RMS Ascania Passenger List - 11 July 1925
Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Ascania of the Cunard Line, Departing 11 July 1925 from Montréal to London via Plymouth and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain R. B. Irving, OBE, RD, RNR. GGA Image ID # 1743ac58f5
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain R. B. Irving, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Officer: E. J. Rodgers, R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: Chas. Gray
- Surgeon: J. Shand, C.B.
- Purser: J. M. Ekins
- Asst. Purser: W. R. Dunthorne
- Chief Steward: D. Benston
- Conductress: Miss J. Ashworth
Cabin Class Passengers
▓▓▓ "A" ▓▓▓
- Adamson, Capt. S. L.
- Adamson, Mrs.
- Ahern, Rev. J.
- Alder, Mr. E.
- Allen, Mrs. Mary
- Anderson, Dr. E. D.
- Anderson, Mrs.
- Athner, Miss S. E.
- Aubry, Mr. T. E.
- Aubry, Mrs.
- Allen, Mr, L. A.
▓▓▓ "B" ▓▓▓
- Baillie, Mr. James S.
- Barry, Mrs. C. S.
- Barry, Miss R.
- Barry, Rev. G.
- Bartley, Mrs. Agnes
- Batchelor, Mr. L. D.
- Bell, Mr. J. R.
- Bell, Mrs.
- Bell, Rev. C. S.
- Berair, Mr.
- Berard, Mr. C. H.
- Bevan, Mrs. H.
- Bevan, Miss H. M.
- Bevan, Mr. A. H.
- Bevan, Mrs.
- Biron, Miss Germaine
- Blickham, Dr. A. G.
- Blickham, Mrs.
- Blickham, Mr. Norbert
- Blickham, Mr. Arthur J.
- Blyth, Mrs. M. A.
- Bonner, Mr. Geo.
- Bonner, Mrs. And infant
- Bosler, Mrs. Nicholas Jr.
- Bosler, Mr. Nicholas Jr.
- Bosler, Mrs.
- Brebner, Miss C.
- Brennen, Rev. Jas.
- Briand, Mr. Leon
- Briand, Mrs. Alfred
- Brown, Mrs. A. Spencer
- Buitte, Rev. A.
- Burns, Dr. A. E.
- Burns, Mrs.
- Burroughs, Mr. Geo.
▓▓▓ "C" ▓▓▓
- Caesar, Mrs. N. H.
- Caesar, Miss S. K.
- Cain, Miss Cath.
- Campagnoli, Miss H.
- Carroll, Verry Rev. P. F.
- Clugston, Miss Mary
- Collet, Mrs. A.
- Connery, Miss Julia M.
- Conway, Mr. Wm. H.
- Corcoran, Rev. D.
- Costello, Miss E. J.
- Courted, Mr. John
- Cowley, Miss Mildred
- Crawford, Mr. John K.
- Crawford, Mrs.
- Crawshaw, Mr. C. W.
- Creighton, Mr. Edward
- Curtis, Mr. Geo. J. T.
- Curtis, Mrs.
- Curtis, Master Geo. Eli
- Cusack, Rev. T. E.
- Constant, Sister Marie
- Cavanagh, Mr. J. J.
▓▓▓ "D" ▓▓▓
- Dale, Mr. R. J.
- Durivage, Mr. Joseph A.
- David, Miss Grace A.
- Dawson, Mrs. L. M. V.
- Dawson, Mrs. A.
- Dawson, Miss Leha
- Dawson, Master Allison
- Devenoges, Mlle. Blanche
- Dickinson, Master W.
- Dingwall, Miss L.
- Dionne, Miss C.
- Dodge, Mr. L. N.
- Dodge, Mr. Peter
- Dodge, Miss Charlotte
- Driscoll, Rev. J. J.
- Duncan, Mr. E. J. B.
- Duncan, Mrs.
- Durie, Miss H.
- Durie, Mrs. A.
- Dwyer, Rev. Jos. O.
- Damascene, Sister Jean
▓▓▓ "E" ▓▓▓
- Ediss, Mr. F. W.
- Ellrick, Mr. W. F.
- Emard, Miss J.
- Emard, Miss G.
- Enright, Rev. Michael
- Emke, Mr. A. F.
