RMS Aquitania Passenger List - 3 November 1923
Front Cover of a Second Class Passenger List from the RMS Aquitania of the Cunard Line, Departing 3 November 1923 from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain Sir James Charles, KBE, CB, RD, RNR. GGA Image ID # 124d58c014
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: Sir James Charles, K.B.E., C.B., R.D., R.N.R.
- Staff Captain: R. B. Irving, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: G. Patterson, O.B.E.
- Staff Chief Engineer: R. Shortridge
- Chief Officer: R. L. Alexander, R.N.R.
- Surgeon: B. Sydney Jones
- Assistant Surgeon: H. T. Rossiter
- Purser: C. T. Spedding
- Second Purser: W. H. Ramsden
- Assistant Purser: E. J. Walton
- Chief Steward: V. F. Jones
Second Class Passengers
- Mr. T. Adney
- Mr. J. Alderman
- Miss A. Andelin
- Mrs. M. Annus
- Mr. F. Antonini
- Mr. Antti
- Mr. Arnold
- Mrs. Arnold
- Mr. A. Babonitsch
- Mr. F. De Backer
- Miss E. F. Baglev
- Mr. F. Barsby
- Mrs. F. E. Barsby
- Mr. J. Bayer
- Mrs. M. Bayer
- Mr. C. H. Bell
- Mr. J. Beranek
- Mr. J. Berger
- Mr. A. F. Bergh
- Mr. J. Bertschler
- Miss S. Bertschler
- Mr. A. G. Billingham
- Mrs. B. Blajchman
- Mr. A. Bonacic
- Mrs. S. Bonacic
- Miss D. Bonacic
- Mr. A. Bonacie
- Mrs. S. Bonacie
- Master D. Bonacie
- Mrs. L. Bonnefan
- Miss J. Bont
- Mrs. H. Bratonja
- Miss A. Bratonja
- Mr. J. Brenek
- Mr. N. Browne
- Miss M. Brusic
- Mrs. F. Brzezinska
- Mr. B. Cassinis
- Mrs. A. Cassinis
- Master E. Cassinis
- Mr. A. F. Chapman
- Mr. J. C. Clayton
- Miss M. A. Coss
- Mrs. E. Couston
- Master G. Couston
- Miss M. Coventry
- Miss N. Christiansen
- Mr. W. Davey
- Mrs. K. Davey
- Mr. E. Davey
- Mr. C. David
- Mr. S. Dervichovich
- Mr. A. Dieterle
- Mrs. Dieterle and Infant
- Mr. W. Doelling
- Mrs. Doelling
- Mr. T. W. Donaldson
- Rev. T S. Donohagh
- Dr. N. McO. Dott
- Mr. J. Doubleday
- Mr. L. B. Doyle
- Mr. M. Dubeli
- Dr. A. J. Eagleton
- Mrs. M. Eagleton
- Mr. J. Eckstein
- Mrs. B. Eckstein
- Miss A. Eckstein
- Miss M. Edinger
- Miss E. Elfstrom
- Mr. J. Ellis
- Mr. G. English
- Mr. J. Fabyanich
- Mr. P. Fabyanich
- Miss H. Faull
- Mr. O. Fejzulovich
- Mr. O. Ferrara
- Dr. J. Fisher
- Mrs. C. Flewe and Child
- Mr. F. Franciskone
- Mr. W. Franssen
- Mrs. M. Franssen
- Mrs. E. Freund
- Mr. F. R. Frey
- Mr. V. Gabrielli
- Mr. T. W. Gates
- Mr. S. Goldberg
- Mr. L. Goldberger
- Mrs. G. Goldberger
- Mr. R. Golding
- Mr. J. Graf
- Mr. J. Grandin
- Mrs. L. Graves
- Mr. T. Gregory
- Mr. J. M. Gregory
- Mr. H. G. Griffith
- Mrs. C. R. Grossfeld
- Miss C. Grossfeld
- Master M. Grossfeld
- Mr. A. Gwiazdowska
- Mrs A. Gwiazdowski and Infant
