RMS Mauretania Passenger List - 1 August 1931


Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Mauretania of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 1 August 1931, from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg.

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Mauretania of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 1 August 1931, from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain R. V. Peel, R.D., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 2119c03d2b


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain R. V. Peel, R.D., R.N.R.
  2. Staff-Captain: A. T. Mott, R.D., R.N.R.
  3. Chief Engineer: A. Cockburn, R.D., R.N.R.
  4. Staff Chief Engineer: E. Barton
  5. Surgeon: J. D. Doherty
  6. Assistant Surgeon: H. Scudamore
  7. Chief Steward: P. Biddlecombe
  8. Chief Officer: R. J. Finlow, R.D., R.N.R.
  9. Purser: C. G. Johnson, R.D., R.N.R.
  10. Second Purser: L. E. Carine
  11. Assistant Purser: O. C. Ashcroft
  12. Tourist Third Cabin Purser: J. A. Garrow
  13. Tourist Third Cabin Stewart: J. Thom


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Miss E. I. Aldworth
  2. Mr. F. W. Alger
  3. Mr. A. H. Allen
  4. Mrs. E. T. Allison
  5. Miss V. Allison
  6. Miss H. Arden
  7. Mr. R. Ashmead
  8. Mr. N. Ashmead
  9. Mrs. Ashmead
  10. Miss E. Ashmead
  11. Mr. J. Babb
  12. Mrs. A. M. Babcock
  13. Mrs. F. Baker
  14. Miss M. L. Baker
  15. Mr. C. O. Benner
  16. Mr. F. Bentley
  17. Mrs. Bentley
  18. Miss M. Bentley
  19. Miss C. Bentley
  20. Mr. S. Berg
  21. Mrs. Berg
  22. Miss M. Bergquist
  23. Dr. Bernstein
  24. Mr. P. Birk
  25. Miss Blatnik
  26. Miss M. Bonham
  27. Miss E. R. Bowen
  28. Mrs. Bresknar
  29. Miss Bresknar
  30. Rev. A. T. Brooks
  31. Mr. A. Brown
  32. Miss D. M. Brown
  33. Miss M. Brown
  34. Mr. H. Brown
  35. Mr. R. G. Brown
  36. Mrs. Brown
  37. Mr. D. Brown
  38. Mrs. Bruss
  39. Miss C. Cahill
  40. Miss H. Carlish
  41. Mr. A. Carpente
  42. Mr. P. Carpenter
  43. Mrs. Carpenter
  44. Miss C. Chaplin
  45. Mr. R. B. Clements
  46. Mr. E. L. Clement
  47. Mrs. A. C. Coambs
  48. Mr. G. Coles
  49. Miss L. B. Comben
  50. Miss M. Comes
  51. Mr. B. J. Connelly
  52. Mrs. Connelly
  53. Miss F. Connor
  54. Mr. C. Cox
  55. Mrs. K. H. Curtiss
  56. Miss C. Curtiss
  57. Miss M. Danforth
  58. Rev. W. H. Davies
  59. Mr. J. Davies
  60. Dr. Denney
  61. Mrs. Denney
  62. Master Denney
  63. Miss Y. Dervilers
  64. Mr. H. K. Dillard
  65. Miss Doherty
  66. Mrs. C. Dolan
  67. Miss R. Dolan
  68. Miss M. E. Donaldson
  69. Miss M. Dresser
  70. Mr. H. R. Duncan
  71. Miss A. R. Dutton
  72. Mr. C. Ehrlich
  73. Mrs. Ehrlich
  74. Mr. J. Emmons
  75. Mr. H. Endersbee
  76. Mrs. Endersbee
  77. Mr. Farris
  78. Mrs. Farris
  79. Miss E. Fergeson
  80. Miss L. Fergeson
  81. Miss R. Fetsch
  82. Miss L. Fitch
  83. Miss M. Foley
  84. Miss J. S. Forrest
  85. Miss H. M. Francis
  86. Miss Fried
  87. Mr. B. Gaines
  88. Bro. Gallagher
  89. Mrs. A. Garnett
  90. Miss H. Geier
  91. Mrs. Chas. Gibson
  92. Mrs. B. Gilmore
  93. Miss C. E. Giroux
  94. Miss M. Glaeser
  95. Mrs. J. Glass
  96. Master E. Glass
  97. Master L. Glass
  98. Miss M. G. Good
  99. Mr. Gorham
  100. Miss M. Gormley
  101. Miss D. Gormley
  102. Miss H. Gormley
  103. Mr. J. Gormley
  104. Mr. D. Gormley
  105. Miss P. Grannes
  106. Mrs. L. Green
  107. Mr. E. Greenwood
  108. Mrs. Greenwood
  109. Miss D. Greenwood
  110. Miss Haack
  111. Miss Haack
  112. Miss J. Haight
  113. Miss M. Hardy
  114. Mr. A. E. Hart
  115. Mrs. Hart
  116. Miss P. Hart
  117. Miss W. H. Hartsough
  118. Miss H. V. Harvey
  119. Miss J. Hawkins
  120. Mrs. A. J. Haydon
  121. Miss D. Heaton
  122. Mrs. Helfrick
  123. Miss M. W. Hiatt
  124. Miss H. Hodgson
  125. Miss E. Hodgson
  126. Mr. J. Hodgson
  127. Mrs. Hodgson
  128. Mr. J. B. Hopkins
  129. Mr. S. C. Horn
  130. Mr. O. F. Hoskin
  131. Mr. J. Hough
  132. Mrs. Hough
  133. Miss D. M. Hudson
  134. Mr. I. O. Hunt
  135. Miss A. M. Hunt
  136. Mr. W. Hunter
  137. Mr. Hurja
  138. Mrs. Hurja and Family
  139. Miss K. M. Hurley
  140. Mrs. Hutchens
  141. Miss M. Hynes