- Ewen, Mr.
- Ewen, Mrs.
▓▓▓ "F" ▓▓▓
- Farndale, Mr. W. G.
- Farndale, Mrs.
- Ferguson, Miss B. S.
- Few, Capt. J. E.
- Few, Mrs.
- Finsel, Rev. Karl A.
- Fitzgerald, Rev. E. S.
- Fitzpatrick, Miss Rose E.
- Floersh, Rt. Rev. J. A.
- Foley, Rev. J. E.
- Forest, Mr. Alfred
- Forest, Mrs.
- Fox, Mr. J. L.
- Frerker, Miss Anna
- Friggens, Rev. F.
- Friggens, Mrs.
▓▓▓ "G" ▓▓▓
- Gallant, Commandant Herbert
- Gentleman, Mr. P. H.
- Gentleman, Mrs.
- Germann, Miss Anna F.
- Germann, Mr. M. F.
- Gibson, Mr. D. N.
- Giras, Mr. M. A.
- Goebel, Rev. R. C.
- Godard, Miss Stella
- Godding, Mr. W. E.
- Godfrey, Mrs. C. M.
- Godfrey, Miss D. M.
- Godfrey, Mr. Frank
- Godfrey, Mr. C. M.
- Gooday, Mr. S. H.
- Gooday, Mrs.
- Gooday, Master R.
- Gorrell, Mrs. A. S.
- Green, Miss A. E.
- Griffin, Mr. Eric
- Greene, Mr. Vincent L.
- Greene, Mrs.
- Griffin, Miss Helen
- Griffin, Miss Agnes
- Griffin, Miss Lillian M.
- Griffin, Mr. Geo.
- Griffin, Mrs.
▓▓▓ "H" ▓▓▓
- Hallaway, Mr. J. P.
- Hallaway, Mrs.
- Hanigan, Master James
- Haycock, Mr. J. L.
- Haycock, Mrs.
- Hebbert, Mr. H. L.
- Hertlein, Mr. J. F.
- Hertlein, Mrs.
- Hogarty, Rev. J. A.
- Hollingworth, Mrs. E. B.
- Hollingworth, Miss K.
- Hollingworth, Miss D.
- Holloway, Miss Elsie
- Hubbuck, Miss Mary C.
- Hubbuck, Miss Clara C.
- Humber, Dr. A. M.
- Humber, Mrs.
- Hunter, Mrs. T. D.
▓▓▓ "I" ▓▓▓
- Ibuka, Dr. Kenjo
- Inouye, Capt. Yoshio
- Inouye, Mrs.
- Irwin, Mr. Chas.
▓▓▓ "J" ▓▓▓
- Jackson, Mr. W. H.
- Jacoby, Mrs. W. L.
- Jamieson, Miss
- Jones, Mr. F. R.
- Jones, Mrs.
- Joyce, Miss
- Jukes, Miss M. E.
▓▓▓ "K" ▓▓▓
- Kehoe, Rev. Frances B.
- Kelly, Miss E. M.
- Kelly, Mrs. R. N.
- Kelly, Miss Teresa
- King, Miss K.
▓▓▓ "L" ▓▓▓
- Lane, Rev. James A.
- Lane, Rev. F. A.
- Lannen, Miss Minnie E.
- Leishman, Mrs. W.
- Leishman, Master W. F.
- Leishman, Master G. Mosly
- Link, Rev. G. M.
- Link, Mrs. Elizabeth
- Link, Miss Elizabeth
- Lonergan, Mr. P. H.
- Lonergan, Miss Rose E.
- Lonergan, Miss Florence
- Loughridge, Miss Irene
- Loveland, Miss Clara
▓▓▓ "M" ▓▓▓
- Mack, Miss Josephine
- Macklin, Mrs. J.
- Macklin, Miss Jean H.
- Malone, Rev. Francis E.
- Manning, Miss T. B.
- Manton, Mrs. G.
- Masterson, Rev. E.
- Maynadier, Mr. G. H.
- Mening, Mr. Joseph
- Meschler, Miss Agnes
- Metzger, Mr. Josephy L.
- Metzger, Mr. Cyril L.
- Metzger, Dr. J.
- Michael, Miss Henrietta
- Moran, Miss Jennie G.