- Miss M. Gwiazdowski
- Miss B. Halligan
- Miss M. Halligan
- Miss E. L. Hankewell
- Miss A. E. Hanks
- Mrs. A. M. Hansen
- Mrs. F. Harris
- Mr. C. W. Hart
- Mrs. S. J. Hart
- Mr. J Hatfull
- Mrs. J. Hegedus
- Mr. H. Hellenberg
- Mrs. J. C. Hendrickson
- Miss A. Hendrickson
- Mrs. B. Herschman
- Miss M. Herschman
- Mrs. T. Hill
- Miss M. L. Hill
- Miss R. R. Hoffman
- Mr. V. Hrozinck
- Mrs. J. W. Inverarity
- Mr. I. Irshich
- Mr. W. Ivic
- Mrs. M. Jacobs
- Mr. I. Jacobson
- Mr. W. Jameson
- Mr. G. Jameson
- Mr. R. Jankel
- Miss E. Janowska
- Mr. Johansen
- Mrs. Johansen
- Mr. C. Johner
- Mr. W. Jukubiec
- Mrs. F. Jukubiec
- Mr. N. Kagan
- Mrs. R. Kagan
- Mr. Y. Kango
- Mrs. M. Karlson
- Miss M. L. Karlson
- Miss M. Karno
- Mr. Y. Katsura
- Mr. J. Kavalek
- Mr. A. E. Kaye
- Master A. Kaye
- Mr. J. Keisler
- Mr. H. Kilga
- Mr. F. Kovarik
- Mr. N. Kraljich
- Mrs. G. Kreitman and Child
- Mr. M. Kugimoto
- Miss H. Kulanesi
- Miss M. Kunze
- Miss S. Kuperszmidt
- Miss S. Kuskinen
- Miss S. Kusurinen
- Mr. J. Lacher
- Miss F. Lampert
- Mrs. C. H. Leddra
- Mr. J. Lemelbaum
- Master I. Lemelbaum
- Master M. Lemelbaum
- Mr. S L Lemon
- Mr. Lerhaft
- Mrs. Lerhaft
- Mr. I. Lesica
- Mr. J. Lesniak
- Mrs. A. Lesniak
- Mr. S. Levine
- Mr. E. Levine
- Dr. S. H. Liljestrand
- Mrs. E. H. Liljestrand and Infant
- Master H. Liljestrand
- Master R. S. Liljestrand
- Master O. L. Liljestrand
- Miss R. Lloyd
- Mrs. J. Littman
- Miss E. Littman
- Master D. Littman
- Mr. P. Loney
- Mrs. E. Loney
- Mrs. S. Lovrencio
- Master E. Lovrencio
- Miss G. Lukin
- Mrs. S. McGamey
- Mr. T. McSherry
- Mrs. E. McSherry
- Mr. E. Majanen
- Mrs. P. Makowska and Infant
- Mr. T. Malatejtinic
- Mr. I. Mankovic
- Mr. R. Mansfield
- Mr. M. Marusic
- Mr. S. Meisels
- Mrs. F. Meisels
- Mrs. B. Meller
- Mr. S. Mifelon
- Mr. F. Mika
- Mr. L. Milgrom
- Mr. A. Miller
- Mrs. D. J. M. Miller
- Mr. A. G. Milton
- Mr. M. Minakawa
- Mr. D. Mitori
- Mr. Monnig
- Mrs. C. Moragh
- Mr. C. Moragh
- Mr. R. Mounig
- Mr. J. Mustapic
- Mr. A. Nardini
- Mrs. M. Nelander
- Miss M. Nelander
- Miss G. Nissen
- Mrs. A. Nissen
- Miss J. Nissinen
- Miss K. Olander
- Miss L. Olsen
- Mrs. F. Ostrow
- Dr. E. Ott
- Mr. J. Pasko
- Miss E. Passinen
- Miss H. Passinen
- Mr. F Pavlica
- Miss D. Payne
- Mr. B. C. Pellow
- Mr. G. A. Perkins
- Mrs. G. A. Perkins and Infant
- Mr. A. E. Philp
- Mr. J. Prochazka
- Mrs. A. Prochazka
- Miss B. Prochazka
- Master J. Prochazka
- Mr. S. Rasimovich
- Mr. W. Rickett
- Mr. B. Ritler
- Mr. De S. Rizzien
- Dr. H. Rosenberg
- Mr. S. Rummel
- Mr. J. Rummel
- Mrs. R. Rummel
- Mr. P. Rusinowski
- Mrs. M. Rusinowski
- Rev. E. H. Saith
