RMS Mauretania Passenger List - 1 August 1931
Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Mauretania of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 1 August 1931, from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain R. V. Peel, R.D., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 2119c03d2b
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain R. V. Peel, R.D., R.N.R.
- Staff-Captain: A. T. Mott, R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: A. Cockburn, R.D., R.N.R.
- Staff Chief Engineer: E. Barton
- Surgeon: J. D. Doherty
- Assistant Surgeon: H. Scudamore
- Chief Steward: P. Biddlecombe
- Chief Officer: R. J. Finlow, R.D., R.N.R.
- Purser: C. G. Johnson, R.D., R.N.R.
- Second Purser: L. E. Carine
- Assistant Purser: O. C. Ashcroft
- Tourist Third Cabin Purser: J. A. Garrow
- Tourist Third Cabin Stewart: J. Thom
Tourist Third Cabin Passengers
- Mr. Miss E. I. Aldworth
- Mr. F. W. Alger
- Mr. A. H. Allen
- Mrs. E. T. Allison
- Miss V. Allison
- Miss H. Arden
- Mr. R. Ashmead
- Mr. N. Ashmead
- Mrs. Ashmead
- Miss E. Ashmead
- Mr. J. Babb
- Mrs. A. M. Babcock
- Mrs. F. Baker
- Miss M. L. Baker
- Mr. C. O. Benner
- Mr. F. Bentley
- Mrs. Bentley
- Miss M. Bentley
- Miss C. Bentley
- Mr. S. Berg
- Mrs. Berg
- Miss M. Bergquist
- Dr. Bernstein
- Mr. P. Birk
- Miss Blatnik
- Miss M. Bonham
- Miss E. R. Bowen
- Mrs. Bresknar
- Miss Bresknar
- Rev. A. T. Brooks
- Mr. A. Brown
- Miss D. M. Brown
- Miss M. Brown
- Mr. H. Brown
- Mr. R. G. Brown
- Mrs. Brown
- Mr. D. Brown
- Mrs. Bruss
- Miss C. Cahill
- Miss H. Carlish
- Mr. A. Carpente
- Mr. P. Carpenter
- Mrs. Carpenter
- Miss C. Chaplin
- Mr. R. B. Clements
- Mr. E. L. Clement
- Mrs. A. C. Coambs
- Mr. G. Coles
- Miss L. B. Comben
- Miss M. Comes
- Mr. B. J. Connelly
- Mrs. Connelly
- Miss F. Connor
- Mr. C. Cox
- Mrs. K. H. Curtiss
- Miss C. Curtiss
- Miss M. Danforth
- Rev. W. H. Davies
- Mr. J. Davies
- Dr. Denney
- Mrs. Denney
- Master Denney
- Miss Y. Dervilers
- Mr. H. K. Dillard
- Miss Doherty
- Mrs. C. Dolan
- Miss R. Dolan
- Miss M. E. Donaldson
- Miss M. Dresser
- Mr. H. R. Duncan
- Miss A. R. Dutton
- Mr. C. Ehrlich
- Mrs. Ehrlich
- Mr. J. Emmons
- Mr. H. Endersbee
- Mrs. Endersbee
- Mr. Farris
- Mrs. Farris
- Miss E. Fergeson
- Miss L. Fergeson
- Miss R. Fetsch
- Miss L. Fitch
- Miss M. Foley
- Miss J. S. Forrest
- Miss H. M. Francis
- Miss Fried
- Mr. B. Gaines
- Bro. Gallagher
- Mrs. A. Garnett
- Miss H. Geier
- Mrs. Chas. Gibson
- Mrs. B. Gilmore
- Miss C. E. Giroux
- Miss M. Glaeser
- Mrs. J. Glass
- Master E. Glass
- Master L. Glass
- Miss M. G. Good
- Mr. Gorham
- Miss M. Gormley
- Miss D. Gormley
- Miss H. Gormley
- Mr. J. Gormley
- Mr. D. Gormley
- Miss P. Grannes
- Mrs. L. Green
- Mr. E. Greenwood
- Mrs. Greenwood
- Miss D. Greenwood
- Miss Haack
- Miss Haack
- Miss J. Haight
- Miss M. Hardy
- Mr. A. E. Hart
- Mrs. Hart
- Miss P. Hart
- Miss W. H. Hartsough
- Miss H. V. Harvey
- Miss J. Hawkins
- Mrs. A. J. Haydon
- Miss D. Heaton
- Mrs. Helfrick
- Miss M. W. Hiatt
- Miss H. Hodgson
- Miss E. Hodgson
- Mr. J. Hodgson
- Mrs. Hodgson
- Mr. J. B. Hopkins
- Mr. S. C. Horn
- Mr. O. F. Hoskin
- Mr. J. Hough
- Mrs. Hough