  142. Mr. G. W. Irwin
  143. Mrs. Irwin
  144. Mr. F. K. Ivers
  145. Miss R. Jackson
  146. Mr. I. Jacobson
  147. Mrs. Jacobson
  148. Miss E. Jacobson
  149. Miss M. Jacoby
  150. Mrs. A. Jennings
  151. Miss D. Jennings
  152. Mr. H. C. John
  153. Miss E. Johnson
  154. Mr. C. K. Jones
  155. Miss H. G. Jones
  156. Miss A. G. Jones
  157. Mr. A. F. Jones
  158. Mrs. M. A. Jones
  159. Mr. A. W. Jones
  160. Mrs. Jones
  161. Mr. R. Jones
  162. Mr. Kanowitz
  163. Mr. Kasparek
  164. Mrs. Kasparek
  165. Miss Kasparek
  166. Miss E. Kaufman
  167. Mr. H. D. Keeler
  168. Miss P. Kempe
  169. Mr. R. B. Kenney
  170. Mr. G. H. Killick
  171. Miss N. C. Kirkpatrick
  172. Miss E. Koch
  173. Mr. Koss
  174. Miss E. Kuck
  175. Miss H. Lamb
  176. Miss Laughran
  177. Mrs. D. M. Lawson
  178. Miss F. C. Leas
  179. Miss M. Y. J. Lewis
  180. Miss A. Lewis
  181. Miss G. Lidstone
  182. Miss F. Loukes
  183. Mr. E. Loustalot
  184. Rev. B. Lovett
  185. Miss V. R. McCasland
  186. Miss K. McCauley
  187. Miss E. M. McEwen
  188. Mrs. A. McKiernan
  189. Miss M. A. McNulty
  190. Mr. J. Madison
  191. Mr. A. E. Mahon
  192. Miss L. E. Mann
  193. Mrs. A. Marogg
  194. Mr. H. E. Martin
  195. Mrs. Martin
  196. Miss H. H. Martin
  197. Miss E. Marvin
  198. Rev. M. Marvy
  199. Miss G. Meiling
  200. Mrs. R. Menaul
  201. Miss S. Menaul
  202. Mr. E. A. Metcalfe
  203. Miss G. Metzger
  204. Miss Milljavitz
  205. Miss F. Minors
  206. Mr. D. Mobley
  207. Mr. R. Morgan
  208. Miss C. Morrison
  209. Mr. R. Morton
  210. Miss V. Mudge
  211. Mr. C. Murphy
  212. Mrs. Murphy
  213. Miss A. Muyres
  214. Mr. B. Newell
  215. Mrs. Newell
  216. Mrs. A. Neyergeral
  217. Mr. E. Nybeck
  218. Mrs. Nybeck
  219. Mr. W. Oliver
  220. Miss E. Ovitt
  221. Mrs. H. J. Palmer
  222. Mr. C. H. Parr
  223. Mrs. Parr
  224. Miss U. M. Parsons
  225. Dr. E. F. Partello
  226. Mrs. Partello
  227. Mrs. E. J. Peckham
  228. Miss M. Penfound
  229. Mrs. H. J. Percy
  230. Miss A. E. Petty
  231. Miss S. M. Petty
  232. Mrs. L. Phillips
  233. Master J. Phillips
  234. Mr. W. J. Phillips
  235. Miss D. Poffenberger
  236. Mr. P. Post
  237. Mrs. Post
  238. Mr. A. M. Powell
  239. Mde. M. H. Quervelle
  240. Mr. J. C. Quinn
  241. Miss R. Rablen
  242. Mr. J. J. Reagan
  243. Mr. D. Rice
  244. Miss O. E. Richter
  245. Dr. S. W. Ridgeway
  246. Mr. W. D. Riecks
  247. Mr. J. W. Roberts
  248. Mr. J. B. Robertson
  249. Miss E. G. Robinson
  250. Rev. L. Roerig
  251. Mrs. G. A. Rogers
  252. Miss M. Saints
  253. Miss F. Sauer
  254. Miss E. Sauer
  255. Mrs. S. Scheel
  256. Mrs. Schener
  257. Miss G. D. Seiffert
  258. Mr. F. A. Selle
  259. Miss V. Shaw
  260. Miss V. Shields
  261. Miss L. Shoop
  262. Miss E. Siedoff
  263. Mr. W. Silberfarb
  264. Rev. V. B. Silliman
  265. Mr. S. Skamser
  266. Miss G. Skamser
  267. Mr. Jack Smith
  268. Miss L. Smith
  269. Master A. Smith
  270. Mrs. F. E. Smith
  271. Mrs. E. M. Smith
  272. Miss Smith
  273. Mr. W. R. Smith
  274. Mrs. Smith
  275. Miss F. M. Smith
  276. Miss M. F. Sprague
  277. Mr. J. Spree
  278. Mr. F. G. Steer
  279. Miss H. Stelter
  280. Miss H. Steward
  281. Miss M. Streckfuss
  282. Miss M. E. Streeter
  283. Father Svete
  284. Miss E. Swast
  285. Mr. A. R. Temple
  286. Mrs. A. L. Thayer
  287. Miss M. Thomas
  288. Miss H. Thompson
  289. Mr. J. G. Thompson
  290. Miss J. A. Titcomb
  291. Mr. J. Tjelta
  292. Miss G. Tobey
  293. Mr. J. Trumble
  294. Mrs. E. M. Trye
  295. Miss E. H. Trye
  296. Miss M. Tucker
  297. Mr. Urry
  298. Mrs. H. Valentine
  299. Miss I. Van Dusen
  300. Rev. Father E. E. Van Waesberghe
  301. Mr. W. E. Van Wormer
  302. Mrs. Van Wormer
  303. Miss B. Vobey
  304. Mrs. M. A. Walker
  305. Miss F. Walton
  306. Miss M. E. Ward
  307. Miss E. H. Watson
  308. Mr. H. Way
  309. Miss L. Wentworth
  310. Mr. W. White
  311. Mrs. A. White
  312. Miss A. Whittam
  313. Mrs. J. Willrett
  314. Miss C. Willrett
  315. Miss M. Winspear
  316. Dr. S. R. Winter
  317. Mrs. Winter
  318. Rev. S. Wojciechowski
  319. Mrs. C. Wright
  320. Mr. J. W. Wright
  321. Mr. J. W. Wright
  322. Mrs. A. E. Wright
  323. Miss M. Wright