- Miss A. Saunaluoma
- Miss A. Senvchowa
- Mr. L. Schmid
- Mrs. L. Schmid
- Miss M. Schmid
- Mr. A. Schoch
- Mr. G. Schoch
- Miss H. Schwarz
- Miss M. Sear
- Mr. I. Sennar
- Mr. M. Shunamura
- Mr. A. Slechta
- Mr. F. H. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Miss H. Smith
- Mr. T. Sokolawski
- Mr. A. Spoljuric
- Mr. J. Stainota
- Mrs. R. Stang
- Miss R. Stimlar
- Mrs. E. Stone
- Master P. Stone
- Mr. Y. Stonie
- Mr. J. Suminek
- Mr. A. Supka
- Mrs. M. Swain
- Mr. N. Szyrkies
- Mrs. J. Highley Thresh
- Mrs. E. Tracy
- Miss I. Tracy
- Mrs. A. Tramolin
- Miss L. Tramolin
- Miss E. Tramolin
- Mr. C. K. Troisland
- Mrs. A. Vatanen
- Mr. C. H. Verity
- Miss H. Voldisch
- Mr. F. J. Walser
- Mrs. A. M. C. Ward
- Mrs. F. Ward
- Master J. Ward
- Master H. Ward
- Miss M. E. Ward
- Mr. J. Wasserman
- Rev. G. Watt
- Mrs. A. Watt
- Miss A. Watt
- Mr. A. Watts
- Mr. F. Weyr
- Mr. H. Whinfield
- Mr. J. D. Whitehead
- Mrs. C. Williams
- Mr. S. Wolf
- Master E. Wolf
- Mrs. I. Wolk
- Miss S. Wolk
- Miss C. Wurmfeld
- Mr. W. J. Wymann
- Mr. T. Yamamoto
- Miss S. Ylen
- Mr. M. Zaleski
- Mrs. B. Zalkind and Child
- Mr. J. Zan
- Mrs. J. Zan
- Mr. H. L. Zlotnicki
- Mr. M. Zure
- Mr. M. Airola
- Mrs. Airola
- Mrs. H. Aho and Infant
- Miss L. Asberg
- Miss H. Aslund
- Mr. N. De Angelis
- Mr. P. Bakmazian
- Dr. H. Boruchoff
- Mrs. Boruchoff
- Mr. L. M. Browning
- Miss G. Beer
- Mr. V. Capadona
- Mr. N. Cernea
- Mrs. N. Cernich
- Mr. A. Cernich
- Mr. C. Cernich
- Mrs. A. A. Charbonneau
- Mr. J. C. Chaytor
- Mr. S. Chung
- Mrs. E. Csikos and Infant
- Dr. I. Dawidsohn
- Mr. M. Dedovian
- Mrs. B. Dedovian
- Miss A. Dedovian
- Master N. Dedovian
- Miss L. Dedovian
- Mr. E. Denes
- Mrs. Denes
- Miss E. Denes
- Mr. J. Dimovic
- Miss G. F. Ditton-Newman
- Mr. L. Drach
- Mrs. Drach
- Mr. S. Eftinoff
- Mr. C. Fenton
- Mr. M. Finkelstein
- Mrs. Finkelstein
- Mr. J. Fischer
- Mr. A. Fischer
- Mr. C. M. Froisland
- Mrs. R. Fucks
- Miss R. Fucks
- Mr. L. Greenberg
- Mr. C. Giai-Minietti
- Mr. J. Guth
- Mr. A. Halpern
- Mrs. M. Hassen
- Miss M. Hegedus
- Mr. M. Heiden
- Mrs. Heiden
- Miss G. Heiden
- Master F. Heiden
- Miss A. Heiden
- Miss E. Hendricksson
- Mr. Leib Hoffstadter
- Miss H. Hvnninen
- Mr. E. Inouye
- Mr. E. T. Jansen
- Mr. J. Joseph
- Mrs. Joseph
- Mr. E. Kepecs
- Mr. L. Knopfelmacher
- Mr. G. Kovacs
- Mrs. Kovacs
- Miss M. Kovacs
- Miss M. Laukka
- Mrs. O. Lehtio
- Mrs. M. Leivo
- Mrs. A. Lekas
- Mr. H. Lekas
- Miss K. Lippert
- Mr. S. Luka
- Mrs. Luka
- Mrs. J. P. Mallorie
- Mr. V. Mannella
- Mr. L. Marks
- Mrs. R. Melcerowa
- Mr. J. Milosh
- Mrs. Milosh and Infant
- Mr. A. Mohammed
- Miss H. Nagy
