RMS Lancastria Passenger List - 6 September 1930
Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the RMS Lancastria of the Cunard Line, Departing 6 September 1930 from Southampton to New York via Le Havre, Commanded by Captain B. B. Oram, R.D., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 1613c76f7c
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: B. B. Oram, R.D., R.N.R.
- Chief Engineer: G. Murray
- Chief Steward: R. Roberts
- Chief Officer: R. Sharp, R.D.. R.N.R.
- Surgeon: A. B. Burns
- Purser: A. J. Hurley
- Assistant Purser: W. J. Jolliffe
Cabin Passengers
- Lt.-Col. F. W. Abbott
- Mrs. Abbott
- Mrs. Agathonovitch
- Miss Alice Ames
- Dr. D. Andelinovitch
- Dr. E Cowles Andrus
- Mrs. Anestasiu
- Mr. A. Arpaia
- Mrs. G. H. Bacot
- Mr. Baczynski
- Mr. Baggaley
- Mr. William P. Barker
- Mrs. Barker
- Miss M. S. Bayne
- Miss M. Bayne
- Mrs. R. M. Beach
- Mrs. Betty Beach
- Master Billy Beach
- Mrs. James Christy Bell
- Miss Eleanor Bierschwall
- Miss M. Bishop
- Mr. C. J. Blenner
- Mr. Douglas B. Boag
- Mrs. Boag
- Mr. Andrew J. Bona
- Mrs. Bona
- Miss Catherine Bond
- Mrs. W. R. Bong
- Prof. J. E. Boodin
- Mr. A. J. Bowron
- Miss Lorol Bowron
- Miss R. M. Brady
- Miss M. C. Brady
- Mrs. M. Bremard
- Comte de Broqueville
- Comtesse de Broqueville
- Col. John Brown, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O.
- Miss M. J. Brown
- Miss B. Brown
- Mrs. C. W. Bryan
- Mrs. E. P. Bryte
- Mr. Brzicky
- Mrs. J. H. Burchell
- Dr. V. Cadere
- Mrs. Cadere
- Mrs. Nellie A. Cameron
- Miss I. Canfield
- Princesse Cantacuzene
- Mrs. Dora Carnes
- Miss Bessie Carney
- Miss Elizabeth Carrigan
- Mrs. Cassou
- Mr. Cauet
- Miss A. Causey
- Miss E. Causey
- Miss A. M. F. Cave
- Lady Edward Spencer Churchill, O.B.E.
- Mr. Ciolan
- Mrs. G. D. Clark
- Miss G. M. Clark
- Miss C. W. Clark
- Mr. D. A. Clark
- Miss Katharine V. Clarke
- Miss Margaret Clarke
- Miss Helen Clawson
- Miss Elma Cobh
- Mr. Cuthbert W. Colbourne
- Mrs. Val L. Cooley
- Mrs. Florence G. Cote
- Mrs. W. J. Craig
- Mrs. L. G. Crosby
- Miss A. A. Culkin
- Mrs. W. R. Davenport
- Miss Alice A. Davenport
- Mr. D. Davenport
- Dr. W. J. Davis
- Mr. F. W. Davis
- Mrs. Davis
- Mr. John J. Davis
- Mrs. Davis
- Master John J. Davis, Jnr.
- Mr. M. Davis
- Mrs. C. C. Dean
- Miss M. Dean
- Mrs. M Dean
- Miss Carol Dean
- Miss Capitola Dean
- Mr. O. Deleu
- Mr. V. Deleu
- Mr. Demets
- Mrs. McC. Dennis
- Mr. Desbons
- Mrs. M. H. Dobson
- Mrs. Everett Dominick
- Mr. Donaldson
- Mrs. Mary Donovan
- Miss Eleanor Donovan
- Major-General Beauchamp J. Doran, C.B.
- Miss Gertrude Droshincop
- Miss Hilda Droshinicap
- Miss Juanita Duball
- Mr. H. W. Dunning
- Mrs. Dunning
- Prof. G. M. Dutcher
- Mrs. Dutcher
- Mr. David Du Vivier
- Miss M. L. Dyckman
- Mrs. A. B. Eaton
- Mr. S. Ellert
- Mr. R. Elliot
- Miss Evans
- Miss Evans
- Mr. William Fairburn, Jnr.
- Mrs. F. Fairchild
- Mrs. G. H. Falwell
- Mr. J. H. Fea
- Mr. Fenton
- Col. Ferrandi
- Mrs. L. Ferris
- Miss K. Ferris
- Mrs. Aylmer Flenniken
- Miss C. B. Fletcher
- Miss M. Foster
- Mr. J. Foye
- Miss Ethel Friedman
- Dr. Inglis F. Frost
- Miss F. Gahagen
- Miss E. M. Gareseha
- Miss M. F. Geary
- Mr. J. H. George
- Miss Gerds
- Miss M. Gifford
- Capt. Gilnitch
- Lt.-Col. L. Godjevatz
- Mr. W. P. Gold, Jnr.