- Morden, Mr. W.
- Morden, Mr. K.
- Morden, Mr. Wm.
- Morden, Mrs. Wm.
- Morden, Miss Kitty
- Morgan, Mr. E. R.
- Morrin, Mr. Clarence
- Moss, Miss Sylvia
- Mowbray, Mr. E. H.
- Mowbray, Mr. E. T.
- Mulligan, Miss Anna T.
- Mulligan, Miss Hannah
- Murray, Mr. Hugh V.
- Murray, Mrs. Mary E.
- Murray, Miss Mary E.
- Murray, Mr. Hugh V. Jr.
- Murray, Mr. M. E.
- Myers, Mr. Peter
- Myers, Mrs.
- Mackay, Mrs. Hugh
- McDonald, Rev. L. J.
- McDonough, Miss Kathleen
- McGill, Mr. D. B.
- McGill, Mrs.
- McGowan, Miss A.
- McGowan, Miss B.
- McGowan, Mr. J. H.
- McGrath, Mr. J. E.
- McGrath, Miss Mary
- McGuinne, Rev. P. P.
- MacLennan, Miss Sarah
- McMahon, Mr. T. J.
- McMeans, Miss Maude K.
- McNabb, Mrs. Clara
- McNabb, Miss Teresa
- McNabb, Miss Ruth
- McQuillan, Miss Ella
- McQuillan, Miss Maud
- McQuillan, Mr,. Thomas
- McQuillan, Mrs.
▓▓▓ "N" ▓▓▓
- Newers, Mrs. Wm.
- Newhaus, Mr. E. H.
- Newhaus, Mrs.
- Nicholson, Mrs. H.
- Nicholson, Miss H.
- Nitchie, Mr. Ed. B.
- Nitchie, Mrs. Ewd. P.
▓▓▓ "O" ▓▓▓
- O’Brien, Mrs. Thos.
- Ohnemne, Mrs. Anton
- O’Mullane, Rev. Michael
- O’Neill, Miss Sara B.
- Ostendorf, Rev. F. J.
- Owens, Mr. F. E.
▓▓▓ "P" ▓▓▓
- Perkins, Mrs. Annette
- Perkins, Dr. R. J.
- Perkins, Miss D.
- Perryman, Mr. F. S.
- Perryman, Mrs.
- Person, Miss K.
- Pieper, Mrs. Anna
- Pitkin, Mr. Wm.
- Pitkin, Mr. C. L.
- Phillip, Miss Elizabeth
- Potter, Mrs.
- Probert, Mr. C. H.
- Probert, Mrs.
▓▓▓ "Q" ▓▓▓
- Quinn, Mr. J. T.
- Quinn, Mrs.
▓▓▓ "R" ▓▓▓
- Ravelle, Mrs. J. T.
- Reicker, Mrs. A. W.
- Reicker, Miss M. E.
- Reilly, Mrs. E. M. D.
- Richardson, Miss A.
- Richardson, Miss Angel
- Riche, Mrs. A. M.
- Ricken, Rev. G. N.
- Risdon, Dr. E. Fulton
- Ritchie, Mrs. M. L.
- Rivard, Mr. Edouard
- Robb, Miss I. M.
- Robb, Mr. W. C.
- Roberts, Rev. J. L. P.
- Roberts, Mrs.
- Roberts, Miss Elsie P.
- Roncarelli, Mme. A.
- Rose, Mr. P.
- Rosher, Mrs. F. H.
- Rosher, Miss S. F.
- Rosher, Miss M. W.
- Rusdon, Dr. Fulton
- Ryan, Very Rev. D. J.
- Rychman, Mr. Gurney Jr.
▓▓▓ "S" ▓▓▓
- Salton, Dr. G. F.
- Sawkins, Rev. A. J.
- Sawkins, Mrs. G. S.
- Schlepper, Mrs. Helen Schmitt, Mr. Geo.
- Schuz, Miss Lena Shadow, Mr. A E.
- Shadow, Mrs. M. B.
- Sheehy, Rev. Michael
- Sheehan, Mr. John
- Sickles, Miss Nellie M.
- Simpson, Mr. James
- Smith, Miss Sarah V.
- Smith, Mr. R. A.
- Stanton, Mr. E. G.