- Mr. T. Nedeljkovic
- Miss I. Nelson
- Mr. G. Norcia
- Mr. H. M. Niss
- Mr. R. Novak
- Mr. P. Nyitrai
- Mr. M. Paslawski
- Mrs. Paslawski
- Master J. Paslawski
- Mr. I. Pescalevich
- Miss F. Pfaffmann
- Mr. G. Pfiffer
- Miss R. Pfursick
- Mr. D. Piljakovich
- Mr. R. M. Platt
- Mrs. C. Plewe
- Miss C. Plewe
- Mr. A. Prieur
- Mrs. M. Puchmuller
- Miss M. Puchmuller
- Master H. Puchmuller
- Miss A. Raubold
- Miss A. Rim
- Miss A. Rodzynkiewicz
- Mrs. Rodzynkiewicz
- Miss M. Rodzynkiewicz
- Miss S. Roth
- Mr. B. Roth
- Miss L. Ruohonem
- Mr. J. di Salvo
- Mr. M. Saleh-Ahmed
- Mr. E. Seamon
- Mrs. R. Seamon
- Miss A. Seamon
- Mrs. M. Shonberger
- Mr. J. Slivon
- Mrs. S. Sperling
- Mr. R. de Spirt
- Mr. I. Srsic
- Mr. G. Stavreff
- Mr. A. Stein
- Mr. B. Stone
- Mrs. Stone
- Mr. N. Talevic
- Miss M. Tinny
- Miss A. Toivonen
- Mrs. A. Tomori
- Mr. N. Uzelac
- Mrs. Uzelac
- Miss S. Uzelac
- Mr. M. Vohlberg
- Mr. J. C. Wells
- Mr. W. M. Wetz
- Miss M. Wiseman
- Mrs. F. Wittman
- Miss R. Wurmfeld
- Mr. H. H. Zemmer
- Mrs. Zemmer
- Miss A. Zemmer
- Master H. Zemmer
- Mr. Antti
- Mr. Arnold
- Mrs. Arnold
- Mr. C. H. Bell
- Mr. A. Bonacie
- Mrs. S. Bonacie
- Master D. Bonacie
- Mr. J. C. Clayton
- Mr. O. Ferrara
- Mrs. C. Flewe and Child
- Mr. I. Irshich
- Mr. I. Jacobson
- Miss M. L. Karlson
- Mr. Y. Katsura
- Mr. H. Kilga
- Miss H. Kulanesi
- Miss S. Kusurinen
- Mr. D. Mitori
- Mr. R. Mounig
- Miss K. Olander
- Mr. De S. Rizzien
- Miss A. Saunaluoma
- Mr. C. N. Troisland
- Mrs. C. Williams
- Mr. M. Zure
- Rev. T. S. Donohagh Should Read Rev. T. S. Donohugh
- Mr. F. R. Frey Should Read Mr. F. R. Fry
- Miss E. L. Hankewell Should Read Mrs. E. L. Hawkswell
- Mrs. S. McGarney Should Read Mrs. S. McGarvey
- Mr. S. Mifelon Should Read Mr. S. Mifelow
- Mr. M. Minakawa Should Read Mr. M. Minagawa
- Mr. Monnig Should Read Mr. R. Moennig
- Mr. and Mrs. Moragh Should Read Mr. and Mrs. Moraghi
- Mr. I. Sennar Should Read Mr. I. Semiat
- Mr. J. Stainota Should Read Mr. J. Sramota
- Mr. Y. Stonie Should Read Mr. Y. Stome
- Mr. J. Suminek Should Read Mr. J. Simunek
- Mrs. and Misses Tramolin Should Read Mrs. and Misses Tramontin
- Mrs. and Miss Tracy Should Read Mrs. and Miss Tracz
Information for Passengers
MEALS will be served at the following times in the Second Class Dining Saloon:
- Breakfast: 7:30 am and 8:30 am
- Luncheon: 12 noon and 1:00 pm
- Dinner: 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm
The Bars in the Second Class will not be open later than 11:00 pm, but it is within the discretion of the Commander to close them during the voyage at any time should lie consider this course desirable.
