Our Navy Magazine - June 1959 - Trouble With Women
OUR COVER: Seabee Donald L. Christensen of MCB-10 receives a fond greeting upon his return to the States via an MSTS transport.
The Voice of all Navymen
Vol. 54 No. 1, 1 June, 1959, 48 Pages
- Washington Bulletin
by Harold Helfer
Latest from the Pentagon and Capitol Hill. - Bulletin Board of Naval Interest
by Our Navy Reporters
With bluejackets ashore and afloat and from coast to coast. - Navy Sports Through the Long Glass
by Fred Thornberry
Who won what, when, and where.
- The Fleet That Nobody Knows
by Harold Helfer
"Perhaps the oddest set-up afloat." - How to Stay Out of Trouble With Women
by One Who Learned
It might help. - When Our Navy Was Young
Pictures of life afloat in 1897. - The Submarine Service
by Dick Graddick, J01
A short survey by a SubLant journalist.
- Sailor at The Ready
by Jack Grenard
A long short story set at an air base.
- Speaking of Cars
- Salt Shakers
- Broadway Scuttlebutt
- Our Reel Navy
- Platter Periscope
- Sound Off
- Notes of Interest
- Swaps
- Editorial
Editor: Frank Uhlig, Jr.
Assistant Editor: Dean Campbell
Address all material to: Our Navy, Inc., 1 Hanson Place, Brooklyn 17, N. Y
Contributing Editors: Harry Dwyer (Sports), Walt Munson, Charles M.
Hatcher, Harold Helfer (Washington), Vic Rendina
Our Navy, Founded 1897 is published the 1st and 15th of each month by Our Navy, Inc., Owen Watson, Presidet; Paul R. Watson, General Manager. Office ofPublication, Editorial and Executive Office, 1 Hanson Place, Brooklyn 17, N. Y. Entered as second class matter Jan 28, 1956, at the Post Office at Brooklyn, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879, with an additional entry at New York Office.
Single copies 25 cents. One year's subscription (24 issues) $5.00, six months (12 issues) $3.00.
Although every attempt will be made to avoid losses, OUR NAVY is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. All material paid for at standard rates. All photographs are official Department of Defense or Our Navy photos unless otherwise credited. All opinions expressed are those of the editors or contributors, and are necessarily the official views of the Navy Department or the U. S. Government.
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. Circulation Manager: Chris J. Lund.
Entire contents copyrighted, 1959, by OUR NAVY Inc.