RMS Mauretania Passenger List - 26 September 1928
Front Cover of a Second Class Passenger List from the RMS Mauretania of the Cunard Line, Departing Wednesday, 26 September 1928 from New York to Southampton via Plymouth and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain R. L. Alexander, DSO, RD, RNR. GGA Image ID # 174cddf268
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain R. L. Alexander, DSO, RD, RNR.
- Chief Engineer: A. Cockhurn
- Staff Chief Engineer: E. Barton
- Chief Officer: L. R. Carr, RD, RNR.
- Purser: C. G. Johnson, RD, RNR.
- Second Purser: L. E. Carine
- Senior Assistant Purser: O. C. Ascroft
- Surgeon: H. W. Case
- Assistant Surgeon: G. F. Buchan
- Chief Steward: E. B. Pimbley
- Second Class Purser: M. Morris
- Chief Second Class Steward: F. Martindale
Second Class Passengers
- Mr. Gordon D. Ainslee
- Mr. E. Balding
- Mrs. Balding
- Mrs. Rose Basch
- Sister Maria S. Basion
- Mrs. Sonya Belski
- Miss Valya Belski
- Mr. John Boned
- Miss Cisel Boned
- Mr. A. Bouvard
- Mrs. Bouvard
- Mr. G. Butlin
- Miss Constance Button
- Miss Magda Bysheim
- Mr. C. Chadwick
- Mr. J. S. Clark
- Mr. J. V. Colman
- Rev. Edward A. Conway
- Mr. D. W. Cook
- Mr. Davies
- Mrs. Davies
- Miss Davies
- Miss Retecca E. Davis
- Mrs. Edith Derrick
- Miss Gussie Diener
- Mr. M. Eri
- Mr. F. H. Errington
- Mrs. H. H. Ferguson
- Miss Patricia Ferguson
- Mr. Robert Friedberg
- Mr. FullIbrook
- Miss Lorna German
- Mrs. Beatrice Green
- Miss Hilda Green
- Mr. A. F. Heim
- Mrs. Maude Hobbs
- Miss Olive Hobbs
- Mr. James M. Houston
- Mr. C. H. Humphries
- Mrs. Humphries
- Miss Edith Humphries
- Mr. Alexander Hunter
- Rev. Robert Irwin
- Mrs. Irwin
- Mr. Douglas Jelley
- Miss Mirian Jones
- Mr. J. C. Jones
- Mr. Charles Jordan
- Miss Julia Kaliroda
- Mr George Yesa Kawas
- Mr. William Keannear
- Mr. Vaclav Kejla
- Mr. J. M. Kirkby
- Mr. Max Kleiner
- Mr. William H. Knox
- Mr. Stuart Lawson
- Mr. Alfred Lewis
- Mr. Enore Lichtman
- Mr. McHoffman
- Miss Edna McKay
- Capt. Reginald McLean
- Miss Bessie McLexum
- Mr. Otto Marbach
- Mr. Morris Meltzer
- Mr. Middleton
- Mrs. Middleton
- Sister Wladyslawa Nasilowska
- Miss Nettie E. Nichols
- Mr. Eikichi Okuda
- Mr. K. Osuka
- Mr. P. Pecker
- Mr. E. F. Pfannar
- Mrs. William Pilling
- Mr. Stanley B. Potter
- Mrs. Sarah C Rees
- Mr. H. Richardson
- Mrs. Inna Scherlaub
- Miss Inna Scherlaub
- Miss Jolanda Scherlaub
- Mr. T. Schreiber
- Mr. T. Shaw
- Mrs. Shaw
- Miss A. I. Shaw
- Miss U. Shaw
- Mrs. Speyer
- Mrs. Enta Sterling
- Mr. Janies Thomas
- Mr. Charles Trayford
- Mr. Roger Vusl
- Miss Winifred Walker
- Mr. Waterton
- Mr. R. Weinmann
- Rev. Francis J. Welzmiller
- Mrs. Phil White
- Master William White
- Mr. John Yungert
- Dr Harry Caplin
- Mr. C. R. Davies
- Mrs. A. Gadella
- Master F. Gadella
- Mr. C. Hoffman
- Mr. F. Morcaldi
- Mr. B. Nemirofsky
- Miss M. Tappen
- Mr. C. Tatanis
- Mrs. H. H. Ferguson
- Miss P. Ferguson
- Mr. Charles Jordan
- Mr. McHoffman
- Mr. John Boned should read Mr. John Bone
- Miss Cicel Boned .... Cicel Bone
- Miss Bessie McLenon .... Miss Elizabeth McLennan
- Mrs. William Pilling .... Mr. William Pilling
Information for Passengers
Meals will be served at the following times in the Dining Saloon:
When 1 sitting: Breakfast 8:00 am, Luncheon 1:00 pm, Dinner 7:00 pm
When 2 sittings: Breakfast 7.30 am and 8:30 am, Luncheon 12:30 pm and 1.30 p.m, Dinner 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm
Bars will not be open later than 11:30 p m., but it is within the discretion of the Commander to close them during the voyage at any time, should be consider this course desirable.