SEATS AT TABLE. Application may be made at any of the Chief Offices in advance, or to the Chief Second Class Steward on board the Steamer on day of sailing.
DIVINE SERVICE on Sunday at 10:30 am.
DECK CHAIRS AND RUQS may be hired at a cost of 6/6 (or $1.50) each, on application to the Deck Steward. Each Rug is contained in a sealed cardboard box, and bears a serial number worked into the material so that passengers will have no difficulty in identifying their rugs. At the end of each voyage, the rugs which have been in use are sent to the store and thoroughly cleaned, before being re-issued.
THE SURGEON is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness contracted on board no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free.
LIBRARIES. In addition to a library of Standard Works, a special selection of up-to-date literature is available for the use of passengers.
BERTH LADDERS. These may be obtained on application to Steward or Stewardess.
BERTHING OF PASSENGERS No alterations can be made except officially through the Purser.
VALUABLES. The Company is not responsible for theft if valuables or money are kept in the Staterooms. The same should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe, and a receipt will be given on the Company's form. As no charge is made for carriage the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but passengers can protect themselves by insurance.
PAYMENTS. Passengers should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company’s form for any additional Passage Money, Rugs, Chairs, Excess Baggage, Freight, etc., paid on board.
DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board. Dogs are carried at owner’s risk, rate being from £3 upwards, payable to the Purser.
RETURN ACCOMMODATION. For the convenience of those passengers who may be returning from the United States to Europe and who have not yet made the necessary arrangements, the Purser will be pleased to radio New York office for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will consequently save them time and trouble in New York.
BAGGAGE. Westbound passengers proceeding from London to Southampton by special trains will pay to The Southern Railway at Waterloo Station, London, any ocean excess baggage charges due
Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage, as the Company’s liability is strictly limited in accordance with contract ticket.
All enquiries regarding baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Baggage Master.
Passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Customs Baggage Room, otherwise considerable delay and extra charge for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers on the
BAGGAGE BY SPECIAL TRAINS. Passengers can arrange with The Southern Railway, Waterloo Station, for their baggage to be collected and conveyed to Waterloo Station on a payment of one shilling per package.
Ocean passengers embarking at Southampton must personally claim their baggage at Waterloo Station or attend there and pay any excess charge due, failing which the baggage is liable to be detained.
REFRESHMENT FACILITIES ON SPECIAL BOAT TRAINS LONDON TO SOUTHAMPTON. Arrangements have been made with The Southern Railway for early Saloon trains run from Waterloo to Southampton in connection with Cunard sailings to have breakfast cars attached for the convenience of Saloon passengers. Any passengers wishing to reserve seats in this car should advise either of the Cunard Company’s London Offices.
Breakfast baskets will be supplied for Second Class passengers by the Railway Company, and these baskets can be purchased by passengers prior to the departure of the special train from Waterloo or passengers can order them in advance through either of the Cunard Company's London Offices.
REFRESHMENT FACILITIES ON SPECIAL BOAT TRAINS LONDON TO LIVERPOOL. Arrangements have been made with The London Midland & Scottish Railway for special trains run from Euston to Liverpool in connection with Cunard sailings to have breakfast, luncheon or dining car attached.
With regard to special coaches from Euston to Riverside attached to ordinary trains having breakfast, luncheon or dining cars, facility will be given for Cunard passengers to take their meals in these cars.
ARRIVALS AT NEW YORK. Passengers are landed at the Company’s Piers, 53 to 56, North River, foot of West 14th Street, where railway tickets can be purchased, and baggage checked to any part of the United States and Canada. After landing, passengers should enquire at the desk on the wharf for letters and telegrams.
When any of the Company’s steamers arrive at the Pier after 8 p.m., passengers have the option of remaining on board overnight and landing after breakfast the following morning.
FORWARDING OF PASSENGERS. For the convenience of all passengers disembarking at our piers in New York, who are destined to interior points, the Railroad lanes out of New York as well as Steamship Lines for Boston have representatives on the wharf to meet passengers and arrange to issue railroad tickets to all points in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, as well as tickets to Boston, via steamer.