- Stanton, Miss Mabel
- Stevens, Mr. W. J.
- Stevens, Mrs.
- Stritch, Rt. Rev. Samuel A.
- Stuart, Miss F.
- Scovell, Mr. J. C.
▓▓▓ "T" ▓▓▓
- Tame Mr. John Taylor. Mr. W. J.
- Tessier, Hon. A. M.
- Tessier, Mrs.
- Tessier, Mr. Yves
- Tessier, Master Maurice
- Tetreau, Mr. Ernest D.
- Tetreau, Mrs.
- Thomas, Mr. John F.
- Tobin, Rev. W. A.
- Tomilson, Mrs. H. and infant
- Thompson, Miss A. S.
- Trifilis, Austatales
- Trought, Mr. T. W.
▓▓▓ "U" ▓▓▓
- Urban, Miss Florence
- Urban, Mrs. G. A.
- Urban, Miss Helen
- Urban, Miss Eleanor
- Urban, Miss Frances Jean
▓▓▓ "V" ▓▓▓
- Vanhouten, Miss Clara M.
- Villard, Mr. Paul
- Villard, Miss M.
- Viner, Dr. Norman
▓▓▓ "W" ▓▓▓
- Watson, Mr.
- Watson, Mrs.
- Welty, Mr. E. J.
- Wheaton, Mr. L. M.
- Wheaton, Mrs.
- Whitehead, Mr. John
- Whitehead, Mrs.
- Whitfield, Rev. Jos. P.
- Wideman, Mr. Geo. J.
- Wideman, Mrs.
- Will, Prof. J. S.
- Williams, Mr. A. F.
- Wilson, Mrs. E. A.
- Wilson, Alaster Ronald
- Wilson, Miss Doris
- Wilson, Mrs. Dover and child
- Wisman, Mr. H. T.
- Wolf, Mr. Peter A.
- Wolf, Air. Fred
- Wolf, Miss Elizabeth
- Wright, Dr. John A.
▓▓▓ "Y" ▓▓▓
- Yeigh, Mr. Frank
- Yeigh, Mrs.
▓▓▓ "Z" ▓▓▓
- Zeller, Miss Catherine
- Zoller, Miss Mary M.
- Bérair, Mr.
- Briand, Mr. Leon
- Crawshaw, Mr. C. W.
- Griffin, Mr. Eric
- Person, Miss K.
- Rusdon, Dr. Fulton
- Watson, Mr.
- Watson, Mrs.
- Athner, Miss S. E. should read Odhner, Miss S. E.
- Buitte, Rev. A. should read Bubtle, Rev. A.
- Burroughs, Mr. Geo. should read Burrows, Mr. Geo.
- Corcoran, Rev. D. should read Corcoran, Rev. F. V.
- Driscoll, Rev. J. J. should read Driscoll, Rev. J. S.
- Ellrick, Mr. W. F. should read Elbrick, Mr. W. F.
- Gibson, Mr. D. N. should read Gibson, Mr. D. H.
- Hanigan, Master James should read Flanigan, Master James
- Mening, Mr. Joseph should read Meiring, Mr. Joseph
- McGuinne, Rev. P. P. should read McGuinness, Rev. P. P.
- Newers, Mrs. Wm. should read Wewers, Mrs. Wm.
- Ohnemne, Mrs. Anton should read Ohnemus, Mrs. Anton
- Rieken, Rev. G. N. should read Rieken, Rev. G. H.
- Rychman, Mr. Gurney Jr. should read Ryckman, Mr. Gurney Jr.
- Schuz, Miss Lena should read Schirz, Miss Lena
- Stanton, Mr. E. G. should read Staunton, Mr. E. G.
- Trifilis, Austatales should read Trifilis, Mr. Aristotalles
- Wheaton, Mr. L. M. should read Wheaton, Mr. L. H.
Summary / Récaptitulation
- Cabin Passengers: 366
- Third Class Passengers: 227
- Total Passengers: 593
Information for Passengers
MEALS will be served at the following times in the Cabin Dining Saloon: —
When one sitting:
- Breakfast: 8 a.m.
- Luncheon: 1 p.m.
- Dinner: 7 p.m.
When two sittings:
- Breakfast: 7.30 a.m. and 8.30 a.m.