- Miss D. M. Hudson
- Mr. I. O. Hunt
- Miss A. M. Hunt
- Mr. W. Hunter
- Mr. Hurja
- Mrs. Hurja and Family
- Miss K. M. Hurley
- Mrs. Hutchens
- Miss M. Hynes
- Mr. G. W. Irwin
- Mrs. Irwin
- Mr. F. K. Ivers
- Miss R. Jackson
- Mr. I. Jacobson
- Mrs. Jacobson
- Miss E. Jacobson
- Miss M. Jacoby
- Mrs. A. Jennings
- Miss D. Jennings
- Mr. H. C. John
- Miss E. Johnson
- Mr. C. K. Jones
- Miss H. G. Jones
- Miss A. G. Jones
- Mr. A. F. Jones
- Mrs. M. A. Jones
- Mr. A. W. Jones
- Mrs. Jones
- Mr. R. Jones
- Mr. Kanowitz
- Mr. Kasparek
- Mrs. Kasparek
- Miss Kasparek
- Miss E. Kaufman
- Mr. H. D. Keeler
- Miss P. Kempe
- Mr. R. B. Kenney
- Mr. G. H. Killick
- Miss N. C. Kirkpatrick
- Miss E. Koch
- Mr. Koss
- Miss E. Kuck
- Miss H. Lamb
- Miss Laughran
- Mrs. D. M. Lawson
- Miss F. C. Leas
- Miss M. Y. J. Lewis
- Miss A. Lewis
- Miss G. Lidstone
- Miss F. Loukes
- Mr. E. Loustalot
- Rev. B. Lovett
- Miss V. R. McCasland
- Miss K. McCauley
- Miss E. M. McEwen
- Mrs. A. McKiernan
- Miss M. A. McNulty
- Mr. J. Madison
- Mr. A. E. Mahon
- Miss L. E. Mann
- Mrs. A. Marogg
- Mr. H. E. Martin
- Mrs. Martin
- Miss H. H. Martin
- Miss E. Marvin
- Rev. M. Marvy
- Miss G. Meiling
- Mrs. R. Menaul
- Miss S. Menaul
- Mr. E. A. Metcalfe
- Miss G. Metzger
- Miss Milljavitz
- Miss F. Minors
- Mr. D. Mobley
- Mr. R. Morgan
- Miss C. Morrison
- Mr. R. Morton
- Miss V. Mudge
- Mr. C. Murphy
- Mrs. Murphy
- Miss A. Muyres
- Mr. B. Newell
- Mrs. Newell
- Mrs. A. Neyergeral
- Mr. E. Nybeck
- Mrs. Nybeck
- Mr. W. Oliver
- Miss E. Ovitt
- Mrs. H. J. Palmer
- Mr. C. H. Parr
- Mrs. Parr
- Miss U. M. Parsons
- Dr. E. F. Partello
- Mrs. Partello
- Mrs. E. J. Peckham
- Miss M. Penfound
- Mrs. H. J. Percy
- Miss A. E. Petty
- Miss S. M. Petty
- Mrs. L. Phillips
- Master J. Phillips
- Mr. W. J. Phillips
- Miss D. Poffenberger
- Mr. P. Post
- Mrs. Post
- Mr. A. M. Powell
- Mde. M. H. Quervelle
- Mr. J. C. Quinn
- Miss R. Rablen
- Mr. J. J. Reagan
- Mr. D. Rice
- Miss O. E. Richter
- Dr. S. W. Ridgeway
- Mr. W. D. Riecks
- Mr. J. W. Roberts
- Mr. J. B. Robertson
- Miss E. G. Robinson
- Rev. L. Roerig
- Mrs. G. A. Rogers
- Miss M. Saints
- Miss F. Sauer
- Miss E. Sauer
- Mrs. S. Scheel
- Mrs. Schener
- Miss G. D. Seiffert
- Mr. F. A. Selle
- Miss V. Shaw
- Miss V. Shields
- Miss L. Shoop
- Miss E. Siedoff
- Mr. W. Silberfarb
- Rev. V. B. Silliman
- Mr. S. Skamser
- Miss G. Skamser
- Mr. Jack Smith
- Miss L. Smith
- Master A. Smith
- Mrs. F. E. Smith
- Mrs. E. M. Smith
- Miss Smith
- Mr. W. R. Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Miss F. M. Smith
- Miss M. F. Sprague
- Mr. J. Spree
- Mr. F. G. Steer
- Miss H. Stelter
- Miss H. Steward
- Miss M. Streckfuss
- Miss M. E. Streeter
- Father Svete
- Miss E. Swast
- Mr. A. R. Temple
- Mrs. A. L. Thayer
- Miss M. Thomas
- Miss H. Thompson
- Mr. J. G. Thompson
- Miss J. A. Titcomb
- Mr. J. Tjelta
- Miss G. Tobey
- Mr. J. Trumble
- Mrs. E. M. Trye
- Miss E. H. Trye
- Miss M. Tucker
- Mr. Urry
- Mrs. H. Valentine
- Miss I. Van Dusen
- Rev. Father E. E. Van Waesberghe
- Mr. W. E. Van Wormer
- Mrs. Van Wormer
- Miss B. Vobey
- Mrs. M. A. Walker
- Miss F. Walton
- Miss M. E. Ward
- Miss E. H. Watson
- Mr. H. Way