These representatives will also arrange to check baggage from our piers through to destination, relieving passengers of the annoyance of having to purchase their tickets at the dépôt or re-check their baggage. Baggage transfer charges from our piers to rail dépôts or steamship dock must be paid by passengers.
PUBLIC TELEPHONES. Telephone service with booths and operator in attendance will be found near the Customs Lines on the New York Wharf.
TAXICABS can be hired at the New York Piers. It is suggested to passengers for their own protection that taxicabs of the Yellow Taxi Corporation, which come within our pier gates, afford comfort and protection as regards baggage, etc., and reasonable rates.
PASSENGERS’ MAIL AND ADDRESSES. Arrangements have been made whereby letters for passengers on board the Company’s steamers at Southampton and Liverpool can be accepted for inclusion in special bags, which will be made up for the ship in London and Ports of Departure.
The letters in question, which must be registered and addressed C/o The Commander, Cunard Packet “ “ Southampton (or Liverpool), can be posted in any part of the United Kingdom up to the time at which ordinary registered letters to go by the same packets are received.
Passengers’ addresses may be left at the Purser’s Office, in order that any letters received after passengers have left the ship may be forwarded.
Passengers may have Mail, Telegrams and Cables sent to the care of any of the Cunard Chief Offices.
TOURIST DEPARTMENT. A Department is maintained at each of the Cunard Company’s American and Canadian Offices, where accurate information and helpful assistance relative to travel in the United States and throughout the world is at the disposal of patrons.
Cruises in season to the West Indies, Pacific Coast, South America, etc.
RETURN ACCOMMODATION. For the convenience of those passengers who may be returning from Europe to the United States and who have not yet made the necessary arrangements the Purser will be pleased to radio the Company’s Head office at Liverpool for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will consequently save them time and trouble in Great Britain or on the Continent.
BAGGAGE. The Cunard Company at New York will collect from Eastbound passengers any Southern Railway excess rail charges due in connection with journey by special train from Southampton to London.
Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage, as the Company’s liability is strictly limited in accordance with contract ticket.
All enquiries regarding baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Baggage Master.
Passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Customs Baggage Room, otherwise considerable delay and extra charge for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying passengers on the Railway.
BAGGAGE BY SPECIAL TRAINS. The Southern Railway. Passengers landing at Southampton and proceeding to London by special train can hand their baggage over to The Southern Railway for delivery at passengers’ destination on their system, on payment of one shilling per package.
ARRIVALS AT CHERBOURG. Under normal conditions passengers are landed by tender up to 10:00 pm, but if the ship arrives later, they will disembark after breakfast next morning.
In the event of the steamer not being able to land passengers sufficiently early to allow of their reaching Paris before the early hours of the following morning, there is at Cherbourg a comfortable hotel, the Casino, which can accommodate anyone who wishes to stay overnight in Cherbourg and travel to Paris during the daytime. The Purser can arrange reservations by wireless.
Hand-baggage is carried from the steamer to the tender by the stewards. Passengers are informed that from the time their hand-baggage is on the tender, they are solely responsible for it, and they must see that it is passed through the Customs and placed in their carriage on the special train.
All hand-baggage not claimed on the tender or left in the Customs is collected and included with registered baggage for Paris. For these packages there is a charge of Fcs. 20.00 per package, Cherbourg Paris.
Passengers are advised that the Cunard Company cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by neglect on the part of passengers not claiming their hand-baggage on the tender.
All baggage registered in New York for Cherbourg only if not claimed at the port is forwarded direct to Paris, a charge of Fcs. 20.00 per package being made irrespective of size or weight. (Heavy nailed case or bulky packages will be charged as freight.)
TICKETS. All passengers without rail tickets can obtain them from the Company’s Office in the waiting room at Cherbourg, which they pass through after clearing through Customs.
SPECIAL TRAINS. Special trains are run in connection with the arrival of steamers. Dining cars are attached to these trains, luncheons and dinners are served at Fcs. 15.00 per head, exclusive of wines.
RESERVED SEATS. Passengers wishing to reserve first class seats in advance may, on application to the Purser, book same on board ship, provided they are in possession of first class rail tickets to Paris. There is no charge made for these reservations.
ARRIVALS AT PLYMOUTH, Passengers are landed at any time of the day unless the steamer anchors after 9:00 pm. In this case passengers will be landed at 7:00 am the following morning, the latter hour to be advanced to 6:00 am between the period May 1st to September 30th.