- Luncheon 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m.
- Dinner - 6.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Public Telephone—While at Montreal, the steamer is equipped with a telephone, conveniently located, which may be used by passengers until disconnection (without notice) a few minutes before departure.
The Bar in the Cabin Smoke Room will be open not later than 11 p.m., but it is within the discretion of the Commander to close it during the voyage at any time should he consider this course desirable.
Seats at Table—Application may be made at any of the Chief Offices in advance or to the Second Steward on board the steamer on day of sailing.
Chairs may be hired at a cost of $1.00 each, and Rugs $1.00 each, on application to the Deck Steward. Each rug is contained in a sealed cardboard box, and bears a serial number worked into the material so that passengers will have no difficulty in identifying their rugs. At the end of each voyage, the rugs which have been in use arc sent to the store and thoroughly cleaned, before being re-issued.
Divine Service on Sunday at 10.30 A.M.
Holy Communion—For those desiring to participate in Holy Communion, the usual vessels are carried on board.
Portable Altars for the use of Roman Catholic passengers are installed for the celebration of Mass.
Baggage—Passengers are recommended to insure their baggage, as the Company's liability is strictly limited in accordance with Contract Ticket. All enquiries regarding baggage on board ship should be addressed to the Baggage Master.
Only handbags and steamer trunks which will fit underneath the berths are allowed in the staterooms.
Valuables—The Company is not responsible for valuables or money kept in the staterooms. These should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in the Ship's safe, and receipt will be given on the Company’s form. As no charge is made for carriage, the Company cannot accept, any responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but passengers can protect themselves by insurance.
Payments—Passengers should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's form for any additional Passage Money, Rugs, Chairs, Excess Baggage, Freight, etc., paid on board.
The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for treating any passengers, at their request, for any illness not. originating on board the ship. In case of sickness arising on board no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free.
Professional Gamblers—Passengers are informed that Professional Gamblers are reported as frequently crossing on Atlantic Steamers and are warned to take precautions accordingly.
Dogs—Passengers are notified that Dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has been procured from the Board of Agriculture, -1 Whitehall Place, London, S.W. Forms of License can only be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.
Dogs can only be carried by special arrangement being made with the Company prior to embarkation. Whilst on board they are not permitted in any of the public rooms or staterooms.
Customs—Tobacco, cigars, etc., wines, spirits and perfumery are subject to duty on being brought into the United Kingdom, and the smallest quantities should be declared to the Customs Authorities. When required, reprints of copyright books and music will be confiscated.
Arrivals at Cherbourg—Under normal conditions passengers arc landed by tender up to 10 P. M., but if the ship arrives later, they will disembark after breakfast next morning.
Disembarkation of Passengers at Cherbourg
- In the event of the steamer not being able to land passengers sufficiently early to allow their reaching Paris before the early hours of the following morning, there is at Cherbourg a comfortable hotel, the Casino, which can accommodate anyone who wishes to stay overnight in Cherbourg, and travel to Paris <luring the daytime. The Purser can arrange reservations by wireless.
- Passengers disembarking at Cherbourg, who intend traveling beyond Paris, are particularly requested to see that their baggage is properly labelled for destination. Under no circumstances should “Paris’” labels be placed on such baggage as delay in forwarding as well as loss may result therefrom.
- Hand-baggage is carried from the steamer to the tender by the stewards. Passengers are informed that from the time their hand-baggage is on the render, they are solely responsible for it, and they must see that it is passed through the Customs and placed on the special train in their carriage.
- All hand-baggage not claimed on the tender or left in the Customs is collected and included with registered baggage for Paris. For these packages there is a charge of Fes. 20.00 per package, Cherbourg—Paris.
- Passengers are advised that the Cunard Company cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by neglect on the part of passengers not claiming their hand-baggage on the render.
- All baggage registered for CHEBOURG only, if not claimed at the port, is forwarded direct to Paris, a charge of Fes. 20.00 per package being made irrespective of size or weight. (Heavy nailed case or bulky packages will be charged as freight.)
Arrivals at Plymouth—Passengers will he disembarked immediately on arrival of the steamer.
Passengers on arrival will find representatives of well- known firms in the shed alongside the steamer, and if their special services are utilized for the handling of baggage they are authorized to charge according to tariff.