- Miss L. Wentworth
- Mr. W. White
- Mrs. A. White
- Miss A. Whittam
- Mrs. J. Willrett
- Miss C. Willrett
- Miss M. Winspear
- Dr. S. R. Winter
- Mrs. Winter
- Rev. S. Wojciechowski
- Mrs. C. Wright
- Mr. J. W. Wright
- Mr. J. W. Wright
- Mrs. A. E. Wright
- Miss M. Wright
General Information for Passengers
Recovery of U.S. Head Tax
Passengers who desire to claim refund of Head Tax are required to comply with the following:
- Temporary visitors to the United States should state in Question 24 on the U.S. Declaration Form, which should be completed at the time of booking, that they intend to leave the United States within a period of 60 days from the date of entry.
- Application should be made to the Purser of the Westbound steamer for receipt covering the U.S. Head Tax paid. This is necessary to facilitate refund of the Head Tax after passengers have left the United States.
- Passengers should apply to the U.S. Immigrant Inspector at the port of arrival for Head Tax Transit Certificate (U.S. Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Immigration Authorities, even though passengers should leave the U.S. within 60 days and would otherwise be entitled to refund of the Head Tax under existing U.S. law.
- Refund of Head Tax will only be made by the U.S. Authorities when completed Forms 514 are filed with them within a period of 120 days from the date of entry into the U.S. as shewn on the top right-hand comer of the U.S. Form 514. No application for refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Authorities after the expiry of such period.
Although the period of time between arrival at a Canadian port and departure from the United States may exceed 60 days, this does not necessarily mean that persons in this category are prohibited from securing refund of Head Tax, so long as the actual period spent in the U.S. does not exceed 60 days. The application for refund, however, must be filed with the U.S. Immigration Authorities within 120 days of the actual date of crossing the border from Canada into the U.S.
Passengers returning to Europe in Cunard Line steamers may—on presentation of the necessary documents—viz. :— Transit Certificate Form 514 completed, and the Company's receipt for Head Tax paid—obtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, providing the passengers have left the U.S. within the prescribed period of 60 days, and the completed Form 514 can be filed with the U.S. Authorities within 120 days of entry into the United States.
Refund of Head Tax is subject to strict compliance with the above procedure.
Title Page with Listing of Senior Officers and Staff, RMS Mauretania Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 1 August 1931. GGA Image ID # 211ac7b88b
Recovery of the U.S. Head Tax. RMS Mauretania Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 1 August 1931. GGA Image ID # 2119fa17e4
Advertisement: World Cruise 1932 on the Franconia (139 Days from $375) and Spring Cruises 1932 on the Laconia. RMS Mauretania Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List, 1 August 1931. GGA Image ID # 2119e969d6
Passenger List Images Contributed by Chris Crofts, December 2023-January 2024.