch with their friends or business houses throughout the voyage across the North Atlantic Ocean.

VIA BRITISH COAST STATIONS.—For places in the United Kingdom the inclusive rate is 11d. per word; for other countries the rate is 10d. per word, plus landline and cable charges. Every word in the address, text and signature is counted; all charges must be prepaid.

VIA UNITED STATES COAST STATIONS.—The wireless rate via New York City, New London, Conn., Tuckerton, N.J., East Moriches, L.I., Chatham, and Boston, Mass., is 9d. per word; every word in the address, text and signature is counted; landline charges additional; all charges must be prepaid.

VIA CANADIAN COAST STATIONS.—The wireless rate via Cape Race and Sable Island is 1s. 0 ½ d., and Louisburg 9d. per word, via Montreal, Quebec, Gross Isle, Clarke City, P.Q., St. John, N.B., Grindstone Island, N. Sydney, N.S., Chebucto Head, N.S., Yarmouth, N.S., Belle Isle, Pt. Amour, Father Point, and Fame Point, is calculated at 7d. per word: every word in address, text and signature is counted; landline charges additional; all charges must be prepaid.

VIA FRENCH COAST STATIONS.—The wireless rate is 8d. per word: every word in address, text and signature is counted; landline charges additional ; all charges must be prepaid.

SHIP TO SHIP.—The general rate on ship to ship messages is 8d. per word, but Dutch, Belgian and certain other vessels apply a ship tax with a minimum of ten words. The charges on messages to these vessels will be calculated as follows: English ship tax,  4d. per word, without minimum; Dutch or Belgian, etc., ship tax, 4d. per word, with a minimum of 3s. 4d. Thus for a message of ten words or more the charge is 8d. per word.


Wireless Letters are sent by Radio to Cunard and certain other ships passing in an opposite direction for forwarding to their destinations by cither ordinary mail, air mail, express delivery, or as Night Letter Telegrams, on arrival at their first port of call.

A special reduced radio charge of 4s. 2d. ($1.00) is made for twenty words: for each word in excess of this number 1d. will be charged. Forwarding charges additional.

The text of Wireless Letters must be written in plain language, and letters for mailing by registered post at ports in the United States must shew in the address the Christian name of the addressee, or the title, “Mr., Mrs., or Miss.”

Particulars regarding Wireless Communications established or expected will be found posted on the Wireless Notice Board.

Time is saved and greater accuracy is secured by passengers handing in their messages direct to the Wireless or Purser's Office, where full information regarding rates, etc., may be obtained

Passengers are requested to see that they obtain a signed receipt showing amount paid for each message handed in for transmissions


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