General Information for Passengers

Recovery of U.S. Head Tax

Passengers who desire to claim refund of Head Tax are required to comply with the following:

  1. Temporary visitors to the United States should state in Question 24 on the U.S. Declaration Form, which should be completed at the time of booking, that they intend to leave the United States within a period of 60 days from the date of entry.
  2. Application should be made to the Purser of the Westbound steamer for receipt covering the U.S. Head Tax paid. This is necessary to facilitate refund of the Head Tax after passengers have left the United States.


  1. Passengers should apply to the U.S. Immigrant Inspector at the port of arrival for Head Tax Transit Certificate (U.S. Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Immigration Authorities, even though passengers should leave the U.S. within 60 days and would otherwise be entitled to refund of the Head Tax under existing U.S. law.
  1. Refund of Head Tax will only be made by the U.S. Authorities when completed Forms 514 are filed with them within a period of 120 days from the date of entry into the U.S. as shewn on the top right-hand comer of the U.S. Form 514. No application for refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Authorities after the expiry of such period.


Although the period of time between arrival at a Canadian port and departure from the United States may exceed 60 days, this does not necessarily mean that persons in this category are prohibited from securing refund of Head Tax, so long as the actual period spent in the U.S. does not exceed 60 days. The application for refund, however, must be filed with the U.S. Immigration Authorities within 120 days of the actual date of crossing the border from Canada into the U.S.

Passengers returning to Europe in Cunard Line steamers may—on presentation of the necessary documents—viz. :— Transit Certificate Form 514 completed, and the Company's receipt for Head Tax paid—obtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, providing the passengers have left the U.S. within the prescribed period of 60 days, and the completed Form 514 can be filed with the U.S. Authorities within 120 days of entry into the United States.

Refund of Head Tax is subject to strict compliance with the above procedure.


Title Page with Listing of Senior Officers and Staff, RMS Mauretania Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 1 August 1931.

Title Page with Listing of Senior Officers and Staff, RMS Mauretania Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 1 August 1931. GGA Image ID # 211ac7b88b


Recovery of the U.S. Head Tax.

Recovery of the U.S. Head Tax. RMS Mauretania Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 1 August 1931. GGA Image ID # 2119fa17e4


Advertisement: World Cruise 1932 on the Franconia (139 Days from $375) and Spring Cruises 1932 on the Laconia.

Advertisement: World Cruise 1932 on the Franconia (139 Days from $375) and Spring Cruises 1932 on the Laconia. RMS Mauretania Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 1 August 1931. GGA Image ID # 2119e969d6


Passenger List Images Contributed by Chris Crofts, December 2023-January 2024.


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