- Miss Madeline Goldsmith
- Miss Rosalind Goldsmith
- General R. Gorecki
- Miss E. Y. Gorrell
- Mr. J. Goy
- Mrs. Goy
- Mr. J. Granier
- Miss R. Green
- Mrs. R. F. Greenwood
- Miss Rebecca W. Griest
- Miss Helen Grisham
- Comte Chas, de Grunne
- Miss Grzesikoovna
- General Sir Ian Hamilton, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., D.S.O. and Valet
- Mrs. E. D. Hammond
- Miss Evelyn D. Hammond
- Miss Florence Hammond
- Mr. Harry Hansen
- Mrs. H. Hansen
- Miss Hansen
- Miss Hansen
- Mrs. W. J. Harris, O.B.E., J.P.
- Mrs. R. Harris
- Miss Rebecca Harrison
- Major J. H. Hayes
- Col. E. C. Heath, D.S.O.
- Mr. S. Heilbronner
- Mrs. Heilbronner
- Miss M. Heilbronner
- Master C. I. Heilbronner
- Mr. Rufus Hemenway
- Mrs. Hemenway
- Mr. John G. Herndon
- Mr. Herbert C. Hillman
- Mrs. Hillman
- Mr. G. J. His
- Miss M. Hoff
- Prof. R. Hoffmann
- Miss Adele Hopkins
- Mrs. Zilpha L. Hull
- Miss Winifred Hull
- General Huszak
- Mr. E. C. Irish
- Mrs. Watson Jack
- Mrs. J. D. Johnson
- Miss B. Johnson
- Mr. R. M. Jones
- Mr. Kafka
- Mrs. Kafka
- Mr. Karkoszka
- Mr. Karwowski
- Miss Kastchenko
- Comtesse de Kerchove
- Mrs. F. A. Killilea
- Mr. Benj. King
- Dr. W. H. Knight
- Mrs. Knight
- Mr. Kocur
- Mrs. R. N. La Coste
- Mr. Edw. C. Lafeau
- Mrs. Lafeau
- Mrs. E. Lahey
- Mr. Le Clercq
- Miss V. La Misha
- Miss Catherine M. Langdale
- Major Laskowski
- Mrs. Laskowski
- Mrs. Pierre P. Lelong
- Mr. Pierre A. Lelong, 3rd
- Mrs. Frank W. Lightner
- Miss Marcia Lightner
- Miss Katherine Lightner
- Miss Helen Lightner
- Mr. Lipa
- Mr. T. F. Lister, C.B.E.
- Mrs. Lister
- Mr. R. S. Little
- Mr. L. W. Loch
- Mrs. Loch
- Miss Val Jean Lock
- Major L. Lovritch
- Mrs. Merle Lyon
- Miss E. McCarthy
- Dr. J. H. McClellan
- Miss Emilie S. McDermott
- Miss Helen McFadden
- Miss Mildred McFadden
- Miss L. McGee
- Miss Mildred McGee
- Dr. V. S. McGill
- Mr. H. Macy
- Mr. R. Macy
- Miss Helen C. Mang
- Mrs. Adele C. Mann
- Mr. James Marshall
- Mrs. Marshall
- Miss Eleanor Marshall
- Col. L. A. F. Martins
- Miss Helen Mathew
- Mrs. J. Mazaraki
- Mr. Earle Mazza
- Dr. Irving A. Meeker
- Mrs. Meeker
- Mr. Irving A. Meeker, Jnr.
- Miss Emily E. Meeker
- Mr. Leonard C. Meeker
- Mrs. N. J. Menjou
- Capt. A. Mihalovitch
- The Rev. Bishop H. J. Mikell
- Miss Florence A. Mitchell
- Mr. John J. Moffitt, Jnr.
- Miss Olive Morris
- Mr. Preston Moulton
- Mr. Muller
- Col. Neutusil
- Mr. Neveque
- Mrs. H. Newman
- Miss M. K. Newman
- Mrs. Hallie F. Nichols
- Mr. Nitesco
- Mr. T. O'Connell
- Mrs O'Connell
- Dr. Charles O'Donovan
- Mr. Pajak
- Mr. R. G. Pangborn
- Mr. G. A. Parent
- Mrs. C. F. Parker
- Mr. R. H. Partridge
- Mr. T. E. Pearman
- Mr. N. C. Pearman
- Mr. A. S. Pearse
- Mrs. Pearse
- Miss E. Pearse
- Comm. Peck
- Mrs. Peck
- Mrs. Peiczynska
- Mr. Penguer
- Capt. R. S. Pereira
- Mrs. Pereira
- Miss Ruth C. Peterson
- Dr. Petrovitch
- Mr. Pichot
- Mr. N. Plant
- Mr. J. Plant
- Mrs. Plant
- General Raoul Pontus
- Miss Prudhomme
- Mr. J. B. Putnam
- Mrs. J. B. Putnam
- Miss S. Putnam
- Miss R. Putnam
- Miss M. Putnam
- Mrs. J. C. Quinturs
- Miss K. Quinturs
- Col. M. G. Radossavlevitch
- Mrs. Radossavlevitch
- Mr. Wm. L. Rae
- Mrs. Rae
- Master R. A. Rae
- Mrs. C. B. Ragland
- Miss R. Ragland
- Mr. Randoux
- Miss Rashleigh
- Dr. Ravitch
- Mrs. Ravitch
- Dr. M. Ricciteiles
- Miss Josephine Riley
- Miss C. Rizesco
- Miss M. des Rochers
- Mrs. J. E. Roeser
- Mr. John Roeser
- Miss Nancy Roeser
- Mr. Rossignol
- Mrs. L. B. Roth
- Miss Sue Todd Roy
- Miss Lacy Rucker
- General Rujinski
- Mrs. Rujinski
- Miss Julienne B. Sakowitz
- Mrs. M. Coppel Scherer
- Mr. Serdaru
- Mr. W. H. Shaw
- Miss A. J. Shaw
- Mrs. Solvrie Shelvelson
- Miss M. Shuler
- Mr. P. N. Simler
- Capt. S. W. Slatter
- Mrs. Smee
- Major Smith, M.C..