A special train will be dispatched to London providing the number of passengers warrants same.
Should the numbers not be sufficient for a special train and the steamer anchors before 9 p.m., passengers will be able to connect with the midnight train.
ARRIVALS AT SOUTHAMPTON. Passengers will be landed up to 8:00 pm. If the ship berths later passengers will disembark next morning after breakfast.
A Special Train will be dispatched to London (Waterloo Station) as soon as possible after landing, the journey occupying about 1 ¾ hours. Passengers are strongly recommended to purchase their rail tickets between Southampton and London at the Purser’s Office on board, as failure to do this may result in delay and inconvenience to the passenger.
It is notified for the information of passengers that the Cunard Company employ at Southampton the necessary labor for transfer of baggage from the steamer to the special trains at the ship’s side for London.
Passengers on arrival will find representatives of well-known firms in the shed alongside the steamer, and if their special services are utilized for the handling of baggage they are authorized to charge according to tariff.
ARRIVALS AT LIVERPOOL. TIME OF LANDING PASSENGERS. Under normal conditions when any of the Company’s steamers arrive alongside the Liverpool Landing Stage after 7:00 pm. it is optional for the passengers to go on shore that night. In the event, however, of their remaining on board, they will be landed after breakfast the following morning either at the Stage or in dock as circumstances permit.
In the same way when the vessel reaches the river, but does not come alongside the Stage, to prevent inconvenience and to meet emergencies, any passengers desirous of disembarking will on arrival of the steamer be landed, with hand-baggage only, by tender.
CUSTOMS. Tobacco, cigars, etc., wines, spirits and perfumery are subject to duty on being brought into the United Kingdom, and the smallest quantities should be declared to the Customs Authorities. When required, reprints of copyright books and music will be confiscated.
AUTOMOBILE TOURS IN GREAT BRITAIN. The Cunard Company is in a position to arrange for the hire of Automobiles to passengers on arrival of their steamers at Liverpool, Plymouth or Southampton. Programs of Tours with fixed prices for same can be obtained on application to the Pursers or the Company's Offices.
The Tours outlined cover the most interesting and historic places in Great Britain and offer a most enjoyable trip for persons desirous of seeing more of English rural life than is possible when travelling by rail from town to town.
AUTOMOBILE TOURS ON THE CONTINENT. The Company’s Offices at Paris, Cherbourg and Hamburg are in a position to make arrangements for the hire of Cars to meet steamers at Hamburg and Cherbourg, and take passengers on long or short Tours, or direct to their destinations.
Pursers will be glad to give passengers particulars of rates of hire and any other information that they may desire.
AEROPLANE RESERVATIONS. Seats can also be arranged for Aeroplane Services from London or Manchester to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, etc., also from Cherbourg to Paris. Applications should be made to the Purser.
PASSENGERS’ MAIL AND ADDRESSES. Mail for passengers at Southampton is sent to the steamer by the Pilots’ Tender, and letters received later are passed on board as soon as the steamer docks.
Passengers should apply at the Mail Office on board for such communications, and their addresses may be left there, in order that any letters received after passengers have left the ship may be re-directed.
Passengers may have Mail, Telegrams and Cables sent to the care of any of the Cunard Chief Offices.
PROFESSIONAL GAMBLERS. Passengers are informed that Professional Gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic Steamers and are warned to take precautions accordingly.
PALLADIAN LOUNGE, "A” DECK. Much artistic, antiquarian and historical interest is concentrated in this magnificently appointed apartment. It is almost impossible to realize that such a handsome room is existent on board an ocean-going liner.
THE HISTORICAL GALLERY with its large collection of interesting engraved portraits and topographical prints connects the Lounge with the
CAROLEAN SMOKING ROOM, “A” DECK, where the votaries of the Goddess Nicotine will find all the comfort of the most popular London and New York Club.
DRAWING ROOM, “A” DECK. The Drawing Room and Library in its exquisite beauty is worthy of the grace, lightness and delicacy which characterized the finest work of the Adam Brothers.
ARTISTS’ SUITES AND EN SUITE ROOMS. These rooms are situated on both “A” and “B" Decks. The art of three centuries is depicted in the former, named after Holbein, Velasquez, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Romney and Raeburn.