Seats at Table—Application may be made in advance at any principal Cunard Office, or, on day of sailing, to the Second Steward on board the steamer.
Divine Service on Sunday at 10:30 am Requisites are provided for the celebration of Mass.
Deck Chain and Rugs may hired at a cost of $1.50 each, from the Deck Steward. Each rug is contained in a sealed cardboard box. and bears a serial number worked into the material so that passengers will have no difficulty in identifying their rugs. At the end of each voyage, the rugs which have been in use are sent to the store and thoroughly cleaned, before being reissued.
The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges lor his services, subject to the approval of the Commander, to First Class Cabin, Second Class and Tourist Third Cabin passengers.
Libraries—In addition to a library of Standard Works, a special selection of up-to-date literature is available.
Cunarder Magazine—The Company publishes at New York a monthly magazine devoted to travel and known as “The Cunarder." Copies may be obtained from the Library Steward. Annual subscription. one dollar. Subscriptions should be addressed to the Company’s office, 25 Broadway. New York.
Berth Ladders may be obtained from the Stateroom Steward or Stewardess.
Port Holes—Passengcrs should request their Bedroom Stewards to open and close the port holes in the staterooms, as required. It is dangerous for passengers to handle these themselves.
Berthing of Passengers.—No alterations can be made except officially through the Purser.
Valuables should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the company's form. As no charge is made for carriage the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising. Passengers are cautioned against leaving money and valuables in staterooms and are advised to protect themselves by insurance.
Mail—Passengers may have Mail. Telegrams and Cables sent to them in the care of the princioal Cunard Offices.
Payments-—Passengers should obtain a receipt from the Purser, on the Company's form, tor any additional Passage Money, Rugs. Chairs, Excess Baggage, Freight, etc., paid on board.
Dogs—Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture. London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board. Dogs are carried at owner’s risk, rate being from £4 or $20 upwards, payable to the Parser.
"Drive Your Own Car in Europe"—Passengers' automobiles can be carried in Cunard ships at reasonable rates. The Company will handle all details, including crating, duties, customs, permits, plates, licenses, foreign club dues, maps, etc. A booklet giving all the particulars of this service may be obtained from the Purser or at any Cunard office.
Cunard Travelers’ Cheques are payable throughout the world and are honored by hotels, banks, and stores in payment of accounts. Owing to the system of signing and countersigning with the purchaser's signature, the checks, if lost, are valueless to whoever may find them Neatly bound in a wallet in denominations of $5, $10. $20, $50 and $100. they constitute, from the point of view of convenience and safety, an ideal method of carrying funds.
Tourist Department—A Department is maintained at the Cunard Company’s Offices where accurate information and helpful assistance relative to travel throughout the world is at the disposal of patrons.
Cruises in season are offered to the West Indies. Pacific Coast, South America, 'Round the World, etc.
Through Bookings to the Near bast, India, Australasia, the Fai bast. South America and South Africa can be arranged for passengers traveling via the Cunard Line to England or the Continent, there connecting with Steamers of other lines. Particulars and rates will he gladly quoted at any of the Company's offices.
Professional Gamblers—Passengers are informed that Professional Gamblers are reported as frequently crossing in Atlantic Steamers and are warned to take precautions accordingly.
Recovery of U. S. Head Tax- This Tax can be recovered by passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform the U. S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave rhe United States within 60 days (the rime prescribed by U. S. Law), and obtain from him transit certificate, form 514.
It is also necessary for transit certificate. Form 514, to be handed to the Transportation Company when completed, in time to allow unit to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passenger's arrival in the United Stares.
Unless this regulation it complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.
Note:—-Passengers who have not paid the Head Tax, in consequence of their holding return tickets or being in transit to points outside the United States, will kindly complete Form 514 which they will receive from the Immigration Officials at New York, and forward tame to the Cunard Line. 25 Broadway. New York, as soon as possible after departure from the United States, or hand to the Purser of the steamer in which they return to the United Kingdom or Furope.