- Mr. Lloyd M. Smith
- Mr. P. M. C. Smith
- Mr. Smogorlewski
- Mr. Smogorzewski
- Mr. Snopazynoki
- Mr. A. Snopczynski
- Miss E. Stauffer
- Mrs. Stonyaciu
- Miss Cornelia Taft
- Miss Eliz. Taft
- Mme. Cccile Talma
- Miss Louisette Talma
- Dr. W. Tappolet
- Miss Katherine Tator
- Mr. Taudiere
- Mrs. Blanche P. Taylor
- Miss Gertrude Taylor
- Mr. Thebaud
- Mr. H. I. Thomas
- Mrs. Thomas
- Miss Mary P. Thomson
- Mrs. P. S. Tilson
- Miss Florence Tobin
- Mr. Tomitch
- Miss D. M. Townsend
- Miss Mary R. Treridley
- Mr. W. S. Turner
- Mrs. John C. Vance
- Master John C. Vance, Jnr.
- Master Cyrus R. Vance
- Mrs. A. Van Pelt
- Col. Vavrouich
- Dr. Albert Venting
- Mrs. Voiculescu
- Master R. O. Walsh
- Mrs. P. W. Ward
- Miss Marion Warner
- Col Wamez
- Mr. Philip Weber
- Mrs. Weber
- Miss Mary A. Wells
- Miss Mary P. Whitfield
- Mr. Daniel Whittle
- Mrs. Whittle
- Miss Jean E. Wilder
- Mr. J. Newlin Wilkins
- Miss F. M. Wilson
- Mr. J. Holman Wood
- Miss Helen T. Wood
- Mrs. Adele des R. Woodbury
- Mr. T. A. Worcester
- Mrs. Worcester
- Miss Dorothy Worden
- Mr. Wyrzykowski
- Mr. M. V. Yovanovitch
- Mrs. Zaleska
Passengers who desire to claim refund of Head Tax are required to comply with the following:
- Temporary visitors to the United States should state in Question 24 on the U.S. Declaration Form, which should be completed at the time of booking, that they intend to leave the United States within a period of 60 days from the date of entry.
- Application should be made to the Purser of the Westbound steamer for receipt covering the U.S. Head Tax paid. This is necessary to facilitate refund of the Head Tax after passengers have left the United States.
- Passengers should apply to the U.S. Immigrant Inspector at the port of arrival for Head Tax Transit Certificate (U.S. Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Immigration Authorities, even though passengers should leave the U.S. within 60 days and would otherwise be entitled to refund of the Head Tax under existing U.S. law.
- Refund of Head Tax will only be made by the U.S. Authorities when completed Forms 514 are filed with them within a period of 120 days from the date of entry into the U.S. as shewn on the top right hand corner of the U.S. Form 514. No application for refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Authorities after the expiry of such period.
Although the period of time between arrival at a Canadian port and departure from the United States may exceed 60 days, this does not necessarily mean that persons in this category are prohibited from securing refund of Head Tax, so long as the actual period spent in the U.S. does not exceed 60 days. The application for refund, however, must be filed with the U.S. Immigration Authorities within 120 days of the actual date of crossing the border from Canada into the U.S.
Passengers returning to Europe in Cunard Line steamers may—on presentation of the necessary documents—viz. :— Transit Certificate Form 514 completed, and the Company's receipt for Head Tax paid—obtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, providing the passengers have left the U.S. within the prescribed period of 60 days, and the completed Form 514 can be filed with the U.S. Authorities within 120 days of entry into the United States.
Refund of Head Tax is subject to strict compliance with the above procedure.
Cunard Atlantic Track Chart, used during the RMS Lancastria Voyage of 6 September 1930. GGA Image ID # 16141ce0a5
Extract of Log
- Sunday 182 miles
- Monday 402
- Tuesday 367
- Wednesday 370
- Thursday 395
- Friday 384
- Saturday 380
- Sunday 380
Track A - From April 1st to June 30th. both days inclusive (Extra Southern). Only used when nécessary through ice conditions
Track B - From February 1st to August 31st.
Track C - From September 1st to January 31st, both days inclusive.
Cunard Steamers Are in Wireless Communication With Both Sides of the Atlantic Throughout the Voyage.