Our Navy Magazine 15 March 1945
Vol. XXIX, No. 20
Bruce Baylor A. R. Bosworth
ASST. EDITOR Walt Munson
R. C. Fay Walton L. Robinson Lillian Thomas
C. M. Hatcher Ernest G. Vetter Cedric W. Windas
John B. Penfold B. G. Nelson
C. J. Lund
I Hanson Place—Brooklyn, New York
Table of Contents: * THE LOG *
- I Sing Their Praises
By Phyllis Hanwell and Perry Wood - Dancing Partner
By Robert R. Reiker - Men Below Decks
By Gene Fredericks - Salty Rhymes
- New Guinea Aristocrats
By Sylvan Watts - Cake!
By Joseph Hopkins - The "Bitchin' Witch"
By Herb Kester - What's in a Name?
By Richard Shaffer - Foreign Naval News
By Walton Robinson - Flight Deck
By Ernest G. Vetter - Roundup on the War
By Fletcher Pratt - Flash
By Lillian Thomas - Salt Shakers
By Walt Munson - Bulletin Board of Naval Interest
- Awards, Commendations and Promotions
- Personnel Information
- Your Beauty Parade
- Notes of Interest
- Sparks from the Sport Wheel
- Lay Aft on the Fantail
- Traditions of the Navy
By C. W. Windas - The Skipper and the Boot
By B. G. Nelson
All photographs are Official Navy Photos unless otherwise identified.
Published the 1st and 15th of each month by OUR NAVY. INC., Owen Watson. president; Paul R. Watson, Gen. Mgr. Office of publication, Editorial and Executive offices, 1 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Entered as second class matter September 28, 1943, at the postoffice at Brooklyn, New York, under the act of March 3, 1879, with an additional entry at Philadelphia. Penna. Single copies 25 cents. One year subscription (24 issues) $5.00. Subscribers should notify prompt change of address; both old and new addresses should he given. Contributions to OUR NAVY'S editorial column should be addressed to 1 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Material intended for the lot of the month should be In the hands of the Editor by the 1st of the month preceding date of issue; material for the 15th of the month issue by the 15th of the month preceding. Assertions or opinions of contributors are those of the individual and do not reflect the official views of the Navy Department or the Government. Entire contents copyrighted 1945 by OUR NAVY. INC.
More Net Paid Circulation in the Navy of than Any Other Publication.
Written By and For All Navymen.
Member Audit Bureau Circulations.