Return Accommodation—For the convenience of those passengers who may be returning from Europe to the United States, and who have not yet made the necessary arrangements, the Purser will be pleased to radio the Company's Head Office, Liverpool, for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will consequently save them time and trouble in Great Britain or on the Continent.
Baggage—The Cunard Company at New York will collect from Eastbound passengers any Southern Railway excess rail charges due in connection with journey by special train from Southampton to London.
Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage, as the Company's liability is strictly limited in accordance with contract ticket.
All enquiries regarding baggage on board ship should be addressed to the baggage Master.
Passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Customs baggage Room, otherwise considerable delay and extra charge for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers on the Railway.
Passengers are requested not to carry liquids in their baggage, with a view to avoiding leakage and resultant damage.
Baggage by Special Trains—The Southern Railway—Passengers landing at Southampton and proceeding to London by special train can hand tbeir baggage over to The Southern Railway for delivery at passengers’ destination on their system, on payment of one shilling per package.
Arrivals at London—-Passengers disembark from New York steamers at King George V. Dock, whilst passengers traveling per Canadian Service disembark at Surrey Commercial Dock. Vessels unable to dock owing to missing the tide, land passengers by tender at Tilbury, a special train being in attendance to convey them to St. Pancras Station (L. M. & S. Railway), London. Passengers landing at King George V. Dock proceed by special train to Liverpool Street Station. Where Surrey Commercial Dock is the terminal, passengers are conveyed, with their baggage, by Motor Conveyances to a waiting room at 234. Gray's Inn Road, this location being centrally situated.
Wardrobe Trunks—The attention of passengers is called to the tact that the steamer has a baggage room where trunks may be stored during the voyage. It is not always possible to have targe wardrobe trunks placed in an accessible position in passenger staterooms.
Public Telephones—The steamer is equipped with a telephone, conveniently located, which may be used by passengers until disconnected (without notice) a few minutes before departure.
Arrivals at Cherbourg—Under normal conditions passengers are landed by tender up to 10:00 pm. but if the ship arrives later they will disembark after breakfast next morning.
- In the event of passengers not being able to land sufficiently early to reach Paris before the following morning, there is a comfortable hotel. The Casino, which can accommodate any one who wishes to stay overnight at Cherbourg, and travel to Paris during the daytime. The Purser can arrange reservations by wireless.
- Passengers disembarking at Cherbourg, who intend traveling beyond Paris, are particularly requested to see that their baggage is appropriately labeled for destination. Under no circumstances should "Paris" labels be placed on such baggage as delay in forwarding as well as loss may result therefrom.
- Passengers who are traveling to European States east of France, who may have already secured their ticket for sleeping cars, trains de luxe or express trains from Paris onward, are reminded that their heavy baggage, which is checked to Paris, should be passed through the Customs at Cherbourg. This will avoid any possible inconvenience in making connections from Paris, as on arrival at the Gare St. Lazare in Paris, they can obtain their baggage with a minimum of delay
- The Cunard Company maintains porter service at Cherbourg to facilitate the handling of passengers' baggage. The transfer of baggage from the steamer to the train is free of charge, passengers are not obliged to pay, or give gratuities, for this service.
- Hand baggage is carried from the steamer to the tender by the stewards. Passengers are informed that from the time their hand-baggage is on the tender, they are solely responsible for it. and they must see that it is passed through the Customs and placed on the special train in their carnage.
- All hand-baggage not claimed on the tender or left in the customs is forwarded free of charge to Paris.
- Passengers are advised that the Cunard Company cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by neglect on the part of the passengers not claiming their hand-baggage on the tender. All baggage registered in New York for Cherbourg, if not claimed at the port, is forwaidcd direct to Paris at a charge of 40 francs per package from Cherbourg irrespective of size or weight. Heavy, nailed cases or bulky packages will be charged as freight.
Railway Tickets—Passengers are requested to secure their Cherbourg-Paris or Southampton-London rail tickets from the Purser before leaving the ship.
Tickets, Cherbourg-Paris—Passengers without rail tickets can purchase them at the Purser’s Office on board or at the Company’s office in the waiting room at Cherbourg through which they pass after clearing Customs.
Special Trains, Cherbourg-Paris—Special trains are run in connection with the arrival of steamers. Dining cars are attached to three trains in which luncheons and dinners are served at moderate rates.