Passengers’ Addresses—Passengers’ addresses may be left at the Purser's Office in order that any letters received after passengers have left the ship, may be forwarded.
Passengers may have Mail, Telegrams and Cables sent to the care of any of the Cunard Chief Offices.
Berth Ladders—These may be obtained on application to Steward or Stewardess.
Portholes— Passengers are warned against opening the portholes. The Stateroom Stewards will do this whenever practicable.
Libraries—In addition to a library of standard works a special selection of up-to-date literature is available for the use of passengers.
Berthing of Passengers—No alterations can ho made except officially through the Purser.
Through Bookings to the Far East, Australia, India, and the Near East, to South Africa, South America and Australasia be arranged by us in connection with travel to England or the Continent in a Cunard Steamer, there connecting with steamers of other lines for whom we act. Particulars and rates will gladly be quoted upon application to any of the Company's Offices.
Automobile Tours in Great Britain —The Cunard Company is in a position to arrange for the hire of Automobiles to passengers on arrival of their steamers at Liverpool, Plymouth or Southampton. Programmes of tours with fixed prices for same can be obtained on application to the Purser's or to the Company's office.
The tours outlined cover the most interesting and historic places in Great Britain and offer a most enjoyable trip for persons desirous of seeing more of English rural life than is possible when traveling by rail from town to town.
Travellers’ Cheques—Cunard Travellers’ Cheques are sold in convenient denominations and supply a perfectly safe and satisfactory method of carrying funds when travelling abroad.
Airplane Service—Arrangements have been made with the Haudley-Page Transport Ltd and with the Compagnie Aerienne Française, whereby a regular aeroplane service will be maintained for the hooking of passengers on board our steamers for their Air Services, London - Paris, Paris - London, and Paris Cherbourg, Cherbourg - Paris.
The Pursers of all steamers have been supplied with tickets and also a quantity of printed matter giving particulars of the Services.
Money Exchange—As a convenience to passengers the Purser has been authorized to carry binds for Exchange purposes but owing to fluctuations it is not possible to make any fixed Rate of Exchange.
Wireless Telegrams and Ocean Letters
Via British Stations. -For places in the United Kingdom the inclusive rate is 11d. per word; for other countries, the rate is 10d. per word, plus landline and cable charges. Every word in the address, text and signature is counted: all charges must be prepaid.
Via United States Stations.—The wireless rate via New York, New London, Newport, K.L, and Bar Harbour is 9d. per word, Boston 10d. per word, and Rockland, Maine, 7d. per word ; every word in the address, text and signature is counted; landline charges additional ; all charges must he prepaid.
Via Canadian Stations. The wireless rate via Cape Race, Cape Sable and Sable Island is 1s 0 ½ d., and Barrington Passage 9d. per word; via Montreal, Quebec, Grosse Isle, Three Rivers, Father Point, and Cape Bear, is calculated at 5d. per word; every word in address, text and signature is counted; landline charges additional; all charges must be prepaid.
Via French Stations.—The wireless rate via Cherbourg, Brest, and Ouessant is 8d. per word; every word in address, text and signature is counted ; landline charges additional ; all charges must be prepaid.
Ship to Ship.—The general rate on ship to ship messages is 8d. per word, but as Dutch, Belgian and certain other vessels apply a ship tax with a minimum of ten words, the charges on messages to these vessels will be calculated as follows: English ship tax, 4d. per word, without minimum; Dutch or Belgian, etc., ship tax 4d. per word, with a minimum of 3s. 4d. Thus for a message of ten words or more the charge is 8d. per word.
NOTE. For messages passing through stations other than British, add 10% to total.
Passengers are requested to see that they obtain a signed receipt showing amount paid for each message handed in for transmission.
Ocean Letters
Ocean letters are accepted for transmission to a vessel proceeding in an opposite direction. They will be forwarded to destination by registered post from first port of call of the vessel after reception. A charge of 5s. 6d., which includes postage, is made for mi Ocean Letter of thirty words. For each additional word in excess of thirty the sum of one penny will be charged. 100 words is the maximum allowed in one Ocean Letter.
Full information regarding rates, etc., can be obtained from either the Wireless or Purser’s Office.