SALONS, “A” DECK. These are situated on “A" Deck, between the Main Staircase and the Lounge. They are treated in the Louis XVI. style, with large windows and graceful ornamentation. They contain pictures which are excellent reproductions of Hubert Robert.
GARDEN LOUNGES, “A” DECK. These command delightful views of the sea, and with their trellis work, evergreens, climbing ivy, and reed and willow furniture afford ideal spots for talk and tea.
LOUIS XVI RESTAURANT, ”D” DECK. The artistic features of this handsome and stately dining saloon rival those of the most famous restaurants of New York, London and Paris. The ensemble impressively demonstrates the success of the efforts made to give the ocean traveler dining facilities second to none on land or sea.
ELIZABETHAN GRILL ROOM, “D” DECK. The pleasures of a wonderful cuisine are enhanced in this apartment by the decorative treatment which emphasizes the beauties of early Jacobean art.
SWIMMING BATH AND GYMNASIUM, ”E” DECK. The minutest details of Olympia afloat provided in the Swimming Bath and Gymnasium ensure pleasant and varied exercise and healthy appetites for passengers.
The "AQUITANIA" carries an orchestra of professional musicians, which will play at the undermentioned times and places:
- Second Class Dining Saloon: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
- Second Class Lounge: 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
- Second Class Dining Saloon 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
- Second Class Lounge or Third Class – Dancing: 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm
This Tax can be recovered by passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within sixty clays (the time prescribed by U.S. law), and obtain from him Transit Certificate Form 514.
It is also necessary for Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passenger's arrival in the United States.
Unless this regulation is complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.
Note. Will passengers who have not paid the Head Tax in consequence of their holding return tickets or being in transit to points outside of the United States kindly complete Form 514, which they v/ill receive from the Immigration Officials at New York, and forward same to the Canard Line, 25, Broadway, New York, as soon as possible after departure from the United States, or hand to the Purser of the steamer in which they return to the United Kingdom.
For the convenience of passengers an experienced typist and stenographer is carried and her Services are at their disposal at fixed charges - tariff of which can be obtained on enquiry at the Purser's Office
VIA BRITISH STATIONS. For places in the United Kingdom the inclusive rate is 11d. per word; for other countries the rate is 10d. per word, plus land line and cable charges. Every word in the address, text and signature is counted: all charges must be prepaid.
VIA UNITED STATES STATIONS. The wireless rate via New York, New London, Newport, R.I., Bar Harbour, and Boston is 9d. per word, and Rockland, Maine, 7d. per word; every word in the address, text and signature is counted ; landline charges additional; all charges must be prepaid.
VIA CANADIAN STATIONS. The wireless rate via Cape Race, Cape Sable and Sable Island is 1s. 0 ½ d., and Barrington Passage 9d. per word, via Montreal, Quebec, Gross Isle, Three Rivers, Father Point, and Cape Bear, is calculated at 5d. per word; every word in address, text and signature is counted; landline charges additional ; all charges must be prepaid.
VIA FRENCH STATIONS. The wireless rates via Cherbourg, Brest and Ouessant is 8d. per word ; every word in address, text and signature is counted; landline charges additional; all charges must be prepaid.
SHIP TO SHIP. The general rate on skip to ship messages is 8d. per word, but as Dutch, Belgian and certain other vessels apply a ship tax with a minimum of ten words, the charges on messages to these vessels will be calculated as follows : English ship tax, 4d. per word, without minimum; Dutch or Belgian, etc., ship tax, 4d. per word, with a minimum of 3s. 4d. Thus for a message of ten words or more the charge is 8d. per word.
NOTE. For messages passing through stations other than British, add 5% to total.
Passengers are requested to see that they obtain a signed receipt showing amount paid for each message handed in for transmission.
Ocean letters are accepted for transmission to a vessel proceeding in an opposite direction. They will be forwarded to destination by registered post from first port of call of the vessel after reception. A charge of 5s. 6d., which includes postage, is made for an Ocean Letter of thirty words. For each additional word in excess of thirty the sum of one penny will be charged. 100 words is the maximum allowed in one Ocean Letter.
Ocean letters for posting in U.S. must shew in the address the Christian names of the Addressee, or the title Mr., Mrs. or Miss.
Full information regarding rates, etc., can be obtained from either the Wireless or Purser’s Office.