Reserved Seats—Passengers wishing to reserve First Class seats in advance, may. on application to the Purser, book same on board ship, provided they are in possession of First-Class rail tickets to Paris. There is no charge made for these reservations.
Arrivals at Plymouth—From May 1st to September 10th passengers are landed between the hours of 6 a m. and 9:00 pm
From October 1st to April 30th passengers are landed between 7:00 am and 9:00 pm
Arrivals at London—The Great Western Railway will run special trains from Plymouth Docks to London (Paddington Station) immediately passengers are landed and the baggage examined by the British Customs Authorities. The journey to London occupies four hours.
Other Places in Great Britain—-Express trains are run from Plymouth to the principal towns in Great Britain including;
Bristol. Cardiff. Liverpool. Stratford on Avon. Swansea. York. Birmingham, Cheater, and to Scotland.
Tbe latest Great Western Railway time tables may be obtained from rhe Purser.
Railway Tickets—Passengers are requested to secure their Piymouth-London railway tickets from the Purser before leaving the ship. Tickets for other stations and for various sightseeing tours can be obtained at the Docks on landing Particulars of standard tours at inclusive fares can be obtained from the Purser.
Reservation of Seats—Accommodation is reserved lor each passenger traveling by the special trains to London. Tickets giving the number of the compartment will be distributed to passengers at the time of disembarkation.
Baggage—The Great Western Railway Company allocate a porter to each passenger to deal with baggage. If desired, baggage can be left in charge of Great Western Officials who will arrange transit and delivery to destination.
A special train will be despatched to London providing the number of passengers warrants same.
Should the numbers not be sufficient for a special train and the steamer anchors before 9:00 pm. passengers will be able to connect with the midnight train.
Arrivals at Southampton—Passengers will be landed np to 8:00 pm If the ship berths later, passengers will disembark next morning after breakfast.
In connection with the arrivals of the Berengaria and Aquitania only, a special train will be despatched to London (Waterloo Station) as soon as possible after landing: the journey occupying about 1 3/4 hours. Passengers wishing to travel First Class on the special trains, are recommended to purchase their Rail Tickets at the Purser's Office.
Passengers are informed that the Cunard Company employs at Southampton the necessary labor for transfer of baggage from the steamer to the special trains at the ship's side for London.
Passengers on arrival will find representatives of well-known firms in the shed alongside the steamer and if their special services are utilized for the handling of luggage they are authorized to charge according to tariff.
Port of Liverpool—Under normal conditions when any of the Company's steamers arrive alongside the Liverpool Landing Stage after 7:00 pm, it is optional for the passengers to go on shore that night. In the event, however, of their remaining on board, they will be landed after breakfast the following morning either at the Stage or in dock as circumstances permit.
in the same way when the vessel reaches the river, but does not come alongside the Stage, to prevent inconvenience and to meet emergencies, any passengers desirous of disembarking will, on arrival of the steamer, be landed, with hand-baggage only, by tender.
Customs—Tobacco, cigars, etc., wines, spirits and perfumery are subject to duly on being brought into the United Kingdom, and even the smallest quantities should be declared to the Customs Authorities. Reprints of copyright Books and Music are subject to confiscation.
Automobile Tours in Great Britain—The Cunard Company can arrange for the hire of automobiles to passengers on arrival at Liverpool, Plymouth, London or Southampton. Programmes of tours with fixed prices for same can be obtained on application to the Purser’s or the Company’s offices.
The tours outlined cover the most interesting and historic places in Great Britain and offer a most enjoyable trip for persons desirous of seeing more of English rural life than is possible when traveling by rail from town to town.
Automobile Tours on the Continent The Company's Offices at Paris. Cherbourg and Hamburg can make arrangements for the hire of cars to meet steamers at Cherbourg and Hamburg, to take passengers on long or short tours, or direct to their destinations.
Pursers will be glad to give passengers particulars of rates of hire, and any other desired information.
Air Service—Seats can be arranged for Aeroplane Services from London or Manchester to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, etc., also from Cherbourg to Paris. Applications should be made to the Purser.
Passengers' Mail and Addresses—Mail for passengers at Southampton is sent to the steamer by the Pilots Tender, and letters received later are passed on board as soon as the steamer docks.
Passengers may have mail, telegrams and cables sent in care of any of the Cunard Chief Offices.
Passengers should apply at the Mail Office on board for such communications. and their addreses may be left there in order that any letters received after passengers have left the ship may be re-directed.